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synced 2025-03-20 13:11:03 +00:00

* k8s-operator,cmd/k8s-operator,Makefile,scripts,.github/workflows: add Connector kube CRD. Connector CRD allows users to configure the Tailscale Kubernetes operator to deploy a subnet router to expose cluster CIDRs or other CIDRs available from within the cluster to their tailnet. Also adds various CRD related machinery to generate CRD YAML, deep copy implementations etc. Engineers will now have to run 'make kube-generate-all` after changing kube files to ensure that all generated files are up to date. * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: reconcile Connector resources Reconcile Connector resources, create/delete subnetrouter resources in response to changes to Connector(s). Connector reconciler will not be started unless ENABLE_CONNECTOR env var is set to true. This means that users who don't want to use the alpha Connector custom resource don't have to install the Connector CRD to their cluster. For users who do want to use it the flow is: - install the CRD - install the operator (via Helm chart or using static manifests). For Helm users set .values.enableConnector to true, for static manifest users, set ENABLE_CONNECTOR to true in the static manifest. Updates tailscale/tailscale#502 Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
1376 lines
39 KiB
1376 lines
39 KiB
// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
//go:build !plan9
package main
import (
appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
func TestLoadBalancerClass(t *testing.T) {
fc := fake.NewFakeClient()
ft := &fakeTSClient{}
zl, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
sr := &ServiceReconciler{
Client: fc,
ssr: &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: fc,
tsClient: ft,
defaultTags: []string{"tag:k8s"},
operatorNamespace: "operator-ns",
proxyImage: "tailscale/tailscale",
logger: zl.Sugar(),
// Create a service that we should manage, and check that the initial round
// of objects looks right.
mustCreate(t, fc, &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
// The apiserver is supposed to set the UID, but the fake client
// doesn't. So, set it explicitly because other code later depends
// on it being set.
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer,
LoadBalancerClass: ptr.To("tailscale"),
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "svc")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(fullName, "default", "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName))
o := stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
hostname: "default-test",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
// Normally the Tailscale proxy pod would come up here and write its info
// into the secret. Simulate that, then verify reconcile again and verify
// that we get to the end.
mustUpdate(t, fc, "operator-ns", fullName, func(s *corev1.Secret) {
if s.Data == nil {
s.Data = map[string][]byte{}
s.Data["device_id"] = []byte("ts-id-1234")
s.Data["device_fqdn"] = []byte("tailscale.device.name.")
s.Data["device_ips"] = []byte(`["", "2c0a:8083:94d4:2012:3165:34a5:3616:5fdf"]`)
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
want := &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
Finalizers: []string{"tailscale.com/finalizer"},
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer,
LoadBalancerClass: ptr.To("tailscale"),
Status: corev1.ServiceStatus{
LoadBalancer: corev1.LoadBalancerStatus{
Ingress: []corev1.LoadBalancerIngress{
Hostname: "tailscale.device.name",
IP: "",
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
// Turn the service back into a ClusterIP service, which should make the
// operator clean up.
mustUpdate(t, fc, "default", "test", func(s *corev1.Service) {
s.Spec.Type = corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP
s.Spec.LoadBalancerClass = nil
mustUpdateStatus(t, fc, "default", "test", func(s *corev1.Service) {
// Fake client doesn't automatically delete the LoadBalancer status when
// changing away from the LoadBalancer type, we have to do
// controller-manager's work by hand.
s.Status = corev1.ServiceStatus{}
// synchronous StatefulSet deletion triggers a requeue. But, the StatefulSet
// didn't create any child resources since this is all faked, so the
// deletion goes through immediately.
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectMissing[appsv1.StatefulSet](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
// The deletion triggers another reconcile, to finish the cleanup.
