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synced 2025-03-28 12:02:23 +00:00

In Tailnet Lock, there is an implicit limit on the number of rotation signatures that can be chained before the signature becomes too long. This program helps tailnet admins to identify nodes that have signatures with long chains and prints commands to re-sign those node keys with a fresh direct signature. It's a temporary mitigation measure, and we will remove this tool as we design and implement a long-term approach for rotation signatures. Example output: ``` 2024/08/20 18:25:03 Self: does not need re-signing 2024/08/20 18:25:03 Visible peers with valid signatures: 2024/08/20 18:25:03 Peer xxx2.yy.ts.net. ( nodeid=nyDmhiZiGA11KTM59, current signature kind=direct: does not need re-signing 2024/08/20 18:25:03 Peer xxx3.yy.ts.net. ( nodeid=ndQ64mDnaB11KTM59, current signature kind=direct: does not need re-signing 2024/08/20 18:25:03 Peer xxx4.yy.ts.net. ( nodeid=nmZfVygzkB21KTM59, current signature kind=rotation: chain length 4, printing command to re-sign tailscale lock sign nodekey:530bddbfbe69e91fe15758a1d6ead5337aa6307e55ac92dafad3794f8b3fc661 tlpub:4bf07597336703395f2149dce88e7c50dd8694ab5bbde3d7c2a1c7b3e231a3c2 ``` To support this, the NetworkLockStatus localapi response now includes information about signatures of all peers rather than just the invalid ones. This is not displayed by default in `tailscale lock status`, but will be surfaced in `tailscale lock status --json`. Updates #13185 Signed-off-by: Anton Tolchanov <anton@tailscale.com>
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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package tka
import (
//go:generate go run tailscale.com/cmd/cloner -clonefunc=false -type=NodeKeySignature
// SigKind describes valid NodeKeySignature types.
type SigKind uint8
const (
SigInvalid SigKind = iota
// SigDirect describes a signature over a specific node key, signed
// by a key in the tailnet key authority referenced by the specified keyID.
// SigRotation describes a signature over a specific node key, signed
// by the rotation key authorized by a nested NodeKeySignature structure.
// While it is possible to nest rotations multiple times up to the CBOR
// nesting limit, it is intended that nodes simply regenerate their outer
// SigRotation signature and sign it again with their rotation key. That
// way, SigRotation nesting should only be 2 deep in the common case.
// SigCredential describes a signature over a specific public key, signed
// by a key in the tailnet key authority referenced by the specified keyID.
// In effect, SigCredential delegates the ability to make a signature to
// a different public/private key pair.
// It is intended that a different public/private key pair be generated
// for each different SigCredential that is created. Implementors must
// take care that the private side is only known to the entity that needs
// to generate the wrapping SigRotation signature, and it is immediately
// discarded after use.
// SigCredential is expected to be nested in a SigRotation signature.
func (s SigKind) String() string {
switch s {
case SigInvalid:
return "invalid"
case SigDirect:
return "direct"
case SigRotation:
return "rotation"
case SigCredential:
return "credential"
return fmt.Sprintf("Sig?<%d>", int(s))
// NodeKeySignature encapsulates a signature that authorizes a specific
// node key, based on verification from keys in the tailnet key authority.
type NodeKeySignature struct {
// SigKind identifies the variety of signature.
SigKind SigKind `cbor:"1,keyasint"`
// Pubkey identifies the key.NodePublic which is being authorized.
// SigCredential signatures do not use this field.
Pubkey []byte `cbor:"2,keyasint,omitempty"`
// KeyID identifies which key in the tailnet key authority should
// be used to verify this signature. Only set for SigDirect and
// SigCredential signature kinds.
KeyID []byte `cbor:"3,keyasint,omitempty"`
// Signature is the packed (R, S) ed25519 signature over all other
// fields of the structure.
Signature []byte `cbor:"4,keyasint,omitempty"`
// Nested describes a NodeKeySignature which authorizes the node-key
// used as Pubkey. Only used for SigRotation signatures.
