mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 01:31:06 +00:00

* cmd/containerboot: optionally configure tailscaled with a configfile. If EXPERIMENTAL_TS_CONFIGFILE_PATH env var is set, only run tailscaled with the provided config file. Do not run 'tailscale up' or 'tailscale set'. * cmd/containerboot: store containerboot accept_dns val in bool pointer So that we can distinguish between the value being set to false explicitly bs being unset. Signed-off-by: Irbe Krumina <irbe@tailscale.com>
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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
//go:build linux
// The containerboot binary is a wrapper for starting tailscaled in a container.
// It handles reading the desired mode of operation out of environment
// variables, bringing up and authenticating Tailscale, and any other
// kubernetes-specific side jobs.
// As with most container things, configuration is passed through environment
// variables. All configuration is optional.
// - TS_AUTHKEY: the authkey to use for login.
// - TS_HOSTNAME: the hostname to request for the node.
// - TS_ROUTES: subnet routes to advertise. Explicitly setting it to an empty
// value will cause containerboot to stop acting as a subnet router for any
// previously advertised routes. To accept routes, use TS_EXTRA_ARGS to pass
// in --accept-routes.
// - TS_DEST_IP: proxy all incoming Tailscale traffic to the given
// destination.
// - TS_TAILNET_TARGET_IP: proxy all incoming non-Tailscale traffic to the given
// destination defined by an IP.
// - TS_TAILNET_TARGET_FQDN: proxy all incoming non-Tailscale traffic to the given
// destination defined by a MagicDNS name.
// - TS_TAILSCALED_EXTRA_ARGS: extra arguments to 'tailscaled'.
// - TS_EXTRA_ARGS: extra arguments to 'tailscale up'.
// - TS_USERSPACE: run with userspace networking (the default)
// instead of kernel networking.
// - TS_STATE_DIR: the directory in which to store tailscaled
// state. The data should persist across container
// restarts.
// - TS_ACCEPT_DNS: whether to use the tailnet's DNS configuration.
// - TS_KUBE_SECRET: the name of the Kubernetes secret in which to
// store tailscaled state.
// - TS_SOCKS5_SERVER: the address on which to listen for SOCKS5
// proxying into the tailnet.
// - TS_OUTBOUND_HTTP_PROXY_LISTEN: the address on which to listen
// for HTTP proxying into the tailnet.
// - TS_SOCKET: the path where the tailscaled LocalAPI socket should
// be created.
// - TS_AUTH_ONCE: if true, only attempt to log in if not already
// logged in. If false (the default, for backwards
// compatibility), forcibly log in every time the
// container starts.
// - TS_SERVE_CONFIG: if specified, is the file path where the ipn.ServeConfig is located.
// It will be applied once tailscaled is up and running. If the file contains
// ${TS_CERT_DOMAIN}, it will be replaced with the value of the available FQDN.
// It cannot be used in conjunction with TS_DEST_IP. The file is watched for changes,
// and will be re-applied when it changes.
// - EXPERIMENTAL_TS_CONFIGFILE_PATH: if specified, a path to tailscaled
// config. If this is set, TS_HOSTNAME, TS_EXTRA_ARGS, TS_AUTHKEY,
// TS_ROUTES, TS_ACCEPT_DNS env vars must not be set. If this is set,
// containerboot only runs `tailscaled --config <path-to-this-configfile>`
// and not `tailscale up` or `tailscale set`.
// The config file contents are currently read once on container start.
// NB: This env var is currently experimental and the logic will likely change!
// When running on Kubernetes, containerboot defaults to storing state in the
// "tailscale" kube secret. To store state on local disk instead, set
// TS_KUBE_SECRET="" and TS_STATE_DIR=/path/to/storage/dir. The state dir should
// be persistent storage.
