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synced 2025-03-20 05:01:04 +00:00

The tests cheat at filling out web forms by directly POSTing to the target. The target for authURLs has changed slightly, the base authURL now redirects the user to the login page. Additionally, the authURL cycle now checks the cookie is set correctly, so we add cookie jars where necessary to pass the cookie through.
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// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build depends_on_currently_unreleased
package ipn
import (
"tailscale.io/control" // not yet released
func TestIPN(t *testing.T) {
defer testy.UnfixLogs(t)
// Turn off STUN for the test to make it hermitic.
// TODO(crawshaw): add a test that runs against a local STUN server.
magicsock.DisableSTUNForTesting = true
defer func() { magicsock.DisableSTUNForTesting = false }()
// TODO(apenwarr): Make resource checks actually pass.
// They don't right now, because (at least) wgengine doesn't fully
// shut down.
// rc := testy.NewResourceCheck()
// defer rc.Assert(t)
var ctl *control.Server
ctlHandler := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctl.ServeHTTP(w, r)
https := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(ctlHandler))
serverURL := https.URL
defer https.Close()
defer https.CloseClientConnections()
tmpdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "ipntest")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("create tempdir: %v\n", err)
ctl, err = control.New(tmpdir, tmpdir, serverURL, true)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("create control server: %v\n", ctl)
n1 := newNode(t, "n1", https)
defer n1.Backend.Shutdown()
n2 := newNode(t, "n2", https)
defer n2.Backend.Shutdown()
t.Run("login", func(t *testing.T) {
var s1, s2 State
for {
t.Logf("\n\nn1.state=%v n2.state=%v\n\n", s1, s2)
// TODO(crawshaw): switch from || to &&. To do this we need to
// transmit some data so that the handshake completes on both
// sides. (Because handshakes are 1RTT, it is the data
// transmission that completes the handshake.)
if s1 == Running || s2 == Running {
// TODO(apenwarr): ensure state sequence.
// Right now we'll just exit as soon as
// state==Running, even if the backend is lying or
// something. Not a great test.
select {
case n := <-n1.NotifyCh:
t.Logf("n1n: %v\n", n)
if n.State != nil {
s1 = *n.State
if s1 == NeedsMachineAuth {
authNode(t, ctl, n1.Backend)
case n := <-n2.NotifyCh:
t.Logf("n2n: %v\n", n)
if n.State != nil {
s2 = *n.State
if s2 == NeedsMachineAuth {
authNode(t, ctl, n2.Backend)
case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
t.Fatalf("\n\n\nFATAL: timed out waiting for notifications.\n\n\n")
n1addr := n1.Backend.NetMap().Addresses[0].IP
n2addr := n2.Backend.NetMap().Addresses[0].IP
t.Run("ping n2", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("TODO(crawshaw): skipping ping test, it is flaky")
msg := tuntest.Ping(n2addr.IP(), n1addr.IP())
n1.ChannelTUN.Outbound <- msg
select {
case msgRecv := <-n2.ChannelTUN.Inbound:
if !bytes.Equal(msg, msgRecv) {
t.Error("bad ping")
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
t.Error("no ping seen")
t.Run("ping n1", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Skip("TODO(crawshaw): skipping ping test, it is flaky")
msg := tuntest.Ping(n1addr.IP(), n2addr.IP())
n2.ChannelTUN.Outbound <- msg
select {
case msgRecv := <-n1.ChannelTUN.Inbound:
if !bytes.Equal(msg, msgRecv) {
t.Error("bad ping")
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
t.Error("no ping seen")
for {
select {
case <-n1.NotifyCh:
case <-n2.NotifyCh:
break drain
t.Run("logout", func(t *testing.T) {
select {
case n := <-n1.NotifyCh:
if n.State != nil {
if *n.State != NeedsLogin {
t.Errorf("n.State=%v, want %v", n.State, NeedsLogin)
case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
t.Fatalf("timeout waiting for logout notification")
type testNode struct {
Backend *LocalBackend
ChannelTUN *tuntest.ChannelTUN
NotifyCh <-chan Notify
// Create a new IPN node.
func newNode(t *testing.T, prefix string, https *httptest.Server) testNode {
logfe := func(fmt string, args ...interface{}) {
t.Logf(prefix+".e: "+fmt, args...)
logf := func(fmt string, args ...interface{}) {
t.Logf(prefix+": "+fmt, args...)
var err error
httpc := https.Client()
httpc.Jar, err = cookiejar.New(nil)
if err != nil {
tun := tuntest.NewChannelTUN()
e1, err := wgengine.NewUserspaceEngineAdvanced(logfe, tun.TUN(), wgengine.NewFakeRouter, 0)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewFakeEngine: %v\n", err)
n, err := NewLocalBackend(logf, prefix, &MemoryStore{}, e1)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewLocalBackend: %v\n", err)
nch := make(chan Notify, 1000)
c := controlclient.Persist{
Provider: "google",
LoginName: "test1@tailscale.com",
prefs := NewPrefs()
prefs.ControlURL = https.URL
prefs.Persist = &c
FrontendLogID: prefix + "-f",
Prefs: prefs,
Notify: func(n Notify) {
// Automatically visit auth URLs
if n.BrowseToURL != nil {
t.Logf("BrowseToURL: %v", *n.BrowseToURL)
authURL := *n.BrowseToURL
i := strings.Index(authURL, "/a/")
if i == -1 {
panic("bad authURL: " + authURL)
authURL = authURL[:i] + "/login?refresh=true&next_url=" + url.PathEscape(authURL[i:])
form := url.Values{"user": []string{c.LoginName}}
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", authURL, strings.NewReader(form.Encode()))
if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
if _, err := httpc.Do(req); err != nil {
t.Logf("BrowseToURL: %v\n", err)
nch <- n
return testNode{
Backend: n,
ChannelTUN: tun,
NotifyCh: nch,
// Tell the control server to authorize the given node.
func authNode(t *testing.T, ctl *control.Server, n *LocalBackend) {
mk := n.prefs.Persist.PrivateMachineKey.Public()
nk := n.prefs.Persist.PrivateNodeKey.Public()
ctl.AuthorizeMachine(tailcfg.MachineKey(mk), tailcfg.NodeKey(nk))