James Tucker 8d1249550a net/netcheck,wgengine/magicsock: add potential workaround for Palo Alto DIPP misbehavior
Palo Alto firewalls have a typically hard NAT, but also have a mode
called Persistent DIPP that is supposed to provide consistent port
mapping suitable for STUN resolution of public ports. Persistent DIPP
works initially on most Palo Alto firewalls, but some models/software
versions have a bug which this works around.

The bug symptom presents as follows:

- STUN sessions resolve a consistent public IP:port to start with
- Much later netchecks report the same IP:Port for a subset of
  sessions, most often the users active DERP, and/or the port related
  to sustained traffic.
- The broader set of DERPs in a full netcheck will now consistently
  observe a new IP:Port.
- After this point of observation, new inbound connections will only
  succeed to the new IP:Port observed, and existing/old sessions will
  only work to the old binding.

In this patch we now advertise the lowest latency global endpoint
discovered as we always have, but in addition any global endpoints that
are observed more than once in a single netcheck report. This should
provide viable endpoints for potential connection establishment across
a NAT with this behavior.

Updates tailscale/corp#19106

Signed-off-by: James Tucker <james@tailscale.com>
2024-05-17 10:26:59 -07:00

1062 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package netcheck
import (
func TestHairpinSTUN(t *testing.T) {
tx := stun.NewTxID()
c := &Client{
curState: &reportState{
hairTX: tx,
gotHairSTUN: make(chan netip.AddrPort, 1),
req := stun.Request(tx)
if !stun.Is(req) {
t.Fatal("expected STUN message")
if !c.handleHairSTUNLocked(req, netip.AddrPort{}) {
t.Fatal("expected true")
select {
case <-c.curState.gotHairSTUN:
t.Fatal("expected value")
func TestHairpinWait(t *testing.T) {
makeClient := func(t *testing.T) (*Client, *reportState) {
tx := stun.NewTxID()
c := &Client{}
req := stun.Request(tx)
if !stun.Is(req) {
t.Fatal("expected STUN message")
var err error
rs := &reportState{
c: c,
hairTX: tx,
gotHairSTUN: make(chan netip.AddrPort, 1),
hairTimeout: make(chan struct{}),
report: newReport(),
rs.pc4Hair, err = net.ListenUDP("udp4", &net.UDPAddr{
IP: net.ParseIP(""),
Port: 0,
if err != nil {
c.curState = rs
return c, rs
ll, err := net.ListenPacket("udp", "localhost:0")
if err != nil {
defer ll.Close()
dstAddr := netip.MustParseAddrPort(ll.LocalAddr().String())
t.Run("Success", func(t *testing.T) {
c, rs := makeClient(t)
req := stun.Request(rs.hairTX)
// Start a hairpin check to ourselves.
// Fake receiving the stun check from ourselves after some period of time.
src := netip.MustParseAddrPort(rs.pc4Hair.LocalAddr().String())
c.handleHairSTUNLocked(req, src)
// Verify that we set HairPinning
if got := rs.report.HairPinning; !got.EqualBool(true) {
t.Errorf("wanted HairPinning=true, got %v", got)
t.Run("LateReply", func(t *testing.T) {
c, rs := makeClient(t)
req := stun.Request(rs.hairTX)
// Start a hairpin check to ourselves.
// Wait until we've timed out, to mimic the race in #1795.
