mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 17:51:05 +00:00

Update github.com/go-json-experiment/json to the latest version and fix the build in light of some breaking API changes. Updates #cleanup Signed-off-by: Joe Tsai <joetsai@digital-static.net>
388 lines
11 KiB
388 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// netlogfmt parses a stream of JSON log messages from stdin and
// formats the network traffic logs produced by "tailscale.com/wgengine/netlog"
// according to the schema in "tailscale.com/types/netlogtype.Message"
// in a more humanly readable format.
// Example usage:
// $ cat netlog.json | go run tailscale.com/cmd/netlogfmt
// =========================================================================================
// NodeID: n123456CNTRL
// Logged: 2022-10-13T20:23:10.165Z
// Window: 2022-10-13T20:23:09.644Z (5s)
// --------------------------------------------------- Tx[P/s] Tx[B/s] Rx[P/s] Rx[B/s]
// VirtualTraffic: 16.80 1.64Ki 11.20 1.03Ki
// TCP: -> 16.00 1.59Ki 10.40 1008.84
// TCP: -> 0.40 27.60 0.40 24.20
// TCP: -> 0.40 23.40 0.40 24.20
// PhysicalTraffic: 16.80 2.32Ki 11.20 1.48Ki
// -> 16.00 2.23Ki 10.40 1.40Ki
// -> 0.80 83.20 0.80 83.20
// =========================================================================================
package main
import (
jsonv2 "github.com/go-json-experiment/json"
var (
resolveNames = flag.Bool("resolve-names", false, "convert tailscale IP addresses to hostnames; must also specify --api-key and --tailnet-id")
apiKey = flag.String("api-key", "", "API key to query the Tailscale API with; see https://login.tailscale.com/admin/settings/keys")
tailnetName = flag.String("tailnet-name", "", "tailnet domain name to lookup devices in; see https://login.tailscale.com/admin/settings/general")
var namesByAddr map[netip.Addr]string
func main() {
if *resolveNames {
namesByAddr = mustMakeNamesByAddr()
// The logic handles a stream of arbitrary JSON.
// So long as a JSON object seems like a network log message,
// then this will unmarshal and print it.
if err := processStream(os.Stdin); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
log.Fatalf("processStream: %v", err)
func processStream(r io.Reader) (err error) {
defer try.Handle(&err)
dec := jsontext.NewDecoder(os.Stdin)
for {
func processValue(dec *jsontext.Decoder) {
switch dec.PeekKind() {
case '[':
case '{':
func processArray(dec *jsontext.Decoder) {
try.E1(dec.ReadToken()) // parse '['
for dec.PeekKind() != ']' {
try.E1(dec.ReadToken()) // parse ']'
func processObject(dec *jsontext.Decoder) {
var hasTraffic bool
var rawMsg []byte
try.E1(dec.ReadToken()) // parse '{'
for dec.PeekKind() != '}' {
// Capture any members that could belong to a network log message.
switch name := try.E1(dec.ReadToken()); name.String() {
case "virtualTraffic", "subnetTraffic", "exitTraffic", "physicalTraffic":
hasTraffic = true
case "logtail", "nodeId", "logged", "start", "end":
if len(rawMsg) == 0 {
rawMsg = append(rawMsg, '{')
} else {
rawMsg = append(rawMsg[:len(rawMsg)-1], ',')
rawMsg = append(append(append(rawMsg, '"'), name.String()...), '"')
rawMsg = append(rawMsg, ':')
rawMsg = append(rawMsg, try.E1(dec.ReadValue())...)
rawMsg = append(rawMsg, '}')
try.E1(dec.ReadToken()) // parse '}'
// If this appears to be a network log message, then unmarshal and print it.
if hasTraffic {
var msg message
try.E(jsonv2.Unmarshal(rawMsg, &msg))
type message struct {
Logtail struct {
ID logid.PublicID `json:"id"`
Logged time.Time `json:"server_time"`
} `json:"logtail"`
Logged time.Time `json:"logged"`
func printMessage(msg message) {
// Construct a table of network traffic per connection.
