Andrew Dunham a661287c4b util/cmpx: remove code that's in the stdlib now
The cmpx.Compare function (and associated interface) are now available
in the standard library as cmp.Compare. Remove our version of it and use
the version from the standard library.

Updates #cleanup

Signed-off-by: Andrew Dunham <andrew@du.nham.ca>
Change-Id: I4be3ac63d466c05eb7a0babb25cb0d41816fbd53
2023-12-19 09:18:53 -05:00

248 lines
6.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package cli
import (
xmaps "golang.org/x/exp/maps"
var exitNodeCmd = &ffcli.Command{
Name: "exit-node",
ShortUsage: "exit-node [flags]",
Subcommands: []*ffcli.Command{
Name: "list",
ShortUsage: "exit-node list [flags]",
ShortHelp: "Show exit nodes",
Exec: runExitNodeList,
FlagSet: (func() *flag.FlagSet {
fs := newFlagSet("list")
fs.StringVar(&exitNodeArgs.filter, "filter", "", "filter exit nodes by country")
return fs
Exec: func(context.Context, []string) error {
return errors.New("exit-node subcommand required; run 'tailscale exit-node -h' for details")
var exitNodeArgs struct {
filter string
// runExitNodeList returns a formatted list of exit nodes for a tailnet.
// If the exit node has location and priority data, only the highest
// priority node for each city location is shown to the user.
// If the country location has more than one city, an 'Any' city
// is returned for the country, which lists the highest priority
// node in that country.
// For countries without location data, each exit node is displayed.
func runExitNodeList(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
if len(args) > 0 {
return errors.New("unexpected non-flag arguments to 'tailscale exit-node list'")
getStatus := localClient.Status
st, err := getStatus(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fixTailscaledConnectError(err)
var peers []*ipnstate.PeerStatus
for _, ps := range st.Peer {
if !ps.ExitNodeOption {
// We only show exit nodes under the exit-node subcommand.
peers = append(peers, ps)
if len(peers) == 0 {
return errors.New("no exit nodes found")
filteredPeers := filterFormatAndSortExitNodes(peers, exitNodeArgs.filter)
if len(filteredPeers.Countries) == 0 && exitNodeArgs.filter != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("no exit nodes found for %q", exitNodeArgs.filter)
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 10, 5, 5, ' ', 0)
defer w.Flush()
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n %s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", "IP", "HOSTNAME", "COUNTRY", "CITY", "STATUS")
for _, country := range filteredPeers.Countries {
for _, city := range country.Cities {
for _, peer := range city.Peers {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n %s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", peer.TailscaleIPs[0], strings.Trim(peer.DNSName, "."), country.Name, city.Name, peerStatus(peer))
fmt.Fprintln(w, "# To use an exit node, use `tailscale set --exit-node=` followed by the hostname or IP")
return nil
// peerStatus returns a string representing the current state of
// a peer. If there is no notable state, a - is returned.
func peerStatus(peer *ipnstate.PeerStatus) string {
if !peer.Active {
if peer.ExitNode {
return "selected but offline"
if !peer.Online {
return "offline"
if peer.ExitNode {
return "selected"
return "-"
type filteredExitNodes struct {
Countries []*filteredCountry
type filteredCountry struct {
Name string
Cities []*filteredCity
type filteredCity struct {
Name string
Peers []*ipnstate.PeerStatus
const noLocationData = "-"
// filterFormatAndSortExitNodes filters and sorts exit nodes into
// alphabetical order, by country, city and then by priority if
// present.
// If an exit node has location data, and the country has more than
// once city, an `Any` city is added to the country that contains the
// highest priority exit node within that country.
// For exit nodes without location data, their country fields are
// defined as '-' to indicate that the data is not available.
func filterFormatAndSortExitNodes(peers []*ipnstate.PeerStatus, filterBy string) filteredExitNodes {
countries := make(map[string]*filteredCountry)
cities := make(map[string]*filteredCity)
for _, ps := range peers {
if ps.Location == nil {
ps.Location = &tailcfg.Location{
Country: noLocationData,
CountryCode: noLocationData,
City: noLocationData,
CityCode: noLocationData,
if filterBy != "" && ps.Location.Country != filterBy {
co, coOK := countries[ps.Location.CountryCode]
if !coOK {
co = &filteredCountry{
Name: ps.Location.Country,
countries[ps.Location.CountryCode] = co
ci, ciOK := cities[ps.Location.CityCode]
if !ciOK {
ci = &filteredCity{
Name: ps.Location.City,
cities[ps.Location.CityCode] = ci
co.Cities = append(co.Cities, ci)
ci.Peers = append(ci.Peers, ps)
filteredExitNodes := filteredExitNodes{
Countries: xmaps.Values(countries),
for _, country := range filteredExitNodes.Countries {
if country.Name == noLocationData {
// Countries without location data should not
// be filtered further.
var countryANYPeer []*ipnstate.PeerStatus
for _, city := range country.Cities {
countryANYPeer = append(countryANYPeer, city.Peers...)
var reducedCityPeers []*ipnstate.PeerStatus
for i, peer := range city.Peers {
if i == 0 || peer.ExitNode {
// We only return the highest priority peer and any peer that
// is currently the active exit node.
reducedCityPeers = append(reducedCityPeers, peer)
city.Peers = reducedCityPeers
if len(country.Cities) > 1 {
// For countries with more than one city, we want to return the
// option of the best peer for that country.
country.Cities = append([]*filteredCity{
Name: "Any",
Peers: []*ipnstate.PeerStatus{countryANYPeer[0]},
}, country.Cities...)
return filteredExitNodes
// sortPeersByPriority sorts a slice of PeerStatus
// by location.Priority, in order of highest priority.
func sortPeersByPriority(peers []*ipnstate.PeerStatus) {
slices.SortStableFunc(peers, func(a, b *ipnstate.PeerStatus) int {
return cmp.Compare(b.Location.Priority, a.Location.Priority)
// sortByCityName sorts a slice of filteredCity alphabetically
// by name. The '-' used to indicate no location data will always
// be sorted to the front of the slice.
func sortByCityName(cities []*filteredCity) {
slices.SortStableFunc(cities, func(a, b *filteredCity) int { return strings.Compare(a.Name, b.Name) })
// sortByCountryName sorts a slice of filteredCountry alphabetically
// by name. The '-' used to indicate no location data will always
// be sorted to the front of the slice.
func sortByCountryName(countries []*filteredCountry) {
slices.SortStableFunc(countries, func(a, b *filteredCountry) int { return strings.Compare(a.Name, b.Name) })