// Fake receiving the stun check from ourselves after some period of time.
src := netip.MustParseAddrPort(rs.pc4Hair.LocalAddr().String())
c.handleHairSTUNLocked(req, src)
// Wait for a hairpin response
// Verify that we set HairPinning
if got := rs.report.HairPinning; !got.EqualBool(true) {
t.Errorf("wanted HairPinning=true, got %v", got)
t.Run("Timeout", func(t *testing.T) {
_, rs := makeClient(t)
// Start a hairpin check to ourselves.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), hairpinCheckTimeout*50)
defer cancel()
// Wait in the background
waitDone := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
// If we do nothing, then we time out; confirm that we set
// HairPinning to false in this case.
select {
case <-waitDone:
if got := rs.report.HairPinning; !got.EqualBool(false) {
t.Errorf("wanted HairPinning=false, got %v", got)
case <-ctx.Done():
t.Fatalf("timed out waiting for hairpin channel")
func newTestClient(t testing.TB) *Client {
c := &Client{
NetMon: netmon.NewStatic(),
Logf: t.Logf,
return c
func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
stunAddr, cleanup := stuntest.Serve(t)
defer cleanup()
c := newTestClient(t)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if err := c.Standalone(ctx, ""); err != nil {
r, err := c.GetReport(ctx, stuntest.DERPMapOf(stunAddr.String()), nil)
if err != nil {
if !r.UDP {
t.Error("want UDP")
if len(r.RegionLatency) != 1 {
t.Errorf("expected 1 key in DERPLatency; got %+v", r.RegionLatency)
if _, ok := r.RegionLatency[1]; !ok {
t.Errorf("expected key 1 in DERPLatency; got %+v", r.RegionLatency)
if !r.GlobalV4.IsValid() {
t.Error("expected GlobalV4 set")
if r.PreferredDERP != 1 {
t.Errorf("PreferredDERP = %v; want 1", r.PreferredDERP)
v4Addrs, _ := r.GetGlobalAddrs()
if len(v4Addrs) != 1 {
t.Error("expected one global IPv4 address")
if got, want := v4Addrs[0], r.GlobalV4; got != want {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, want)
func TestMultiGlobalAddressMapping(t *testing.T) {
c := &Client{
Logf: t.Logf,
rs := &reportState{
c: c,
start: time.Now(),
report: newReport(),
sentHairCheck: true, // prevent hair check start, not relevant here
derpNode := &tailcfg.DERPNode{}
port1 := netip.MustParseAddrPort("")
port2 := netip.MustParseAddrPort("")
port3 := netip.MustParseAddrPort("")
// First report for port1
rs.addNodeLatency(derpNode, port1, 10*time.Millisecond)
// Singular report for port2
rs.addNodeLatency(derpNode, port2, 11*time.Millisecond)
// Duplicate reports for port3
rs.addNodeLatency(derpNode, port3, 12*time.Millisecond)
rs.addNodeLatency(derpNode, port3, 13*time.Millisecond)
r := rs.report
v4Addrs, _ := r.GetGlobalAddrs()
wantV4Addrs := []netip.AddrPort{port1, port3}
if !slices.Equal(v4Addrs, wantV4Addrs) {
t.Errorf("got global addresses: %v, want %v", v4Addrs, wantV4Addrs)
func TestWorksWhenUDPBlocked(t *testing.T) {
blackhole, err := net.ListenPacket("udp4", "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to open blackhole STUN listener: %v", err)
defer blackhole.Close()
stunAddr := blackhole.LocalAddr().String()
dm := stuntest.DERPMapOf(stunAddr)
dm.Regions[1].Nodes[0].STUNOnly = true
c := newTestClient(t)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 250*time.Millisecond)
defer cancel()
r, err := c.GetReport(ctx, dm, nil)
if err != nil {
r.UPnP = ""
r.PMP = ""
r.PCP = ""
want := newReport()
// The IPv4CanSend flag gets set differently across platforms.
// On Windows this test detects false, while on Linux detects true.
