mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 12:02:23 +00:00

Previously returned errTaggedSource in the case that of any tagged source. Now distinguishing whether the source was local or remote. We'll be presenting the two cases with varying copy on the frontend. Updates tailscale/corp#14335 Signed-off-by: Sonia Appasamy <sonia@tailscale.com>
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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Package web provides the Tailscale client for web.
package web
import (
// Server is the backend server for a Tailscale web client.
type Server struct {
lc *tailscale.LocalClient
timeNow func() time.Time
devMode bool
tsDebugMode string
cgiMode bool
pathPrefix string
assetsHandler http.Handler // serves frontend assets
apiHandler http.Handler // serves api endpoints; csrf-protected
// browserSessions is an in-memory cache of browser sessions for the
// full management web client, which is only accessible over Tailscale.
// Users obtain a valid browser session by connecting to the web client
// over Tailscale and verifying their identity by authenticating on the
// control server.
// browserSessions get reset on every Server restart.
// The map provides a lookup of the session by cookie value
// (browserSession.ID => browserSession).
browserSessions sync.Map
const (
sessionCookieName = "TS-Web-Session"
sessionCookieExpiry = time.Hour * 24 * 30 // 30 days
var (
exitNodeRouteV4 = netip.MustParsePrefix("")
exitNodeRouteV6 = netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0")
// browserSession holds data about a user's browser session
// on the full management web client.
type browserSession struct {
// ID is the unique identifier for the session.
// It is passed in the user's "TS-Web-Session" browser cookie.
ID string
SrcNode tailcfg.NodeID
SrcUser tailcfg.UserID
AuthID string // from tailcfg.WebClientAuthResponse
AuthURL string // from tailcfg.WebClientAuthResponse
Created time.Time
Authenticated bool
// isAuthorized reports true if the given session is authorized
// to be used by its associated user to access the full management
// web client.
// isAuthorized is true only when s.Authenticated is true (i.e.
// the user has authenticated the session) and the session is not
// expired.
// 2023-10-05: Sessions expire by default 30 days after creation.
func (s *browserSession) isAuthorized(now time.Time) bool {
switch {
case s == nil:
return false
case !s.Authenticated:
return false // awaiting auth
case s.isExpired(now):
return false // expired
return true
// isExpired reports true if s is expired.
// 2023-10-05: Sessions expire by default 30 days after creation.
func (s *browserSession) isExpired(now time.Time) bool {
return !s.Created.IsZero() && now.After(s.expires())
// expires reports when the given session expires.
func (s *browserSession) expires() time.Time {
return s.Created.Add(sessionCookieExpiry)
// ServerOpts contains options for constructing a new Server.
type ServerOpts struct {
DevMode bool
// CGIMode indicates if the server is running as a CGI script.
CGIMode bool
// PathPrefix is the URL prefix added to requests by CGI or reverse proxy.
PathPrefix string
// LocalClient is the tailscale.LocalClient to use for this web server.
// If nil, a new one will be created.
LocalClient *tailscale.LocalClient
// TimeNow optionally provides a time function.
// time.Now is used as default.
TimeNow func() time.Time
// NewServer constructs a new Tailscale web client server.
func NewServer(opts ServerOpts) (s *Server, cleanup func()) {
if opts.LocalClient == nil {
opts.LocalClient = &tailscale.LocalClient{}
s = &Server{
devMode: opts.DevMode,
lc: opts.LocalClient,
cgiMode: opts.CGIMode,
pathPrefix: opts.PathPrefix,
timeNow: opts.TimeNow,
if s.timeNow == nil {
s.timeNow = time.Now
s.tsDebugMode = s.debugMode()
s.assetsHandler, cleanup = assetsHandler(opts.DevMode)
// Create handler for "/api" requests with CSRF protection.
// We don't require secure cookies, since the web client is regularly used
// on network appliances that are served on local non-https URLs.
// The client is secured by limiting the interface it listens on,
// or by authenticating requests before they reach the web client.
csrfProtect := csrf.Protect(s.csrfKey(), csrf.Secure(false))
if s.tsDebugMode == "login" {
// For the login client, we don't serve the full web client API,
// only the login endpoints.
s.apiHandler = csrfProtect(http.HandlerFunc(s.serveLoginAPI))
s.lc.IncrementCounter(context.Background(), "web_login_client_initialization", 1)
} else {
s.apiHandler = csrfProtect(http.HandlerFunc(s.serveAPI))
s.lc.IncrementCounter(context.Background(), "web_client_initialization", 1)
return s, cleanup
// debugMode returns the debug mode the web client is being run in.