rows := [][7]string{{3: "Tx[P/s]", 4: "Tx[B/s]", 5: "Rx[P/s]", 6: "Rx[B/s]"}}
duration := msg.End.Sub(msg.Start)
addRows := func(heading string, traffic []netlogtype.ConnectionCounts) {
if len(traffic) == 0 {
slices.SortFunc(traffic, func(x, y netlogtype.ConnectionCounts) int {
nx := x.TxPackets + x.TxBytes + x.RxPackets + x.RxBytes
ny := y.TxPackets + y.TxBytes + y.RxPackets + y.RxBytes
return cmpx.Compare(ny, nx)
var sum netlogtype.Counts
for _, cc := range traffic {
sum = sum.Add(cc.Counts)
rows = append(rows, [7]string{
0: heading + ":",
3: formatSI(float64(sum.TxPackets) / duration.Seconds()),
4: formatIEC(float64(sum.TxBytes) / duration.Seconds()),
5: formatSI(float64(sum.RxPackets) / duration.Seconds()),
6: formatIEC(float64(sum.RxBytes) / duration.Seconds()),
if len(traffic) == 1 && traffic[0].Connection.IsZero() {
return // this is already a summary counts
formatAddrPort := func(a netip.AddrPort) string {
if !a.IsValid() {
return ""
if name, ok := namesByAddr[a.Addr()]; ok {
if a.Port() == 0 {
return name
return name + ":" + strconv.Itoa(int(a.Port()))
if a.Port() == 0 {
return a.Addr().String()
return a.String()
for _, cc := range traffic {
row := [7]string{
0: " ",
1: formatAddrPort(cc.Src),
2: formatAddrPort(cc.Dst),
3: formatSI(float64(cc.TxPackets) / duration.Seconds()),
4: formatIEC(float64(cc.TxBytes) / duration.Seconds()),
5: formatSI(float64(cc.RxPackets) / duration.Seconds()),
6: formatIEC(float64(cc.RxBytes) / duration.Seconds()),
if cc.Proto > 0 {
row[0] += cc.Proto.String() + ":"
rows = append(rows, row)
addRows("VirtualTraffic", msg.VirtualTraffic)
addRows("SubnetTraffic", msg.SubnetTraffic)
addRows("ExitTraffic", msg.ExitTraffic)
addRows("PhysicalTraffic", msg.PhysicalTraffic)
// Compute the maximum width of each field.
var maxWidths [7]int
for _, row := range rows {
for i, col := range row {
if maxWidths[i] < len(col) && !(i == 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(col, " ")) {
maxWidths[i] = len(col)
var maxSum int
for _, n := range maxWidths {
maxSum += n
// Output a table of network traffic per connection.
line := make([]byte, 0, maxSum+len(" ")+len(" -> ")+4*len(" "))
line = appendRepeatByte(line, '=', cap(line))
if !msg.Logtail.ID.IsZero() {
fmt.Printf("LogID: %s\n", msg.Logtail.ID)
if msg.NodeID != "" {
fmt.Printf("NodeID: %s\n", msg.NodeID)
formatTime := func(t time.Time) string {
return t.In(time.Local).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000")
switch {
case !msg.Logged.IsZero():
fmt.Printf("Logged: %s\n", formatTime(msg.Logged))
case !msg.Logtail.Logged.IsZero():
fmt.Printf("Logged: %s\n", formatTime(msg.Logtail.Logged))
fmt.Printf("Window: %s (%0.3fs)\n", formatTime(msg.Start), duration.Seconds())
for i, row := range rows {
line = line[:0]
isHeading := !strings.HasPrefix(row[0], " ")
for j, col := range row {
if isHeading && j == 0 {
col = "" // headings will be printed later
switch j {
case 0, 2: // left justified
line = append(line, col...)
line = appendRepeatByte(line, ' ', maxWidths[j]-len(col))
case 1, 3, 4, 5, 6: // right justified
line = appendRepeatByte(line, ' ', maxWidths[j]-len(col))
line = append(line, col...)
switch j {
case 0:
line = append(line, " "...)
case 1:
if row[1] == "" && row[2] == "" {
line = append(line, " "...)