// That's not relevant to this test, so just accept what we're
// given.
want.IPv4CanSend = r.IPv4CanSend
// OS IPv6 test is irrelevant here, accept whatever the current
// machine has.
want.OSHasIPv6 = r.OSHasIPv6
// Captive portal test is irrelevant; accept what the current report
// has.
want.CaptivePortal = r.CaptivePortal
if !reflect.DeepEqual(r, want) {
t.Errorf("mismatch\n got: %+v\nwant: %+v\n", r, want)
func TestAddReportHistoryAndSetPreferredDERP(t *testing.T) {
// report returns a *Report from (DERP host, time.Duration)+ pairs.
report := func(a ...any) *Report {
r := &Report{RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{}}
for i := 0; i < len(a); i += 2 {
s := a[i].(string)
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "d") {
t.Fatalf("invalid derp server key %q", s)
regionID, err := strconv.Atoi(s[1:])
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("invalid derp server key %q", s)
switch v := a[i+1].(type) {
case time.Duration:
r.RegionLatency[regionID] = v
case int:
r.RegionLatency[regionID] = time.Second * time.Duration(v)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected type %T", v))
return r
mkLDAFunc := func(mm map[int]time.Time) func(int) time.Time {
return func(region int) time.Time {
return mm[region]
type step struct {
after time.Duration
r *Report
startTime := time.Unix(123, 0)
tests := []struct {
name string
steps []step
homeParams *tailcfg.DERPHomeParams
opts *GetReportOpts
wantDERP int // want PreferredDERP on final step
wantPrevLen int // wanted len(c.prev)
name: "first_reading",
steps: []step{
{0, report("d1", 2, "d2", 3)},
wantPrevLen: 1,
wantDERP: 1,
name: "with_two",
steps: []step{
{0, report("d1", 2, "d2", 3)},
{1 * time.Second, report("d1", 4, "d2", 3)},
wantPrevLen: 2,
wantDERP: 1, // t0's d1 of 2 is still best
name: "but_now_d1_gone",
steps: []step{
{0, report("d1", 2, "d2", 3)},
{1 * time.Second, report("d1", 4, "d2", 3)},
{2 * time.Second, report("d2", 3)},
wantPrevLen: 3,
wantDERP: 2, // only option
name: "d1_is_back",
steps: []step{
{0, report("d1", 2, "d2", 3)},
{1 * time.Second, report("d1", 4, "d2", 3)},
{2 * time.Second, report("d2", 3)},
{3 * time.Second, report("d1", 4, "d2", 3)}, // same as 2 seconds ago
wantPrevLen: 4,
wantDERP: 1, // t0's d1 of 2 is still best
name: "things_clean_up",
steps: []step{
{0, report("d1", 1, "d2", 2)},
{1 * time.Second, report("d1", 1, "d2", 2)},
{2 * time.Second, report("d1", 1, "d2", 2)},
{3 * time.Second, report("d1", 1, "d2", 2)},
{10 * time.Minute, report("d3", 3)},
wantPrevLen: 1, // t=[0123]s all gone. (too old, older than 10 min)
wantDERP: 3, // only option
name: "preferred_derp_hysteresis_no_switch",
steps: []step{
{0 * time.Second, report("d1", 4, "d2", 5)},
{1 * time.Second, report("d1", 4, "d2", 3)},
wantPrevLen: 2,
wantDERP: 1, // 2 didn't get fast enough
name: "preferred_derp_hysteresis_no_switch_absolute",
steps: []step{
{0 * time.Second, report("d1", 4*time.Millisecond, "d2", 5*time.Millisecond)},
{1 * time.Second, report("d1", 4*time.Millisecond, "d2", 1*time.Millisecond)},
wantPrevLen: 2,
wantDERP: 1, // 2 is 50%+ faster, but the absolute diff is <10ms
name: "preferred_derp_hysteresis_do_switch",
steps: []step{
{0 * time.Second, report("d1", 4, "d2", 5)},
{1 * time.Second, report("d1", 4, "d2", 1)},
wantPrevLen: 2,
wantDERP: 2, // 2 got fast enough
name: "derp_home_params",
homeParams: &tailcfg.DERPHomeParams{
RegionScore: map[int]float64{
1: 2.0 / 3, // 66%
steps: []step{
// We only use a single step here to avoid
// conflating DERP selection as a result of
// weight hints with the "stickiness" check
// that tries to not change the home DERP
// between steps.
