mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 12:00:58 +00:00

There is an undocumented 16KiB limit for text log messages. However, the limit for JSON messages is 256KiB. Even worse, logging JSON as text results in significant overhead since each double quote needs to be escaped. Instead, use logger.Logf.JSON to explicitly log the info as JSON. We also modify osdiag to return the information as structured data rather than implicitly have the package log on our behalf. This gives more control to the caller on how to log. Updates #7802 Signed-off-by: Joe Tsai <joetsai@digital-static.net>
656 lines
16 KiB
656 lines
16 KiB
// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package osdiag
import (
var (
errUnexpectedResult = errors.New("API call returned an unexpected value")
const (
maxBinaryValueLen = 128 // we'll truncate any binary values longer than this
maxRegValueNameLen = 16384 // maximum length supported by Windows + 1
initialValueBufLen = 80 // large enough to contain a stringified GUID encoded as UTF-16
const (
supportInfoKeyModules = "modules"
supportInfoKeyPageFile = "pageFile"
supportInfoKeyRegistry = "registry"
supportInfoKeySecurity = "securitySoftware"
supportInfoKeyWinsockLSP = "winsockLSP"
func supportInfo(reason LogSupportInfoReason) map[string]any {
output := make(map[string]any)
regInfo, err := getRegistrySupportInfo(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, []string{winutil.RegPolicyBase, winutil.RegBase})
if err == nil {
output[supportInfoKeyRegistry] = regInfo
} else {
output[supportInfoKeyRegistry] = err
pageFileInfo, err := getPageFileInfo()
if err == nil {
output[supportInfoKeyPageFile] = pageFileInfo
} else {
output[supportInfoKeyPageFile] = err
if reason == LogSupportInfoReasonBugReport {
modInfo, err := getModuleInfo()
if err == nil {
output[supportInfoKeyModules] = modInfo
} else {
output[supportInfoKeyModules] = err
output[supportInfoKeySecurity] = getSecurityInfo()
lspInfo, err := getWinsockLSPInfo()
if err == nil {
output[supportInfoKeyWinsockLSP] = lspInfo
} else {
output[supportInfoKeyWinsockLSP] = err
return output
type getRegistrySupportInfoBufs struct {
nameBuf []uint16
valueBuf []byte
func getRegistrySupportInfo(root registry.Key, subKeys []string) (map[string]any, error) {
bufs := getRegistrySupportInfoBufs{
nameBuf: make([]uint16, maxRegValueNameLen),
valueBuf: make([]byte, initialValueBufLen),
output := make(map[string]any)
for _, subKey := range subKeys {
if err := getRegSubKey(root, subKey, 5, &bufs, output); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, registry.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getRegistrySupportInfo: %w", err)
return output, nil
func keyString(key registry.Key, subKey string) string {
var keyStr string
switch key {
case registry.CLASSES_ROOT:
keyStr = `HKCR\`
case registry.CURRENT_USER:
keyStr = `HKCU\`
case registry.LOCAL_MACHINE:
keyStr = `HKLM\`
case registry.USERS:
keyStr = `HKU\`
case registry.CURRENT_CONFIG:
keyStr = `HKCC\`
case registry.PERFORMANCE_DATA:
keyStr = `HKPD\`
return keyStr + subKey
func getRegSubKey(key registry.Key, subKey string, recursionLimit int, bufs *getRegistrySupportInfoBufs, output map[string]any) error {
keyStr := keyString(key, subKey)
k, err := registry.OpenKey(key, subKey, registry.READ)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("opening %q: %w", keyStr, err)
defer k.Close()
kv := make(map[string]any)
index := uint32(0)
for {
nbuf := bufs.nameBuf
nameLen := uint32(len(nbuf))
valueType := uint32(0)
vbuf := bufs.valueBuf
valueLen := uint32(len(vbuf))
err := regEnumValue(k, index, &nbuf[0], &nameLen, nil, &valueType, &vbuf[0], &valueLen)
switch err {
case windows.ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS:
break loopValues
case windows.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
bufs.valueBuf = make([]byte, valueLen)
case nil:
return fmt.Errorf("regEnumValue: %w", err)
var value any
switch valueType {
case registry.SZ, registry.EXPAND_SZ:
value = windows.UTF16PtrToString((*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&vbuf[0])))
case registry.BINARY:
if valueLen > maxBinaryValueLen {
valueLen = maxBinaryValueLen
value = append([]byte{}, vbuf[:valueLen]...)
