David Anderson 55b1221db2 net/packet: support full IPv6 decoding.
The packet filter still rejects all IPv6, but decodes enough from v6
packets to do something smarter in a followup.

name              time/op
Decode/tcp4-8     28.8ns ± 2%
Decode/tcp6-8     20.6ns ± 1%
Decode/udp4-8     28.2ns ± 1%
Decode/udp6-8     20.0ns ± 6%
Decode/icmp4-8    21.7ns ± 2%
Decode/icmp6-8    14.1ns ± 2%
Decode/unknown-8  9.43ns ± 2%

Signed-off-by: David Anderson <danderson@tailscale.com>
2020-11-10 20:23:54 -08:00

423 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package filter is a stateful packet filter.
package filter
import (
// Filter is a stateful packet filter.
type Filter struct {
logf logger.Logf
// localNets is the list of IP prefixes that we know to be
// "local" to this node. All packets coming in over tailscale
// must have a destination within localNets, regardless of the
// policy filter below. A nil localNets rejects all incoming
// traffic.
local4 []net4
// matches4 is a list of match->action rules applied to all
// packets arriving over tailscale tunnels. Matches are
// checked in order, and processing stops at the first
// matching rule. The default policy if no rules match is to
// drop the packet.
matches4 matches4
// state is the connection tracking state attached to this
// filter. It is used to allow incoming traffic that is a response
// to an outbound connection that this node made, even if those
// incoming packets don't get accepted by matches above.
state *filterState
// tuple is a 4-tuple of source and destination IPv4 and port. It's
// used as a lookup key in filterState.
type tuple struct {
SrcIP packet.IP4
DstIP packet.IP4
SrcPort uint16
DstPort uint16
// filterState is a state cache of past seen packets.
type filterState struct {
mu sync.Mutex
lru *lru.Cache // of tuple
// lruMax is the size of the LRU cache in filterState.
const lruMax = 512
// Response is a verdict from the packet filter.
type Response int
const (
Drop Response = iota // do not continue processing packet.
Accept // continue processing packet.
noVerdict // no verdict yet, continue running filter
func (r Response) String() string {
switch r {
case Drop:
return "Drop"
case Accept:
return "Accept"
case noVerdict:
return "noVerdict"
return "???"
// RunFlags controls the filter's debug log verbosity at runtime.
type RunFlags int
const (
LogDrops RunFlags = 1 << iota // write dropped packet info to logf
LogAccepts // write accepted packet info to logf
HexdumpDrops // print packet hexdump when logging drops
HexdumpAccepts // print packet hexdump when logging accepts
// NewAllowAllForTest returns a packet filter that accepts
// everything. Use in tests only, as it permits some kinds of spoofing
// attacks to reach the OS network stack.
func NewAllowAllForTest(logf logger.Logf) *Filter {
any4 := netaddr.IPPrefix{IP: netaddr.IPv4(0, 0, 0, 0), Bits: 0} // TODO: IPv6
m := Match{
Srcs: []netaddr.IPPrefix{any4},
Dsts: []NetPortRange{
Net: any4,
Ports: PortRange{
First: 0,
Last: 65535,
return New([]Match{m}, []netaddr.IPPrefix{any4}, nil, logf)
// NewAllowNone returns a packet filter that rejects everything.
func NewAllowNone(logf logger.Logf) *Filter {
return New(nil, nil, nil, logf)
// New creates a new packet filter. The filter enforces that incoming
// packets must be destined to an IP in localNets, and must be allowed
// by matches. If shareStateWith is non-nil, the returned filter
// shares state with the previous one, to enable changing rules at
// runtime without breaking existing stateful flows.
func New(matches []Match, localNets []netaddr.IPPrefix, shareStateWith *Filter, logf logger.Logf) *Filter {
var state *filterState
if shareStateWith != nil {
state = shareStateWith.state
} else {
state = &filterState{
lru: lru.New(lruMax),
f := &Filter{
logf: logf,
matches4: newMatches4(matches),
local4: nets4FromIPPrefixes(localNets),
state: state,
return f
func maybeHexdump(flag RunFlags, b []byte) string {
if flag == 0 {
return ""
return packet.Hexdump(b) + "\n"
// TODO(apenwarr): use a bigger bucket for specifically TCP SYN accept logging?
