mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 13:41:02 +00:00

The default ProxyClass can be set via helm chart or env var, and applies to all proxies that do not otherwise have an explicit ProxyClass set. This ensures proxies created by the new ProxyGroup CRD are consistent with the behaviour of existing proxies Nearby but unrelated changes: * Fix up double error logs (controller runtime logs returned errors) * Fix a couple of variable names Updates #13406 Signed-off-by: Tom Proctor <tomhjp@users.noreply.github.com>
524 lines
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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
//go:build !plan9
package main
import (
xslices "golang.org/x/exp/slices"
appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
rbacv1 "k8s.io/api/rbac/v1"
apiequality "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/equality"
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
tsoperator "tailscale.com/k8s-operator"
tsapi "tailscale.com/k8s-operator/apis/v1alpha1"
const (
reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed = "ProxyGroupCreationFailed"
reasonProxyGroupReady = "ProxyGroupReady"
reasonProxyGroupCreating = "ProxyGroupCreating"
reasonProxyGroupInvalid = "ProxyGroupInvalid"
var gaugeProxyGroupResources = clientmetric.NewGauge(kubetypes.MetricProxyGroupCount)
// ProxyGroupReconciler ensures cluster resources for a ProxyGroup definition.
type ProxyGroupReconciler struct {
l *zap.SugaredLogger
recorder record.EventRecorder
clock tstime.Clock
tsClient tsClient
// User-specified defaults from the helm installation.
tsNamespace string
proxyImage string
defaultTags []string
tsFirewallMode string
defaultProxyClass string
mu sync.Mutex // protects following
proxyGroups set.Slice[types.UID] // for proxygroups gauge
func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) logger(name string) *zap.SugaredLogger {
return r.l.With("ProxyGroup", name)
func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req reconcile.Request) (_ reconcile.Result, err error) {
logger := r.logger(req.Name)
logger.Debugf("starting reconcile")
defer logger.Debugf("reconcile finished")
pg := new(tsapi.ProxyGroup)
err = r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, pg)
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
logger.Debugf("ProxyGroup not found, assuming it was deleted")
return reconcile.Result{}, nil
} else if err != nil {
return reconcile.Result{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get tailscale.com ProxyGroup: %w", err)
if markedForDeletion(pg) {
logger.Debugf("ProxyGroup is being deleted, cleaning up resources")
ix := xslices.Index(pg.Finalizers, FinalizerName)
if ix < 0 {
logger.Debugf("no finalizer, nothing to do")
return reconcile.Result{}, nil
if done, err := r.maybeCleanup(ctx, pg); err != nil {
return reconcile.Result{}, err
} else if !done {
logger.Debugf("ProxyGroup resource cleanup not yet finished, will retry...")
return reconcile.Result{RequeueAfter: shortRequeue}, nil
pg.Finalizers = slices.Delete(pg.Finalizers, ix, ix+1)
if err := r.Update(ctx, pg); err != nil {
return reconcile.Result{}, err
return reconcile.Result{}, nil
oldPGStatus := pg.Status.DeepCopy()
setStatusReady := func(pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup, status metav1.ConditionStatus, reason, message string) (reconcile.Result, error) {
tsoperator.SetProxyGroupCondition(pg, tsapi.ProxyGroupReady, status, reason, message, pg.Generation, r.clock, logger)
if !apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(oldPGStatus, pg.Status) {
// An error encountered here should get returned by the Reconcile function.
if updateErr := r.Client.Status().Update(ctx, pg); updateErr != nil {
err = errors.Wrap(err, updateErr.Error())
return reconcile.Result{}, err
if !slices.Contains(pg.Finalizers, FinalizerName) {
// This log line is printed exactly once during initial provisioning,
// because once the finalizer is in place this block gets skipped. So,
// this is a nice place to log that the high level, multi-reconcile
// operation is underway.
