mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 13:11:03 +00:00

* We update wingoes to pick up new version information functionality (See pe/version.go in the https://github.com/dblohm7/wingoes repo); * We move the existing LogSupportInfo code (including necessary syscall stubs) out of util/winutil into a new package, util/osdiag, and implement the public LogSupportInfo function may be implemented for other platforms as needed; * We add a new reason argument to LogSupportInfo and wire that into localapi's bugreport implementation; * We add module information to the Windows implementation of LogSupportInfo when reason indicates a bugreport. We enumerate all loaded modules in our process, and for each one we gather debug, authenticode signature, and version information. Fixes #7802 Signed-off-by: Aaron Klotz <aaron@tailscale.com>
331 lines
7.9 KiB
331 lines
7.9 KiB
// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package osdiag
import (
const (
maxBinaryValueLen = 128 // we'll truncate any binary values longer than this
maxRegValueNameLen = 16384 // maximum length supported by Windows + 1
initialValueBufLen = 80 // large enough to contain a stringified GUID encoded as UTF-16
func logSupportInfo(logf logger.Logf, reason LogSupportInfoReason) {
var b strings.Builder
if err := getSupportInfo(&b, reason); err != nil {
logf("error encoding support info: %v", err)
logf("%s", b.String())
const (
supportInfoKeyModules = "modules"
supportInfoKeyRegistry = "registry"
func getSupportInfo(w io.Writer, reason LogSupportInfoReason) error {
output := make(map[string]any)
regInfo, err := getRegistrySupportInfo(registry.LOCAL_MACHINE, []string{`SOFTWARE\Policies\Tailscale`, winutil.RegBase})
if err == nil {
output[supportInfoKeyRegistry] = regInfo
} else {
output[supportInfoKeyRegistry] = err
if reason == LogSupportInfoReasonBugReport {
modInfo, err := getModuleInfo()
if err == nil {
output[supportInfoKeyModules] = modInfo
} else {
output[supportInfoKeyModules] = err
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
return enc.Encode(output)
type getRegistrySupportInfoBufs struct {
nameBuf []uint16
valueBuf []byte
func getRegistrySupportInfo(root registry.Key, subKeys []string) (map[string]any, error) {
bufs := getRegistrySupportInfoBufs{
nameBuf: make([]uint16, maxRegValueNameLen),
valueBuf: make([]byte, initialValueBufLen),
output := make(map[string]any)
for _, subKey := range subKeys {
if err := getRegSubKey(root, subKey, 5, &bufs, output); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, registry.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getRegistrySupportInfo: %w", err)
return output, nil
func keyString(key registry.Key, subKey string) string {
var keyStr string
switch key {
case registry.CLASSES_ROOT:
keyStr = `HKCR\`
case registry.CURRENT_USER:
keyStr = `HKCU\`
case registry.LOCAL_MACHINE:
keyStr = `HKLM\`
case registry.USERS:
keyStr = `HKU\`
case registry.CURRENT_CONFIG:
keyStr = `HKCC\`
case registry.PERFORMANCE_DATA:
keyStr = `HKPD\`
return keyStr + subKey
func getRegSubKey(key registry.Key, subKey string, recursionLimit int, bufs *getRegistrySupportInfoBufs, output map[string]any) error {
keyStr := keyString(key, subKey)
k, err := registry.OpenKey(key, subKey, registry.READ)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("opening %q: %w", keyStr, err)
defer k.Close()
kv := make(map[string]any)
index := uint32(0)
for {
nbuf := bufs.nameBuf
nameLen := uint32(len(nbuf))
valueType := uint32(0)
vbuf := bufs.valueBuf
valueLen := uint32(len(vbuf))
err := regEnumValue(k, index, &nbuf[0], &nameLen, nil, &valueType, &vbuf[0], &valueLen)
switch err {
case windows.ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS:
break loopValues
case windows.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
bufs.valueBuf = make([]byte, valueLen)
case nil:
return fmt.Errorf("regEnumValue: %w", err)
var value any
switch valueType {
case registry.SZ, registry.EXPAND_SZ:
value = windows.UTF16PtrToString((*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&vbuf[0])))
case registry.BINARY:
if valueLen > maxBinaryValueLen {
valueLen = maxBinaryValueLen
value = append([]byte{}, vbuf[:valueLen]...)
