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synced 2025-03-27 19:43:01 +00:00

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CI / tailscale_go (push) Waiting to run
CI / go_mod_tidy (push) Waiting to run
In this PR, we update the syspolicy package to utilize syspolicy/rsop under the hood, and remove syspolicy.CachingHandler, syspolicy.windowsHandler and related code which is no longer used. We mark the syspolicy.Handler interface and RegisterHandler/SetHandlerForTest functions as deprecated, but keep them temporarily until they are no longer used in other repos. We also update the package to register setting definitions for all existing policy settings and to register the Registry-based, Windows-specific policy stores when running on Windows. Finally, we update existing internal and external tests to use the new API and add a few more tests and benchmarks. Updates #12687 Signed-off-by: Nick Khyl <nickk@tailscale.com>
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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package syspolicy
import (
// Key is a string that uniquely identifies a policy and must remain unchanged
// once established and documented for a given policy setting. It may contain
// alphanumeric characters and zero or more [KeyPathSeparator]s to group
// individual policy settings into categories.
type Key = setting.Key
// The const block below lists known policy keys.
// When adding a key to this list, remember to add a corresponding
// [setting.Definition] to [implicitDefinitions] below.
// Otherwise, the [TestKnownKeysRegistered] test will fail as a reminder.
const (
// Keys with a string value
ControlURL Key = "LoginURL" // default ""; if blank, ipn uses ipn.DefaultControlURL.
LogTarget Key = "LogTarget" // default ""; if blank logging uses logtail.DefaultHost.
Tailnet Key = "Tailnet" // default ""; if blank, no tailnet name is sent to the server.
// ExitNodeID is the exit node's node id. default ""; if blank, no exit node is forced.
// Exit node ID takes precedence over exit node IP.
// To find the node ID, go to /api.md#device.
ExitNodeID Key = "ExitNodeID"
ExitNodeIP Key = "ExitNodeIP" // default ""; if blank, no exit node is forced. Value is exit node IP.
// Keys with a string value that specifies an option: "always", "never", "user-decides".
// The default is "user-decides" unless otherwise stated. Enforcement of
// these policies is typically performed in ipnlocal.applySysPolicy(). GUIs
// typically hide menu items related to policies that are enforced.
EnableIncomingConnections Key = "AllowIncomingConnections"
EnableServerMode Key = "UnattendedMode"
ExitNodeAllowLANAccess Key = "ExitNodeAllowLANAccess"
EnableTailscaleDNS Key = "UseTailscaleDNSSettings"
EnableTailscaleSubnets Key = "UseTailscaleSubnets"
// CheckUpdates is the key to signal if the updater should periodically
// check for updates.
CheckUpdates Key = "CheckUpdates"
// ApplyUpdates is the key to signal if updates should be automatically
// installed. Its value is "InstallUpdates" because of an awkwardly-named
// visibility option "ApplyUpdates" on MacOS.
ApplyUpdates Key = "InstallUpdates"
// EnableRunExitNode controls if the device acts as an exit node. Even when
// running as an exit node, the device must be approved by a tailnet
// administrator. Its name is slightly awkward because RunExitNodeVisibility
// predates this option but is preserved for backwards compatibility.
EnableRunExitNode Key = "AdvertiseExitNode"
// Keys with a string value that controls visibility: "show", "hide".
// The default is "show" unless otherwise stated. Enforcement of these
// policies is typically performed by the UI code for the relevant operating
// system.
AdminConsoleVisibility Key = "AdminConsole"
NetworkDevicesVisibility Key = "NetworkDevices"
TestMenuVisibility Key = "TestMenu"
UpdateMenuVisibility Key = "UpdateMenu"
ResetToDefaultsVisibility Key = "ResetToDefaults"
// RunExitNodeVisibility controls if the "run as exit node" menu item is
// visible, without controlling the setting itself. This is preserved for
// backwards compatibility but prefer EnableRunExitNode in new deployments.
RunExitNodeVisibility Key = "RunExitNode"
PreferencesMenuVisibility Key = "PreferencesMenu"
ExitNodeMenuVisibility Key = "ExitNodesPicker"
// AutoUpdateVisibility is the key to signal if the menu item for automatic
// installation of updates should be visible. It is only used by macsys
// installations and uses the Sparkle naming convention, even though it does
// not actually control updates, merely the UI for that setting.
AutoUpdateVisibility Key = "ApplyUpdates"
// SuggestedExitNodeVisibility controls the visibility of suggested exit nodes in the client GUI.
// When this system policy is set to 'hide', an exit node suggestion won't be presented to the user as part of the exit nodes picker.
SuggestedExitNodeVisibility Key = "SuggestedExitNode"
// Keys with a string value formatted for use with time.ParseDuration().
KeyExpirationNoticeTime Key = "KeyExpirationNotice" // default 24 hours
// Boolean Keys that are only applicable on Windows. Booleans are stored in the registry as
// DWORD or QWORD (either is acceptable). 0 means false, and anything else means true.
// The default is 0 unless otherwise stated.