logger.Infof("ensuring ProxyGroup is set up")
pg.Finalizers = append(pg.Finalizers, FinalizerName)
if err = r.Update(ctx, pg); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error adding finalizer: %w", err)
return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed, reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed)
if err = r.validate(pg); err != nil {
message := fmt.Sprintf("ProxyGroup is invalid: %s", err)
r.recorder.Eventf(pg, corev1.EventTypeWarning, reasonProxyGroupInvalid, message)
return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupInvalid, message)
proxyClassName := r.defaultProxyClass
if pg.Spec.ProxyClass != "" {
proxyClassName = pg.Spec.ProxyClass
var proxyClass *tsapi.ProxyClass
if proxyClassName != "" {
proxyClass = new(tsapi.ProxyClass)
if err = r.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Name: proxyClassName}, proxyClass); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error getting ProxyGroup's ProxyClass %s: %s", proxyClassName, err)
r.recorder.Eventf(pg, corev1.EventTypeWarning, reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed, err.Error())
return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed, err.Error())
if !tsoperator.ProxyClassIsReady(proxyClass) {
message := fmt.Sprintf("the ProxyGroup's ProxyClass %s is not yet in a ready state, waiting...", proxyClassName)
return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreating, message)
if err = r.maybeProvision(ctx, pg, proxyClass); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error provisioning ProxyGroup resources: %w", err)
r.recorder.Eventf(pg, corev1.EventTypeWarning, reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed, err.Error())
return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreationFailed, err.Error())
desiredReplicas := int(pgReplicas(pg))
if len(pg.Status.Devices) < desiredReplicas {
message := fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d ProxyGroup pods running", len(pg.Status.Devices), desiredReplicas)
return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreating, message)
if len(pg.Status.Devices) > desiredReplicas {
message := fmt.Sprintf("waiting for %d ProxyGroup pods to shut down", len(pg.Status.Devices)-desiredReplicas)
return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyGroupCreating, message)
logger.Info("ProxyGroup resources synced")
return setStatusReady(pg, metav1.ConditionTrue, reasonProxyGroupReady, reasonProxyGroupReady)
func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) maybeProvision(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup, proxyClass *tsapi.ProxyClass) error {
logger := r.logger(pg.Name)
cfgHash, err := r.ensureConfigSecretsCreated(ctx, pg, proxyClass)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning config Secrets: %w", err)
// State secrets are precreated so we can use the ProxyGroup CR as their owner ref.
stateSecrets := pgStateSecrets(pg, r.tsNamespace)
for _, sec := range stateSecrets {
if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, sec, func(s *corev1.Secret) {
s.ObjectMeta.Labels = sec.ObjectMeta.Labels
s.ObjectMeta.Annotations = sec.ObjectMeta.Annotations
s.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = sec.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning state Secrets: %w", err)
sa := pgServiceAccount(pg, r.tsNamespace)
if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, sa, func(s *corev1.ServiceAccount) {
s.ObjectMeta.Labels = sa.ObjectMeta.Labels
s.ObjectMeta.Annotations = sa.ObjectMeta.Annotations
s.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = sa.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning ServiceAccount: %w", err)
role := pgRole(pg, r.tsNamespace)
if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, role, func(r *rbacv1.Role) {
r.ObjectMeta.Labels = role.ObjectMeta.Labels
r.ObjectMeta.Annotations = role.ObjectMeta.Annotations
r.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = role.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences
r.Rules = role.Rules
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning Role: %w", err)
roleBinding := pgRoleBinding(pg, r.tsNamespace)
if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, roleBinding, func(r *rbacv1.RoleBinding) {
r.ObjectMeta.Labels = roleBinding.ObjectMeta.Labels
r.ObjectMeta.Annotations = roleBinding.ObjectMeta.Annotations
r.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = roleBinding.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences
r.RoleRef = roleBinding.RoleRef
r.Subjects = roleBinding.Subjects
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning RoleBinding: %w", err)
if pg.Spec.Type == tsapi.ProxyGroupTypeEgress {
cm := pgEgressCM(pg, r.tsNamespace)
if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, cm, func(existing *corev1.ConfigMap) {
existing.ObjectMeta.Labels = cm.ObjectMeta.Labels
existing.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = cm.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning ConfigMap: %w", err)
ss := pgStatefulSet(pg, r.tsNamespace, r.proxyImage, r.tsFirewallMode, cfgHash)
ss = applyProxyClassToStatefulSet(proxyClass, ss, nil, logger)
if _, err := createOrUpdate(ctx, r.Client, r.tsNamespace, ss, func(s *appsv1.StatefulSet) {
s.ObjectMeta.Labels = ss.ObjectMeta.Labels
s.ObjectMeta.Annotations = ss.ObjectMeta.Annotations
s.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = ss.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences
s.Spec = ss.Spec
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error provisioning StatefulSet: %w", err)
if err := r.cleanupDanglingResources(ctx, pg); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error cleaning up dangling resources: %w", err)
devices, err := r.getDeviceInfo(ctx, pg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get device info: %w", err)
pg.Status.Devices = devices
return nil
// cleanupDanglingResources ensures we don't leak config secrets, state secrets, and
// tailnet devices when the number of replicas specified is reduced.
