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synced 2025-03-18 03:11:02 +00:00

* k8s-operator,cmd/k8s-operator,Makefile,scripts,.github/workflows: add Connector kube CRD. Connector CRD allows users to configure the Tailscale Kubernetes operator to deploy a subnet router to expose cluster CIDRs or other CIDRs available from within the cluster to their tailnet. Also adds various CRD related machinery to generate CRD YAML, deep copy implementations etc. Engineers will now have to run 'make kube-generate-all` after changing kube files to ensure that all generated files are up to date. * cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: reconcile Connector resources Reconcile Connector resources, create/delete subnetrouter resources in response to changes to Connector(s). Connector reconciler will not be started unless ENABLE_CONNECTOR env var is set to true. This means that users who don't want to use the alpha Connector custom resource don't have to install the Connector CRD to their cluster. For users who do want to use it the flow is: - install the CRD - install the operator (via Helm chart or using static manifests). For Helm users set .values.enableConnector to true, for static manifest users, set ENABLE_CONNECTOR to true in the static manifest. Updates tailscale/tailscale#502 Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
106 lines
5.2 KiB
106 lines
5.2 KiB
IMAGE_REPO ?= tailscale/tailscale
SYNO_ARCH ?= "amd64"
SYNO_DSM ?= "7"
TAGS ?= "latest"
vet: ## Run go vet
./tool/go vet ./...
tidy: ## Run go mod tidy
./tool/go mod tidy
lint: ## Run golangci-lint
./tool/go run github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint run
updatedeps: ## Update depaware deps
# depaware (via x/tools/go/packages) shells back to "go", so make sure the "go"
# it finds in its $$PATH is the right one.
PATH="$$(./tool/go env GOROOT)/bin:$$PATH" ./tool/go run github.com/tailscale/depaware --update \
tailscale.com/cmd/tailscaled \
tailscale.com/cmd/tailscale \
depaware: ## Run depaware checks
# depaware (via x/tools/go/packages) shells back to "go", so make sure the "go"
# it finds in its $$PATH is the right one.
PATH="$$(./tool/go env GOROOT)/bin:$$PATH" ./tool/go run github.com/tailscale/depaware --check \
tailscale.com/cmd/tailscaled \
tailscale.com/cmd/tailscale \
buildwindows: ## Build tailscale CLI for windows/amd64
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 ./tool/go install tailscale.com/cmd/tailscale tailscale.com/cmd/tailscaled
build386: ## Build tailscale CLI for linux/386
GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 ./tool/go install tailscale.com/cmd/tailscale tailscale.com/cmd/tailscaled
buildlinuxarm: ## Build tailscale CLI for linux/arm
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm ./tool/go install tailscale.com/cmd/tailscale tailscale.com/cmd/tailscaled
buildwasm: ## Build tailscale CLI for js/wasm
GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm ./tool/go install ./cmd/tsconnect/wasm ./cmd/tailscale/cli
GOOS=plan9 GOARCH=amd64 ./tool/go install ./cmd/tailscale ./cmd/tailscaled
buildlinuxloong64: ## Build tailscale CLI for linux/loong64
GOOS=linux GOARCH=loong64 ./tool/go install tailscale.com/cmd/tailscale tailscale.com/cmd/tailscaled
buildmultiarchimage: ## Build (and optionally push) multiarch docker image
check: staticcheck vet depaware buildwindows build386 buildlinuxarm buildwasm ## Perform basic checks and compilation tests
staticcheck: ## Run staticcheck.io checks
./tool/go run honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck -- $$(./tool/go list ./... | grep -v tempfork)
kube-generate-all: kube-generate-deepcopy ## Refresh generated files for Tailscale Kubernetes Operator
./tool/go generate ./cmd/k8s-operator
# Tailscale operator watches Connector custom resources in a Kubernetes cluster
# and caches them locally. Caching is done implicitly by controller-runtime
# library (the middleware used by Tailscale operator to create kube control
# loops). When a Connector resource is GET/LIST-ed from within our control loop,
# the request goes through the cache. To ensure that cache contents don't get
# modified by control loops, controller-runtime deep copies the requested
# object. In order for this to work, Connector must implement deep copy
# functionality so we autogenerate it here.
# https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/controller-runtime/blob/v0.16.3/pkg/cache/internal/cache_reader.go#L86-L89
kube-generate-deepcopy: ## Refresh generated deepcopy functionality for Tailscale kube API types
spk: ## Build synology package for ${SYNO_ARCH} architecture and ${SYNO_DSM} DSM version
./tool/go run ./cmd/dist build synology/dsm${SYNO_DSM}/${SYNO_ARCH}
spkall: ## Build synology packages for all architectures and DSM versions
./tool/go run ./cmd/dist build synology
pushspk: spk ## Push and install synology package on ${SYNO_HOST} host
echo "Pushing SPK to root@${SYNO_HOST} (env var SYNO_HOST) ..."
scp tailscale.spk root@${SYNO_HOST}:
ssh root@${SYNO_HOST} /usr/syno/bin/synopkg install tailscale.spk
publishdevimage: ## Build and publish tailscale image to location specified by ${REPO}
@test -n "${REPO}" || (echo "REPO=... required; e.g. REPO=ghcr.io/${USER}/tailscale" && exit 1)
@test "${REPO}" != "tailscale/tailscale" || (echo "REPO=... must not be tailscale/tailscale" && exit 1)
@test "${REPO}" != "ghcr.io/tailscale/tailscale" || (echo "REPO=... must not be ghcr.io/tailscale/tailscale" && exit 1)
@test "${REPO}" != "tailscale/k8s-operator" || (echo "REPO=... must not be tailscale/k8s-operator" && exit 1)
@test "${REPO}" != "ghcr.io/tailscale/k8s-operator" || (echo "REPO=... must not be ghcr.io/tailscale/k8s-operator" && exit 1)
TAGS="${TAGS}" REPOS=${REPO} PUSH=true TARGET=client ./build_docker.sh
publishdevoperator: ## Build and publish k8s-operator image to location specified by ${REPO}
@test -n "${REPO}" || (echo "REPO=... required; e.g. REPO=ghcr.io/${USER}/tailscale" && exit 1)
@test "${REPO}" != "tailscale/tailscale" || (echo "REPO=... must not be tailscale/tailscale" && exit 1)
@test "${REPO}" != "ghcr.io/tailscale/tailscale" || (echo "REPO=... must not be ghcr.io/tailscale/tailscale" && exit 1)
@test "${REPO}" != "tailscale/k8s-operator" || (echo "REPO=... must not be tailscale/k8s-operator" && exit 1)
@test "${REPO}" != "ghcr.io/tailscale/k8s-operator" || (echo "REPO=... must not be ghcr.io/tailscale/k8s-operator" && exit 1)
TAGS="${TAGS}" REPOS=${REPO} PUSH=true TARGET=operator ./build_docker.sh
help: ## Show this help
@echo "\nSpecify a command. The choices are:\n"
@grep -hE '^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' ${MAKEFILE_LIST} | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf " \033[0;36m%-20s\033[m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@echo ""
.PHONY: help