LogSCMInteractions Key = "LogSCMInteractions"
FlushDNSOnSessionUnlock Key = "FlushDNSOnSessionUnlock"
// PostureChecking indicates if posture checking is enabled and the client shall gather
// posture data.
// Key is a string value that specifies an option: "always", "never", "user-decides".
// The default is "user-decides" unless otherwise stated.
PostureChecking Key = "PostureChecking"
// DeviceSerialNumber is the serial number of the device that is running Tailscale.
// This is used on iOS/tvOS to allow IT administrators to manually give us a serial number via MDM.
// We are unable to programmatically get the serial number from IOKit due to sandboxing restrictions.
DeviceSerialNumber Key = "DeviceSerialNumber"
// ManagedByOrganizationName indicates the name of the organization managing the Tailscale
// install. It is displayed inside the client UI in a prominent location.
ManagedByOrganizationName Key = "ManagedByOrganizationName"
// ManagedByCaption is an info message displayed inside the client UI as a caption when
// ManagedByOrganizationName is set. It can be used to provide a pointer to support resources
// for Tailscale within the organization.
ManagedByCaption Key = "ManagedByCaption"
// ManagedByURL is a valid URL pointing to a support help desk for Tailscale within the
// organization. A button in the client UI provides easy access to this URL.
ManagedByURL Key = "ManagedByURL"
// AuthKey is an auth key that will be used to login whenever the backend starts. This can be used to
// automatically authenticate managed devices, without requiring user interaction.
AuthKey Key = "AuthKey"
// MachineCertificateSubject is the exact name of a Subject that needs
// to be present in an identity's certificate chain to sign a RegisterRequest,
// formatted as per pkix.Name.String(). The Subject may be that of the identity
// itself, an intermediate CA or the root CA.
// Example: "CN=Tailscale Inc Test Root CA,OU=Tailscale Inc Test Certificate Authority,O=Tailscale Inc,ST=ON,C=CA"
MachineCertificateSubject Key = "MachineCertificateSubject"
// Keys with a string array value.
// AllowedSuggestedExitNodes's string array value is a list of exit node IDs that restricts which exit nodes are considered when generating suggestions for exit nodes.
AllowedSuggestedExitNodes Key = "AllowedSuggestedExitNodes"
// implicitDefinitions is a list of [setting.Definition] that will be registered
// automatically when the policy setting definitions are first used by the syspolicy package hierarchy.
// This includes the first time a policy needs to be read from any source.
var implicitDefinitions = []*setting.Definition{
// Device policy settings (can only be configured on a per-device basis):
setting.NewDefinition(AllowedSuggestedExitNodes, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringListValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ApplyUpdates, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(AuthKey, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(CheckUpdates, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ControlURL, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(DeviceSerialNumber, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(EnableIncomingConnections, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(EnableRunExitNode, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(EnableServerMode, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(EnableTailscaleDNS, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(EnableTailscaleSubnets, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ExitNodeAllowLANAccess, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ExitNodeID, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ExitNodeIP, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(FlushDNSOnSessionUnlock, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.BooleanValue),
setting.NewDefinition(LogSCMInteractions, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.BooleanValue),
setting.NewDefinition(LogTarget, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(MachineCertificateSubject, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(PostureChecking, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(Tailnet, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
// User policy settings (can be configured on a user- or device-basis):
setting.NewDefinition(AdminConsoleVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(AutoUpdateVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ExitNodeMenuVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(KeyExpirationNoticeTime, setting.UserSetting, setting.DurationValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ManagedByCaption, setting.UserSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ManagedByOrganizationName, setting.UserSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ManagedByURL, setting.UserSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(NetworkDevicesVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(PreferencesMenuVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ResetToDefaultsVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(RunExitNodeVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(SuggestedExitNodeVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(TestMenuVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(UpdateMenuVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
func init() {
internal.Init.MustDefer(func() error {
// Avoid implicit [setting.Definition] registration during tests.
// Each test should control which policy settings to register.
// Use [setting.SetDefinitionsForTest] to specify necessary definitions,
// or [setWellKnownSettingsForTest] to set implicit definitions for the test duration.
if testenv.InTest() {
return nil
for _, d := range implicitDefinitions {
return nil
var implicitDefinitionMap lazy.SyncValue[setting.DefinitionMap]
// WellKnownSettingDefinition returns a well-known, implicit setting definition by its key,
// or an [ErrNoSuchKey] if a policy setting with the specified key does not exist
// among implicit policy definitions.
func WellKnownSettingDefinition(k Key) (*setting.Definition, error) {
m, err := implicitDefinitionMap.GetErr(func() (setting.DefinitionMap, error) {
return setting.DefinitionMapOf(implicitDefinitions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if d, ok := m[k]; ok {
return d, nil
return nil, ErrNoSuchKey
// RegisterWellKnownSettingsForTest registers all implicit setting definitions
// for the duration of the test.
func RegisterWellKnownSettingsForTest(tb TB) {
err := setting.SetDefinitionsForTest(tb, implicitDefinitions...)
if err != nil {
tb.Fatalf("Failed to register well-known settings: %v", err)