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// Copyright (c) 2022 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build linux || darwin
// +build linux darwin
package tailssh
import (
func TestMatchRule(t *testing.T) {
someAction := new(tailcfg.SSHAction)
tests := []struct {
name string
rule *tailcfg.SSHRule
ci *sshConnInfo
wantErr error
wantUser string
name: "nil-rule",
rule: nil,
wantErr: errNilRule,
name: "nil-action",
rule: &tailcfg.SSHRule{},
wantErr: errNilAction,
name: "expired",
rule: &tailcfg.SSHRule{
Action: someAction,
RuleExpires: timePtr(time.Unix(100, 0)),
ci: &sshConnInfo{now: time.Unix(200, 0)},
wantErr: errRuleExpired,
name: "no-principal",
rule: &tailcfg.SSHRule{
Action: someAction,
wantErr: errPrincipalMatch,
name: "no-user-match",
rule: &tailcfg.SSHRule{
Action: someAction,
Principals: []*tailcfg.SSHPrincipal{{Any: true}},
ci: &sshConnInfo{sshUser: "alice"},
wantErr: errUserMatch,
name: "ok-wildcard",
rule: &tailcfg.SSHRule{
Action: someAction,
Principals: []*tailcfg.SSHPrincipal{{Any: true}},
SSHUsers: map[string]string{
"*": "ubuntu",
ci: &sshConnInfo{sshUser: "alice"},
wantUser: "ubuntu",
name: "ok-wildcard-and-nil-principal",
rule: &tailcfg.SSHRule{
Action: someAction,
Principals: []*tailcfg.SSHPrincipal{
nil, // don't crash on this
{Any: true},
SSHUsers: map[string]string{
"*": "ubuntu",
ci: &sshConnInfo{sshUser: "alice"},
wantUser: "ubuntu",
name: "ok-exact",
rule: &tailcfg.SSHRule{
Action: someAction,
Principals: []*tailcfg.SSHPrincipal{{Any: true}},
SSHUsers: map[string]string{
"*": "ubuntu",
"alice": "thealice",
ci: &sshConnInfo{sshUser: "alice"},
wantUser: "thealice",
name: "no-users-for-reject",
rule: &tailcfg.SSHRule{
Principals: []*tailcfg.SSHPrincipal{{Any: true}},
Action: &tailcfg.SSHAction{Reject: true},
ci: &sshConnInfo{sshUser: "alice"},
name: "match-principal-node-ip",
rule: &tailcfg.SSHRule{
Action: someAction,
Principals: []*tailcfg.SSHPrincipal{{NodeIP: ""}},
SSHUsers: map[string]string{"*": "ubuntu"},
ci: &sshConnInfo{src: netaddr.MustParseIPPort("")},
wantUser: "ubuntu",
name: "match-principal-node-id",
rule: &tailcfg.SSHRule{
Action: someAction,
Principals: []*tailcfg.SSHPrincipal{{Node: "some-node-ID"}},
SSHUsers: map[string]string{"*": "ubuntu"},
ci: &sshConnInfo{node: &tailcfg.Node{StableID: "some-node-ID"}},
wantUser: "ubuntu",
name: "match-principal-userlogin",
rule: &tailcfg.SSHRule{
Action: someAction,
Principals: []*tailcfg.SSHPrincipal{{UserLogin: "foo@bar.com"}},
SSHUsers: map[string]string{"*": "ubuntu"},
ci: &sshConnInfo{uprof: &tailcfg.UserProfile{LoginName: "foo@bar.com"}},
wantUser: "ubuntu",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got, gotUser, err := matchRule(tt.rule, tt.ci)
if err != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("err = %v; want %v", err, tt.wantErr)
if gotUser != tt.wantUser {
t.Errorf("user = %q; want %q", gotUser, tt.wantUser)
if err == nil && got == nil {
t.Errorf("expected non-nil action on success")
func timePtr(t time.Time) *time.Time { return &t }
func TestSSH(t *testing.T) {
var logf logger.Logf = t.Logf
eng, err := wgengine.NewFakeUserspaceEngine(logf, 0)
if err != nil {
lb, err := ipnlocal.NewLocalBackend(logf, "",
eng, 0)
if err != nil {
defer lb.Shutdown()
dir := t.TempDir()
srv := &server{
lb: lb,
logf: logf,
ss, err := srv.newSSHServer()
if err != nil {
u, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
ci := &sshConnInfo{
sshUser: "test",
src: netaddr.MustParseIPPort(""),
dst: netaddr.MustParseIPPort(""),
node: &tailcfg.Node{},
uprof: &tailcfg.UserProfile{},
ss.Handler = func(s ssh.Session) {
ss := srv.newSSHSession(s, ci, u, &tailcfg.SSHAction{Accept: true})
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp4", "")
if err != nil {
defer ln.Close()
port := ln.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port
go func() {
for {
c, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, net.ErrClosed) {
t.Errorf("Accept: %v", err)
go ss.HandleConn(c)
execSSH := func(args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
cmd := exec.Command("ssh",
"-p", fmt.Sprint(port),
"-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, args...)
return cmd
t.Run("env", func(t *testing.T) {
if os.Getenv("CI") == "true" {
// CI env variable is set by GitHub.
// https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/environment-variables#default-environment-variables
t.Skip("Skipping for now; see https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/4051")
cmd := execSSH("LANG=foo env")
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "LOCAL_ENV=bar")
got, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
m := parseEnv(got)
if got := m["USER"]; got == "" || got != u.Username {
t.Errorf("USER = %q; want %q", got, u.Username)
if got := m["HOME"]; got == "" || got != u.HomeDir {
t.Errorf("HOME = %q; want %q", got, u.HomeDir)
if got := m["PWD"]; got == "" || got != u.HomeDir {
t.Errorf("PWD = %q; want %q", got, u.HomeDir)
if got := m["SHELL"]; got == "" {
t.Errorf("no SHELL")
if got, want := m["LANG"], "foo"; got != want {
t.Errorf("LANG = %q; want %q", got, want)
if got := m["LOCAL_ENV"]; got != "" {
t.Errorf("LOCAL_ENV leaked over ssh: %v", got)
t.Logf("got: %+v", m)
t.Run("stdout_stderr", func(t *testing.T) {
cmd := execSSH("sh", "-c", "echo foo; echo bar >&2")
var outBuf, errBuf bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &outBuf
cmd.Stderr = &errBuf
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
t.Logf("Got: %q and %q", outBuf.Bytes(), errBuf.Bytes())
// TODO: figure out why these aren't right. should be
// "foo\n" and "bar\n", not "\n" and "bar\n".
t.Run("stdin", func(t *testing.T) {
cmd := execSSH("cat")
var outBuf bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &outBuf
const str = "foo\nbar\n"
cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(str)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
if got := outBuf.String(); got != str {
t.Errorf("got %q; want %q", got, str)
func parseEnv(out []byte) map[string]string {
e := map[string]string{}
lineread.Reader(bytes.NewReader(out), func(line []byte) error {
i := bytes.IndexByte(line, '=')
if i == -1 {
return nil
e[string(line[:i])] = string(line[i+1:])
return nil
return e