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synced 2025-03-28 12:02:23 +00:00

Fixes tailscale/corp#18441 For a few days, IsMacAppStore() has been returning `false` on App Store builds (IPN-macOS target in Xcode). I regressed this in #11369 by introducing logic to detect the sandbox by checking for the APP_SANDBOX_CONTAINER_ID environment variable. I thought that was a more robust approach instead of checking the name of the executable. However, it appears that on recent macOS versions this environment variable is no longer getting set, so we should go back to the previous logic that checks for the executable path, or HOME containing references to macsys. This PR also adds additional checks to the logic by also checking XPC_SERVICE_NAME in addition to HOME where possible. That environment variable is set inside the network extension, either macos or macsys and is good to look at if for any reason HOME is not set.
248 lines
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248 lines
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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package version
import (
// IsMobile reports whether this is a mobile client build.
func IsMobile() bool {
return runtime.GOOS == "android" || runtime.GOOS == "ios"
// OS returns runtime.GOOS, except instead of returning "darwin" it returns
// "iOS" or "macOS".
func OS() string {
// If you're wondering why we have this function that just returns
// runtime.GOOS written differently: in the old days, Go reported
// GOOS=darwin for both iOS and macOS, so we needed this function to
// differentiate them. Then a later Go release added GOOS=ios as a separate
// platform, but by then the "iOS" and "macOS" values we'd picked, with that
// exact capitalization, were already baked into databases.
if IsAppleTV() {
return "tvOS"
if runtime.GOOS == "ios" {
return "iOS"
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
return "macOS"
return runtime.GOOS
// IsSandboxedMacOS reports whether this process is a sandboxed macOS
// process (either the app or the extension). It is true for the Mac App Store
// and macsys (System Extension) version on macOS, and false for
// tailscaled-on-macOS.
func IsSandboxedMacOS() bool {
return IsMacAppStore() || IsMacSysExt()
// IsMacSys reports whether this process is part of the Standalone variant of
// Tailscale for macOS, either the main GUI process (non-sandboxed) or the
// system extension (sandboxed).
func IsMacSys() bool {
return IsMacSysExt() || IsMacSysApp()
var isMacSysApp lazy.SyncValue[bool]
// IsMacSysApp reports whether this process is the main, non-sandboxed GUI process
// that ships with the Standalone variant of Tailscale for macOS.
func IsMacSysApp() bool {
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
return false
return isMacSysApp.Get(func() bool {
exe, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return false
// Check that this is the GUI binary, and it is not sandboxed. The GUI binary
// shipped in the App Store will always have the App Sandbox enabled.
return strings.HasSuffix(exe, "/Contents/MacOS/Tailscale") && !IsMacAppStore()
var isMacSysExt lazy.SyncValue[bool]
// IsMacSysExt reports whether this binary is the system extension shipped as part of
// the standalone "System Extension" (a.k.a. "macsys") version of Tailscale
// for macOS.
func IsMacSysExt() bool {
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
return false
return isMacSysExt.Get(func() bool {
if strings.Contains(os.Getenv("HOME"), "/Containers/io.tailscale.ipn.macsys/") ||
strings.Contains(os.Getenv("XPC_SERVICE_NAME"), "io.tailscale.ipn.macsys") {
return true
exe, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return false
return filepath.Base(exe) == "io.tailscale.ipn.macsys.network-extension"
var isMacAppStore lazy.SyncValue[bool]
// IsMacAppStore whether this binary is from the App Store version of Tailscale
// for macOS.
func IsMacAppStore() bool {
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
return false
return isMacAppStore.Get(func() bool {
// Both macsys and app store versions can run CLI executable with
// suffix /Contents/MacOS/Tailscale. Check $HOME to filter out running
// as macsys.
return strings.Contains(os.Getenv("HOME"), "/Containers/io.tailscale.ipn.macos/") ||
strings.Contains(os.Getenv("XPC_SERVICE_NAME"), "io.tailscale.ipn.macos")
var isAppleTV lazy.SyncValue[bool]
// IsAppleTV reports whether this binary is part of the Tailscale network extension for tvOS.