// The empty string is returned in the case that this instance is
// not running in any debug mode.
func (s *Server) debugMode() string {
if !s.devMode {
return "" // debug modes only available in dev
switch mode := os.Getenv("TS_DEBUG_WEB_CLIENT_MODE"); mode {
case "login", "full": // valid debug modes
return mode
return ""
// ServeHTTP processes all requests for the Tailscale web client.
func (s *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
handler := s.serve
// if path prefix is defined, strip it from requests.
if s.pathPrefix != "" {
handler = enforcePrefix(s.pathPrefix, handler)
handler(w, r)
func (s *Server) serve(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if ok := s.authorizeRequest(w, r); !ok {
if strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/api/") {
// Pass API requests through to the API handler.
s.apiHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
if !s.devMode {
s.lc.IncrementCounter(r.Context(), "web_client_page_load", 1)
s.assetsHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// authorizeRequest reports whether the request from the web client
// is authorized to be completed.
// It reports true if the request is authorized, and false otherwise.
// authorizeRequest manages writing out any relevant authorization
// errors to the ResponseWriter itself.
func (s *Server) authorizeRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (ok bool) {
if s.tsDebugMode == "full" { // client using tailscale auth
_, err := s.lc.WhoIs(r.Context(), r.RemoteAddr)
switch {
case err != nil:
// All requests must be made over tailscale.
http.Error(w, "must access over tailscale", http.StatusUnauthorized)
return false
case r.URL.Path == "/api/data" && r.Method == httpm.GET:
// Readonly endpoint allowed without browser session.
return true
case r.URL.Path == "/api/auth":
// Endpoint for browser to request auth allowed without browser session.
return true
case strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/api/"):
// All other /api/ endpoints require a valid browser session.
// TODO(sonia): s.getTailscaleBrowserSession calls whois again,
// should try and use the above call instead of running another
// localapi request.
session, _, err := s.getTailscaleBrowserSession(r)
if err != nil || !session.isAuthorized(s.timeNow()) {
http.Error(w, "no valid session", http.StatusUnauthorized)
return false
return true
// No additional auth on non-api (assets, index.html, etc).
return true
// Client using system-specific auth.
d := distro.Get()
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/assets/") && r.Method == httpm.GET:
// Don't require authorization for static assets.
return true
case d == distro.Synology:
return authorizeSynology(w, r)
case d == distro.QNAP:
return authorizeQNAP(w, r)
return true // no additional auth for this distro
// serveLoginAPI serves requests for the web login client.
// It should only be called by Server.ServeHTTP, via Server.apiHandler,
// which protects the handler using gorilla csrf.
func (s *Server) serveLoginAPI(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("X-CSRF-Token", csrf.Token(r))
if r.URL.Path != "/api/data" { // only endpoint allowed for login client
http.Error(w, "invalid endpoint", http.StatusNotFound)
switch r.Method {
case httpm.GET:
// TODO(soniaappasamy): we may want a minimal node data response here
s.serveGetNodeData(w, r)
case httpm.POST:
// TODO(soniaappasamy): implement
http.Error(w, "method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
var (
errNoSession = errors.New("no-browser-session")
errNotUsingTailscale = errors.New("not-using-tailscale")
errTaggedRemoteSource = errors.New("tagged-remote-source")
errTaggedLocalSource = errors.New("tagged-local-source")
errNotOwner = errors.New("not-owner")
// getTailscaleBrowserSession retrieves the browser session associated with
// the request, if one exists.
// An error is returned in any of the following cases:
// - (errNotUsingTailscale) The request was not made over tailscale.
// - (errNoSession) The request does not have a session.
// - (errTaggedRemoteSource) The source is remote (another node) and tagged.
// Users must use their own user-owned devices to manage other nodes'
// web clients.
// - (errTaggedLocalSource) The source is local (the same node) and tagged.
// Tagged nodes can only be remotely managed, allowing ACLs to dictate
// access to web clients.
// - (errNotOwner) The source is not the owner of this client (if the
// client is user-owned). Only the owner is allowed to manage the
// node via the web client.
// If no error is returned, the browserSession is always non-nil.
// getTailscaleBrowserSession does not check whether the session has been
// authorized by the user. Callers can use browserSession.isAuthorized.