{1 * time.Second, report("d1", 10, "d2", 8)},
wantPrevLen: 1,
wantDERP: 1, // 2 was faster, but not by 50%+
name: "derp_home_params_high_latency",
homeParams: &tailcfg.DERPHomeParams{
RegionScore: map[int]float64{
1: 2.0 / 3, // 66%
steps: []step{
// See derp_home_params for why this is a single step.
{1 * time.Second, report("d1", 100, "d2", 10)},
wantPrevLen: 1,
wantDERP: 2, // 2 was faster by more than 50%
name: "derp_home_params_invalid",
homeParams: &tailcfg.DERPHomeParams{
RegionScore: map[int]float64{
1: 0.0,
2: -1.0,
steps: []step{
{1 * time.Second, report("d1", 4, "d2", 5)},
wantPrevLen: 1,
wantDERP: 1,
name: "saw_derp_traffic",
steps: []step{
{0, report("d1", 2, "d2", 3)}, // (1) initially pick d1
{2 * time.Second, report("d1", 4, "d2", 3)}, // (2) still d1
{2 * time.Second, report("d2", 3)}, // (3) d1 gone, but have traffic
opts: &GetReportOpts{
GetLastDERPActivity: mkLDAFunc(map[int]time.Time{
1: startTime.Add(2*time.Second + PreferredDERPFrameTime/2), // within active window of step (3)
wantPrevLen: 3,
wantDERP: 1, // still on 1 since we got traffic from it
name: "saw_derp_traffic_history",
steps: []step{
{0, report("d1", 2, "d2", 3)}, // (1) initially pick d1
{2 * time.Second, report("d1", 4, "d2", 3)}, // (2) still d1
{2 * time.Second, report("d2", 3)}, // (3) d1 gone, but have traffic
opts: &GetReportOpts{
GetLastDERPActivity: mkLDAFunc(map[int]time.Time{
1: startTime.Add(4*time.Second - PreferredDERPFrameTime - 1), // not within active window of (3)
wantPrevLen: 3,
wantDERP: 2, // moved to d2 since d1 is gone
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
fakeTime := startTime
c := &Client{
TimeNow: func() time.Time { return fakeTime },
dm := &tailcfg.DERPMap{HomeParams: tt.homeParams}
rs := &reportState{
c: c,
start: fakeTime,
opts: tt.opts,
for _, s := range tt.steps {
fakeTime = fakeTime.Add(s.after)
rs.start = fakeTime.Add(-100 * time.Millisecond)
c.addReportHistoryAndSetPreferredDERP(rs, s.r, dm.View())
lastReport := tt.steps[len(tt.steps)-1].r
if got, want := len(c.prev), tt.wantPrevLen; got != want {
t.Errorf("len(prev) = %v; want %v", got, want)
if got, want := lastReport.PreferredDERP, tt.wantDERP; got != want {
t.Errorf("PreferredDERP = %v; want %v", got, want)
func TestMakeProbePlan(t *testing.T) {
// basicMap has 5 regions. each region has a number of nodes
// equal to the region number (1 has 1a, 2 has 2a and 2b, etc.)