// Additionally, if TS_AUTHKEY is not set and the TS_KUBE_SECRET contains an
// "authkey" field, that key is used as the tailscale authkey.
package main
import (
func newNetfilterRunner(logf logger.Logf) (linuxfw.NetfilterRunner, error) {
if defaultBool("TS_TEST_FAKE_NETFILTER", false) {
return linuxfw.NewFakeIPTablesRunner(), nil
return linuxfw.New(logf, "")
func main() {
log.SetPrefix("boot: ")
tailscale.I_Acknowledge_This_API_Is_Unstable = true
cfg := &settings{
AuthKey: defaultEnvs([]string{"TS_AUTHKEY", "TS_AUTH_KEY"}, ""),
Hostname: defaultEnv("TS_HOSTNAME", ""),
Routes: defaultEnvStringPointer("TS_ROUTES"),
ServeConfigPath: defaultEnv("TS_SERVE_CONFIG", ""),
ProxyTo: defaultEnv("TS_DEST_IP", ""),
TailnetTargetIP: defaultEnv("TS_TAILNET_TARGET_IP", ""),
TailnetTargetFQDN: defaultEnv("TS_TAILNET_TARGET_FQDN", ""),
DaemonExtraArgs: defaultEnv("TS_TAILSCALED_EXTRA_ARGS", ""),
ExtraArgs: defaultEnv("TS_EXTRA_ARGS", ""),
InKubernetes: os.Getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST") != "",
UserspaceMode: defaultBool("TS_USERSPACE", true),
StateDir: defaultEnv("TS_STATE_DIR", ""),
AcceptDNS: defaultEnvBoolPointer("TS_ACCEPT_DNS"),
KubeSecret: defaultEnv("TS_KUBE_SECRET", "tailscale"),
SOCKSProxyAddr: defaultEnv("TS_SOCKS5_SERVER", ""),
Socket: defaultEnv("TS_SOCKET", "/tmp/tailscaled.sock"),
AuthOnce: defaultBool("TS_AUTH_ONCE", false),
Root: defaultEnv("TS_TEST_ONLY_ROOT", "/"),
TailscaledConfigFilePath: defaultEnv("EXPERIMENTAL_TS_CONFIGFILE_PATH", ""),
if err := cfg.validate(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("invalid configuration: %v", err)
if !cfg.UserspaceMode {
if err := ensureTunFile(cfg.Root); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to create tuntap device file: %v", err)
if cfg.ProxyTo != "" || cfg.Routes != nil || cfg.TailnetTargetIP != "" || cfg.TailnetTargetFQDN != "" {
if err := ensureIPForwarding(cfg.Root, cfg.ProxyTo, cfg.TailnetTargetIP, cfg.TailnetTargetFQDN, cfg.Routes); err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to enable IP forwarding: %v", err)
log.Printf("To run tailscale as a proxy or router container, IP forwarding must be enabled.")
if cfg.InKubernetes {
log.Fatalf("You can either set the sysctls as a privileged initContainer, or run the tailscale container with privileged=true.")
} else {
log.Fatalf("You can fix this by running the container with privileged=true, or the equivalent in your container runtime that permits access to sysctls.")
if cfg.InKubernetes {
// Context is used for all setup stuff until we're in steady
// state, so that if something is hanging we eventually time out
// and crashloop the container.
bootCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 60*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if cfg.InKubernetes && cfg.KubeSecret != "" {
canPatch, err := kc.CheckSecretPermissions(bootCtx, cfg.KubeSecret)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Some Kubernetes permissions are missing, please check your RBAC configuration: %v", err)
cfg.KubernetesCanPatch = canPatch
if cfg.AuthKey == "" && !isOneStepConfig(cfg) {
key, err := findKeyInKubeSecret(bootCtx, cfg.KubeSecret)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Getting authkey from kube secret: %v", err)
if key != "" {
// This behavior of pulling authkeys from kube secrets was added
// at the same time as the patch permission, so we can enforce
// that we must be able to patch out the authkey after
// authenticating if you want to use this feature. This avoids
// us having to deal with the case where we might leave behind
// an unnecessary reusable authkey in a secret, like a rake in
// the grass.
if !cfg.KubernetesCanPatch {
log.Fatalf("authkey found in TS_KUBE_SECRET, but the pod doesn't have patch permissions on the secret to manage the authkey.")
log.Print("Using authkey found in kube secret")
cfg.AuthKey = key
} else {
log.Print("No authkey found in kube secret and TS_AUTHKEY not provided, login will be interactive if needed.")
client, daemonProcess, err := startTailscaled(bootCtx, cfg)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to bring up tailscale: %v", err)
killTailscaled := func() {
if err := daemonProcess.Signal(unix.SIGTERM); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error shutting tailscaled down: %v", err)
defer killTailscaled()
w, err := client.WatchIPNBus(bootCtx, ipn.NotifyInitialNetMap|ipn.NotifyInitialPrefs|ipn.NotifyInitialState)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to watch tailscaled for updates: %v", err)
// Now that we've started tailscaled, we can symlink the socket to the
// default location if needed.
const defaultTailscaledSocketPath = "/var/run/tailscale/tailscaled.sock"
if cfg.Socket != "" && cfg.Socket != defaultTailscaledSocketPath {
// If we were given a socket path, symlink it to the default location so
// that the CLI can find it without any extra flags.