// Needed because runtime.GOOS returns "ios" otherwise.
func IsAppleTV() bool {
if runtime.GOOS != "ios" {
return false
return isAppleTV.Get(func() bool {
return strings.EqualFold(os.Getenv("XPC_SERVICE_NAME"), "io.tailscale.ipn.ios.network-extension-tvos")
var isWindowsGUI lazy.SyncValue[bool]
// IsWindowsGUI reports whether the current process is the Windows GUI.
func IsWindowsGUI() bool {
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
return false
return isWindowsGUI.Get(func() bool {
exe, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return false
return strings.EqualFold(exe, "tailscale-ipn.exe") || strings.EqualFold(exe, "tailscale-ipn")
var isUnstableBuild lazy.SyncValue[bool]
// IsUnstableBuild reports whether this is an unstable build.
// That is, whether its minor version number is odd.
func IsUnstableBuild() bool {
return isUnstableBuild.Get(func() bool {
_, rest, ok := strings.Cut(Short(), ".")
if !ok {
return false
minorStr, _, ok := strings.Cut(rest, ".")
if !ok {
return false
minor, err := strconv.Atoi(minorStr)
if err != nil {
return false
return minor%2 == 1
var isDev = lazy.SyncFunc(func() bool {
return strings.Contains(Short(), "-dev")
// Meta is a JSON-serializable type that contains all the version
// information.
type Meta struct {
// MajorMinorPatch is the "major.minor.patch" version string, without
// any hyphenated suffix.
MajorMinorPatch string `json:"majorMinorPatch"`
// IsDev is whether Short contains a -dev suffix. This is whether the build
// is a development build (as opposed to an official stable or unstable
// build stamped in the usual ways). If you just run "go install" or "go
// build" on a dev branch, this will be true.
IsDev bool `json:"isDev,omitempty"`
// Short is MajorMinorPatch but optionally adding "-dev" or "-devYYYYMMDD"
// for dev builds, depending on how it was build.
Short string `json:"short"`
// Long is the full version string, including git commit hash(es) as the
// suffix.
Long string `json:"long"`
// UnstableBranch is whether the build is from an unstable (development)
// branch. That is, it reports whether the minor version is odd.
UnstableBranch bool `json:"unstableBranch,omitempty"`
// GitCommit, if non-empty, is the git commit of the
// github.com/tailscale/tailscale repository at which Tailscale was
// built. Its format is the one returned by `git describe --always
// --exclude "*" --dirty --abbrev=200`.
GitCommit string `json:"gitCommit,omitempty"`
// GitDirty is whether Go stamped the binary as having dirty version
// control changes in the working directory (debug.ReadBuildInfo
// setting "vcs.modified" was true).
GitDirty bool `json:"gitDirty,omitempty"`
// ExtraGitCommit, if non-empty, is the git commit of a "supplemental"
// repository at which Tailscale was built. Its format is the same as
// gitCommit.
// ExtraGitCommit is used to track the source revision when the main
// Tailscale repository is integrated into and built from another
// repository (for example, Tailscale's proprietary code, or the
// Android OSS repository). Together, GitCommit and ExtraGitCommit
// exactly describe what repositories and commits were used in a
// build.
ExtraGitCommit string `json:"extraGitCommit,omitempty"`
// DaemonLong is the version number from the tailscaled
// daemon, if requested.
DaemonLong string `json:"daemonLong,omitempty"`
// Cap is the current Tailscale capability version. It's a monotonically
// incrementing integer that's incremented whenever a new capability is
// added.
Cap int `json:"cap"`
var getMeta lazy.SyncValue[Meta]
// GetMeta returns version metadata about the current build.
func GetMeta() Meta {
return getMeta.Get(func() Meta {
return Meta{
MajorMinorPatch: majorMinorPatch(),
Short: Short(),
Long: Long(),
GitCommit: gitCommit(),
GitDirty: gitDirty(),
ExtraGitCommit: extraGitCommitStamp,
IsDev: isDev(),
UnstableBranch: IsUnstableBuild(),
Cap: int(tailcfg.CurrentCapabilityVersion),