basicMap := &tailcfg.DERPMap{
Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{},
for rid := 1; rid <= 5; rid++ {
var nodes []*tailcfg.DERPNode
for nid := 0; nid < rid; nid++ {
nodes = append(nodes, &tailcfg.DERPNode{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%d%c", rid, 'a'+rune(nid)),
RegionID: rid,
HostName: fmt.Sprintf("derp%d-%d", rid, nid),
IPv4: fmt.Sprintf("%d.0.0.%d", rid, nid),
IPv6: fmt.Sprintf("%d::%d", rid, nid),
basicMap.Regions[rid] = &tailcfg.DERPRegion{
RegionID: rid,
Nodes: nodes,
const ms = time.Millisecond
p := func(name string, c rune, d ...time.Duration) probe {
var proto probeProto
switch c {
case 4:
proto = probeIPv4
case 6:
proto = probeIPv6
case 'h':
proto = probeHTTPS
pr := probe{node: name, proto: proto}
if len(d) == 1 {
pr.delay = d[0]
} else if len(d) > 1 {
panic("too many args")
return pr
tests := []struct {
name string
dm *tailcfg.DERPMap
have6if bool
no4 bool // no IPv4
last *Report
want probePlan
name: "initial_v6",
dm: basicMap,
have6if: true,
last: nil, // initial
want: probePlan{
"region-1-v4": []probe{p("1a", 4), p("1a", 4, 100*ms), p("1a", 4, 200*ms)}, // all a
"region-1-v6": []probe{p("1a", 6), p("1a", 6, 100*ms), p("1a", 6, 200*ms)},
"region-2-v4": []probe{p("2a", 4), p("2b", 4, 100*ms), p("2a", 4, 200*ms)}, // a -> b -> a
"region-2-v6": []probe{p("2a", 6), p("2b", 6, 100*ms), p("2a", 6, 200*ms)},
"region-3-v4": []probe{p("3a", 4), p("3b", 4, 100*ms), p("3c", 4, 200*ms)}, // a -> b -> c
"region-3-v6": []probe{p("3a", 6), p("3b", 6, 100*ms), p("3c", 6, 200*ms)},
"region-4-v4": []probe{p("4a", 4), p("4b", 4, 100*ms), p("4c", 4, 200*ms)},
"region-4-v6": []probe{p("4a", 6), p("4b", 6, 100*ms), p("4c", 6, 200*ms)},
"region-5-v4": []probe{p("5a", 4), p("5b", 4, 100*ms), p("5c", 4, 200*ms)},
"region-5-v6": []probe{p("5a", 6), p("5b", 6, 100*ms), p("5c", 6, 200*ms)},
name: "initial_no_v6",
dm: basicMap,
have6if: false,
last: nil, // initial
want: probePlan{
"region-1-v4": []probe{p("1a", 4), p("1a", 4, 100*ms), p("1a", 4, 200*ms)}, // all a
"region-2-v4": []probe{p("2a", 4), p("2b", 4, 100*ms), p("2a", 4, 200*ms)}, // a -> b -> a
"region-3-v4": []probe{p("3a", 4), p("3b", 4, 100*ms), p("3c", 4, 200*ms)}, // a -> b -> c
"region-4-v4": []probe{p("4a", 4), p("4b", 4, 100*ms), p("4c", 4, 200*ms)},
"region-5-v4": []probe{p("5a", 4), p("5b", 4, 100*ms), p("5c", 4, 200*ms)},
name: "second_v4_no_6if",
dm: basicMap,
have6if: false,
last: &Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * time.Millisecond,
2: 20 * time.Millisecond,
3: 30 * time.Millisecond,
4: 40 * time.Millisecond,
// Pretend 5 is missing
RegionV4Latency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * time.Millisecond,
2: 20 * time.Millisecond,
3: 30 * time.Millisecond,
4: 40 * time.Millisecond,
want: probePlan{
"region-1-v4": []probe{p("1a", 4), p("1a", 4, 12*ms)},
"region-2-v4": []probe{p("2a", 4), p("2b", 4, 24*ms)},
"region-3-v4": []probe{p("3a", 4)},
name: "second_v4_only_with_6if",
dm: basicMap,
have6if: true,
last: &Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * time.Millisecond,
2: 20 * time.Millisecond,
3: 30 * time.Millisecond,
4: 40 * time.Millisecond,
// Pretend 5 is missing
RegionV4Latency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * time.Millisecond,
2: 20 * time.Millisecond,