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectMissing[appsv1.StatefulSet](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
expectMissing[corev1.Service](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
expectMissing[corev1.Secret](t, fc, "operator-ns", fullName)
want = &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
func TestTailnetTargetFQDNAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
fc := fake.NewFakeClient()
ft := &fakeTSClient{}
zl, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
tailnetTargetFQDN := "foo.bar.ts.net."
sr := &ServiceReconciler{
Client: fc,
ssr: &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: fc,
tsClient: ft,
defaultTags: []string{"tag:k8s"},
operatorNamespace: "operator-ns",
proxyImage: "tailscale/tailscale",
logger: zl.Sugar(),
// Create a service that we should manage, and check that the initial round
// of objects looks right.
mustCreate(t, fc, &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
// The apiserver is supposed to set the UID, but the fake client
// doesn't. So, set it explicitly because other code later depends
// on it being set.
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Annotations: map[string]string{
AnnotationTailnetTargetFQDN: tailnetTargetFQDN,
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
Selector: map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "svc")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(fullName, "default", "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName))
o := stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
tailnetTargetFQDN: tailnetTargetFQDN,
hostname: "default-test",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
want := &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
Finalizers: []string{"tailscale.com/finalizer"},
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Annotations: map[string]string{
AnnotationTailnetTargetFQDN: tailnetTargetFQDN,
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ExternalName: fmt.Sprintf("%s.operator-ns.svc.cluster.local", shortName),
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeExternalName,
Selector: nil,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(fullName, "default", "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName))
o = stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
tailnetTargetFQDN: tailnetTargetFQDN,
hostname: "default-test",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
// Change the tailscale-target-fqdn annotation which should update the
// StatefulSet
tailnetTargetFQDN = "bar.baz.ts.net"
mustUpdate(t, fc, "default", "test", func(s *corev1.Service) {
s.ObjectMeta.Annotations = map[string]string{
AnnotationTailnetTargetFQDN: tailnetTargetFQDN,
// Remove the tailscale-target-fqdn annotation which should make the
// operator clean up
mustUpdate(t, fc, "default", "test", func(s *corev1.Service) {
s.ObjectMeta.Annotations = map[string]string{}
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
// // synchronous StatefulSet deletion triggers a requeue. But, the StatefulSet
// // didn't create any child resources since this is all faked, so the
// // deletion goes through immediately.
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectMissing[appsv1.StatefulSet](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
// // The deletion triggers another reconcile, to finish the cleanup.
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectMissing[appsv1.StatefulSet](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
expectMissing[corev1.Service](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
expectMissing[corev1.Secret](t, fc, "operator-ns", fullName)
func TestTailnetTargetIPAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
fc := fake.NewFakeClient()
ft := &fakeTSClient{}
zl, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
tailnetTargetIP := ""
sr := &ServiceReconciler{
Client: fc,
ssr: &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: fc,
tsClient: ft,
defaultTags: []string{"tag:k8s"},
operatorNamespace: "operator-ns",
proxyImage: "tailscale/tailscale",
logger: zl.Sugar(),
// Create a service that we should manage, and check that the initial round
// of objects looks right.
mustCreate(t, fc, &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
// The apiserver is supposed to set the UID, but the fake client
// doesn't. So, set it explicitly because other code later depends
// on it being set.
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Annotations: map[string]string{
AnnotationTailnetTargetIP: tailnetTargetIP,
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
Selector: map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "svc")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(fullName, "default", "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName))
o := stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
tailnetTargetIP: tailnetTargetIP,
hostname: "default-test",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
want := &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
Finalizers: []string{"tailscale.com/finalizer"},
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Annotations: map[string]string{
AnnotationTailnetTargetIP: tailnetTargetIP,
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ExternalName: fmt.Sprintf("%s.operator-ns.svc.cluster.local", shortName),
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeExternalName,
Selector: nil,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(fullName, "default", "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName))
o = stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
tailnetTargetIP: tailnetTargetIP,
hostname: "default-test",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
// Change the tailscale-target-ip annotation which should update the
// StatefulSet
tailnetTargetIP = ""
mustUpdate(t, fc, "default", "test", func(s *corev1.Service) {
s.ObjectMeta.Annotations = map[string]string{
AnnotationTailnetTargetIP: tailnetTargetIP,
// Remove the tailscale-target-ip annotation which should make the
// operator clean up
mustUpdate(t, fc, "default", "test", func(s *corev1.Service) {
s.ObjectMeta.Annotations = map[string]string{}
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
// // synchronous StatefulSet deletion triggers a requeue. But, the StatefulSet
// // didn't create any child resources since this is all faked, so the
// // deletion goes through immediately.
