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synced 2025-03-28 03:52:35 +00:00

* cmd/k8s-nameserver,k8s-operator: add a nameserver that can resolve ts.net DNS names in cluster. Adds a simple nameserver that can respond to A record queries for ts.net DNS names. It can respond to queries from in-memory records, populated from a ConfigMap mounted at /config. It dynamically updates its records as the ConfigMap contents changes. It will respond with NXDOMAIN to queries for any other record types (AAAA to be implemented in the future). It can respond to queries over UDP or TCP. It runs a miekg/dns DNS server with a single registered handler for ts.net domain names. Queries for other domain names will be refused. The intended use of this is: 1) to allow non-tailnet cluster workloads to talk to HTTPS tailnet services exposed via Tailscale operator egress over HTTPS 2) to allow non-tailnet cluster workloads to talk to workloads in the same cluster that have been exposed to tailnet over their MagicDNS names but on their cluster IPs. DNSConfig CRD can be used to configure the operator to deploy kube nameserver (./cmd/k8s-nameserver) to cluster. Updates tailscale/tailscale#10499 Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
//go:build !plan9
package main
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
apiequality "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/equality"
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
apivalidation "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/validation"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
metavalidation "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/validation"
tsoperator "tailscale.com/k8s-operator"
tsapi "tailscale.com/k8s-operator/apis/v1alpha1"
const (
reasonProxyClassInvalid = "ProxyClassInvalid"
reasonProxyClassValid = "ProxyClassValid"
reasonCustomTSEnvVar = "CustomTSEnvVar"
messageProxyClassInvalid = "ProxyClass is not valid: %v"
messageCustomTSEnvVar = "ProxyClass overrides the default value for %s env var for %s container. Running with custom values for Tailscale env vars is not recommended and might break in the future."
type ProxyClassReconciler struct {
recorder record.EventRecorder
logger *zap.SugaredLogger
clock tstime.Clock
func (pcr *ProxyClassReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req reconcile.Request) (res reconcile.Result, err error) {
logger := pcr.logger.With("ProxyClass", req.Name)
logger.Debugf("starting reconcile")
defer logger.Debugf("reconcile finished")
pc := new(tsapi.ProxyClass)
err = pcr.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, pc)
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
logger.Debugf("ProxyClass not found, assuming it was deleted")
return reconcile.Result{}, nil
} else if err != nil {
return reconcile.Result{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to get tailscale.com ProxyClass: %w", err)
if !pc.DeletionTimestamp.IsZero() {
logger.Debugf("ProxyClass is being deleted, do nothing")
return reconcile.Result{}, nil
oldPCStatus := pc.Status.DeepCopy()
if errs := pcr.validate(pc); errs != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(messageProxyClassInvalid, errs.ToAggregate().Error())
pcr.recorder.Event(pc, corev1.EventTypeWarning, reasonProxyClassInvalid, msg)
tsoperator.SetProxyClassCondition(pc, tsapi.ProxyClassready, metav1.ConditionFalse, reasonProxyClassInvalid, msg, pc.Generation, pcr.clock, logger)
} else {
tsoperator.SetProxyClassCondition(pc, tsapi.ProxyClassready, metav1.ConditionTrue, reasonProxyClassValid, reasonProxyClassValid, pc.Generation, pcr.clock, logger)
if !apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(oldPCStatus, pc.Status) {
if err := pcr.Client.Status().Update(ctx, pc); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("error updating ProxyClass status: %v", err)
return reconcile.Result{}, err
return reconcile.Result{}, nil
func (a *ProxyClassReconciler) validate(pc *tsapi.ProxyClass) (violations field.ErrorList) {
if sts := pc.Spec.StatefulSet; sts != nil {
if len(sts.Labels) > 0 {
if errs := metavalidation.ValidateLabels(sts.Labels, field.NewPath(".spec.statefulSet.labels")); errs != nil {
violations = append(violations, errs...)
if len(sts.Annotations) > 0 {
if errs := apivalidation.ValidateAnnotations(sts.Annotations, field.NewPath(".spec.statefulSet.annotations")); errs != nil {
violations = append(violations, errs...)
if pod := sts.Pod; pod != nil {
if len(pod.Labels) > 0 {
if errs := metavalidation.ValidateLabels(pod.Labels, field.NewPath(".spec.statefulSet.pod.labels")); errs != nil {
violations = append(violations, errs...)
if len(pod.Annotations) > 0 {
if errs := apivalidation.ValidateAnnotations(pod.Annotations, field.NewPath(".spec.statefulSet.pod.annotations")); errs != nil {
violations = append(violations, errs...)
if tc := pod.TailscaleContainer; tc != nil {
for _, e := range tc.Env {
if strings.HasPrefix(string(e.Name), "TS_") {
a.recorder.Event(pc, corev1.EventTypeWarning, reasonCustomTSEnvVar, fmt.Sprintf(messageCustomTSEnvVar, string(e.Name), "tailscale"))
if strings.EqualFold(string(e.Name), "EXPERIMENTAL_TS_CONFIGFILE_PATH") {
a.recorder.Event(pc, corev1.EventTypeWarning, reasonCustomTSEnvVar, fmt.Sprintf(messageCustomTSEnvVar, string(e.Name), "tailscale"))
a.recorder.Event(pc, corev1.EventTypeWarning, reasonCustomTSEnvVar, fmt.Sprintf(messageCustomTSEnvVar, string(e.Name), "tailscale"))
// We do not validate embedded fields (security context, resource
// requirements etc) as we inherit upstream validation for those fields.
// Invalid values would get rejected by upstream validations at apply
// time.
return violations