David Anderson e92adfe5e4 net/art: allow non-pointers as values
Values are still turned into pointers internally to maintain the
invariants of strideTable, but from the user's perspective it's
now possible to tbl.Insert(pfx, true) rather than
tbl.Insert(pfx, ptr.To(true)).


Signed-off-by: David Anderson <danderson@tailscale.com>
2023-08-17 10:43:18 -07:00

418 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package art
import (
func TestInversePrefix(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
for len := 0; len < 9; len++ {
addr := i & (0xFF << (8 - len))
idx := prefixIndex(uint8(addr), len)
addr2, len2 := inversePrefixIndex(idx)
if addr2 != uint8(addr) || len2 != len {
t.Errorf("inverse(index(%d/%d)) != %d/%d", addr, len, addr2, len2)
func TestHostIndex(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
got := hostIndex(uint8(i))
want := prefixIndex(uint8(i), 8)
if got != want {
t.Errorf("hostIndex(%d) = %d, want %d", i, got, want)
func TestStrideTableInsert(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that strideTable's lookup results after a bunch of inserts exactly
// match those of a naive implementation that just scans all prefixes on
// every lookup. The naive implementation is very slow, but its behavior is
// easy to verify by inspection.
pfxs := shufflePrefixes(allPrefixes())[:100]
slow := slowTable[int]{pfxs}
fast := strideTable[int]{}
if debugStrideInsert {
t.Logf("slow table:\n%s", slow.String())
for _, pfx := range pfxs {
fast.insert(pfx.addr, pfx.len, pfx.val)
if debugStrideInsert {
t.Logf("after insert %d/%d:\n%s", pfx.addr, pfx.len, fast.tableDebugString())
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
addr := uint8(i)
slowVal, slowOK := slow.get(addr)
fastVal, fastOK := fast.get(addr)
if !getsEqual(fastVal, fastOK, slowVal, slowOK) {
t.Fatalf("strideTable.get(%d) = (%v, %v), want (%v, %v)", addr, fastVal, fastOK, slowVal, slowOK)
func TestStrideTableInsertShuffled(t *testing.T) {
// The order in which routes are inserted into a route table does not
// influence the final shape of the table, as long as the same set of
// prefixes is being inserted. This test verifies that strideTable behaves
// this way.
// In addition to the basic shuffle test, we also check that this behavior
// is maintained if all inserted routes have the same value pointer. This
// shouldn't matter (the strideTable still needs to correctly account for
// each inserted route, regardless of associated value), but during initial
// development a subtle bug made the table corrupt itself in that setup, so
// this test includes a regression test for that.
routes := shufflePrefixes(allPrefixes())[:100]
zero := 0
rt := strideTable[int]{}
// strideTable has a value interface, but internally has to keep
// track of distinct routes even if they all have the same
// value. rtZero uses the same value for all routes, and expects
// correct behavior.
rtZero := strideTable[int]{}
for _, route := range routes {
rt.insert(route.addr, route.len, route.val)
rtZero.insert(route.addr, route.len, zero)
// Order of insertion should not affect the final shape of the stride table.
routes2 := append([]slowEntry[int](nil), routes...) // dup so we can print both slices on fail
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
rand.Shuffle(len(routes2), func(i, j int) { routes2[i], routes2[j] = routes2[j], routes2[i] })
rt2 := strideTable[int]{}
for _, route := range routes2 {
rt2.insert(route.addr, route.len, route.val)
if diff := cmp.Diff(rt.tableDebugString(), rt2.tableDebugString()); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("tables ended up different with different insertion order (-got+want):\n%s\n\nOrder 1: %v\nOrder 2: %v", diff, formatSlowEntriesShort(routes), formatSlowEntriesShort(routes2))
rtZero2 := strideTable[int]{}
for _, route := range routes2 {
rtZero2.insert(route.addr, route.len, zero)
if diff := cmp.Diff(rtZero.tableDebugString(), rtZero2.tableDebugString(), cmpDiffOpts...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("tables with identical vals ended up different with different insertion order (-got+want):\n%s\n\nOrder 1: %v\nOrder 2: %v", diff, formatSlowEntriesShort(routes), formatSlowEntriesShort(routes2))
func TestStrideTableDelete(t *testing.T) {
// Compare route deletion to our reference slowTable.
pfxs := shufflePrefixes(allPrefixes())[:100]
slow := slowTable[int]{pfxs}
fast := strideTable[int]{}
if debugStrideDelete {
t.Logf("slow table:\n%s", slow.String())
for _, pfx := range pfxs {
fast.insert(pfx.addr, pfx.len, pfx.val)
if debugStrideDelete {
t.Logf("after insert %d/%d:\n%s", pfx.addr, pfx.len, fast.tableDebugString())
toDelete := pfxs[:50]
for _, pfx := range toDelete {
slow.delete(pfx.addr, pfx.len)
fast.delete(pfx.addr, pfx.len)
// Sanity check that slowTable seems to have done the right thing.