case registry.DWORD:
value = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(vbuf[:4])
case registry.MULTI_SZ:
// Adapted from x/sys/windows/registry/(Key).GetStringsValue
p := (*[1 << 29]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&vbuf[0]))[: valueLen/2 : valueLen/2]
var strs []string
if len(p) > 0 {
if p[len(p)-1] == 0 {
p = p[:len(p)-1]
strs = make([]string, 0, 5)
from := 0
for i, c := range p {
if c == 0 {
strs = append(strs, string(utf16.Decode(p[from:i])))
from = i + 1
value = strs
case registry.QWORD:
value = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(vbuf[:8])
value = fmt.Sprintf("<unsupported value type %d>", valueType)
kv[windows.UTF16PtrToString(&nbuf[0])] = value
if recursionLimit > 0 {
if sks, err := k.ReadSubKeyNames(0); err == nil {
for _, sk := range sks {
if err := getRegSubKey(k, sk, recursionLimit-1, bufs, kv); err != nil {
return err
output[keyStr] = kv
return nil
type moduleInfo struct {
path string `json:"-"` // internal use only
BaseAddress uintptr `json:"baseAddress"`
Size uint32 `json:"size"`
DebugInfo map[string]string `json:"debugInfo,omitempty"` // map for JSON marshaling purposes
DebugInfoErr error `json:"debugInfoErr,omitempty"`
Signature map[string]string `json:"signature,omitempty"` // map for JSON marshaling purposes
SignatureErr error `json:"signatureErr,omitempty"`
VersionInfo map[string]string `json:"versionInfo,omitempty"` // map for JSON marshaling purposes
VersionErr error `json:"versionErr,omitempty"`
func (mi *moduleInfo) setVersionInfo() {
vi, err := pe.NewVersionInfo(mi.path)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, pe.ErrNotPresent) {
mi.VersionErr = err
info := map[string]string{
"": vi.VersionNumber().String(),
ci, err := vi.Field("CompanyName")
if err == nil {
info["companyName"] = ci
mi.VersionInfo = info
var errAssertingType = errors.New("asserting DataDirectory type")
func (mi *moduleInfo) setDebugInfo() {
pem, err := pe.NewPEFromBaseAddressAndSize(mi.BaseAddress, mi.Size)
if err != nil {
mi.DebugInfoErr = err
defer pem.Close()
debugDirAny, err := pem.DataDirectoryEntry(pe.IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, pe.ErrNotPresent) {
mi.DebugInfoErr = err
debugDir, ok := debugDirAny.([]pe.IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY)
if !ok {
mi.DebugInfoErr = errAssertingType
for _, dde := range debugDir {
cv, err := pem.ExtractCodeViewInfo(dde)
if err == nil {
mi.DebugInfo = map[string]string{
"id": cv.String(),
"pdb": strings.ToLower(filepath.Base(cv.PDBPath)),
} else {
mi.DebugInfoErr = err
func (mi *moduleInfo) setAuthenticodeInfo() {
certSubject, provenance, err := authenticode.QueryCertSubject(mi.path)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, authenticode.ErrSigNotFound) {
mi.SignatureErr = err
sigInfo := map[string]string{
"subject": certSubject,
switch provenance {
case authenticode.SigProvEmbedded:
sigInfo["provenance"] = "embedded"
case authenticode.SigProvCatalog:
sigInfo["provenance"] = "catalog"
mi.Signature = sigInfo
func getModuleInfo() (map[string]moduleInfo, error) {
// Take a snapshot of all modules currently loaded into the current process
snap, err := windows.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(windows.TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer windows.CloseHandle(snap)
result := make(map[string]moduleInfo)
me := windows.ModuleEntry32{
Size: uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(windows.ModuleEntry32{})),
// Now walk the list
for merr := windows.Module32First(snap, &me); merr == nil; merr = windows.Module32Next(snap, &me) {
name := strings.ToLower(windows.UTF16ToString(me.Module[:]))
path := windows.UTF16ToString(me.ExePath[:])
base := me.ModBaseAddr
size := me.ModBaseSize
entry := moduleInfo{
path: path,
BaseAddress: base,
Size: size,
result[name] = entry
return result, nil
const (
providerInfoLspCategories _WSC_PROVIDER_INFO_TYPE = 0
const (
// Note that wsaProtocolInfo needs to be identical to windows.WSAProtocolInfo;
// the purpose of this type is to have the ability to use it as a reciever in
// the path and categoryFlags funcs defined below.