func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) cleanupDanglingResources(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup) error {
logger := r.logger(pg.Name)
metadata, err := r.getNodeMetadata(ctx, pg)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, m := range metadata {
if m.ordinal+1 <= int(pgReplicas(pg)) {
// Dangling resource, delete the config + state Secrets, as well as
// deleting the device from the tailnet.
if err := r.deleteTailnetDevice(ctx, m.tsID, logger); err != nil {
return err
if err := r.Delete(ctx, m.stateSecret); err != nil {
if !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("error deleting state Secret %s: %w", m.stateSecret.Name, err)
configSecret := m.stateSecret.DeepCopy()
configSecret.Name += "-config"
if err := r.Delete(ctx, configSecret); err != nil {
if !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("error deleting config Secret %s: %w", configSecret.Name, err)
return nil
// maybeCleanup just deletes the device from the tailnet. All the kubernetes
// resources linked to a ProxyGroup will get cleaned up via owner references
// (which we can use because they are all in the same namespace).
func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) maybeCleanup(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup) (bool, error) {
logger := r.logger(pg.Name)
metadata, err := r.getNodeMetadata(ctx, pg)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, m := range metadata {
if err := r.deleteTailnetDevice(ctx, m.tsID, logger); err != nil {
return false, err
logger.Infof("cleaned up ProxyGroup resources")
return true, nil
func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) deleteTailnetDevice(ctx context.Context, id tailcfg.StableNodeID, logger *zap.SugaredLogger) error {
logger.Debugf("deleting device %s from control", string(id))
if err := r.tsClient.DeleteDevice(ctx, string(id)); err != nil {
errResp := &tailscale.ErrResponse{}
if ok := errors.As(err, errResp); ok && errResp.Status == http.StatusNotFound {
logger.Debugf("device %s not found, likely because it has already been deleted from control", string(id))
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("error deleting device: %w", err)
} else {
logger.Debugf("device %s deleted from control", string(id))
return nil
func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) ensureConfigSecretsCreated(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup, proxyClass *tsapi.ProxyClass) (hash string, err error) {
logger := r.logger(pg.Name)
var allConfigs []tailscaledConfigs
for i := range pgReplicas(pg) {
cfgSecret := &corev1.Secret{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-config", pg.Name, i),
Namespace: r.tsNamespace,
Labels: pgSecretLabels(pg.Name, "config"),
OwnerReferences: pgOwnerReference(pg),
var existingCfgSecret *corev1.Secret // unmodified copy of secret
if err := r.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKeyFromObject(cfgSecret), cfgSecret); err == nil {
logger.Debugf("secret %s/%s already exists", cfgSecret.GetNamespace(), cfgSecret.GetName())
existingCfgSecret = cfgSecret.DeepCopy()
} else if !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return "", err
var authKey string
if existingCfgSecret == nil {
logger.Debugf("creating authkey for new ProxyGroup proxy")
tags := pg.Spec.Tags.Stringify()
if len(tags) == 0 {
tags = r.defaultTags
authKey, err = newAuthKey(ctx, r.tsClient, tags)
if err != nil {
return "", err
configs, err := pgTailscaledConfig(pg, proxyClass, i, authKey, existingCfgSecret)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error creating tailscaled config: %w", err)
allConfigs = append(allConfigs, configs)
for cap, cfg := range configs {
cfgJSON, err := json.Marshal(cfg)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error marshalling tailscaled config: %w", err)