if cnt := len(slow.prefixes); cnt != 50 {
t.Fatalf("slowTable has %d entries after deletes, want 50", cnt)
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
addr := uint8(i)
slowVal, slowOK := slow.get(addr)
fastVal, fastOK := fast.get(addr)
if !getsEqual(fastVal, fastOK, slowVal, slowOK) {
t.Fatalf("strideTable.get(%d) = (%v, %v), want (%v, %v)", addr, fastVal, fastOK, slowVal, slowOK)
func TestStrideTableDeleteShuffle(t *testing.T) {
// Same as TestStrideTableInsertShuffle, the order in which prefixes are
// deleted should not impact the final shape of the route table.
routes := shufflePrefixes(allPrefixes())[:100]
toDelete := routes[:50]
zero := 0
rt := strideTable[int]{}
// strideTable has a value interface, but internally has to keep
// track of distinct routes even if they all have the same
// value. rtZero uses the same value for all routes, and expects
// correct behavior.
rtZero := strideTable[int]{}
for _, route := range routes {
rt.insert(route.addr, route.len, route.val)
rtZero.insert(route.addr, route.len, zero)
for _, route := range toDelete {
rt.delete(route.addr, route.len)
rtZero.delete(route.addr, route.len)
// Order of deletion should not affect the final shape of the stride table.
toDelete2 := append([]slowEntry[int](nil), toDelete...) // dup so we can print both slices on fail
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
rand.Shuffle(len(toDelete2), func(i, j int) { toDelete2[i], toDelete2[j] = toDelete2[j], toDelete2[i] })
rt2 := strideTable[int]{}
for _, route := range routes {
rt2.insert(route.addr, route.len, route.val)
for _, route := range toDelete2 {
rt2.delete(route.addr, route.len)
if diff := cmp.Diff(rt.tableDebugString(), rt2.tableDebugString(), cmpDiffOpts...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("tables ended up different with different deletion order (-got+want):\n%s\n\nOrder 1: %v\nOrder 2: %v", diff, formatSlowEntriesShort(toDelete), formatSlowEntriesShort(toDelete2))
rtZero2 := strideTable[int]{}
for _, route := range routes {
rtZero2.insert(route.addr, route.len, zero)
for _, route := range toDelete2 {
rtZero2.delete(route.addr, route.len)
if diff := cmp.Diff(rtZero.tableDebugString(), rtZero2.tableDebugString(), cmpDiffOpts...); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("tables with identical vals ended up different with different deletion order (-got+want):\n%s\n\nOrder 1: %v\nOrder 2: %v", diff, formatSlowEntriesShort(toDelete), formatSlowEntriesShort(toDelete2))
var strideRouteCount = []int{10, 50, 100, 200}
// forCountAndOrdering runs the benchmark fn with different sets of routes.
// fn is called once for each combination of {num_routes, order}, where
// num_routes is the values in strideRouteCount, and order is the order of the
// routes in the list: random, largest prefix first (/0 to /8), and smallest
// prefix first (/8 to /0).
func forStrideCountAndOrdering(b *testing.B, fn func(b *testing.B, routes []slowEntry[int])) {
routes := shufflePrefixes(allPrefixes())
for _, nroutes := range strideRouteCount {
b.Run(fmt.Sprint(nroutes), func(b *testing.B) {
runAndRecord := func(b *testing.B) {
var startMem, endMem runtime.MemStats
fn(b, routes)
ops := float64(b.N) * float64(len(routes))
allocs := float64(endMem.Mallocs - startMem.Mallocs)
bytes := float64(endMem.TotalAlloc - startMem.TotalAlloc)
b.ReportMetric(roundFloat64(allocs/ops), "allocs/op")
b.ReportMetric(roundFloat64(bytes/ops), "B/op")
routes := append([]slowEntry[int](nil), routes[:nroutes]...)