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectMissing[appsv1.StatefulSet](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
// // The deletion triggers another reconcile, to finish the cleanup.
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectMissing[appsv1.StatefulSet](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
expectMissing[corev1.Service](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
expectMissing[corev1.Secret](t, fc, "operator-ns", fullName)
func TestAnnotations(t *testing.T) {
fc := fake.NewFakeClient()
ft := &fakeTSClient{}
zl, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
sr := &ServiceReconciler{
Client: fc,
ssr: &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: fc,
tsClient: ft,
defaultTags: []string{"tag:k8s"},
operatorNamespace: "operator-ns",
proxyImage: "tailscale/tailscale",
logger: zl.Sugar(),
// Create a service that we should manage, and check that the initial round
// of objects looks right.
mustCreate(t, fc, &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
// The apiserver is supposed to set the UID, but the fake client
// doesn't. So, set it explicitly because other code later depends
// on it being set.
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Annotations: map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/expose": "true",
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "svc")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(fullName, "default", "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName))
o := stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
hostname: "default-test",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
want := &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
Finalizers: []string{"tailscale.com/finalizer"},
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Annotations: map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/expose": "true",
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
// Turn the service back into a ClusterIP service, which should make the
// operator clean up.
mustUpdate(t, fc, "default", "test", func(s *corev1.Service) {
delete(s.ObjectMeta.Annotations, "tailscale.com/expose")
// synchronous StatefulSet deletion triggers a requeue. But, the StatefulSet
// didn't create any child resources since this is all faked, so the
// deletion goes through immediately.
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectMissing[appsv1.StatefulSet](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
// Second time around, the rest of cleanup happens.
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectMissing[appsv1.StatefulSet](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
expectMissing[corev1.Service](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
expectMissing[corev1.Secret](t, fc, "operator-ns", fullName)
want = &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
func TestAnnotationIntoLB(t *testing.T) {
fc := fake.NewFakeClient()
ft := &fakeTSClient{}
zl, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
sr := &ServiceReconciler{
Client: fc,
ssr: &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: fc,
tsClient: ft,
defaultTags: []string{"tag:k8s"},
operatorNamespace: "operator-ns",
proxyImage: "tailscale/tailscale",
logger: zl.Sugar(),
// Create a service that we should manage, and check that the initial round
// of objects looks right.
mustCreate(t, fc, &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
// The apiserver is supposed to set the UID, but the fake client
// doesn't. So, set it explicitly because other code later depends
// on it being set.
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Annotations: map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/expose": "true",
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "svc")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(fullName, "default", "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName))
o := stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
hostname: "default-test",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
// Normally the Tailscale proxy pod would come up here and write its info
// into the secret. Simulate that, since it would have normally happened at
// this point and the LoadBalancer is going to expect this.
mustUpdate(t, fc, "operator-ns", fullName, func(s *corev1.Secret) {
if s.Data == nil {
s.Data = map[string][]byte{}
s.Data["device_id"] = []byte("ts-id-1234")
s.Data["device_fqdn"] = []byte("tailscale.device.name.")
s.Data["device_ips"] = []byte(`["", "2c0a:8083:94d4:2012:3165:34a5:3616:5fdf"]`)
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
want := &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
Finalizers: []string{"tailscale.com/finalizer"},
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Annotations: map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/expose": "true",
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
// Remove Tailscale's annotation, and at the same time convert the service
// into a tailscale LoadBalancer.
mustUpdate(t, fc, "default", "test", func(s *corev1.Service) {
delete(s.ObjectMeta.Annotations, "tailscale.com/expose")
s.Spec.Type = corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer
s.Spec.LoadBalancerClass = ptr.To("tailscale")
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
// None of the proxy machinery should have changed...
