David Anderson e92adfe5e4 net/art: allow non-pointers as values
Values are still turned into pointers internally to maintain the
invariants of strideTable, but from the user's perspective it's
now possible to tbl.Insert(pfx, true) rather than
tbl.Insert(pfx, ptr.To(true)).


Signed-off-by: David Anderson <danderson@tailscale.com>
2023-08-17 10:43:18 -07:00

333 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package art
import (
const (
debugStrideInsert = false
debugStrideDelete = false
// strideTable is a binary tree that implements an 8-bit routing table.
// The leaves of the binary tree are host routes (/8s). Each parent is a
// successively larger prefix that encompasses its children (/7 through /0).
type strideTable[T any] struct {
// prefix is the prefix represented by the 0/0 route of this
// strideTable. It is used in multi-level tables to support path
// compression. All strideTables must have a valid prefix
// (non-zero value, passes IsValid()) whose length is a multiple
// of 8 (e.g. /8, /16, but not /15).
prefix netip.Prefix
// entries is the nodes of the binary tree, laid out in a flattened array.
// The array indices are arranged by the prefixIndex function, such that the
// parent of the node at index i is located at index i>>1, and its children
// at indices i<<1 and (i<<1)+1.
// A few consequences of this arrangement: host routes (/8) occupy
// the last numChildren entries in the table; the single default
// route /0 is at index 1, and index 0 is unused (in the original
// paper, it's hijacked through sneaky C memory trickery to store
// the refcount, but this is Go, where we don't store random bits
// in pointers lest we confuse the GC)
// A nil value means no route matches the queried route.
entries [lastHostIndex + 1]*T
// children are the child tables of this table. Each child
// represents the address space within one of this table's host
// routes (/8).
children [numChildren]*strideTable[T]
// routeRefs is the number of route entries in this table.
routeRefs uint16
// childRefs is the number of child strideTables referenced by this table.
childRefs uint16
const (
// firstHostIndex is the array index of the first host route. This is hostIndex(0/8).
firstHostIndex = 0b1_0000_0000
// lastHostIndex is the array index of the last host route. This is hostIndex(0xFF/8).
lastHostIndex = 0b1_1111_1111
// numChildren is the maximum number of child tables a strideTable can hold.
numChildren = 256
// getChild returns the child strideTable pointer for addr, or nil if none.
func (t *strideTable[T]) getChild(addr uint8) *strideTable[T] {
return t.children[addr]
// deleteChild deletes the child strideTable at addr. It is valid to
// delete a non-existent child.
func (t *strideTable[T]) deleteChild(addr uint8) {
if t.children[addr] != nil {
t.children[addr] = nil
// setChild sets the child strideTable for addr to child.
func (t *strideTable[T]) setChild(addr uint8, child *strideTable[T]) {
if t.children[addr] == nil {
t.children[addr] = child
// getOrCreateChild returns the child strideTable for addr, creating it if
// necessary.
func (t *strideTable[T]) getOrCreateChild(addr uint8) (child *strideTable[T], created bool) {
ret := t.children[addr]
if ret == nil {
ret = &strideTable[T]{
prefix: childPrefixOf(t.prefix, addr),
t.children[addr] = ret
return ret, true
return ret, false
// findFirstChild returns the first child strideTable in t, or nil if
// t has no children.
func (t *strideTable[T]) findFirstChild() *strideTable[T] {
for _, child := range t.children {
if child != nil {
return child
return nil
// hasPrefixRootedAt reports whether t.entries[idx] is the root node of
// a prefix.
func (t *strideTable[T]) hasPrefixRootedAt(idx int) bool {
val := t.entries[idx]
if val == nil {
return false
parentIdx := parentIndex(idx)
if parentIdx == 0 {
// idx is non-nil, and is at the 0/0 route position.
return true
if parent := t.entries[parentIdx]; val != parent {
// parent node in the tree isn't the same prefix, so idx must
// be a root.
return true
return false
// allot updates entries whose stored prefixIndex matches oldPrefixIndex, in the
// subtree rooted at idx. Matching entries have their stored prefixIndex set to
// newPrefixIndex, and their value set to val.
// allot is the core of the ART algorithm, enabling efficient insertion/deletion
// while preserving very fast lookups.
func (t *strideTable[T]) allot(idx int, old, new *T) {
if t.entries[idx] != old {
// current idx isn't what we expect. This is a recursive call
// that found a child subtree that already has a more specific
// route installed. Don't touch it.
t.entries[idx] = new
if idx >= firstHostIndex {
// The entry we just updated was a host route, we're at the bottom of
// the binary tree.