// See #6849.
dir := filepath.Dir(defaultTailscaledSocketPath)
err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0700)
if err == nil {
err = syscall.Symlink(cfg.Socket, defaultTailscaledSocketPath)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[warning] failed to symlink socket: %v\n\tTo interact with the Tailscale CLI please use `tailscale --socket=%q`", err, cfg.Socket)
// Because we're still shelling out to `tailscale up` to get access to its
// flag parser, we have to stop watching the IPN bus so that we can block on
// the subcommand without stalling anything. Then once it's done, we resume
// watching the bus.
// Depending on the requested mode of operation, this auth step happens at
// different points in containerboot's lifecycle, hence the helper function.
didLogin := false
authTailscale := func() error {
if didLogin {
return nil
didLogin = true
if err := tailscaleUp(bootCtx, cfg); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to auth tailscale: %v", err)
w, err = client.WatchIPNBus(bootCtx, ipn.NotifyInitialNetMap|ipn.NotifyInitialState)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("rewatching tailscaled for updates after auth: %v", err)
return nil
if isTwoStepConfigAlwaysAuth(cfg) {
if err := authTailscale(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to auth tailscale: %v", err)
for {
n, err := w.Next()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to read from tailscaled: %v", err)
if n.State != nil {
switch *n.State {
case ipn.NeedsLogin:
if isOneStepConfig(cfg) {
// This could happen if this is the
// first time tailscaled was run for
// this device and the auth key was not
// passed via the configfile.
log.Fatalf("invalid state: tailscaled daemon started with a config file, but tailscale is not logged in: ensure you pass a valid auth key in the config file.")
if err := authTailscale(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to auth tailscale: %v", err)
case ipn.NeedsMachineAuth:
log.Printf("machine authorization required, please visit the admin panel")
case ipn.Running:
// Technically, all we want is to keep monitoring the bus for
// netmap updates. However, in order to make the container crash
// if tailscale doesn't initially come up, the watch has a
// startup deadline on it. So, we have to break out of this
// watch loop, cancel the watch, and watch again with no
// deadline to continue monitoring for changes.
break authLoop
log.Printf("tailscaled in state %q, waiting", *n.State)
ctx, cancel := contextWithExitSignalWatch()
defer cancel()
if isTwoStepConfigAuthOnce(cfg) {
// Now that we are authenticated, we can set/reset any of the
// settings that we need to.
if err := tailscaleSet(ctx, cfg); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to auth tailscale: %v", err)
if cfg.ServeConfigPath != "" {
// Remove any serve config that may have been set by a previous run of
// containerboot, but only if we're providing a new one.
if err := client.SetServeConfig(ctx, new(ipn.ServeConfig)); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to unset serve config: %v", err)
if cfg.InKubernetes && cfg.KubeSecret != "" && cfg.KubernetesCanPatch && isTwoStepConfigAuthOnce(cfg) {
// We were told to only auth once, so any secret-bound
// authkey is no longer needed. We don't strictly need to
// wipe it, but it's good hygiene.
log.Printf("Deleting authkey from kube secret")
if err := deleteAuthKey(ctx, cfg.KubeSecret); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("deleting authkey from kube secret: %v", err)
w, err = client.WatchIPNBus(ctx, ipn.NotifyInitialNetMap|ipn.NotifyInitialState)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("rewatching tailscaled for updates after auth: %v", err)
var (
wantProxy = cfg.ProxyTo != "" || cfg.TailnetTargetIP != "" || cfg.TailnetTargetFQDN != ""
wantDeviceInfo = cfg.InKubernetes && cfg.KubeSecret != "" && cfg.KubernetesCanPatch
startupTasksDone = false
currentIPs deephash.Sum // tailscale IPs assigned to device
currentDeviceInfo deephash.Sum // device ID and fqdn
currentEgressIPs deephash.Sum
certDomain = new(atomic.Pointer[string])
certDomainChanged = make(chan bool, 1)
if cfg.ServeConfigPath != "" {
go watchServeConfigChanges(ctx, cfg.ServeConfigPath, certDomainChanged, certDomain, client)
var nfr linuxfw.NetfilterRunner
if wantProxy {
nfr, err = newNetfilterRunner(log.Printf)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error creating new netfilter runner: %v", err)
notifyChan := make(chan ipn.Notify)
errChan := make(chan error)
go func() {
for {
n, err := w.Next()
if err != nil {
errChan <- err
} else {
notifyChan <- n
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// Although killTailscaled() is deferred earlier, if we
// have started the reaper defined below, we need to
// kill tailscaled and let reaper clean up child
// processes.