} else {
line = append(line, " -> "...)
case 2, 3, 4, 5:
line = append(line, " "...)
switch {
case i == 0: // print dashed-line table heading
line = appendRepeatByte(line[:0], '-', maxWidths[0]+len(" ")+maxWidths[1]+len(" -> ")+maxWidths[2])[:cap(line)]
case isHeading:
copy(line[:], row[0])
func mustMakeNamesByAddr() map[netip.Addr]string {
switch {
case *apiKey == "":
log.Fatalf("--api-key must be specified with --resolve-names")
case *tailnetName == "":
log.Fatalf("--tailnet must be specified with --resolve-names")
// Query the Tailscale API for a list of devices in the tailnet.
const apiURL = "https://api.tailscale.com/api/v2"
req := must.Get(http.NewRequest("GET", apiURL+"/tailnet/"+*tailnetName+"/devices", nil))
req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Basic "+base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(*apiKey+":")))
resp := must.Get(http.DefaultClient.Do(req))
defer resp.Body.Close()
b := must.Get(io.ReadAll(resp.Body))
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
log.Fatalf("http: %v: %s", http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode), b)
// Unmarshal the API response.
var m struct {
Devices []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Addrs []netip.Addr `json:"addresses"`
} `json:"devices"`
must.Do(json.Unmarshal(b, &m))
// Construct a unique mapping of Tailscale IP addresses to hostnames.
// For brevity, we start with the first segment of the name and
// use more segments until we find the shortest prefix that is unique
// for all names in the tailnet.
seen := make(map[string]bool)
namesByAddr := make(map[netip.Addr]string)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
for _, d := range m.Devices {
name := fieldPrefix(d.Name, i)
if seen[name] {
continue retry
seen[name] = true
for _, a := range d.Addrs {
namesByAddr[a] = name
return namesByAddr
panic("unable to produce unique mapping of address to names")
// fieldPrefix returns the first n number of dot-separated segments.
// Example:
// fieldPrefix("foo.bar.baz", 0) returns ""
// fieldPrefix("foo.bar.baz", 1) returns "foo"
// fieldPrefix("foo.bar.baz", 2) returns "foo.bar"
// fieldPrefix("foo.bar.baz", 3) returns "foo.bar.baz"
// fieldPrefix("foo.bar.baz", 4) returns "foo.bar.baz"
func fieldPrefix(s string, n int) string {
s0 := s
for i := 0; i < n && len(s) > 0; i++ {
if j := strings.IndexByte(s, '.'); j >= 0 {
s = s[j+1:]
} else {
s = ""
return strings.TrimSuffix(s0[:len(s0)-len(s)], ".")
func appendRepeatByte(b []byte, c byte, n int) []byte {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
b = append(b, c)
return b
func formatSI(n float64) string {
switch n := math.Abs(n); {
case n < 1e3:
return fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f ", n/(1e0))
case n < 1e6:
return fmt.Sprintf("%0.2fk", n/(1e3))
case n < 1e9:
return fmt.Sprintf("%0.2fM", n/(1e6))
return fmt.Sprintf("%0.2fG", n/(1e9))
func formatIEC(n float64) string {
switch n := math.Abs(n); {
case n < 1<<10:
return fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f ", n/(1<<0))
case n < 1<<20:
return fmt.Sprintf("%0.2fKi", n/(1<<10))
case n < 1<<30:
return fmt.Sprintf("%0.2fMi", n/(1<<20))
return fmt.Sprintf("%0.2fGi", n/(1<<30))