Nested *NodeKeySignature `cbor:"5,keyasint,omitempty"`
// WrappingPubkey specifies the ed25519 public key which must be used
// to sign a Signature which embeds this one.
// For SigRotation signatures multiple levels deep, intermediate
// signatures may omit this value, in which case the parent WrappingPubkey
// is used.
// SigCredential signatures use this field to specify the public key
// they are certifying, following the usual semanticsfor WrappingPubkey.
WrappingPubkey []byte `cbor:"6,keyasint,omitempty"`
// String returns a human-readable representation of the NodeKeySignature,
// making it easy to see nested signatures.
func (s NodeKeySignature) String() string {
var b strings.Builder
var addToBuf func(NodeKeySignature, int)
addToBuf = func(sig NodeKeySignature, depth int) {
indent := strings.Repeat(" ", depth)
b.WriteString(indent + "SigKind: " + sig.SigKind.String() + "\n")
if len(sig.Pubkey) > 0 {
var pubKey string
var np key.NodePublic
if err := np.UnmarshalBinary(sig.Pubkey); err != nil {
pubKey = fmt.Sprintf("<error: %s>", err)
} else {
pubKey = np.ShortString()
b.WriteString(indent + "Pubkey: " + pubKey + "\n")
if len(sig.KeyID) > 0 {
keyID := key.NLPublicFromEd25519Unsafe(sig.KeyID).CLIString()
b.WriteString(indent + "KeyID: " + keyID + "\n")
if len(sig.WrappingPubkey) > 0 {
pubKey := key.NLPublicFromEd25519Unsafe(sig.WrappingPubkey).CLIString()
b.WriteString(indent + "WrappingPubkey: " + pubKey + "\n")
if sig.Nested != nil {
b.WriteString(indent + "Nested:\n")
addToBuf(*sig.Nested, depth+1)
addToBuf(s, 0)
return strings.TrimSpace(b.String())
// UnverifiedWrappingPublic returns the public key which must sign a
// signature which embeds this one, if any.
// See docs on NodeKeySignature.WrappingPubkey & SigRotation for documentation
// about wrapping public keys.
// SAFETY: The caller MUST verify the signature using
// Authority.NodeKeyAuthorized if treating this as authentic information.
func (s NodeKeySignature) UnverifiedWrappingPublic() (pub ed25519.PublicKey, ok bool) {
return s.wrappingPublic()
// wrappingPublic returns the public key which must sign a signature which
// embeds this one, if any.
func (s NodeKeySignature) wrappingPublic() (pub ed25519.PublicKey, ok bool) {
if len(s.WrappingPubkey) > 0 {
return ed25519.PublicKey(s.WrappingPubkey), true
switch s.SigKind {
case SigRotation:
if s.Nested == nil {
return nil, false
return s.Nested.wrappingPublic()
return nil, false
// UnverifiedAuthorizingKeyID returns the KeyID of the key which authorizes
// this signature.
// SAFETY: The caller MUST verify the signature using
// Authority.NodeKeyAuthorized if treating this as authentic information.
func (s NodeKeySignature) UnverifiedAuthorizingKeyID() (tkatype.KeyID, error) {
return s.authorizingKeyID()
// authorizingKeyID returns the KeyID of the key trusted by network-lock which authorizes
// this signature.
func (s NodeKeySignature) authorizingKeyID() (tkatype.KeyID, error) {
switch s.SigKind {
case SigDirect, SigCredential:
if len(s.KeyID) == 0 {
return tkatype.KeyID{}, errors.New("invalid signature: no keyID present")
return tkatype.KeyID(s.KeyID), nil
case SigRotation:
if s.Nested == nil {
return tkatype.KeyID{}, errors.New("invalid signature: rotation signature missing nested signature")
return s.Nested.authorizingKeyID()
return tkatype.KeyID{}, fmt.Errorf("unhandled signature type: %v", s.SigKind)
// SigHash returns the cryptographic digest which a signature
// is over.
// This is a hash of the serialized structure, sans the signature.
