David Anderson 1f3ca21ca1 net/netmon: publish events to event bus
Updates #15160

Signed-off-by: David Anderson <dave@tailscale.com>
2025-03-24 14:38:25 -07:00

561 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package ipnserver
import (
func TestWaiterSet(t *testing.T) {
var s waiterSet
wantLen := func(want int, when string) {
if got := len(s); got != want {
t.Errorf("%s: len = %v; want %v", when, got, want)
wantLen(0, "initial")
var mu sync.Mutex
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
ready, cleanup := s.add(&mu, ctx)
wantLen(1, "after add")
select {
case <-ready:
t.Fatal("should not be ready")
wantLen(1, "after fire")
wantLen(0, "after cleanup")
// And again but on an already-expired ctx.
ready, cleanup = s.add(&mu, ctx)
<-ready // shouldn't block
wantLen(0, "at end")
func TestUserConnectDisconnectNonWindows(t *testing.T) {
enableLogging := false
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
setGOOSForTest(t, "linux")
ctx := context.Background()
server := startDefaultTestIPNServer(t, ctx, enableLogging)
// UserA connects and starts watching the IPN bus.
clientA := server.getClientAs("UserA")
watcherA, _ := clientA.WatchIPNBus(ctx, 0)
// The concept of "current user" is only relevant on Windows
// and it should not be set on non-Windows platforms.
// Additionally, a different user should be able to connect and use the LocalAPI.
clientB := server.getClientAs("UserB")
if _, gotErr := clientB.Status(ctx); gotErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("Status(%q): want nil; got %v", clientB.User.Name, gotErr)
// Watching the IPN bus should also work for UserB.
watcherB, _ := clientB.WatchIPNBus(ctx, 0)
// And if we send a notification, both users should receive it.
wantErrMessage := "test error"
testNotify := ipn.Notify{ErrMessage: ptr.To(wantErrMessage)}
if n, err := watcherA.Next(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("IPNBusWatcher.Next(%q): %v", clientA.User.Name, err)
} else if gotErrMessage := n.ErrMessage; gotErrMessage == nil || *gotErrMessage != wantErrMessage {
t.Fatalf("IPNBusWatcher.Next(%q): want %v; got %v", clientA.User.Name, wantErrMessage, gotErrMessage)
if n, err := watcherB.Next(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("IPNBusWatcher.Next(%q): %v", clientB.User.Name, err)
} else if gotErrMessage := n.ErrMessage; gotErrMessage == nil || *gotErrMessage != wantErrMessage {
t.Fatalf("IPNBusWatcher.Next(%q): want %v; got %v", clientB.User.Name, wantErrMessage, gotErrMessage)
func TestUserConnectDisconnectOnWindows(t *testing.T) {
enableLogging := false
setGOOSForTest(t, "windows")
ctx := context.Background()
server := startDefaultTestIPNServer(t, ctx, enableLogging)
client := server.getClientAs("User")
_, cancelWatcher := client.WatchIPNBus(ctx, 0)
// On Windows, however, the current user should be set to the user that connected.
// Cancel the IPN bus watcher request and wait for the server to unblock.
// The current user should not be set after a disconnect, as no one is
// currently using the server.
func TestIPNAlreadyInUseOnWindows(t *testing.T) {
enableLogging := false
setGOOSForTest(t, "windows")
ctx := context.Background()
server := startDefaultTestIPNServer(t, ctx, enableLogging)
// UserA connects and starts watching the IPN bus.
clientA := server.getClientAs("UserA")
clientA.WatchIPNBus(ctx, 0)
// While UserA is connected, UserB should not be able to connect.
clientB := server.getClientAs("UserB")
if _, gotErr := clientB.Status(ctx); gotErr == nil {
t.Fatalf("Status(%q): want error; got nil", clientB.User.Name)
} else if wantError := "401 Unauthorized: Tailscale already in use by UserA"; gotErr.Error() != wantError {
t.Fatalf("Status(%q): want %q; got %q", clientB.User.Name, wantError, gotErr.Error())
// Current user should still be UserA.