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName))
o = stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
hostname: "default-test",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
// ... but the service should have a LoadBalancer status.
want = &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
Finalizers: []string{"tailscale.com/finalizer"},
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer,
LoadBalancerClass: ptr.To("tailscale"),
Status: corev1.ServiceStatus{
LoadBalancer: corev1.LoadBalancerStatus{
Ingress: []corev1.LoadBalancerIngress{
Hostname: "tailscale.device.name",
IP: "",
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
func TestLBIntoAnnotation(t *testing.T) {
fc := fake.NewFakeClient()
ft := &fakeTSClient{}
zl, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
sr := &ServiceReconciler{
Client: fc,
ssr: &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: fc,
tsClient: ft,
defaultTags: []string{"tag:k8s"},
operatorNamespace: "operator-ns",
proxyImage: "tailscale/tailscale",
logger: zl.Sugar(),
// Create a service that we should manage, and check that the initial round
// of objects looks right.
mustCreate(t, fc, &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
// The apiserver is supposed to set the UID, but the fake client
// doesn't. So, set it explicitly because other code later depends
// on it being set.
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer,
LoadBalancerClass: ptr.To("tailscale"),
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "svc")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(fullName, "default", "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName))
o := stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
hostname: "default-test",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
// Normally the Tailscale proxy pod would come up here and write its info
// into the secret. Simulate that, then verify reconcile again and verify
// that we get to the end.
mustUpdate(t, fc, "operator-ns", fullName, func(s *corev1.Secret) {
if s.Data == nil {
s.Data = map[string][]byte{}
s.Data["device_id"] = []byte("ts-id-1234")
s.Data["device_fqdn"] = []byte("tailscale.device.name.")
s.Data["device_ips"] = []byte(`["", "2c0a:8083:94d4:2012:3165:34a5:3616:5fdf"]`)
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
want := &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
Finalizers: []string{"tailscale.com/finalizer"},
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer,
LoadBalancerClass: ptr.To("tailscale"),
Status: corev1.ServiceStatus{
LoadBalancer: corev1.LoadBalancerStatus{
Ingress: []corev1.LoadBalancerIngress{
Hostname: "tailscale.device.name",
IP: "",
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
// Turn the service back into a ClusterIP service, but also add the
// tailscale annotation.
mustUpdate(t, fc, "default", "test", func(s *corev1.Service) {
s.ObjectMeta.Annotations = map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/expose": "true",
s.Spec.Type = corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP
s.Spec.LoadBalancerClass = nil
mustUpdateStatus(t, fc, "default", "test", func(s *corev1.Service) {
// Fake client doesn't automatically delete the LoadBalancer status when
// changing away from the LoadBalancer type, we have to do
// controller-manager's work by hand.
s.Status = corev1.ServiceStatus{}
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName))
o = stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
hostname: "default-test",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
want = &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
Finalizers: []string{"tailscale.com/finalizer"},
Annotations: map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/expose": "true",
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
func TestCustomHostname(t *testing.T) {
fc := fake.NewFakeClient()
ft := &fakeTSClient{}
zl, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
sr := &ServiceReconciler{
Client: fc,
ssr: &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: fc,
tsClient: ft,
defaultTags: []string{"tag:k8s"},
operatorNamespace: "operator-ns",
proxyImage: "tailscale/tailscale",
logger: zl.Sugar(),
// Create a service that we should manage, and check that the initial round
// of objects looks right.
mustCreate(t, fc, &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
// The apiserver is supposed to set the UID, but the fake client
// doesn't. So, set it explicitly because other code later depends
// on it being set.