3: 30 * time.Millisecond,
4: 40 * time.Millisecond,
want: probePlan{
"region-1-v4": []probe{p("1a", 4), p("1a", 4, 12*ms)},
"region-1-v6": []probe{p("1a", 6)},
"region-2-v4": []probe{p("2a", 4), p("2b", 4, 24*ms)},
"region-2-v6": []probe{p("2a", 6)},
"region-3-v4": []probe{p("3a", 4)},
name: "second_mixed",
dm: basicMap,
have6if: true,
last: &Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * time.Millisecond,
2: 20 * time.Millisecond,
3: 30 * time.Millisecond,
4: 40 * time.Millisecond,
// Pretend 5 is missing
RegionV4Latency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * time.Millisecond,
2: 20 * time.Millisecond,
RegionV6Latency: map[int]time.Duration{
3: 30 * time.Millisecond,
4: 40 * time.Millisecond,
want: probePlan{
"region-1-v4": []probe{p("1a", 4), p("1a", 4, 12*ms)},
"region-1-v6": []probe{p("1a", 6), p("1a", 6, 12*ms)},
"region-2-v4": []probe{p("2a", 4), p("2b", 4, 24*ms)},
"region-2-v6": []probe{p("2a", 6), p("2b", 6, 24*ms)},
"region-3-v4": []probe{p("3a", 4)},
name: "only_v6_initial",
have6if: true,
no4: true,
dm: basicMap,
want: probePlan{
"region-1-v6": []probe{p("1a", 6), p("1a", 6, 100*ms), p("1a", 6, 200*ms)},
"region-2-v6": []probe{p("2a", 6), p("2b", 6, 100*ms), p("2a", 6, 200*ms)},
"region-3-v6": []probe{p("3a", 6), p("3b", 6, 100*ms), p("3c", 6, 200*ms)},
"region-4-v6": []probe{p("4a", 6), p("4b", 6, 100*ms), p("4c", 6, 200*ms)},
"region-5-v6": []probe{p("5a", 6), p("5b", 6, 100*ms), p("5c", 6, 200*ms)},
name: "try_harder_for_preferred_derp",
dm: basicMap,
have6if: true,
last: &Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * time.Millisecond,
2: 20 * time.Millisecond,
3: 30 * time.Millisecond,
4: 40 * time.Millisecond,
RegionV4Latency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * time.Millisecond,
2: 20 * time.Millisecond,
RegionV6Latency: map[int]time.Duration{
3: 30 * time.Millisecond,
4: 40 * time.Millisecond,
PreferredDERP: 1,
want: probePlan{
"region-1-v4": []probe{p("1a", 4), p("1a", 4, 12*ms), p("1a", 4, 124*ms), p("1a", 4, 186*ms)},
"region-1-v6": []probe{p("1a", 6), p("1a", 6, 12*ms), p("1a", 6, 124*ms), p("1a", 6, 186*ms)},
"region-2-v4": []probe{p("2a", 4), p("2b", 4, 24*ms)},
"region-2-v6": []probe{p("2a", 6), p("2b", 6, 24*ms)},
"region-3-v4": []probe{p("3a", 4)},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
ifState := &netmon.State{
HaveV6: tt.have6if,
HaveV4: !tt.no4,
got := makeProbePlan(tt.dm, ifState, tt.last)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
t.Errorf("unexpected plan; got:\n%v\nwant:\n%v\n", got, tt.want)
func (plan probePlan) String() string {
var sb strings.Builder
keys := []string{}
for k := range plan {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, key := range keys {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "[%s]", key)
pv := plan[key]
for _, p := range pv {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, " %v", p)
return sb.String()
func (p probe) String() string {
wait := ""
if p.wait > 0 {
wait = "+" + p.wait.String()
delay := ""
if p.delay > 0 {
delay = "@" + p.delay.String()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s%s%s", p.node, p.proto, delay, wait)
func (p probeProto) String() string {
switch p {
case probeIPv4:
return "v4"
case probeIPv6:
return "v4"
case probeHTTPS:
return "https"
return "?"
