Percy Wegmann 4b525fdda0 ssh/tailssh: only chdir incubator process to user's homedir when necessary and possible
Instead of changing the working directory before launching the incubator process,
this now just changes the working directory after dropping privileges, at which
point we're more likely to be able to enter the user's home directory since we're
running as the user.

For paths that use the 'login' or 'su -l' commands, those already take care of changing
the working directory to the user's home directory.


Signed-off-by: Percy Wegmann <>
2024-08-21 13:20:12 -05:00

83 lines
4.6 KiB

RUN echo "Install openssh, needed for scp."
RUN if echo "$BASE" | grep "ubuntu:"; then apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y openssh-client; fi
RUN if echo "$BASE" | grep "alpine:"; then apk add openssh; fi
# Note - on Ubuntu, we do not create the user's home directory, pam_mkhomedir will do that
# for us, and we want to test that PAM gets triggered by Tailscale SSH.
RUN if echo "$BASE" | grep "ubuntu:"; then groupadd -g 10000 groupone && groupadd -g 10001 grouptwo && useradd -g 10000 -G 10001 -u 10002 testuser; fi
# On Alpine, we can't configure pam_mkhomdir, so go ahead and create home directory.
RUN if echo "$BASE" | grep "alpine:"; then addgroup -g 10000 groupone && addgroup -g 10001 grouptwo && adduser -u 10002 -D testuser && addgroup testuser groupone && addgroup testuser grouptwo; fi
RUN if echo "$BASE" | grep "ubuntu:"; then \
echo "Set up pam_mkhomedir." && \
sed -i -e 's/Default: no/Default: yes/g' /usr/share/pam-configs/mkhomedir && \
cat /usr/share/pam-configs/mkhomedir && \
pam-auth-update --enable mkhomedir \
; fi
COPY tailscaled .
COPY tailssh.test .
RUN chmod 755 tailscaled
RUN echo "First run tests normally."
RUN eval `ssh-agent -s` && TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestSSHAgentForwarding
RUN if echo "$BASE" | grep "ubuntu:"; then rm -Rf /home/testuser; fi
RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSFTP
RUN if echo "$BASE" | grep "ubuntu:"; then rm -Rf /home/testuser; fi
RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSCP
RUN if echo "$BASE" | grep "ubuntu:"; then rm -Rf /home/testuser; fi
RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSSH
RUN echo "Then run tests as non-root user testuser and make sure tests still pass."
RUN touch /tmp/tailscalessh.log
RUN chown testuser:groupone /tmp/tailscalessh.log
RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled eval `su -m testuser -c ssh-agent -s` && su -m testuser -c "./tailssh.test -test.v TestSSHAgentForwarding"
RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled su -m testuser -c "./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegration TestDoDropPrivileges"
RUN echo "Also, deny everyone access to the user's home directory and make sure non file-related tests still pass."
RUN mkdir -p /home/testuser && chown testuser:groupone /home/testuser && chmod 0000 /home/testuser
RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled SKIP_FILE_OPS=1 su -m testuser -c "./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSSH"
RUN chmod 0755 /home/testuser
RUN chown root:root /tmp/tailscalessh.log
RUN if echo "$BASE" | grep "ubuntu:"; then \
echo "Then run tests in a system that's pretending to be SELinux in enforcing mode" && \
# Remove execute permissions for /usr/bin/login so that it fails.
mv /usr/bin/login /tmp/login_orig && \
# Use nonsense for /usr/bin/login so that it fails.
# It's not the same failure mode as in SELinux, but failure is good enough for test.
echo "adsfasdfasdf" > /usr/bin/login && \
chmod 755 /usr/bin/login && \
# Simulate getenforce command
printf "#!/bin/bash\necho 'Enforcing'" > /usr/bin/getenforce && \
chmod 755 /usr/bin/getenforce && \
eval `ssh-agent -s` && TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestSSHAgentForwarding && \
TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegration && \
mv /tmp/login_orig /usr/bin/login && \
rm /usr/bin/getenforce \
; fi
RUN echo "Then remove the login command and make sure tests still pass."
RUN rm `which login`
RUN eval `ssh-agent -s` && TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestSSHAgentForwarding
RUN if echo "$BASE" | grep "ubuntu:"; then rm -Rf /home/testuser; fi
RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSFTP
RUN if echo "$BASE" | grep "ubuntu:"; then rm -Rf /home/testuser; fi
RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSCP
RUN if echo "$BASE" | grep "ubuntu:"; then rm -Rf /home/testuser; fi
RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegrationSSH
RUN echo "Then remove the su command and make sure tests still pass."
RUN chown root:root /tmp/tailscalessh.log
RUN rm `which su`
RUN eval `ssh-agent -s` && TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestSSHAgentForwarding
RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestIntegration
RUN echo "Test doDropPrivileges"
RUN TAILSCALED_PATH=`pwd`tailscaled ./tailssh.test -test.v TestDoDropPrivileges