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synced 2025-03-23 17:51:05 +00:00

This caused some confusion in issue #460, since usually raw format strings aren't printed directly. Hopefully by directly logging that they are intended to be raw format strings, this will be more clear. Rate limited format strings now look like: [RATE LIMITED] format string "control: sendStatus: %s: %v" Closes #460. Signed-off-by: Smitty <me@smitop.com>
182 lines
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182 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package logger defines a type for writing to logs. It's just a
// convenience type so that we don't have to pass verbose func(...)
// types around.
package logger
import (
// Logf is the basic Tailscale logger type: a printf-like func.
// Like log.Printf, the format need not end in a newline.
// Logf functions must be safe for concurrent use.
type Logf func(format string, args ...interface{})
// WithPrefix wraps f, prefixing each format with the provided prefix.
func WithPrefix(f Logf, prefix string) Logf {
return func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
f(prefix+format, args...)
// FuncWriter returns an io.Writer that writes to f.
func FuncWriter(f Logf) io.Writer {
return funcWriter{f}
// StdLogger returns a standard library logger from a Logf.
func StdLogger(f Logf) *log.Logger {
return log.New(FuncWriter(f), "", 0)
type funcWriter struct{ f Logf }
func (w funcWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
w.f("%s", p)
return len(p), nil
// Discard is a Logf that throws away the logs given to it.
func Discard(string, ...interface{}) {}
// limitData is used to keep track of each format string's associated
// rate-limiting data.
type limitData struct {
lim *rate.Limiter // the token bucket associated with this string
msgBlocked bool // whether a "duplicate error" message has already been logged
ele *list.Element // list element used to access this string in the cache
var disableRateLimit = os.Getenv("TS_DEBUG_LOG_RATE") == "all"
// rateFreePrefix are format string prefixes that are exempt from rate limiting.
// Things should not be added to this unless they're already limited otherwise.
var rateFreePrefix = []string{
"magicsock: disco: ",
"magicsock: CreateEndpoint:",
// RateLimitedFn returns a rate-limiting Logf wrapping the given logf.
// Messages are allowed through at a maximum of one message every f (where f is a time.Duration), in
// bursts of up to burst messages at a time. Up to maxCache strings will be held at a time.
func RateLimitedFn(logf Logf, f time.Duration, burst int, maxCache int) Logf {
if disableRateLimit {
return logf
r := rate.Every(f)
var (
mu sync.Mutex
msgLim = make(map[string]*limitData) // keyed by logf format
msgCache = list.New() // a rudimentary LRU that limits the size of the map
type verdict int
const (
allow verdict = iota
judge := func(format string) verdict {
for _, pfx := range rateFreePrefix {
if strings.HasPrefix(format, pfx) {
return allow
defer mu.Unlock()
rl, ok := msgLim[format]
if ok {
} else {
rl = &limitData{
lim: rate.NewLimiter(r, burst),
ele: msgCache.PushFront(format),
msgLim[format] = rl
if msgCache.Len() > maxCache {
delete(msgLim, msgCache.Back().Value.(string))
if rl.lim.Allow() {
rl.msgBlocked = false
return allow
if !rl.msgBlocked {
rl.msgBlocked = true
return warn
return block
return func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
switch judge(format) {
case allow:
logf(format, args...)
case warn:
// For the warning, log the specific format string
logf("[RATE LIMITED] format string \"%s\"", format)
// LogOnChange logs a given line only if line != lastLine, or if maxInterval has passed
// since the last time this identical line was logged.
func LogOnChange(logf Logf, maxInterval time.Duration, timeNow func() time.Time) Logf {
var (
mu sync.Mutex
sLastLogged string
tLastLogged = timeNow()
return func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
s := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
if s == sLastLogged && timeNow().Sub(tLastLogged) < maxInterval {
sLastLogged = s
tLastLogged = timeNow()
// Re-stringify it (instead of using "%s", s) so something like "%s"
// doesn't end up getting rate-limited. (And can't use 's' as the pattern,
// as it might contain formatting directives.)
logf(format, args...)
// ArgWriter is a fmt.Formatter that can be passed to any Logf func to
// efficiently write to a %v argument without allocations.
type ArgWriter func(*bufio.Writer)
func (fn ArgWriter) Format(f fmt.State, _ rune) {
bw := argBufioPool.Get().(*bufio.Writer)
var argBufioPool = &sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return bufio.NewWriterSize(ioutil.Discard, 1024) }}