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Annotations: map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/expose": "true",
"tailscale.com/hostname": "reindeer-flotilla",
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "svc")
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(fullName, "default", "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName))
o := stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
hostname: "reindeer-flotilla",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
want := &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
Finalizers: []string{"tailscale.com/finalizer"},
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Annotations: map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/expose": "true",
"tailscale.com/hostname": "reindeer-flotilla",
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
// Turn the service back into a ClusterIP service, which should make the
// operator clean up.
mustUpdate(t, fc, "default", "test", func(s *corev1.Service) {
delete(s.ObjectMeta.Annotations, "tailscale.com/expose")
// synchronous StatefulSet deletion triggers a requeue. But, the StatefulSet
// didn't create any child resources since this is all faked, so the
// deletion goes through immediately.
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectMissing[appsv1.StatefulSet](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
// Second time around, the rest of cleanup happens.
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
expectMissing[appsv1.StatefulSet](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
expectMissing[corev1.Service](t, fc, "operator-ns", shortName)
expectMissing[corev1.Secret](t, fc, "operator-ns", fullName)
want = &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Annotations: map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/hostname": "reindeer-flotilla",
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectEqual(t, fc, want)
func TestCustomPriorityClassName(t *testing.T) {
fc := fake.NewFakeClient()
ft := &fakeTSClient{}
zl, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
sr := &ServiceReconciler{
Client: fc,
ssr: &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: fc,
tsClient: ft,
defaultTags: []string{"tag:k8s"},
operatorNamespace: "operator-ns",
proxyImage: "tailscale/tailscale",
proxyPriorityClassName: "custom-priority-class-name",
logger: zl.Sugar(),
// Create a service that we should manage, and check that the initial round
// of objects looks right.
mustCreate(t, fc, &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
// The apiserver is supposed to set the UID, but the fake client
// doesn't. So, set it explicitly because other code later depends
// on it being set.
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Annotations: map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/expose": "true",
"tailscale.com/hostname": "tailscale-critical",
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP,
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "svc")
o := stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
hostname: "tailscale-critical",
priorityClassName: "custom-priority-class-name",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
func TestDefaultLoadBalancer(t *testing.T) {
fc := fake.NewFakeClient()
ft := &fakeTSClient{}
zl, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
sr := &ServiceReconciler{
Client: fc,
ssr: &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: fc,
tsClient: ft,
defaultTags: []string{"tag:k8s"},
operatorNamespace: "operator-ns",
proxyImage: "tailscale/tailscale",
logger: zl.Sugar(),
isDefaultLoadBalancer: true,
// Create a service that we should manage, and check that the initial round
// of objects looks right.
mustCreate(t, fc, &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
// The apiserver is supposed to set the UID, but the fake client
// doesn't. So, set it explicitly because other code later depends
// on it being set.
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer,
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "svc")
// expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSecret(fullName, "default", "svc"))
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedHeadlessService(shortName))
o := stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
hostname: "default-test",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
func TestProxyFirewallMode(t *testing.T) {
fc := fake.NewFakeClient()
ft := &fakeTSClient{}
zl, err := zap.NewDevelopment()
if err != nil {
sr := &ServiceReconciler{
Client: fc,
ssr: &tailscaleSTSReconciler{
Client: fc,
tsClient: ft,
defaultTags: []string{"tag:k8s"},
operatorNamespace: "operator-ns",
proxyImage: "tailscale/tailscale",
tsFirewallMode: "nftables",
logger: zl.Sugar(),
isDefaultLoadBalancer: true,
// Create a service that we should manage, and check that the initial round
// of objects looks right.
mustCreate(t, fc, &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "default",
// The apiserver is supposed to set the UID, but the fake client
// doesn't. So, set it explicitly because other code later depends
// on it being set.
