shayne 30e0156430
nix: update nixpkgs flake, override go_1_20 for tailscale_go ()
Bleeding edge Tailscale Nix flake broke after updating to go1.20rc3.

Go 1.20 moved to Go 1.17 as a bootstarp toolchain. Fortunately nixpkgs
nixos-unstable already had a 1.20.nix with bootstrap117.nix.

❯ ./result/bin/tailscale version
  track: unstable (dev); frequent updates and bugs are likely
  go version: go1.20rc3-ts6a17f14c05

Signed-off-by: Shayne Sweeney <>
2023-02-01 12:27:04 -05:00

61 lines
1.5 KiB

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