func TestLogConciseReport(t *testing.T) {
dm := &tailcfg.DERPMap{
Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{
1: nil,
2: nil,
3: nil,
const ms = time.Millisecond
tests := []struct {
name string
r *Report
want string
name: "no_udp",
r: &Report{},
want: "udp=false v4=false icmpv4=false v6=false mapvarydest= hair= portmap=? derp=0",
name: "no_udp_icmp",
r: &Report{ICMPv4: true, IPv4: true},
want: "udp=false icmpv4=true v6=false mapvarydest= hair= portmap=? derp=0",
name: "ipv4_one_region",
r: &Report{
UDP: true,
IPv4: true,
PreferredDERP: 1,
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * ms,
RegionV4Latency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * ms,
want: "udp=true v6=false mapvarydest= hair= portmap=? derp=1 derpdist=1v4:10ms",
name: "ipv4_all_region",
r: &Report{
UDP: true,
IPv4: true,
PreferredDERP: 1,
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * ms,
2: 20 * ms,
3: 30 * ms,
RegionV4Latency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * ms,
2: 20 * ms,
3: 30 * ms,
want: "udp=true v6=false mapvarydest= hair= portmap=? derp=1 derpdist=1v4:10ms,2v4:20ms,3v4:30ms",
name: "ipboth_all_region",
r: &Report{
UDP: true,
IPv4: true,
IPv6: true,
PreferredDERP: 1,
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * ms,
2: 20 * ms,
3: 30 * ms,
RegionV4Latency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * ms,
2: 20 * ms,
3: 30 * ms,
RegionV6Latency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * ms,
2: 20 * ms,
3: 30 * ms,
want: "udp=true v6=true mapvarydest= hair= portmap=? derp=1 derpdist=1v4:10ms,1v6:10ms,2v4:20ms,2v6:20ms,3v4:30ms,3v6:30ms",
name: "portmap_all",
r: &Report{
UDP: true,
UPnP: "true",
PMP: "true",
PCP: "true",
want: "udp=true v4=false v6=false mapvarydest= hair= portmap=UMC derp=0",
name: "portmap_some",
r: &Report{
UDP: true,
UPnP: "true",
PMP: "false",
PCP: "true",
want: "udp=true v4=false v6=false mapvarydest= hair= portmap=UC derp=0",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
c := &Client{Logf: func(f string, a ...any) { fmt.Fprintf(&buf, f, a...) }}
c.logConciseReport(tt.r, dm)
if got, ok := strings.CutPrefix(buf.String(), "[v1] report: "); !ok {
t.Errorf("unexpected result.\n got: %#q\nwant: %#q\n", got, tt.want)
func TestSortRegions(t *testing.T) {
unsortedMap := &tailcfg.DERPMap{
Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{},
for rid := 1; rid <= 5; rid++ {
var nodes []*tailcfg.DERPNode
nodes = append(nodes, &tailcfg.DERPNode{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%da", rid),
RegionID: rid,
HostName: fmt.Sprintf("derp%d-1", rid),
IPv4: fmt.Sprintf("%d.0.0.1", rid),
IPv6: fmt.Sprintf("%d::1", rid),
unsortedMap.Regions[rid] = &tailcfg.DERPRegion{
RegionID: rid,
Nodes: nodes,
report := newReport()
report.RegionLatency[1] = time.Second * time.Duration(5)
report.RegionLatency[2] = time.Second * time.Duration(3)
report.RegionLatency[3] = time.Second * time.Duration(6)
report.RegionLatency[4] = time.Second * time.Duration(0)
report.RegionLatency[5] = time.Second * time.Duration(2)
sortedMap := sortRegions(unsortedMap, report)
// Sorting by latency this should result in rid: 5, 2, 1, 3
// rid 4 with latency 0 should be at the end
want := []int{5, 2, 1, 3, 4}
got := make([]int, len(sortedMap))
for i, r := range sortedMap {
got[i] = r.RegionID
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got %v; want %v", got, want)
func TestNoCaptivePortalWhenUDP(t *testing.T) {
nettest.SkipIfNoNetwork(t) // empirically. not sure why.