UID: types.UID("1234-UID"),
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
ClusterIP: "",
Type: corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer,
expectReconciled(t, sr, "default", "test")
fullName, shortName := findGenName(t, fc, "default", "test", "svc")
o := stsOpts{
name: shortName,
secretName: fullName,
hostname: "default-test",
firewallMode: "nftables",
expectEqual(t, fc, expectedSTS(o))
func expectedSecret(name, parentNamespace, typ string) *corev1.Secret {
return &corev1.Secret{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Secret",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
Namespace: "operator-ns",
Labels: map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/managed": "true",
"tailscale.com/parent-resource": "test",
"tailscale.com/parent-resource-ns": parentNamespace,
"tailscale.com/parent-resource-type": typ,
StringData: map[string]string{
"authkey": "secret-authkey",
func expectedHeadlessService(name string) *corev1.Service {
return &corev1.Service{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "Service",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
GenerateName: "ts-test-",
Namespace: "operator-ns",
Labels: map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/managed": "true",
"tailscale.com/parent-resource": "test",
"tailscale.com/parent-resource-ns": "default",
"tailscale.com/parent-resource-type": "svc",
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
Selector: map[string]string{
"app": "1234-UID",
ClusterIP: "None",
func expectedSTS(opts stsOpts) *appsv1.StatefulSet {
containerEnv := []corev1.EnvVar{
{Name: "TS_USERSPACE", Value: "false"},
{Name: "TS_AUTH_ONCE", Value: "true"},
{Name: "TS_KUBE_SECRET", Value: opts.secretName},
{Name: "TS_HOSTNAME", Value: opts.hostname},
annots := map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/operator-last-set-hostname": opts.hostname,
if opts.tailnetTargetIP != "" {
annots["tailscale.com/operator-last-set-ts-tailnet-target-ip"] = opts.tailnetTargetIP
containerEnv = append(containerEnv, corev1.EnvVar{
Value: opts.tailnetTargetIP,
} else if opts.tailnetTargetFQDN != "" {
annots["tailscale.com/operator-last-set-ts-tailnet-target-fqdn"] = opts.tailnetTargetFQDN
containerEnv = append(containerEnv, corev1.EnvVar{
Value: opts.tailnetTargetFQDN,
} else {
containerEnv = append(containerEnv, corev1.EnvVar{
Name: "TS_DEST_IP",
Value: "",
annots["tailscale.com/operator-last-set-cluster-ip"] = ""
if opts.firewallMode != "" {
containerEnv = append(containerEnv, corev1.EnvVar{
Value: opts.firewallMode,
return &appsv1.StatefulSet{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "StatefulSet",
APIVersion: "apps/v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: opts.name,
Namespace: "operator-ns",
Labels: map[string]string{
"tailscale.com/managed": "true",
"tailscale.com/parent-resource": "test",
"tailscale.com/parent-resource-ns": "default",
"tailscale.com/parent-resource-type": "svc",
Spec: appsv1.StatefulSetSpec{
Replicas: ptr.To[int32](1),
Selector: &metav1.LabelSelector{
MatchLabels: map[string]string{"app": "1234-UID"},
ServiceName: opts.name,
Template: corev1.PodTemplateSpec{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Annotations: annots,
DeletionGracePeriodSeconds: ptr.To[int64](10),
Labels: map[string]string{"app": "1234-UID"},
Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
ServiceAccountName: "proxies",
PriorityClassName: opts.priorityClassName,
InitContainers: []corev1.Container{
Name: "sysctler",
Image: "tailscale/tailscale",
Command: []string{"/bin/sh"},
Args: []string{"-c", "sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1"},
SecurityContext: &corev1.SecurityContext{
Privileged: ptr.To(true),
Containers: []corev1.Container{
Name: "tailscale",
Image: "tailscale/tailscale",
Env: containerEnv,
SecurityContext: &corev1.SecurityContext{
Capabilities: &corev1.Capabilities{
Add: []corev1.Capability{"NET_ADMIN"},
ImagePullPolicy: "Always",
func findGenName(t *testing.T, client client.Client, ns, name, typ string) (full, noSuffix string) {
labels := map[string]string{
LabelManaged: "true",
LabelParentName: name,
LabelParentNamespace: ns,
LabelParentType: typ,
s, err := getSingleObject[corev1.Secret](context.Background(), client, "operator-ns", labels)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("finding secret for %q: %v", name, err)
if s == nil {