type wsaProtocolInfo windows.WSAProtocolInfo
func (pi *wsaProtocolInfo) path() (string, error) {
var errno int32
var buf [windows.MAX_PATH]uint16
bufCount := int32(len(buf))
ret := wscGetProviderPath(&pi.ProviderId, &buf[0], &bufCount, &errno)
if ret == _SOCKET_ERROR {
return "", windows.Errno(errno)
if ret != 0 {
return "", errUnexpectedResult
return windows.UTF16ToString(buf[:bufCount]), nil
func (pi *wsaProtocolInfo) categoryFlags() (uint32, error) {
var errno int32
var result uint32
bufLen := uintptr(unsafe.Sizeof(result))
ret := wscGetProviderInfo(&pi.ProviderId, providerInfoLspCategories, unsafe.Pointer(&result), &bufLen, 0, &errno)
if ret == _SOCKET_ERROR {
return 0, windows.Errno(errno)
if ret != 0 {
return 0, errUnexpectedResult
return result, nil
type wsaProtocolInfoOutput struct {
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
Version int32 `json:"version"`
AddressFamily int32 `json:"addressFamily"`
SocketType int32 `json:"socketType"`
Protocol int32 `json:"protocol"`
ServiceFlags1 string `json:"serviceFlags1"`
ProviderFlags string `json:"providerFlags"`
Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
PathErr error `json:"pathErr,omitempty"`
Category string `json:"category,omitempty"`
CategoryErr error `json:"categoryErr,omitempty"`
BaseProviderID string `json:"baseProviderID,omitempty"`
LayerProviderID string `json:"layerProviderID,omitempty"`
Chain []uint32 `json:"chain,omitempty"`
func getWinsockLSPInfo() (map[uint32]wsaProtocolInfoOutput, error) {
protocols, err := enumWinsockProtocols()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make(map[uint32]wsaProtocolInfoOutput, len(protocols))
for _, p := range protocols {
v := wsaProtocolInfoOutput{
Description: windows.UTF16ToString(p.ProtocolName[:]),
Version: p.Version,
AddressFamily: p.AddressFamily,
SocketType: p.SocketType,
Protocol: p.Protocol,
ServiceFlags1: fmt.Sprintf("0x%08X", p.ServiceFlags1), // Serializing as hex string to make the flags easier to decode by human inspection
ProviderFlags: fmt.Sprintf("0x%08X", p.ProviderFlags),
switch p.ProtocolChain.ChainLen {
case windows.BASE_PROTOCOL:
v.BaseProviderID = p.ProviderId.String()
case windows.LAYERED_PROTOCOL:
v.LayerProviderID = p.ProviderId.String()
v.Chain = p.ProtocolChain.ChainEntries[:p.ProtocolChain.ChainLen]
// Queries that are only valid for base and layered protocols (not chains)
if v.Chain == nil {
path, err := p.path()
if err == nil {
v.Path = strings.ToLower(path)
} else {
v.PathErr = err
category, err := p.categoryFlags()
if err == nil {
v.Category = fmt.Sprintf("0x%08X", category)
} else if !errors.Is(err, windows.WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER) {
// WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER == "no category info found", so we only log
// errors other than that one.
v.CategoryErr = err
// Chains reference other providers using catalog entry IDs, so we use that
// value as the key in our map.