// Logging is a quick way to record every newly opened TCP connection, but
// we have to be cautious about flooding the logs vs letting people use
// flood protection to hide their traffic. We could use a rate limiter in
// the actual *filter* for SYN accepts, perhaps.
var acceptBucket = rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(10*time.Second), 3)
var dropBucket = rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(5*time.Second), 10)
func (f *Filter) logRateLimit(runflags RunFlags, q *packet.Parsed, dir direction, r Response, why string) {
var verdict string
if r == Drop && omitDropLogging(q, dir) {
if r == Drop && (runflags&LogDrops) != 0 && dropBucket.Allow() {
verdict = "Drop"
runflags &= HexdumpDrops
} else if r == Accept && (runflags&LogAccepts) != 0 && acceptBucket.Allow() {
verdict = "Accept"
runflags &= HexdumpAccepts
// Note: it is crucial that q.String() be called only if {accept,drop}Bucket.Allow() passes,
// since it causes an allocation.
if verdict != "" {
b := q.Buffer()
f.logf("%s: %s %d %s\n%s", verdict, q.String(), len(b), why, maybeHexdump(runflags, b))
// dummyPacket is a 20-byte slice of garbage, to pass the filter
// pre-check when evaluating synthesized packets.
var dummyPacket = []byte{
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
// CheckTCP determines whether TCP traffic from srcIP to dstIP:dstPort
// is allowed.
func (f *Filter) CheckTCP(srcIP, dstIP netaddr.IP, dstPort uint16) Response {
pkt := &packet.Parsed{}
pkt.Decode(dummyPacket) // initialize private fields
pkt.IPVersion = 4
pkt.IPProto = packet.TCP
pkt.TCPFlags = packet.TCPSyn
pkt.SrcIP4 = packet.IP4FromNetaddr(srcIP) // TODO: IPv6
pkt.DstIP4 = packet.IP4FromNetaddr(dstIP)
pkt.SrcPort = 0
pkt.DstPort = dstPort
return f.RunIn(pkt, 0)
// RunIn determines whether this node is allowed to receive q from a
// Tailscale peer.
func (f *Filter) RunIn(q *packet.Parsed, rf RunFlags) Response {
dir := in
r := f.pre(q, rf, dir)
if r == Accept || r == Drop {
// already logged
return r
r, why := f.runIn(q)
f.logRateLimit(rf, q, dir, r, why)
return r
// RunOut determines whether this node is allowed to send q to a
// Tailscale peer.
func (f *Filter) RunOut(q *packet.Parsed, rf RunFlags) Response {
dir := out
r := f.pre(q, rf, dir)
if r == Drop || r == Accept {
// already logged
return r
r, why := f.runOut(q)
f.logRateLimit(rf, q, dir, r, why)
return r
// runIn runs the input-specific part of the filter logic.
func (f *Filter) runIn(q *packet.Parsed) (r Response, why string) {
// A compromised peer could try to send us packets for
// destinations we didn't explicitly advertise. This check is to
// prevent that.
if !ip4InList(q.DstIP4, f.local4) {
return Drop, "destination not allowed"
if q.IPVersion == 6 {
// TODO: support IPv6.
return Drop, "no rules matched"
switch q.IPProto {
case packet.ICMPv4:
if q.IsEchoResponse() || q.IsError() {
// ICMP responses are allowed.
// TODO(apenwarr): consider using conntrack state.
// We could choose to reject all packets that aren't
// related to an existing ICMP-Echo, TCP, or UDP
// session.
return Accept, "icmp response ok"
} else if f.matches4.matchIPsOnly(q) {
// If any port is open to an IP, allow ICMP to it.
return Accept, "icmp ok"
case packet.TCP:
// For TCP, we want to allow *outgoing* connections,
// which means we want to allow return packets on those
// connections. To make this restriction work, we need to
// allow non-SYN packets (continuation of an existing session)
// to arrive. This should be okay since a new incoming session
// can't be initiated without first sending a SYN.
// It happens to also be much faster.
