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synced 2025-03-29 20:42:22 +00:00

This is a replacement for the key-related parts of the wireguard-go wgcfg package. This is almost a straight copy/paste from the wgcfg package. I have slightly changed some of the exported functions and types to avoid stutter, added and tweaked some comments, and removed some now-unused code. To avoid having wireguard-go depend on this new package, wgcfg will keep its key types. We translate into and out of those types at the last minute. These few remaining uses will be eliminated alongside the rest of the wgcfg package. Signed-off-by: Josh Bleecher Snyder <josh@tailscale.com>
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// Copyright (c) 2019 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package magicsock
import (
var errNoDestinations = errors.New("magicsock: no destinations")
func (c *Conn) createLegacyEndpointLocked(pk key.Public, addrs string) (conn.Endpoint, error) {
a := &addrSet{
Logf: c.logf,
publicKey: pk,
curAddr: -1,
if addrs != "" {
for _, ep := range strings.Split(addrs, ",") {
ipp, err := netaddr.ParseIPPort(ep)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bogus address %q", ep)
a.ipPorts = append(a.ipPorts, ipp)
a.addrs = append(a.addrs, *ipp.UDPAddr())
// If this endpoint is being updated, remember its old set of
// endpoints so we can remove any (from c.addrsByUDP) that are
// not in the new set.
var oldIPP []netaddr.IPPort
if preva, ok := c.addrsByKey[pk]; ok {
oldIPP = preva.ipPorts
c.addrsByKey[pk] = a
// Add entries to c.addrsByUDP.
for _, ipp := range a.ipPorts {
if ipp.IP == derpMagicIPAddr {
c.addrsByUDP[ipp] = a
// Remove previous c.addrsByUDP entries that are no longer in the new set.
for _, ipp := range oldIPP {
if ipp.IP != derpMagicIPAddr && c.addrsByUDP[ipp] != a {
delete(c.addrsByUDP, ipp)
return a, nil
func (c *Conn) findLegacyEndpointLocked(ipp netaddr.IPPort, addr *net.UDPAddr) conn.Endpoint {
// Pre-disco: look up their addrSet.
if as, ok := c.addrsByUDP[ipp]; ok {
return as
// Pre-disco: the peer that sent this packet has roamed beyond
// the knowledge provided by the control server. If the
// packet is valid wireguard will call UpdateDst on the
// original endpoint using this addr.
return (*singleEndpoint)(addr)
func (c *Conn) resetAddrSetStatesLocked() {
for _, as := range c.addrsByKey {
as.curAddr = -1
as.stopSpray = as.timeNow().Add(sprayPeriod)
func (c *Conn) sendSingleEndpoint(b []byte, se *singleEndpoint) error {
addr := (*net.UDPAddr)(se)
if addr.IP.Equal(derpMagicIP) {
c.logf("magicsock: [unexpected] DERP BUG: attempting to send packet to DERP address %v", addr)
return nil
_, err := c.sendUDPStd(addr, b)
return err
func (c *Conn) sendAddrSet(b []byte, as *addrSet) error {
var addrBuf [8]netaddr.IPPort
dsts, roamAddr := as.appendDests(addrBuf[:0], b)
if len(dsts) == 0 {
return errNoDestinations
var success bool
var ret error
for _, addr := range dsts {
sent, err := c.sendAddr(addr, as.publicKey, b)
if sent {
success = true
} else if ret == nil {
ret = err
if err != nil && addr != roamAddr && c.sendLogLimit.Allow() {
if c.connCtx.Err() == nil { // don't log if we're closed
c.logf("magicsock: Conn.Send(%v): %v", addr, err)
if success {
return nil
return ret
func shouldSprayPacket(b []byte) bool {
if len(b) < 4 {
return false
msgType := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[:4])
switch msgType {
case device.MessageInitiationType,
device.MessageCookieReplyType: // TODO: necessary?
return true
return false
const sprayPeriod = 3 * time.Second
// appendDests appends to dsts the destinations that b should be
// written to in order to reach as. Some of the returned IPPorts may
// be fake addrs representing DERP servers.
// It also returns as's current roamAddr, if any.
func (as *addrSet) appendDests(dsts []netaddr.IPPort, b []byte) (_ []netaddr.IPPort, roamAddr netaddr.IPPort) {
spray := shouldSprayPacket(b) // true for handshakes
now := as.timeNow()
defer as.mu.Unlock()
as.lastSend = now
// Some internal invariant checks.
if len(as.addrs) != len(as.ipPorts) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("lena %d != leni %d", len(as.addrs), len(as.ipPorts)))
if n1, n2 := as.roamAddr != nil, as.roamAddrStd != nil; n1 != n2 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("roamnil %v != roamstdnil %v", n1, n2))
// Spray logic.
// After exchanging a handshake with a peer, we send some outbound
// packets to every endpoint of that peer. These packets are spaced out
// over several seconds to make sure that our peer has an opportunity to
// send its own spray packet to us before we are done spraying.