func TestSequentialOSUserSwitchingOnWindows(t *testing.T) {
enableLogging := false
setGOOSForTest(t, "windows")
ctx := context.Background()
server := startDefaultTestIPNServer(t, ctx, enableLogging)
connectDisconnectAsUser := func(name string) {
// User connects and starts watching the IPN bus.
client := server.getClientAs(name)
watcher, cancelWatcher := client.WatchIPNBus(ctx, 0)
defer cancelWatcher()
go pumpIPNBus(watcher)
// It should be the current user from the LocalBackend's perspective...
// until it disconnects.
// Now, the current user should be unset.
// UserA logs in, uses Tailscale for a bit, then logs out.
// Same for UserB.
func TestConcurrentOSUserSwitchingOnWindows(t *testing.T) {
enableLogging := false
setGOOSForTest(t, "windows")
ctx := context.Background()
server := startDefaultTestIPNServer(t, ctx, enableLogging)
connectDisconnectAsUser := func(name string) {
// User connects and starts watching the IPN bus.
client := server.getClientAs(name)
watcher, cancelWatcher := client.WatchIPNBus(ctx, ipn.NotifyInitialState)
defer cancelWatcher()
// Get the current user from the LocalBackend's perspective
// as soon as we're connected.
gotUID, gotActor := server.mustBackend().CurrentUserForTest()
// Wait for the first notification to arrive.
// It will either be the initial state we've requested via [ipn.NotifyInitialState],
// returned by an actual handler, or a "fake" notification sent by the server
// itself to indicate that it is being used by someone else.
n, err := watcher.Next()
if err != nil {
// If our user lost the race and the IPN is in use by another user,
// we should just return. For the sake of this test, we're not
// interested in waiting for the server to become idle.
if n.State != nil && *n.State == ipn.InUseOtherUser {
// Otherwise, our user should have been the current user since the time we connected.
if gotUID != client.User.UID {
t.Errorf("CurrentUser(Initial): got UID %q; want %q", gotUID, client.User.UID)
if gotActor, ok := gotActor.(*ipnauth.TestActor); !ok || *gotActor != *client.User {
t.Errorf("CurrentUser(Initial): got %v; want %v", gotActor, client.User)
// And should still be the current user (as they're still connected)...
numIterations := 10
for range numIterations {
numGoRoutines := 100
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := range numGoRoutines {
// User logs in, uses Tailscale for a bit, then logs out
// in parallel with other users doing the same.
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
connectDisconnectAsUser("User-" + strconv.Itoa(i))
if err := server.blockWhileInUse(ctx); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("blockWhileInUse: %v", err)
func TestBlockWhileIdentityInUse(t *testing.T) {
enableLogging := false
setGOOSForTest(t, "windows")
ctx := context.Background()
server := startDefaultTestIPNServer(t, ctx, enableLogging)
// connectWaitDisconnectAsUser connects as a user with the specified name
// and keeps the IPN bus watcher alive until the context is canceled.
// It returns a channel that is closed when done.
connectWaitDisconnectAsUser := func(ctx context.Context, name string) <-chan struct{} {
client := server.getClientAs(name)
watcher, cancelWatcher := client.WatchIPNBus(ctx, 0)
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer cancelWatcher()
defer close(done)
for {
_, err := watcher.Next()
if err != nil {
// There's either an error or the request has been canceled.
return done
for range 100 {
// Connect as UserA, and keep the connection alive
// until disconnectUserA is called.
userAContext, disconnectUserA := context.WithCancel(ctx)
userADone := connectWaitDisconnectAsUser(userAContext, "UserA")
// Check if userB can connect. Calling it directly increases
// the likelihood of triggering a deadlock due to a race condition
// in blockWhileIdentityInUse. But the issue also occurs during
// the normal execution path when UserB connects to the IPN server
// while UserA is disconnecting.