// TODO(apenwarr): Skip the rest of decoding in this path?
if q.IPProto == packet.TCP && !q.IsTCPSyn() {
return Accept, "tcp non-syn"
if f.matches4.match(q) {
return Accept, "tcp ok"
case packet.UDP:
t := tuple{q.SrcIP4, q.DstIP4, q.SrcPort, q.DstPort}
_, ok := f.state.lru.Get(t)
if ok {
return Accept, "udp cached"
if f.matches4.match(q) {
return Accept, "udp ok"
return Drop, "Unknown proto"
return Drop, "no rules matched"
// runIn runs the output-specific part of the filter logic.
func (f *Filter) runOut(q *packet.Parsed) (r Response, why string) {
if q.IPProto == packet.UDP {
t := tuple{q.DstIP4, q.SrcIP4, q.DstPort, q.SrcPort}
var ti interface{} = t // allocate once, rather than twice inside mutex
f.state.lru.Add(ti, ti)
return Accept, "ok out"
// direction is whether a packet was flowing in to this machine, or
// flowing out.
type direction int
const (
in direction = iota // from Tailscale peer to local machine
out // from local machine to Tailscale peer
func (d direction) String() string {
switch d {
case in:
return "in"
case out:
return "out"
return fmt.Sprintf("[??dir=%d]", int(d))
// pre runs the direction-agnostic filter logic. dir is only used for
// logging.
func (f *Filter) pre(q *packet.Parsed, rf RunFlags, dir direction) Response {
if len(q.Buffer()) == 0 {
// wireguard keepalive packet, always permit.
return Accept
if len(q.Buffer()) < 20 {
f.logRateLimit(rf, q, dir, Drop, "too short")
return Drop
if q.IPVersion == 6 {
f.logRateLimit(rf, q, dir, Drop, "ipv6")
return Drop
if q.DstIP4.IsMulticast() {
f.logRateLimit(rf, q, dir, Drop, "multicast")
return Drop
if q.DstIP4.IsLinkLocalUnicast() {
f.logRateLimit(rf, q, dir, Drop, "link-local-unicast")
return Drop
switch q.IPProto {
case packet.Unknown:
// Unknown packets are dangerous; always drop them.
f.logRateLimit(rf, q, dir, Drop, "unknown")
return Drop
case packet.Fragment:
// Fragments after the first always need to be passed through.
// Very small fragments are considered Junk by Parsed.
f.logRateLimit(rf, q, dir, Accept, "fragment")
return Accept
return noVerdict
const (
// ipv6AllRoutersLinkLocal is ff02::2 (All link-local routers)
ipv6AllRoutersLinkLocal = "\xff\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02"
// ipv6AllMLDv2CapableRouters is ff02::16 (All MLDv2-capable routers)
ipv6AllMLDv2CapableRouters = "\xff\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x16"
// omitDropLogging reports whether packet p, which has already been
// deemed a packet to Drop, should bypass the [rate-limited] logging.
// We don't want to log scary & spammy reject warnings for packets
// that are totally normal, like IPv6 route announcements.
func omitDropLogging(p *packet.Parsed, dir direction) bool {
b := p.Buffer()
switch dir {
case out:
switch p.IPVersion {
case 4:
// Parsed.Decode zeros out Parsed.IPProtocol for protocols
// it doesn't know about, so parse it out ourselves if needed.
ipProto := p.IPProto
if ipProto == 0 && len(b) > 8 {
ipProto = packet.IPProto(b[9])
// Omit logging about outgoing IGMP.
if ipProto == packet.IGMP {
return true
if p.DstIP4.IsMulticast() || p.DstIP4.IsLinkLocalUnicast() {
return true
case 6:
if len(b) < 40 {
return false
src, dst := b[8:8+16], b[24:24+16]
// Omit logging for outgoing IPv6 ICMP-v6 queries to ff02::2,
// as sent by the OS, looking for routers.
if p.IPProto == packet.ICMPv6 {
if isLinkLocalV6(src) && string(dst) == ipv6AllRoutersLinkLocal {
return true
if string(dst) == ipv6AllMLDv2CapableRouters {
return true
// Actually, just catch all multicast.
if dst[0] == 0xff {
return true
return false
// isLinkLocalV6 reports whether src is in fe80::/10.
func isLinkLocalV6(src []byte) bool {
return len(src) == 16 && src[0] == 0xfe && src[1]>>6 == 0x80>>6