t.Fatalf("no secret found for %q %s %+#v", name, ns, labels)
return s.GetName(), strings.TrimSuffix(s.GetName(), "-0")
func mustCreate(t *testing.T, client client.Client, obj client.Object) {
if err := client.Create(context.Background(), obj); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("creating %q: %v", obj.GetName(), err)
func mustUpdate[T any, O ptrObject[T]](t *testing.T, client client.Client, ns, name string, update func(O)) {
obj := O(new(T))
if err := client.Get(context.Background(), types.NamespacedName{
Name: name,
Namespace: ns,
}, obj); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("getting %q: %v", name, err)
if err := client.Update(context.Background(), obj); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("updating %q: %v", name, err)
func mustUpdateStatus[T any, O ptrObject[T]](t *testing.T, client client.Client, ns, name string, update func(O)) {
obj := O(new(T))
if err := client.Get(context.Background(), types.NamespacedName{
Name: name,
Namespace: ns,
}, obj); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("getting %q: %v", name, err)
if err := client.Status().Update(context.Background(), obj); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("updating %q: %v", name, err)
func expectEqual[T any, O ptrObject[T]](t *testing.T, client client.Client, want O) {
got := O(new(T))
if err := client.Get(context.Background(), types.NamespacedName{
Name: want.GetName(),
Namespace: want.GetNamespace(),
}, got); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("getting %q: %v", want.GetName(), err)
// The resource version changes eagerly whenever the operator does even a
// no-op update. Asserting a specific value leads to overly brittle tests,
// so just remove it from both got and want.
if diff := cmp.Diff(got, want); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected object (-got +want):\n%s", diff)
func expectMissing[T any, O ptrObject[T]](t *testing.T, client client.Client, ns, name string) {
obj := O(new(T))
if err := client.Get(context.Background(), types.NamespacedName{
Name: name,
Namespace: ns,
}, obj); !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
t.Fatalf("object %s/%s unexpectedly present, wanted missing", ns, name)
func expectReconciled(t *testing.T, sr reconcile.Reconciler, ns, name string) {
req := reconcile.Request{
NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{
Namespace: ns,
Name: name,
res, err := sr.Reconcile(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Reconcile: unexpected error: %v", err)
if res.Requeue {
t.Fatalf("unexpected immediate requeue")
if res.RequeueAfter != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected timed requeue (%v)", res.RequeueAfter)
func expectRequeue(t *testing.T, sr reconcile.Reconciler, ns, name string) {
req := reconcile.Request{
NamespacedName: types.NamespacedName{
Name: name,
Namespace: ns,
res, err := sr.Reconcile(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Reconcile: unexpected error: %v", err)
if res.RequeueAfter == 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected timed requeue, got success")
type stsOpts struct {
name string
secretName string
hostname string
priorityClassName string
firewallMode string
tailnetTargetIP string
tailnetTargetFQDN string
type fakeTSClient struct {
keyRequests []tailscale.KeyCapabilities
deleted []string
func (c *fakeTSClient) CreateKey(ctx context.Context, caps tailscale.KeyCapabilities) (string, *tailscale.Key, error) {
defer c.Unlock()
c.keyRequests = append(c.keyRequests, caps)
k := &tailscale.Key{
ID: "key",
Created: time.Now(),
Capabilities: caps,
return "secret-authkey", k, nil
func (c *fakeTSClient) DeleteDevice(ctx context.Context, deviceID string) error {
defer c.Unlock()
c.deleted = append(c.deleted, deviceID)
return nil
func (c *fakeTSClient) KeyRequests() []tailscale.KeyCapabilities {
defer c.Unlock()
return c.keyRequests
func (c *fakeTSClient) Deleted() []string {
defer c.Unlock()
return c.deleted
func Test_isMagicDNSName(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
in string
want bool
in: "foo.tail4567.ts.net",
want: true,
in: "foo.tail4567.ts.net.",
want: true,
in: "foo.tail4567",
want: false,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.in, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := isMagicDNSName(tt.in); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("isMagicDNSName(%q) = %v, want %v", tt.in, got, tt.want)