// The WhoIsResponse is always populated, with a non-nil Node and UserProfile,
// unless getTailscaleBrowserSession reports errNotUsingTailscale.
func (s *Server) getTailscaleBrowserSession(r *http.Request) (*browserSession, *apitype.WhoIsResponse, error) {
whoIs, whoIsErr := s.lc.WhoIs(r.Context(), r.RemoteAddr)
status, statusErr := s.lc.StatusWithoutPeers(r.Context())
switch {
case whoIsErr != nil:
return nil, nil, errNotUsingTailscale
case statusErr != nil:
return nil, whoIs, statusErr
case status.Self == nil:
return nil, whoIs, errors.New("missing self node in tailscale status")
case whoIs.Node.IsTagged() && whoIs.Node.StableID == status.Self.ID:
return nil, whoIs, errTaggedLocalSource
case whoIs.Node.IsTagged():
return nil, whoIs, errTaggedRemoteSource
case !status.Self.IsTagged() && status.Self.UserID != whoIs.UserProfile.ID:
return nil, whoIs, errNotOwner
srcNode := whoIs.Node.ID
srcUser := whoIs.UserProfile.ID
cookie, err := r.Cookie(sessionCookieName)
if errors.Is(err, http.ErrNoCookie) {
return nil, whoIs, errNoSession
} else if err != nil {
return nil, whoIs, err
v, ok := s.browserSessions.Load(cookie.Value)
if !ok {
return nil, whoIs, errNoSession
session := v.(*browserSession)
if session.SrcNode != srcNode || session.SrcUser != srcUser {
// In this case the browser cookie is associated with another tailscale node.
// Maybe the source browser's machine was logged out and then back in as a different node.
// Return errNoSession because there is no session for this user.
return nil, whoIs, errNoSession
} else if session.isExpired(s.timeNow()) {
// Session expired, remove from session map and return errNoSession.
return nil, whoIs, errNoSession
return session, whoIs, nil
type authResponse struct {
OK bool `json:"ok"` // true when user has valid auth session
AuthURL string `json:"authUrl,omitempty"` // filled when user has control auth action to take
func (s *Server) serveTailscaleAuth(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != httpm.GET {
http.Error(w, "method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
var resp authResponse
session, whois, err := s.getTailscaleBrowserSession(r)
switch {
case err != nil && !errors.Is(err, errNoSession):
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnauthorized)
case session == nil:
// Create a new session.
d, err := s.getOrAwaitAuth(r.Context(), "", whois.Node.ID)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
sid, err := s.newSessionID()
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
session := &browserSession{
ID: sid,
SrcNode: whois.Node.ID,
SrcUser: whois.UserProfile.ID,
AuthID: d.ID,
AuthURL: d.URL,
Created: s.timeNow(),
s.browserSessions.Store(sid, session)
// Set the cookie on browser.
http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{
Name: sessionCookieName,
Value: sid,
Raw: sid,
Path: "/",
Expires: session.expires(),
resp = authResponse{OK: false, AuthURL: d.URL}
case !session.isAuthorized(s.timeNow()):
if r.URL.Query().Get("wait") == "true" {
// Client requested we block until user completes auth.
d, err := s.getOrAwaitAuth(r.Context(), session.AuthID, whois.Node.ID)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnauthorized)
// Clean up the session. Doing this on any error from control
// server to avoid the user getting stuck with a bad session
// cookie.
if d.Complete {
session.Authenticated = d.Complete
s.browserSessions.Store(session.ID, session)
if session.isAuthorized(s.timeNow()) {
resp = authResponse{OK: true}
} else {
resp = authResponse{OK: false, AuthURL: session.AuthURL}
resp = authResponse{OK: true}
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(resp); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
func (s *Server) newSessionID() (string, error) {
raw := make([]byte, 16)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
if _, err := rand.Read(raw); err != nil {
return "", err
cookie := "ts-web-" + base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(raw)
if _, ok := s.browserSessions.Load(cookie); !ok {
return cookie, nil
return "", errors.New("too many collisions generating new session; please refresh page")
// getOrAwaitAuth connects to the control server for user auth,
// with the following behavior:
// 1. If authID is provided empty, a new auth URL is created on the control
// server and reported back here, which can then be used to redirect the
// user on the frontend.
// 2. If authID is provided non-empty, the connection to control blocks until
// the user has completed authenticating the associated auth URL,
// or until ctx is canceled.
func (s *Server) getOrAwaitAuth(ctx context.Context, authID string, src tailcfg.NodeID) (*tailcfg.WebClientAuthResponse, error) {
type data struct {
ID string
Src tailcfg.NodeID
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := json.NewEncoder(&b).Encode(data{ID: authID, Src: src}); err != nil {
return nil, err
url := "http://" + apitype.LocalAPIHost + "/localapi/v0/debug-web-client"
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "POST", url, &b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := s.lc.DoLocalRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
body, _ := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed request: %s", body)
var authResp *tailcfg.WebClientAuthResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &authResp); err != nil {
return nil, err
return authResp, nil
// serveAPI serves requests for the web client api.