// Multiple packets are necessary because we have to both establish the
// NAT mappings between two peers *and use* the mappings to switch away
// from DERP to a higher-priority UDP endpoint.
const sprayFreq = 250 * time.Millisecond
if spray {
as.lastSpray = now
as.stopSpray = now.Add(sprayPeriod)
// Reset our favorite route on new handshakes so we
// can downgrade to a worse path if our better path
// goes away. (https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/92)
as.curAddr = -1
} else if now.Before(as.stopSpray) {
// We are in the spray window. If it has been sprayFreq since we
// last sprayed a packet, spray this packet.
if now.Sub(as.lastSpray) >= sprayFreq {
spray = true
as.lastSpray = now
// Pick our destination address(es).
switch {
case spray:
// This packet is being sprayed to all addresses.
for i := range as.ipPorts {
dsts = append(dsts, as.ipPorts[i])
if as.roamAddr != nil {
dsts = append(dsts, *as.roamAddr)
case as.roamAddr != nil:
// We have a roaming address, prefer it over other addrs.
// TODO(danderson): this is not correct, there's no reason
// roamAddr should be special like this.
dsts = append(dsts, *as.roamAddr)
case as.curAddr != -1:
if as.curAddr >= len(as.addrs) {
as.Logf("[unexpected] magicsock bug: as.curAddr >= len(as.addrs): %d >= %d", as.curAddr, len(as.addrs))
// No roaming addr, but we've seen packets from a known peer
// addr, so keep using that one.
dsts = append(dsts, as.ipPorts[as.curAddr])
// We know nothing about how to reach this peer, and we're not
// spraying. Use the first address in the array, which will
// usually be a DERP address that guarantees connectivity.
if len(as.ipPorts) > 0 {
dsts = append(dsts, as.ipPorts[0])
if logPacketDests {
as.Logf("spray=%v; roam=%v; dests=%v", spray, as.roamAddr, dsts)
if as.roamAddr != nil {
roamAddr = *as.roamAddr
return dsts, roamAddr
// addrSet is a set of UDP addresses that implements wireguard/conn.Endpoint.
// This is the legacy endpoint for peers that don't support discovery;
// it predates discoEndpoint.
type addrSet struct {
publicKey key.Public // peer public key used for DERP communication
// addrs is an ordered priority list provided by wgengine,
// sorted from expensive+slow+reliable at the begnining to
// fast+cheap at the end. More concretely, it's typically:
// [DERP fakeip:node, Global IP:port, LAN ip:port]
// But there could be multiple or none of each.
addrs []net.UDPAddr
ipPorts []netaddr.IPPort // same as addrs, in different form
// clock, if non-nil, is used in tests instead of time.Now.
clock func() time.Time
Logf logger.Logf // must not be nil
mu sync.Mutex // guards following fields
lastSend time.Time
// roamAddr is non-nil if/when we receive a correctly signed
// WireGuard packet from an unexpected address. If so, we
// remember it and send responses there in the future, but
// this should hopefully never be used (or at least used
// rarely) in the case that all the components of Tailscale
// are correctly learning/sharing the network map details.
roamAddr *netaddr.IPPort
roamAddrStd *net.UDPAddr
// curAddr is an index into addrs of the highest-priority
// address a valid packet has been received from so far.
// If no valid packet from addrs has been received, curAddr is -1.
curAddr int
// stopSpray is the time after which we stop spraying packets.
stopSpray time.Time
// lastSpray is the last time we sprayed a packet.
lastSpray time.Time
// loggedLogPriMask is a bit field of that tracks whether
// we've already logged about receiving a packet from a low
// priority ("low-pri") address when we already have curAddr
// set to a better one. This is only to suppress some
// redundant logs.
loggedLogPriMask uint32
// derpID returns this addrSet's home DERP node, or 0 if none is found.
func (as *addrSet) derpID() int {
for _, ua := range as.addrs {
if ua.IP.Equal(derpMagicIP) {
return ua.Port
return 0
func (as *addrSet) timeNow() time.Time {
if as.clock != nil {
return as.clock()
return time.Now()
var noAddr, _ = netaddr.FromStdAddr(net.ParseIP(""), 127, "")
func (a *addrSet) dst() netaddr.IPPort {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if a.roamAddr != nil {
return *a.roamAddr
if len(a.addrs) == 0 {
return noAddr
i := a.curAddr
if i == -1 {
i = 0
return a.ipPorts[i]
// packUDPAddr packs a UDPAddr in the form wanted by WireGuard.
func packUDPAddr(ua *net.UDPAddr) []byte {
ip := ua.IP.To4()
if ip == nil {
ip = ua.IP
b := make([]byte, 0, len(ip)+2)
b = append(b, ip...)
b = append(b, byte(ua.Port))
b = append(b, byte(ua.Port>>8))
return b
func (a *addrSet) DstToBytes() []byte {
return packIPPort(a.dst())
func (a *addrSet) DstToString() string {
dst := a.dst()
return dst.String()
func (a *addrSet) DstIP() net.IP {
return a.dst().IP.IPAddr().IP // TODO: add netaddr accessor to cut an alloc here?
func (a *addrSet) SrcIP() net.IP { return nil }
func (a *addrSet) SrcToString() string { return "" }
func (a *addrSet) ClearSrc() {}
func (a *addrSet) UpdateDst(new *net.UDPAddr) error {
if new.IP.Equal(derpMagicIP) {
// Never consider DERP addresses as a viable candidate for
// either curAddr or roamAddr. It's only ever a last resort
// choice, never a preferred choice.