case registry.DWORD:
value = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(vbuf[:4])
case registry.MULTI_SZ:
// Adapted from x/sys/windows/registry/(Key).GetStringsValue
p := (*[1 << 29]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&vbuf[0]))[: valueLen/2 : valueLen/2]
var strs []string
if len(p) > 0 {
if p[len(p)-1] == 0 {
p = p[:len(p)-1]
strs = make([]string, 0, 5)
from := 0
for i, c := range p {
if c == 0 {
strs = append(strs, string(utf16.Decode(p[from:i])))
from = i + 1
value = strs
case registry.QWORD:
value = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(vbuf[:8])
value = fmt.Sprintf("<unsupported value type %d>", valueType)
kv[windows.UTF16PtrToString(&nbuf[0])] = value
if recursionLimit > 0 {
if sks, err := k.ReadSubKeyNames(0); err == nil {
for _, sk := range sks {
if err := getRegSubKey(k, sk, recursionLimit-1, bufs, kv); err != nil {
return err
output[keyStr] = kv
return nil
type moduleInfo struct {
path string `json:"-"` // internal use only
BaseAddress uintptr `json:"baseAddress"`
Size uint32 `json:"size"`
DebugInfo map[string]string `json:"debugInfo,omitempty"` // map for JSON marshaling purposes
DebugInfoErr error `json:"debugInfoErr,omitempty"`
Signature map[string]string `json:"signature,omitempty"` // map for JSON marshaling purposes
SignatureErr error `json:"signatureErr,omitempty"`
VersionInfo map[string]string `json:"versionInfo,omitempty"` // map for JSON marshaling purposes
VersionErr error `json:"versionErr,omitempty"`
func (mi *moduleInfo) setVersionInfo() {
vi, err := pe.NewVersionInfo(mi.path)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, pe.ErrNotPresent) {
mi.VersionErr = err
info := map[string]string{
"": vi.VersionNumber().String(),
ci, err := vi.Field("CompanyName")
if err == nil {
info["companyName"] = ci
mi.VersionInfo = info
var errAssertingType = errors.New("asserting DataDirectory type")
func (mi *moduleInfo) setDebugInfo(base uintptr, size uint32) {
pem, err := pe.NewPEFromBaseAddressAndSize(base, size)
if err != nil {
mi.DebugInfoErr = err
defer pem.Close()
debugDirAny, err := pem.DataDirectoryEntry(pe.IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, pe.ErrNotPresent) {
mi.DebugInfoErr = err
debugDir, ok := debugDirAny.([]pe.IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY)
if !ok {
mi.DebugInfoErr = errAssertingType
for _, dde := range debugDir {
cv, err := pem.ExtractCodeViewInfo(dde)
if err == nil {
mi.DebugInfo = map[string]string{
"id": cv.String(),
"pdb": strings.ToLower(filepath.Base(cv.PDBPath)),
} else {
mi.DebugInfoErr = err
func (mi *moduleInfo) setAuthenticodeInfo() {
certSubject, provenance, err := authenticode.QueryCertSubject(mi.path)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, authenticode.ErrSigNotFound) {
mi.SignatureErr = err
sigInfo := map[string]string{
"subject": certSubject,
switch provenance {
case authenticode.SigProvEmbedded:
sigInfo["provenance"] = "embedded"
case authenticode.SigProvCatalog:
sigInfo["provenance"] = "catalog"
mi.Signature = sigInfo
func getModuleInfo() (map[string]moduleInfo, error) {
// Take a snapshot of all modules currently loaded into the current process
snap, err := windows.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(windows.TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer windows.CloseHandle(snap)
result := make(map[string]moduleInfo)
me := windows.ModuleEntry32{
Size: uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(windows.ModuleEntry32{})),
// Now walk the list
for merr := windows.Module32First(snap, &me); merr == nil; merr = windows.Module32Next(snap, &me) {
name := strings.ToLower(windows.UTF16ToString(me.Module[:]))
path := windows.UTF16ToString(me.ExePath[:])
base := me.ModBaseAddr
size := me.ModBaseSize
entry := moduleInfo{
path: path,
BaseAddress: base,
Size: size,
entry.setDebugInfo(base, size)
result[name] = entry
return result, nil