// It should only be called by Server.ServeHTTP, via Server.apiHandler,
// which protects the handler using gorilla csrf.
func (s *Server) serveAPI(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("X-CSRF-Token", csrf.Token(r))
path := strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/api")
switch {
case path == "/auth":
if s.tsDebugMode == "full" { // behind debug flag
s.serveTailscaleAuth(w, r)
case path == "/data":
switch r.Method {
case httpm.GET:
s.serveGetNodeData(w, r)
case httpm.POST:
s.servePostNodeUpdate(w, r)
http.Error(w, "method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
case strings.HasPrefix(path, "/local/"):
s.proxyRequestToLocalAPI(w, r)
http.Error(w, "invalid endpoint", http.StatusNotFound)
type nodeData struct {
Profile tailcfg.UserProfile
Status string
DeviceName string
IP string
AdvertiseExitNode bool
AdvertiseRoutes string
LicensesURL string
TUNMode bool
IsSynology bool
DSMVersion int // 6 or 7, if IsSynology=true
IsUnraid bool
UnraidToken string
IPNVersion string
DebugMode string // empty when not running in any debug mode
func (s *Server) serveGetNodeData(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
st, err := s.lc.Status(r.Context())
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
prefs, err := s.lc.GetPrefs(r.Context())
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
profile := st.User[st.Self.UserID]
deviceName := strings.Split(st.Self.DNSName, ".")[0]
versionShort := strings.Split(st.Version, "-")[0]
data := &nodeData{
Profile: profile,
Status: st.BackendState,
DeviceName: deviceName,
LicensesURL: licenses.LicensesURL(),
TUNMode: st.TUN,
IsSynology: distro.Get() == distro.Synology || envknob.Bool("TS_FAKE_SYNOLOGY"),
DSMVersion: distro.DSMVersion(),
IsUnraid: distro.Get() == distro.Unraid,
UnraidToken: os.Getenv("UNRAID_CSRF_TOKEN"),
IPNVersion: versionShort,
DebugMode: s.tsDebugMode,
for _, r := range prefs.AdvertiseRoutes {
if r == exitNodeRouteV4 || r == exitNodeRouteV6 {
data.AdvertiseExitNode = true
} else {
if data.AdvertiseRoutes != "" {
data.AdvertiseRoutes += ","
data.AdvertiseRoutes += r.String()
if len(st.TailscaleIPs) != 0 {
data.IP = st.TailscaleIPs[0].String()
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(*data); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
type nodeUpdate struct {
AdvertiseRoutes string
AdvertiseExitNode bool
Reauthenticate bool
ForceLogout bool
func (s *Server) servePostNodeUpdate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer r.Body.Close()
st, err := s.lc.Status(r.Context())
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
var postData nodeUpdate
type mi map[string]any
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&postData); err != nil {
json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(mi{"error": err.Error()})
prefs, err := s.lc.GetPrefs(r.Context())
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
isCurrentlyExitNode := slices.Contains(prefs.AdvertiseRoutes, exitNodeRouteV4) || slices.Contains(prefs.AdvertiseRoutes, exitNodeRouteV6)
if postData.AdvertiseExitNode != isCurrentlyExitNode {
if postData.AdvertiseExitNode {
s.lc.IncrementCounter(r.Context(), "web_client_advertise_exitnode_enable", 1)
} else {
s.lc.IncrementCounter(r.Context(), "web_client_advertise_exitnode_disable", 1)
routes, err := netutil.CalcAdvertiseRoutes(postData.AdvertiseRoutes, postData.AdvertiseExitNode)
if err != nil {
json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(mi{"error": err.Error()})
mp := &ipn.MaskedPrefs{
AdvertiseRoutesSet: true,
WantRunningSet: true,
mp.Prefs.WantRunning = true
mp.Prefs.AdvertiseRoutes = routes
log.Printf("Doing edit: %v", mp.Pretty())
if _, err := s.lc.EditPrefs(r.Context(), mp); err != nil {
json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(mi{"error": err.Error()})
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
var reauth, logout bool
if postData.Reauthenticate {
reauth = true
if postData.ForceLogout {
logout = true
log.Printf("tailscaleUp(reauth=%v, logout=%v) ...", reauth, logout)
url, err := s.tailscaleUp(r.Context(), st, postData)
log.Printf("tailscaleUp = (URL %v, %v)", url != "", err)
if err != nil {
json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(mi{"error": err.Error()})
if url != "" {
json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(mi{"url": url})
} else {
io.WriteString(w, "{}")
func (s *Server) tailscaleUp(ctx context.Context, st *ipnstate.Status, postData nodeUpdate) (authURL string, retErr error) {
if postData.ForceLogout {
if err := s.lc.Logout(ctx); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Logout error: %w", err)
return "", nil
origAuthURL := st.AuthURL
isRunning := st.BackendState == ipn.Running.String()
forceReauth := postData.Reauthenticate
if !forceReauth {
if origAuthURL != "" {
return origAuthURL, nil
if isRunning {
return "", nil
// printAuthURL reports whether we should print out the
// provided auth URL from an IPN notify.