userB := server.makeTestUser("UserB", "ClientB")
server.blockWhileIdentityInUse(ctx, userB)
func setGOOSForTest(tb testing.TB, goos string) {
envknob.Setenv("TS_DEBUG_FAKE_GOOS", goos)
tb.Cleanup(func() { envknob.Setenv("TS_DEBUG_FAKE_GOOS", "") })
func testLogger(tb testing.TB, enableLogging bool) logger.Logf {
if enableLogging {
return tstest.WhileTestRunningLogger(tb)
return logger.Discard
// newTestIPNServer creates a new IPN server for testing, using the specified local backend.
func newTestIPNServer(tb testing.TB, lb *ipnlocal.LocalBackend, enableLogging bool) *Server {
server := New(testLogger(tb, enableLogging), logid.PublicID{}, lb.NetMon())
return server
type testIPNClient struct {
tb testing.TB
User *ipnauth.TestActor
func (c *testIPNClient) WatchIPNBus(ctx context.Context, mask ipn.NotifyWatchOpt) (*tailscale.IPNBusWatcher, context.CancelFunc) {
ctx, cancelWatcher := context.WithCancel(ctx)
watcher, err := c.Client.WatchIPNBus(ctx, mask)
if err != nil {
c.tb.Fatalf("WatchIPNBus(%q): %v", c.User.Name, err)
c.tb.Cleanup(func() { watcher.Close() })
return watcher, cancelWatcher
func pumpIPNBus(watcher *tailscale.IPNBusWatcher) {
for {
_, err := watcher.Next()
if err != nil {
type testIPNServer struct {
tb testing.TB
clientID atomic.Int64
getClient func(*ipnauth.TestActor) *local.Client
actorsMu sync.Mutex
actors map[string]*ipnauth.TestActor
func (s *testIPNServer) getClientAs(name string) *testIPNClient {
clientID := fmt.Sprintf("Client-%d", 1+s.clientID.Add(1))
user := s.makeTestUser(name, clientID)
return &testIPNClient{
tb: s.tb,
Client: s.getClient(user),
User: user,
func (s *testIPNServer) makeTestUser(name string, clientID string) *ipnauth.TestActor {
defer s.actorsMu.Unlock()
actor := s.actors[name]
if actor == nil {
actor = &ipnauth.TestActor{Name: name}
if envknob.GOOS() == "windows" {
// Historically, as of 2025-01-13, IPN does not distinguish between
// different users on non-Windows devices. Therefore, the UID, which is
// an [ipn.WindowsUserID], should only be populated when the actual or
// fake GOOS is Windows.
actor.UID = ipn.WindowsUserID(fmt.Sprintf("S-1-5-21-1-0-0-%d", 1001+len(s.actors)))
mak.Set(&s.actors, name, actor)
s.tb.Cleanup(func() { delete(s.actors, name) })
actor = ptr.To(*actor)
actor.CID = ipnauth.ClientIDFrom(clientID)
return actor
func (s *testIPNServer) blockWhileInUse(ctx context.Context) error {
ready, cleanup := s.zeroReqWaiter.add(&s.mu, ctx)
busy := len(s.activeReqs) != 0
if busy {
return ctx.Err()
func (s *testIPNServer) checkCurrentUser(want *ipnauth.TestActor) {
var wantUID ipn.WindowsUserID
if want != nil {
wantUID = want.UID
gotUID, gotActor := s.mustBackend().CurrentUserForTest()
if gotUID != wantUID {
s.tb.Errorf("CurrentUser: got UID %q; want %q", gotUID, wantUID)
if gotActor, ok := gotActor.(*ipnauth.TestActor); ok != (want != nil) || (want != nil && *gotActor != *want) {
s.tb.Errorf("CurrentUser: got %v; want %v", gotActor, want)
// startTestIPNServer starts a [httptest.Server] that hosts the specified IPN server for the
// duration of the test, using the specified base context for incoming requests.