break runLoop
case err := <-errChan:
log.Fatalf("failed to read from tailscaled: %v", err)
case n := <-notifyChan:
if n.State != nil && *n.State != ipn.Running {
// Something's gone wrong and we've left the authenticated state.
// Our container image never recovered gracefully from this, and the
// control flow required to make it work now is hard. So, just crash
// the container and rely on the container runtime to restart us,
// whereupon we'll go through initial auth again.
log.Fatalf("tailscaled left running state (now in state %q), exiting", *n.State)
if n.NetMap != nil {
addrs := n.NetMap.SelfNode.Addresses().AsSlice()
newCurrentIPs := deephash.Hash(&addrs)
ipsHaveChanged := newCurrentIPs != currentIPs
if cfg.TailnetTargetFQDN != "" {
var (
egressAddrs []netip.Prefix
newCurentEgressIPs deephash.Sum
egressIPsHaveChanged bool
node tailcfg.NodeView
nodeFound bool
for _, n := range n.NetMap.Peers {
if strings.EqualFold(n.Name(), cfg.TailnetTargetFQDN) {
node = n
nodeFound = true
if !nodeFound {
log.Printf("Tailscale node %q not found; it either does not exist, or not reachable because of ACLs", cfg.TailnetTargetFQDN)
egressAddrs = node.Addresses().AsSlice()
newCurentEgressIPs = deephash.Hash(&egressAddrs)
egressIPsHaveChanged = newCurentEgressIPs != currentEgressIPs
if egressIPsHaveChanged && len(egressAddrs) > 0 {
for _, egressAddr := range egressAddrs {
ea := egressAddr.Addr()
// TODO (irbekrm): make it work for IPv6 too.
if ea.Is6() {
log.Println("Not installing egress forwarding rules for IPv6 as this is currently not supported")
log.Printf("Installing forwarding rules for destination %v", ea.String())
if err := installEgressForwardingRule(ctx, ea.String(), addrs, nfr); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("installing egress proxy rules for destination %s: %v", ea.String(), err)
currentEgressIPs = newCurentEgressIPs
if cfg.ProxyTo != "" && len(addrs) > 0 && ipsHaveChanged {
log.Printf("Installing proxy rules")
if err := installIngressForwardingRule(ctx, cfg.ProxyTo, addrs, nfr); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("installing ingress proxy rules: %v", err)
if cfg.ServeConfigPath != "" && len(n.NetMap.DNS.CertDomains) > 0 {
cd := n.NetMap.DNS.CertDomains[0]
prev := certDomain.Swap(ptr.To(cd))
if prev == nil || *prev != cd {
select {
case certDomainChanged <- true:
if cfg.TailnetTargetIP != "" && ipsHaveChanged && len(addrs) > 0 {
log.Printf("Installing forwarding rules for destination %v", cfg.TailnetTargetIP)
if err := installEgressForwardingRule(ctx, cfg.TailnetTargetIP, addrs, nfr); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("installing egress proxy rules: %v", err)
currentIPs = newCurrentIPs
deviceInfo := []any{n.NetMap.SelfNode.StableID(), n.NetMap.SelfNode.Name()}
if cfg.InKubernetes && cfg.KubernetesCanPatch && cfg.KubeSecret != "" && deephash.Update(¤tDeviceInfo, &deviceInfo) {
if err := storeDeviceInfo(ctx, cfg.KubeSecret, n.NetMap.SelfNode.StableID(), n.NetMap.SelfNode.Name(), n.NetMap.SelfNode.Addresses().AsSlice()); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("storing device ID in kube secret: %v", err)
if !startupTasksDone {
if (!wantProxy || currentIPs != deephash.Sum{}) && (!wantDeviceInfo || currentDeviceInfo != deephash.Sum{}) {
// This log message is used in tests to detect when all
// post-auth configuration is done.
