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synced 2025-03-22 17:21:00 +00:00

It wasn't using the right metric. Apparently you're supposed to sum the route metric and interface metric. Whoops. While here, optimize a few little things too, not that this code should be too hot. Fixes #2707 (at least; probably dups but I'm failing to find) Signed-off-by: Brad Fitzpatrick <bradfitz@tailscale.com>
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// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package interfaces
import (
const (
fallbackInterfaceMetric = uint32(0) // Used if we cannot get the actual interface metric
func init() {
likelyHomeRouterIP = likelyHomeRouterIPWindows
getPAC = getPACWindows
func likelyHomeRouterIPWindows() (ret netaddr.IP, ok bool) {
rs, err := winipcfg.GetIPForwardTable2(windows.AF_INET)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("routerIP/GetIPForwardTable2 error: %v", err)
var ifaceMetricCache map[winipcfg.LUID]uint32
getIfaceMetric := func(luid winipcfg.LUID) (metric uint32) {
if ifaceMetricCache == nil {
ifaceMetricCache = make(map[winipcfg.LUID]uint32)
} else if m, ok := ifaceMetricCache[luid]; ok {
return m
if iface, err := luid.IPInterface(windows.AF_INET); err == nil {
metric = iface.Metric
} else {
log.Printf("routerIP/luid.IPInterface error: %v", err)
metric = fallbackInterfaceMetric
ifaceMetricCache[luid] = metric
unspec := net.IPv4(0, 0, 0, 0)
var best *winipcfg.MibIPforwardRow2 // best (lowest metric) found so far, or nil
for i := range rs {
r := &rs[i]
if r.Loopback || r.DestinationPrefix.PrefixLength != 0 || !r.DestinationPrefix.Prefix.IP().Equal(unspec) {
// Not a default route, so skip
ip, ok := netaddr.FromStdIP(r.NextHop.IP())
if !ok {
// Not a valid gateway, so skip (won't happen though)
if best == nil {
best = r
ret = ip
// We can get here only if there are multiple default gateways defined (rare case),
// in which case we need to calculate the effective metric.
// Effective metric is sum of interface metric and route metric offset
if ifaceMetricCache == nil {
// If we're here it means that previous route still isn't updated, so update it
best.Metric += getIfaceMetric(best.InterfaceLUID)
r.Metric += getIfaceMetric(r.InterfaceLUID)
if best.Metric > r.Metric || best.Metric == r.Metric && ret.Compare(ip) > 0 {
// Pick the route with lower metric, or lower IP if metrics are equal
best = r
ret = ip
if !ret.IsZero() && !ret.IsPrivate() {
// Default route has a non-private gateway
return netaddr.IP{}, false
return ret, !ret.IsZero()
// NonTailscaleMTUs returns a map of interface LUID to interface MTU,
// for all interfaces except Tailscale tunnels.
func NonTailscaleMTUs() (map[winipcfg.LUID]uint32, error) {
mtus := map[winipcfg.LUID]uint32{}
ifs, err := NonTailscaleInterfaces()
for luid, iface := range ifs {
mtus[luid] = iface.MTU
return mtus, err
func notTailscaleInterface(iface *winipcfg.IPAdapterAddresses) bool {
// TODO(bradfitz): do this without the Description method's
// utf16-to-string allocation. But at least we only do it for
// the virtual interfaces, for which there won't be many.
return !(iface.IfType == winipcfg.IfTypePropVirtual &&
iface.Description() == tsconst.WintunInterfaceDesc)
// NonTailscaleInterfaces returns a map of interface LUID to interface
// for all interfaces except Tailscale tunnels.
func NonTailscaleInterfaces() (map[winipcfg.LUID]*winipcfg.IPAdapterAddresses, error) {
return getInterfaces(windows.AF_UNSPEC, winipcfg.GAAFlagIncludeAllInterfaces, notTailscaleInterface)
// getInterfaces returns a map of interfaces keyed by their LUID for
// all interfaces matching the provided match predicate.
// The family (AF_UNSPEC, AF_INET, or AF_INET6) and flags are passed
// to winipcfg.GetAdaptersAddresses.
func getInterfaces(family winipcfg.AddressFamily, flags winipcfg.GAAFlags, match func(*winipcfg.IPAdapterAddresses) bool) (map[winipcfg.LUID]*winipcfg.IPAdapterAddresses, error) {
ifs, err := winipcfg.GetAdaptersAddresses(family, flags)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := map[winipcfg.LUID]*winipcfg.IPAdapterAddresses{}
for _, iface := range ifs {
if match(iface) {
ret[iface.LUID] = iface
return ret, nil
// GetWindowsDefault returns the interface that has the non-Tailscale
// default route for the given address family.
// It returns (nil, nil) if no interface is found.
// The family must be one of AF_INET or AF_INET6.
func GetWindowsDefault(family winipcfg.AddressFamily) (*winipcfg.IPAdapterAddresses, error) {
ifs, err := getInterfaces(family, winipcfg.GAAFlagIncludeAllInterfaces, func(iface *winipcfg.IPAdapterAddresses) bool {
switch iface.IfType {
case winipcfg.IfTypeSoftwareLoopback:
return false
switch family {
case windows.AF_INET:
if iface.Flags&winipcfg.IPAAFlagIpv4Enabled == 0 {
return false
case windows.AF_INET6:
if iface.Flags&winipcfg.IPAAFlagIpv6Enabled == 0 {
return false
return iface.OperStatus == winipcfg.IfOperStatusUp && notTailscaleInterface(iface)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
routes, err := winipcfg.GetIPForwardTable2(family)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bestMetric := ^uint32(0)
var bestIface *winipcfg.IPAdapterAddresses
for _, route := range routes {
if route.DestinationPrefix.PrefixLength != 0 {
// Not a default route.
iface := ifs[route.InterfaceLUID]
if iface == nil {
// Microsoft docs say:
// "The actual route metric used to compute the route
// preferences for IPv4 is the summation of the route
// metric offset specified in the Metric member of the
// MIB_IPFORWARD_ROW2 structure and the interface
// metric specified in this member for IPv4"
metric := route.Metric
switch family {
case windows.AF_INET:
metric += iface.Ipv4Metric
case windows.AF_INET6:
metric += iface.Ipv6Metric
if metric < bestMetric {
bestMetric = metric
bestIface = iface
return bestIface, nil
func DefaultRouteInterface() (string, error) {
// We always return the IPv4 default route.
// TODO(bradfitz): adjust API if/when anything cares. They could in theory differ, though,
// in which case we might send traffic to the wrong interface.
iface, err := GetWindowsDefault(windows.AF_INET)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if iface == nil {
return "(none)", nil
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", iface.FriendlyName(), iface.Description()), nil
var (
winHTTP = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("winhttp.dll")
detectAutoProxyConfigURL = winHTTP.NewProc("WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl")
kernel32 = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("kernel32.dll")
globalFree = kernel32.NewProc("GlobalFree")
const (
func getPACWindows() string {
var res *uint16
r, _, e := detectAutoProxyConfigURL.Call(
if r == 1 {
if res == nil {
log.Printf("getPACWindows: unexpected success with nil result")
return ""
defer globalFree.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(res)))
s := windows.UTF16PtrToString(res)
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
if s == "" {
return "" // Issue 2357: invalid URL "\n" from winhttp; ignoring
if _, err := url.Parse(s); err != nil {
log.Printf("getPACWindows: invalid URL %q from winhttp; ignoring", s)
return ""
return s
const (
// Common case on networks without advertised PAC.
return ""
log.Printf("getPACWindows: %T=%v", e, e) // syscall.Errno=0x....
return ""