// Propagate the allotment to this node's children.
left := idx << 1
t.allot(left, old, new)
right := left + 1
t.allot(right, old, new)
// insert adds the route addr/prefixLen to t, with value val.
func (t *strideTable[T]) insert(addr uint8, prefixLen int, val T) {
idx := prefixIndex(addr, prefixLen)
if !t.hasPrefixRootedAt(idx) {
// This route entry is being freshly created (not just
// updated), that's a new reference.
old := t.entries[idx]
// For allot to work correctly, each distinct prefix in the
// strideTable must have a different value pointer, even if val is
// identical. This new()+assignment guarantees that each inserted
// prefix gets a unique address.
p := new(T)
*p = val
t.allot(idx, old, p)
// delete removes the route addr/prefixLen from t. Reports whether the
// prefix existed in the table prior to deletion.
func (t *strideTable[T]) delete(addr uint8, prefixLen int) (wasPresent bool) {
idx := prefixIndex(addr, prefixLen)
if !t.hasPrefixRootedAt(idx) {
// Route entry doesn't exist
return false
val := t.entries[idx]
var parentVal *T
if parentIdx := parentIndex(idx); parentIdx != 0 {
parentVal = t.entries[parentIdx]
t.allot(idx, val, parentVal)
return true
// get does a route lookup for addr and (value, true) if a matching
// route exists, or (zero, false) otherwise.
func (t *strideTable[T]) get(addr uint8) (ret T, ok bool) {
if val := t.entries[hostIndex(addr)]; val != nil {
return *val, true
return ret, false
// getValAndChild returns both the prefix value and child strideTable
// for addr. valOK reports whether a prefix value exists for addr, and
// child is non-nil if a child exists for addr.
func (t *strideTable[T]) getValAndChild(addr uint8) (val T, valOK bool, child *strideTable[T]) {
vp := t.entries[hostIndex(addr)]
if vp != nil {
val = *vp
valOK = true
child = t.children[addr]
// TableDebugString returns the contents of t, formatted as a table with one
// line per entry.
func (t *strideTable[T]) tableDebugString() string {
var ret bytes.Buffer
for i, ent := range t.entries {
if i == 0 {
v := "(nil)"
if ent != nil {
v = fmt.Sprint(*ent)
fmt.Fprintf(&ret, "idx=%3d (%s), val=%v\n", i, formatPrefixTable(inversePrefixIndex(i)), v)
return ret.String()
// treeDebugString returns the contents of t, formatted as a sparse tree. Each
// line is one entry, indented such that it is contained by all its parents, and
// non-overlapping with any of its siblings.
func (t *strideTable[T]) treeDebugString() string {
var ret bytes.Buffer
t.treeDebugStringRec(&ret, 1, 0) // index of 0/0, and 0 indent
return ret.String()
func (t *strideTable[T]) treeDebugStringRec(w io.Writer, idx, indent int) {
addr, len := inversePrefixIndex(idx)
if t.hasPrefixRootedAt(idx) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s%d/%d (%02x/%d) = %v\n", strings.Repeat(" ", indent), addr, len, addr, len, *t.entries[idx])
indent += 2
if idx >= firstHostIndex {
left := idx << 1
t.treeDebugStringRec(w, left, indent)
right := left + 1
t.treeDebugStringRec(w, right, indent)
// prefixIndex returns the array index of the tree node for addr/prefixLen.
func prefixIndex(addr uint8, prefixLen int) int {
// the prefixIndex of addr/prefixLen is the prefixLen most significant bits
// of addr, with a 1 tacked onto the left-hand side. For example:
// - 0/0 is 1: 0 bits of the addr, with a 1 tacked on
// - 42/8 is 1_00101010 (298): all bits of 42, with a 1 tacked on
// - 48/4 is 1_0011 (19): 4 most-significant bits of 48, with a 1 tacked on
return (int(addr) >> (8 - prefixLen)) + (1 << prefixLen)
// parentIndex returns the index of idx's parent prefix, or 0 if idx
// is the index of 0/0.
func parentIndex(idx int) int {
return idx >> 1
// hostIndex returns the array index of the host route for addr.
// It is equivalent to prefixIndex(addr, 8).
func hostIndex(addr uint8) int {
return int(addr) + 1<<8
// inversePrefixIndex returns the address and prefix length of idx. It is the
// inverse of prefixIndex. Only used for debugging and in tests.
func inversePrefixIndex(idx int) (addr uint8, len int) {
lz := bits.LeadingZeros(uint(idx))
len = strconv.IntSize - lz - 1
addr = uint8(idx&(0xFF>>(8-len))) << (8 - len)
return addr, len
// formatPrefixTable formats addr and len as addr/len, with a constant width
// suitable for use in table formatting.
func formatPrefixTable(addr uint8, len int) string {
if len < 0 { // this happens for inversePrefixIndex(0)
return "<nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("%3d/%d", addr, len)
// childPrefixOf returns the child prefix of parent whose final byte
// is stride. The parent prefix must be byte-aligned
// (i.e. parent.Bits() must be a multiple of 8), and be no more
// specific than /24 for IPv4 or /120 for IPv6.
// For example, childPrefixOf("", 8) == "".
func childPrefixOf(parent netip.Prefix, stride uint8) netip.Prefix {
l := parent.Bits()
if l%8 != 0 {
panic("parent prefix is not 8-bit aligned")
if l >= parent.Addr().BitLen() {
panic("parent prefix cannot be extended further")
off := l / 8
if parent.Addr().Is4() {
bs := parent.Addr().As4()
bs[off] = stride
return netip.PrefixFrom(netip.AddrFrom4(bs), l+8)
} else {
bs := parent.Addr().As16()
bs[off] = stride
return netip.PrefixFrom(netip.AddrFrom16(bs), l+8)