// Without this exclusion, the hash used for the signature
// would be circularly dependent on the signature.
func (s NodeKeySignature) SigHash() [blake2s.Size]byte {
dupe := s
dupe.Signature = nil
return blake2s.Sum256(dupe.Serialize())
// Serialize returns the given NKS in a serialized format.
// We would implement encoding.BinaryMarshaler, except that would
// unfortunately get called by the cbor marshaller resulting in infinite
// recursion.
func (s *NodeKeySignature) Serialize() tkatype.MarshaledSignature {
out := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 128)) // 64byte sig + 32byte keyID + 32byte headroom
encoder, err := cbor.CTAP2EncOptions().EncMode()
if err != nil {
// Deterministic validation of encoding options, should
// never fail.
if err := encoder.NewEncoder(out).Encode(s); err != nil {
// Writing to a bytes.Buffer should never fail.
return out.Bytes()
// Unserialize decodes bytes representing a marshaled NKS.
// We would implement encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler, except that would
// unfortunately get called by the cbor unmarshaller resulting in infinite
// recursion.
func (s *NodeKeySignature) Unserialize(data []byte) error {
dec, _ := cborDecOpts.DecMode()
return dec.Unmarshal(data, s)
// verifySignature checks that the NodeKeySignature is authentic & certified
// by the given verificationKey. Additionally, SigDirect and SigRotation
// signatures are checked to ensure they authorize the given nodeKey.
func (s *NodeKeySignature) verifySignature(nodeKey key.NodePublic, verificationKey Key) error {
if s.SigKind != SigCredential {
nodeBytes, err := nodeKey.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("marshalling pubkey: %v", err)
if !bytes.Equal(nodeBytes, s.Pubkey) {
return errors.New("signature does not authorize nodeKey")
sigHash := s.SigHash()
switch s.SigKind {
case SigRotation:
if s.Nested == nil {
return errors.New("nested signatures must nest a signature")
// Verify the signature using the nested rotation key.
verifyPub, ok := s.Nested.wrappingPublic()
if !ok {
return errors.New("missing rotation key")
if len(verifyPub) != ed25519.PublicKeySize {
return fmt.Errorf("bad rotation key length: %d", len(verifyPub))
if !ed25519.Verify(ed25519.PublicKey(verifyPub[:]), sigHash[:], s.Signature) {
return errors.New("invalid signature")
// Recurse to verify the signature on the nested structure.
var nestedPub key.NodePublic
// SigCredential signatures certify an indirection key rather than a node
// key, so theres no need to check the node key.
if s.Nested.SigKind != SigCredential {
if err := nestedPub.UnmarshalBinary(s.Nested.Pubkey); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("nested pubkey: %v", err)
if err := s.Nested.verifySignature(nestedPub, verificationKey); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("nested: %v", err)
return nil
case SigDirect, SigCredential:
if s.Nested != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid signature: signatures of type %v cannot nest another signature", s.SigKind)
switch verificationKey.Kind {
case Key25519:
if len(verificationKey.Public) != ed25519.PublicKeySize {
return fmt.Errorf("ed25519 key has wrong length: %d", len(verificationKey.Public))
if ed25519consensus.Verify(ed25519.PublicKey(verificationKey.Public), sigHash[:], s.Signature) {
return nil
return errors.New("invalid signature")
return fmt.Errorf("unhandled key type: %v", verificationKey.Kind)
return fmt.Errorf("unhandled signature type: %v", s.SigKind)
// RotationDetails holds additional information about a nodeKeySignature
// of kind SigRotation.
type RotationDetails struct {
// PrevNodeKeys is a list of node keys which have been rotated out.
PrevNodeKeys []key.NodePublic
// InitialSig is the first signature in the chain which led to
// this rotating signature.