// It returns a function that creates a [local.Client] as a given [ipnauth.TestActor].
func startTestIPNServer(tb testing.TB, baseContext context.Context, server *Server) *testIPNServer {
ts := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
actor, err := extractActorFromHeader(r.Header)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
tb.Errorf("extractActorFromHeader: %v", err)
ctx := newTestContextWithActor(r.Context(), actor)
server.serveHTTP(w, r.Clone(ctx))
ts.Config.Addr = "http://" + apitype.LocalAPIHost
ts.Config.BaseContext = func(_ net.Listener) context.Context { return baseContext }
ts.Config.ErrorLog = logger.StdLogger(logger.WithPrefix(server.logf, "ipnserver: "))
return &testIPNServer{
tb: tb,
Server: server,
getClient: func(actor *ipnauth.TestActor) *local.Client {
return &local.Client{Transport: newTestRoundTripper(ts, actor)}
func startDefaultTestIPNServer(tb testing.TB, ctx context.Context, enableLogging bool) *testIPNServer {
lb := newLocalBackendWithTestControl(tb, newUnreachableControlClient, enableLogging)
ctx, stopServer := context.WithCancel(ctx)
return startTestIPNServer(tb, ctx, newTestIPNServer(tb, lb, enableLogging))
type testRoundTripper struct {
transport http.RoundTripper
actor *ipnauth.TestActor
// newTestRoundTripper creates a new [http.RoundTripper] that sends requests
// to the specified test server as the specified actor.
func newTestRoundTripper(ts *httptest.Server, actor *ipnauth.TestActor) *testRoundTripper {
return &testRoundTripper{
transport: &http.Transport{DialContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
var std net.Dialer
return std.DialContext(ctx, network, ts.Listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).String())
actor: actor,
const testActorHeaderName = "TS-Test-Actor"
// RoundTrip implements [http.RoundTripper] by forwarding the request to the underlying transport
// and including the test actor's identity in the request headers.
func (rt *testRoundTripper) RoundTrip(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
actorJSON, err := json.Marshal(&rt.actor)
if err != nil {
// An [http.RoundTripper] must always close the request body, including on error.
if r.Body != nil {
return nil, err
r = r.Clone(r.Context())
r.Header.Set(testActorHeaderName, string(actorJSON))
return rt.transport.RoundTrip(r)
// extractActorFromHeader extracts a test actor from the specified request headers.
func extractActorFromHeader(h http.Header) (*ipnauth.TestActor, error) {
actorJSON := h.Get(testActorHeaderName)
if actorJSON == "" {
return nil, errors.New("missing Test-Actor header")
actor := &ipnauth.TestActor{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(actorJSON), &actor); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid Test-Actor header: %v", err)
return actor, nil
type newControlClientFn func(tb testing.TB, opts controlclient.Options) controlclient.Client
func newLocalBackendWithTestControl(tb testing.TB, newControl newControlClientFn, enableLogging bool) *ipnlocal.LocalBackend {
sys := tsd.NewSystem()
store := &mem.Store{}
logf := testLogger(tb, enableLogging)
e, err := wgengine.NewFakeUserspaceEngine(logf, sys.Set, sys.HealthTracker(), sys.UserMetricsRegistry(), sys.Bus.Get())
if err != nil {
tb.Fatalf("NewFakeUserspaceEngine: %v", err)
b, err := ipnlocal.NewLocalBackend(logf, logid.PublicID{}, sys, 0)
if err != nil {
tb.Fatalf("NewLocalBackend: %v", err)
b.SetControlClientGetterForTesting(func(opts controlclient.Options) (controlclient.Client, error) {
return newControl(tb, opts), nil
return b
func newUnreachableControlClient(tb testing.TB, opts controlclient.Options) controlclient.Client {
opts.ServerURL = ""
cc, err := controlclient.New(opts)
if err != nil {
return cc
// newTestContextWithActor returns a new context that carries the identity
// of the specified actor and can be used for testing.
// It can be retrieved with [actorFromContext].
func newTestContextWithActor(ctx context.Context, actor ipnauth.Actor) context.Context {
return actorKey.WithValue(ctx, actorOrError{actor: actor})