// This is a hot path for established connections.
return nil
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if a.roamAddrStd != nil && equalUDPAddr(new, a.roamAddrStd) {
// Packet from the current roaming address, no logging.
// This is a hot path for established connections.
return nil
if a.roamAddr == nil && a.curAddr >= 0 && equalUDPAddr(new, &a.addrs[a.curAddr]) {
// Packet from current-priority address, no logging.
// This is a hot path for established connections.
return nil
newa, ok := netaddr.FromStdAddr(new.IP, new.Port, new.Zone)
if !ok {
return nil
index := -1
for i := range a.addrs {
if equalUDPAddr(new, &a.addrs[i]) {
index = i
publicKey := wgkey.Key(a.publicKey)
pk := publicKey.ShortString()
old := "<none>"
if a.curAddr >= 0 {
old = a.addrs[a.curAddr].String()
switch {
case index == -1:
if a.roamAddr == nil {
a.Logf("magicsock: rx %s from roaming address %s, set as new priority", pk, new)
} else {
a.Logf("magicsock: rx %s from roaming address %s, replaces roaming address %s", pk, new, a.roamAddr)
a.roamAddr = &newa
a.roamAddrStd = new
case a.roamAddr != nil:
a.Logf("magicsock: rx %s from known %s (%d), replaces roaming address %s", pk, new, index, a.roamAddr)
a.roamAddr = nil
a.roamAddrStd = nil
a.curAddr = index
a.loggedLogPriMask = 0
case a.curAddr == -1:
a.Logf("magicsock: rx %s from %s (%d/%d), set as new priority", pk, new, index, len(a.addrs))
a.curAddr = index
a.loggedLogPriMask = 0
case index < a.curAddr:
if 1 <= index && index <= 32 && (a.loggedLogPriMask&1<<(index-1)) == 0 {
a.Logf("magicsock: rx %s from low-pri %s (%d), keeping current %s (%d)", pk, new, index, old, a.curAddr)
a.loggedLogPriMask |= 1 << (index - 1)
default: // index > a.curAddr
a.Logf("magicsock: rx %s from %s (%d/%d), replaces old priority %s", pk, new, index, len(a.addrs), old)
a.curAddr = index
a.loggedLogPriMask = 0
return nil
func equalUDPAddr(x, y *net.UDPAddr) bool {
return x.Port == y.Port && x.IP.Equal(y.IP)
func (a *addrSet) String() string {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
buf := new(strings.Builder)
if a.roamAddr != nil {
sbPrintAddr(buf, *a.roamAddrStd)
for i, addr := range a.addrs {
if i > 0 || a.roamAddr != nil {
buf.WriteString(", ")
sbPrintAddr(buf, addr)
if a.curAddr == i {
return buf.String()
func (as *addrSet) populatePeerStatus(ps *ipnstate.PeerStatus) {
defer as.mu.Unlock()
ps.LastWrite = as.lastSend
for i, ua := range as.addrs {
if ua.IP.Equal(derpMagicIP) {
uaStr := ua.String()
ps.Addrs = append(ps.Addrs, uaStr)
if as.curAddr == i {
ps.CurAddr = uaStr
if as.roamAddr != nil {
ps.CurAddr = udpAddrDebugString(*as.roamAddrStd)
func (a *addrSet) Addrs() []wgcfg.Endpoint {
var eps []wgcfg.Endpoint
for _, addr := range a.addrs {
eps = append(eps, wgcfg.Endpoint{
Host: addr.IP.String(),
Port: uint16(addr.Port),
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if a.roamAddr != nil {
eps = append(eps, wgcfg.Endpoint{
Host: a.roamAddr.IP.String(),
Port: uint16(a.roamAddr.Port),
return eps
// singleEndpoint is a wireguard-go/conn.Endpoint used for "roaming
// addressed" in releases of Tailscale that predate discovery
// messages. New peers use discoEndpoint.
type singleEndpoint net.UDPAddr
func (e *singleEndpoint) ClearSrc() {}
func (e *singleEndpoint) DstIP() net.IP { return (*net.UDPAddr)(e).IP }
func (e *singleEndpoint) SrcIP() net.IP { return nil }
func (e *singleEndpoint) SrcToString() string { return "" }
func (e *singleEndpoint) DstToString() string { return (*net.UDPAddr)(e).String() }
func (e *singleEndpoint) DstToBytes() []byte { return packUDPAddr((*net.UDPAddr)(e)) }
func (e *singleEndpoint) UpdateDst(dst *net.UDPAddr) error {
return fmt.Errorf("magicsock.singleEndpoint(%s).UpdateDst(%s): should never be called", (*net.UDPAddr)(e), dst)
func (e *singleEndpoint) Addrs() []wgcfg.Endpoint {
return []wgcfg.Endpoint{{
Host: e.IP.String(),
Port: uint16(e.Port),