InitialSig *NodeKeySignature
// rotationDetails returns the RotationDetails for a SigRotation signature.
func (s *NodeKeySignature) rotationDetails() (*RotationDetails, error) {
if s.SigKind != SigRotation {
return nil, nil
sri := &RotationDetails{}
nested := s.Nested
for nested != nil {
if len(nested.Pubkey) > 0 {
var nestedPub key.NodePublic
if err := nestedPub.UnmarshalBinary(nested.Pubkey); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("nested pubkey: %v", err)
sri.PrevNodeKeys = append(sri.PrevNodeKeys, nestedPub)
if nested.SigKind != SigRotation {
nested = nested.Nested
sri.InitialSig = nested
return sri, nil
// ResignNKS re-signs a node-key signature for a new node-key.
// This only matters on network-locked tailnets, because node-key signatures are
// how other nodes know that a node-key is authentic. When the node-key is
// rotated then the existing signature becomes invalid, so this function is
// responsible for generating a new wrapping signature to certify the new node-key.
// The signature itself is a SigRotation signature, which embeds the old signature
// and certifies the new node-key as a replacement for the old by signing the new
// signature with RotationPubkey (which is the node's own network-lock key).
func ResignNKS(priv key.NLPrivate, nodeKey key.NodePublic, oldNKS tkatype.MarshaledSignature) (tkatype.MarshaledSignature, error) {
var oldSig NodeKeySignature
if err := oldSig.Unserialize(oldNKS); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding NKS: %w", err)
nk, err := nodeKey.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("marshalling node-key: %w", err)
if bytes.Equal(nk, oldSig.Pubkey) {
// The old signature is valid for the node-key we are using, so just
// use it verbatim.
return oldNKS, nil
newSig := NodeKeySignature{
SigKind: SigRotation,
Pubkey: nk,
Nested: &oldSig,
if newSig.Signature, err = priv.SignNKS(newSig.SigHash()); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("signing NKS: %w", err)
return newSig.Serialize(), nil
// SignByCredential signs a node public key by a private key which has its
// signing authority delegated by a SigCredential signature. This is used by
// wrapped auth keys.
func SignByCredential(privKey []byte, wrapped *NodeKeySignature, nodeKey key.NodePublic) (tkatype.MarshaledSignature, error) {
if wrapped.SigKind != SigCredential {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrapped signature must be a credential, got %v", wrapped.SigKind)
nk, err := nodeKey.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("marshalling node-key: %w", err)
sig := &NodeKeySignature{
SigKind: SigRotation,
Pubkey: nk,
Nested: wrapped,
sigHash := sig.SigHash()
sig.Signature = ed25519.Sign(privKey, sigHash[:])
return sig.Serialize(), nil
// DecodeWrappedAuthkey separates wrapping information from an authkey, if any.
// In all cases the authkey is returned, sans wrapping information if any.
// If the authkey is wrapped, isWrapped returns true, along with the wrapping signature
// and private key.
func DecodeWrappedAuthkey(wrappedAuthKey string, logf logger.Logf) (authKey string, isWrapped bool, sig *NodeKeySignature, priv ed25519.PrivateKey) {
authKey, suffix, found := strings.Cut(wrappedAuthKey, "--TL")
if !found {
return wrappedAuthKey, false, nil, nil
sigBytes, privBytes, found := strings.Cut(suffix, "-")
if !found {
// TODO: propagate these errors to `tailscale up` output?
logf("decoding wrapped auth-key: did not find delimiter")
return wrappedAuthKey, false, nil, nil
rawSig, err := base64.RawStdEncoding.DecodeString(sigBytes)
if err != nil {
logf("decoding wrapped auth-key: signature decode: %v", err)
return wrappedAuthKey, false, nil, nil
rawPriv, err := base64.RawStdEncoding.DecodeString(privBytes)
if err != nil {
logf("decoding wrapped auth-key: priv decode: %v", err)
return wrappedAuthKey, false, nil, nil
sig = new(NodeKeySignature)
if err := sig.Unserialize(rawSig); err != nil {
logf("decoding wrapped auth-key: signature: %v", err)
return wrappedAuthKey, false, nil, nil
priv = ed25519.PrivateKey(rawPriv)
return authKey, true, sig, priv