result[p.CatalogEntryId] = v
return result, nil
func enumWinsockProtocols() ([]wsaProtocolInfo, error) {
// Get the required size
var errno int32
var bytesReqd uint32
ret := wscEnumProtocols(nil, nil, &bytesReqd, &errno)
if ret != _SOCKET_ERROR {
return nil, errUnexpectedResult
if e := windows.Errno(errno); e != windows.WSAENOBUFS {
return nil, e
// Allocate
szEntry := uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(wsaProtocolInfo{}))
buf := make([]wsaProtocolInfo, bytesReqd/szEntry)
// Now do the query for real
bufLen := uint32(len(buf)) * szEntry
ret = wscEnumProtocols(nil, &buf[0], &bufLen, &errno)
if ret == _SOCKET_ERROR {
return nil, windows.Errno(errno)
return buf, nil
type providerKey struct {
provKey string
var providerKeys = []providerKey{
const (
maxProvCount = 100
type secProductInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
NameErr error `json:"nameErr,omitempty"`
State string `json:"state,omitempty"`
StateErr error `json:"stateErr,omitempty"`
func getSecurityInfo() map[string]any {
result := make(map[string]any)
for _, prov := range providerKeys {
// Note that we need to obtain a new product list for each provider type;
// the docs clearly state that we cannot reuse objects.
productList, err := com.CreateInstance[wsc.WSCProductList](wsc.CLSID_WSCProductList)
if err != nil {
result[prov.provKey] = err
err = productList.Initialize(prov.provType)
if err != nil {
result[prov.provKey] = err
n, err := productList.GetCount()
if err != nil {
result[prov.provKey] = err
if n == 0 {
n = min(n, maxProvCount)
values := make([]any, 0, n)
for i := int32(0); i < n; i++ {
product, err := productList.GetItem(uint32(i))
if err != nil {
values = append(values, err)
var value secProductInfo
value.Name, err = product.GetProductName()
if err != nil {
value.NameErr = err
state, err := product.GetProductState()
if err == nil {
switch state {
value.State = "on"
value.State = "off"
value.State = "snoozed"
value.State = "expired"
value.State = fmt.Sprintf("<unknown state value %d>", state)
} else {
value.StateErr = err
values = append(values, value)
result[prov.provKey] = values
return result
type _MEMORYSTATUSEX struct {
Length uint32
MemoryLoad uint32
TotalPhys uint64
AvailPhys uint64
TotalPageFile uint64
AvailPageFile uint64
TotalVirtual uint64
AvailVirtual uint64
AvailExtendedVirtual uint64
func getPageFileInfo() (map[string]any, error) {
Length: uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(_MEMORYSTATUSEX{})),
if err := globalMemoryStatusEx(&memStatus); err != nil {
return nil, err
result := map[string]any{
"bytesAvailable": memStatus.AvailPageFile,
"bytesTotal": memStatus.TotalPageFile,
if entries, err := getEffectivePageFileValue(); err == nil {
// autoManaged is set to true when there is at least one page file that
// is automatically managed.
autoManaged := false
// If there is only one entry that consists of only one part, then
// the page files are 100% managed by the system.
// If there are multiple entries, then each one must be checked.
// Each entry then consists of three components, deliminated by spaces.
// If the latter two components are both "0", then that entry is auto-managed.
for _, entry := range entries {
if parts := strings.Split(entry, " "); (len(parts) == 1 && len(entries) == 1) ||
(len(parts) == 3 && parts[1] == "0" && parts[2] == "0") {
autoManaged = true
result["autoManaged"] = autoManaged
return result, nil
func getEffectivePageFileValue() ([]string, error) {
const subKey = `SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management`
key, err := registry.OpenKey(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, subKey, registry.QUERY_VALUE)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer key.Close()
// Rare but possible case: the user has updated their page file config but
// they haven't yet rebooted for the change to take effect. This is the
// current setting that the machine is still operating with.
if entries, _, err := key.GetStringsValue("ExistingPageFiles"); err == nil {
return entries, nil
// Otherwise we use this value (yes, the above value uses "Page" and this one uses "Paging").
entries, _, err := key.GetStringsValue("PagingFiles")
return entries, err