b.Run("random_order", runAndRecord)
sort.Slice(routes, func(i, j int) bool {
if routes[i].len < routes[j].len {
return true
return routes[i].addr < routes[j].addr
b.Run("largest_first", runAndRecord)
sort.Slice(routes, func(i, j int) bool {
if routes[j].len < routes[i].len {
return true
return routes[j].addr < routes[i].addr
b.Run("smallest_first", runAndRecord)
func BenchmarkStrideTableInsertion(b *testing.B) {
forStrideCountAndOrdering(b, func(b *testing.B, routes []slowEntry[int]) {
val := 0
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var rt strideTable[int]
for _, route := range routes {
rt.insert(route.addr, route.len, val)
inserts := float64(b.N) * float64(len(routes))
elapsed := float64(b.Elapsed().Nanoseconds())
elapsedSec := b.Elapsed().Seconds()
b.ReportMetric(elapsed/inserts, "ns/op")
b.ReportMetric(inserts/elapsedSec, "routes/s")
func BenchmarkStrideTableDeletion(b *testing.B) {
forStrideCountAndOrdering(b, func(b *testing.B, routes []slowEntry[int]) {
val := 0
var rt strideTable[int]
for _, route := range routes {
rt.insert(route.addr, route.len, val)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
rt2 := rt
for _, route := range routes {
rt2.delete(route.addr, route.len)
deletes := float64(b.N) * float64(len(routes))
elapsed := float64(b.Elapsed().Nanoseconds())
elapsedSec := b.Elapsed().Seconds()
b.ReportMetric(elapsed/deletes, "ns/op")
b.ReportMetric(deletes/elapsedSec, "routes/s")
var writeSink int
func BenchmarkStrideTableGet(b *testing.B) {
// No need to forCountAndOrdering here, route lookup time is independent of
// the route count.
routes := shufflePrefixes(allPrefixes())[:100]
var rt strideTable[int]
for _, route := range routes {
rt.insert(route.addr, route.len, route.val)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
writeSink, _ = rt.get(uint8(i))
gets := float64(b.N)
elapsedSec := b.Elapsed().Seconds()
b.ReportMetric(gets/elapsedSec, "routes/s")
// slowTable is an 8-bit routing table implemented as a set of prefixes that are
// explicitly scanned in full for every route lookup. It is very slow, but also
// reasonably easy to verify by inspection, and so a good comparison target for
// strideTable.
type slowTable[T any] struct {
prefixes []slowEntry[T]
type slowEntry[T any] struct {
addr uint8
len int
val T
func (t *slowTable[T]) String() string {
pfxs := append([]slowEntry[T](nil), t.prefixes...)
sort.Slice(pfxs, func(i, j int) bool {
if pfxs[i].len != pfxs[j].len {
return pfxs[i].len < pfxs[j].len
return pfxs[i].addr < pfxs[j].addr
var ret bytes.Buffer
for _, pfx := range pfxs {
fmt.Fprintf(&ret, "%3d/%d (%08b/%08b) = %v\n", pfx.addr, pfx.len, pfx.addr, pfxMask(pfx.len), pfx.val)
return ret.String()
func (t *slowTable[T]) insert(addr uint8, prefixLen int, val T) {
t.delete(addr, prefixLen) // no-op if prefix doesn't exist
t.prefixes = append(t.prefixes, slowEntry[T]{addr, prefixLen, val})
func (t *slowTable[T]) delete(addr uint8, prefixLen int) {
pfx := make([]slowEntry[T], 0, len(t.prefixes))
for _, e := range t.prefixes {
if e.addr == addr && e.len == prefixLen {
pfx = append(pfx, e)
t.prefixes = pfx
func (t *slowTable[T]) get(addr uint8) (ret T, ok bool) {
var curLen = -1
for _, e := range t.prefixes {
if addr&pfxMask(e.len) == e.addr && e.len >= curLen {
ret = e.val
curLen = e.len
return ret, curLen != -1
func pfxMask(pfxLen int) uint8 {
return 0xFF << (8 - pfxLen)
func allPrefixes() []slowEntry[int] {
ret := make([]slowEntry[int], 0, lastHostIndex)
for i := 1; i < lastHostIndex+1; i++ {
a, l := inversePrefixIndex(i)
ret = append(ret, slowEntry[int]{a, l, i})
return ret
func shufflePrefixes(pfxs []slowEntry[int]) []slowEntry[int] {
rand.Shuffle(len(pfxs), func(i, j int) { pfxs[i], pfxs[j] = pfxs[j], pfxs[i] })
return pfxs
func formatSlowEntriesShort[T any](ents []slowEntry[T]) string {
var ret []string
for _, ent := range ents {
ret = append(ret, fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", ent.addr, ent.len))
return "[" + strings.Join(ret, " ") + "]"
var cmpDiffOpts = []cmp.Option{
cmp.Comparer(func(a, b netip.Prefix) bool { return a == b }),
func getsEqual[T comparable](a T, aOK bool, b T, bOK bool) bool {
if !aOK && !bOK {
return true
if aOK != bOK {
return false
return a == b