printAuthURL := func(url string) bool {
return url != origAuthURL
watchCtx, cancelWatch := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancelWatch()
watcher, err := s.lc.WatchIPNBus(watchCtx, 0)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer watcher.Close()
go func() {
if !isRunning {
s.lc.Start(ctx, ipn.Options{})
if forceReauth {
for {
n, err := watcher.Next()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if n.ErrMessage != nil {
msg := *n.ErrMessage
return "", fmt.Errorf("backend error: %v", msg)
if url := n.BrowseToURL; url != nil && printAuthURL(*url) {
return *url, nil
// proxyRequestToLocalAPI proxies the web API request to the localapi.
// The web API request path is expected to exactly match a localapi path,
// with prefix /api/local/ rather than /localapi/.
// If the localapi path is not included in localapiAllowlist,
// the request is rejected.
func (s *Server) proxyRequestToLocalAPI(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
path := strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/api/local")
if r.URL.Path == path { // missing prefix
http.Error(w, "invalid request", http.StatusBadRequest)
if !slices.Contains(localapiAllowlist, path) {
http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("%s not allowed from localapi proxy", path), http.StatusForbidden)
localAPIURL := "http://" + apitype.LocalAPIHost + "/localapi" + path
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(r.Context(), r.Method, localAPIURL, r.Body)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, "failed to construct request", http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Make request to tailscaled localapi.
resp, err := s.lc.DoLocalRequest(req)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), resp.StatusCode)
defer resp.Body.Close()
// Send response back to web frontend.
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if _, err := io.Copy(w, resp.Body); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// localapiAllowlist is an allowlist of localapi endpoints the
// web client is allowed to proxy to the client's localapi.
// Rather than exposing all localapi endpoints over the proxy,
// this limits to just the ones actually used from the web
// client frontend.
// TODO(sonia,will): Shouldn't expand this beyond the existing
// localapi endpoints until the larger web client auth story
// is worked out (tailscale/corp#14335).
var localapiAllowlist = []string{
// csrfKey returns a key that can be used for CSRF protection.
// If an error occurs during key creation, the error is logged and the active process terminated.
// If the server is running in CGI mode, the key is cached to disk and reused between requests.
// If an error occurs during key storage, the error is logged and the active process terminated.
func (s *Server) csrfKey() []byte {
csrfFile := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "tailscale-web-csrf.key")
// if running in CGI mode, try to read from disk, but ignore errors
if s.cgiMode {
key, _ := os.ReadFile(csrfFile)
if len(key) == 32 {
return key
// create a new key
key := make([]byte, 32)
if _, err := rand.Read(key); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error generating CSRF key: %v", err)
// if running in CGI mode, try to write the newly created key to disk, and exit if it fails.
if s.cgiMode {
if err := os.WriteFile(csrfFile, key, 0600); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to store CSRF key: %v", err)
return key
// enforcePrefix returns a HandlerFunc that enforces a given path prefix is used in requests,
// then strips it before invoking h.
// Unlike http.StripPrefix, it does not return a 404 if the prefix is not present.
// Instead, it returns a redirect to the prefix path.
func enforcePrefix(prefix string, h http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
if prefix == "" {
return h
// ensure that prefix always has both a leading and trailing slash so
// that relative links for JS and CSS assets work correctly.
if !strings.HasPrefix(prefix, "/") {
prefix = "/" + prefix
if !strings.HasSuffix(prefix, "/") {
prefix += "/"
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, prefix) {
http.Redirect(w, r, prefix, http.StatusFound)
prefix = strings.TrimSuffix(prefix, "/")
http.StripPrefix(prefix, h).ServeHTTP(w, r)