// Override noRedirectClient to handle the /generate_204 endpoint
var generate204Called atomic.Bool
tr := RoundTripFunc(func(req *http.Request) *http.Response {
if !strings.HasSuffix(req.URL.String(), "/generate_204") {
panic("bad URL: " + req.URL.String())
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: http.StatusNoContent,
Header: make(http.Header),
tstest.Replace(t, &noRedirectClient.Transport, http.RoundTripper(tr))
stunAddr, cleanup := stuntest.Serve(t)
defer cleanup()
c := newTestClient(t)
c.testEnoughRegions = 1
// Set the delay long enough that we have time to cancel it
// when our STUN probe succeeds.
c.testCaptivePortalDelay = 10 * time.Second
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if err := c.Standalone(ctx, ""); err != nil {
r, err := c.GetReport(ctx, stuntest.DERPMapOf(stunAddr.String()), nil)
if err != nil {
// Should not have called our captive portal function.
if generate204Called.Load() {
t.Errorf("captive portal check called; expected no call")
if r.CaptivePortal != "" {
t.Errorf("got CaptivePortal=%q, want empty", r.CaptivePortal)
type RoundTripFunc func(req *http.Request) *http.Response
func (f RoundTripFunc) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
return f(req), nil
func TestNodeAddrResolve(t *testing.T) {
c := &Client{
Logf: t.Logf,
UseDNSCache: true,
dn := &tailcfg.DERPNode{
Name: "derptest1a",
RegionID: 901,
HostName: "tailscale.com",
// No IPv4 or IPv6 addrs
dnV4Only := &tailcfg.DERPNode{
Name: "derptest1b",
RegionID: 901,
HostName: "ipv4.google.com",
// No IPv4 or IPv6 addrs
// Checks whether IPv6 and IPv6 DNS resolution works on this platform.
ipv6Works := func(t *testing.T) bool {
// Verify that we can create an IPv6 socket.
ln, err := net.ListenPacket("udp6", "[::1]:0")
if err != nil {
t.Logf("IPv6 may not work on this machine: %v", err)
return false
// Resolve a hostname that we know has an IPv6 address.
addrs, err := net.DefaultResolver.LookupNetIP(context.Background(), "ip6", "google.com")
if err != nil {
t.Logf("IPv6 DNS resolution error: %v", err)
return false
if len(addrs) == 0 {
t.Logf("IPv6 DNS resolution returned no addresses")
return false
return true
ctx := context.Background()
for _, tt := range []bool{true, false} {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("UseDNSCache=%v", tt), func(t *testing.T) {
c.resolver = nil
c.UseDNSCache = tt
t.Run("IPv4", func(t *testing.T) {
ap := c.nodeAddr(ctx, dn, probeIPv4)
if !ap.IsValid() {
t.Fatal("expected valid AddrPort")
if !ap.Addr().Is4() {
t.Fatalf("expected IPv4 addr, got: %v", ap.Addr())
t.Logf("got IPv4 addr: %v", ap)
t.Run("IPv6", func(t *testing.T) {
// Skip if IPv6 doesn't work on this machine.
if !ipv6Works(t) {
t.Skipf("IPv6 may not work on this machine")
ap := c.nodeAddr(ctx, dn, probeIPv6)
if !ap.IsValid() {
t.Fatal("expected valid AddrPort")
if !ap.Addr().Is6() {
t.Fatalf("expected IPv6 addr, got: %v", ap.Addr())
t.Logf("got IPv6 addr: %v", ap)
t.Run("IPv6 Failure", func(t *testing.T) {
ap := c.nodeAddr(ctx, dnV4Only, probeIPv6)
if ap.IsValid() {
t.Fatalf("expected no addr but got: %v", ap)
t.Logf("correctly got invalid addr")