mak.Set(&cfgSecret.StringData, tsoperator.TailscaledConfigFileName(cap), string(cfgJSON))
if existingCfgSecret != nil {
logger.Debugf("patching the existing ProxyGroup config Secret %s", cfgSecret.Name)
if err := r.Patch(ctx, cfgSecret, client.MergeFrom(existingCfgSecret)); err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
logger.Debugf("creating a new config Secret %s for the ProxyGroup", cfgSecret.Name)
if err := r.Create(ctx, cfgSecret); err != nil {
return "", err
sum := sha256.New()
b, err := json.Marshal(allConfigs)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if _, err := sum.Write(b); err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", sum.Sum(nil)), nil
func pgTailscaledConfig(pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup, class *tsapi.ProxyClass, idx int32, authKey string, oldSecret *corev1.Secret) (tailscaledConfigs, error) {
conf := &ipn.ConfigVAlpha{
Version: "alpha0",
AcceptDNS: "false",
AcceptRoutes: "false", // AcceptRoutes defaults to true
Locked: "false",
Hostname: ptr.To(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", pg.Name, idx)),
if pg.Spec.HostnamePrefix != "" {
conf.Hostname = ptr.To(fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", pg.Spec.HostnamePrefix, idx))
if shouldAcceptRoutes(class) {
conf.AcceptRoutes = "true"
deviceAuthed := false
for _, d := range pg.Status.Devices {
if d.Hostname == *conf.Hostname {
deviceAuthed = true
if authKey != "" {
conf.AuthKey = &authKey
} else if !deviceAuthed {
key, err := authKeyFromSecret(oldSecret)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving auth key from Secret: %w", err)
conf.AuthKey = key
capVerConfigs := make(map[tailcfg.CapabilityVersion]ipn.ConfigVAlpha)
capVerConfigs[106] = *conf
return capVerConfigs, nil
func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) validate(_ *tsapi.ProxyGroup) error {
return nil
// getNodeMetadata gets metadata for all the pods owned by this ProxyGroup by
// querying their state Secrets. It may not return the same number of items as
// specified in the ProxyGroup spec if e.g. it is getting scaled up or down, or
// some pods have failed to write state.
func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) getNodeMetadata(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup) (metadata []nodeMetadata, _ error) {
// List all state secrets owned by this ProxyGroup.
secrets := &corev1.SecretList{}
if err := r.List(ctx, secrets, client.InNamespace(r.tsNamespace), client.MatchingLabels(pgSecretLabels(pg.Name, "state"))); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to list state Secrets: %w", err)
for _, secret := range secrets.Items {
var ordinal int
if _, err := fmt.Sscanf(secret.Name, pg.Name+"-%d", &ordinal); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected secret %s was labelled as owned by the ProxyGroup %s: %w", secret.Name, pg.Name, err)
id, dnsName, ok, err := getNodeMetadata(ctx, &secret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !ok {
metadata = append(metadata, nodeMetadata{
ordinal: ordinal,
stateSecret: &secret,
tsID: id,
dnsName: dnsName,
return metadata, nil
func (r *ProxyGroupReconciler) getDeviceInfo(ctx context.Context, pg *tsapi.ProxyGroup) (devices []tsapi.TailnetDevice, _ error) {
metadata, err := r.getNodeMetadata(ctx, pg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, m := range metadata {
device, ok, err := getDeviceInfo(ctx, r.tsClient, m.stateSecret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !ok {
devices = append(devices, tsapi.TailnetDevice{
Hostname: device.Hostname,
TailnetIPs: device.TailnetIPs,
return devices, nil
type nodeMetadata struct {
ordinal int
stateSecret *corev1.Secret
tsID tailcfg.StableNodeID
dnsName string