log.Println("Startup complete, waiting for shutdown signal")
startupTasksDone = true
// Reap all processes, since we are PID1 and need to collect zombies. We can
// only start doing this once we've stopped shelling out to things
// `tailscale up`, otherwise this goroutine can reap the CLI subprocesses
// and wedge bringup.
reaper := func() {
defer wg.Done()
for {
var status unix.WaitStatus
pid, err := unix.Wait4(-1, &status, 0, nil)
if errors.Is(err, unix.EINTR) {
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Waiting for exited processes: %v", err)
if pid == daemonProcess.Pid {
log.Printf("Tailscaled exited")
go reaper()
// watchServeConfigChanges watches path for changes, and when it sees one, reads
// the serve config from it, replacing ${TS_CERT_DOMAIN} with certDomain, and
// applies it to lc. It exits when ctx is canceled. cdChanged is a channel that
// is written to when the certDomain changes, causing the serve config to be
// re-read and applied.
func watchServeConfigChanges(ctx context.Context, path string, cdChanged <-chan bool, certDomainAtomic *atomic.Pointer[string], lc *tailscale.LocalClient) {
if certDomainAtomic == nil {
panic("cd must not be nil")
var tickChan <-chan time.Time
var eventChan <-chan fsnotify.Event
if w, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher(); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create fsnotify watcher, timer-only mode: %v", err)
ticker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
tickChan = ticker.C
} else {
defer w.Close()
if err := w.Add(filepath.Dir(path)); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to add fsnotify watch: %v", err)
eventChan = w.Events
var certDomain string
var prevServeConfig *ipn.ServeConfig
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-cdChanged:
certDomain = *certDomainAtomic.Load()
case <-tickChan:
case <-eventChan:
// We can't do any reasonable filtering on the event because of how
// k8s handles these mounts. So just re-read the file and apply it
// if it's changed.
if certDomain == "" {
sc, err := readServeConfig(path, certDomain)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to read serve config: %v", err)
if prevServeConfig != nil && reflect.DeepEqual(sc, prevServeConfig) {
log.Printf("Applying serve config")
if err := lc.SetServeConfig(ctx, sc); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to set serve config: %v", err)
prevServeConfig = sc
// readServeConfig reads the ipn.ServeConfig from path, replacing
// ${TS_CERT_DOMAIN} with certDomain.
func readServeConfig(path, certDomain string) (*ipn.ServeConfig, error) {
if path == "" {
return nil, nil
j, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
j = bytes.ReplaceAll(j, []byte("${TS_CERT_DOMAIN}"), []byte(certDomain))
var sc ipn.ServeConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(j, &sc); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &sc, nil
func startTailscaled(ctx context.Context, cfg *settings) (*tailscale.LocalClient, *os.Process, error) {
args := tailscaledArgs(cfg)
// tailscaled runs without context, since it needs to persist
// beyond the startup timeout in ctx.
cmd := exec.Command("tailscaled", args...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
Setpgid: true,
log.Printf("Starting tailscaled")
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("starting tailscaled failed: %v", err)
// Wait for the socket file to appear, otherwise API ops will racily fail.
log.Printf("Waiting for tailscaled socket")
for {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
log.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for tailscaled socket")
_, err := os.Stat(cfg.Socket)
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
} else if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Waiting for tailscaled socket: %v", err)
tsClient := &tailscale.LocalClient{
Socket: cfg.Socket,
UseSocketOnly: true,
return tsClient, cmd.Process, nil
// tailscaledArgs uses cfg to construct the argv for tailscaled.
func tailscaledArgs(cfg *settings) []string {
args := []string{"--socket=" + cfg.Socket}
switch {
case cfg.InKubernetes && cfg.KubeSecret != "":
args = append(args, "--state=kube:"+cfg.KubeSecret)
if cfg.StateDir == "" {
cfg.StateDir = "/tmp"
case cfg.StateDir != "":
args = append(args, "--statedir="+cfg.StateDir)
args = append(args, "--state=mem:", "--statedir=/tmp")
if cfg.UserspaceMode {
args = append(args, "--tun=userspace-networking")
} else if err := ensureTunFile(cfg.Root); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("ensuring that /dev/net/tun exists: %v", err)
if cfg.SOCKSProxyAddr != "" {
args = append(args, "--socks5-server="+cfg.SOCKSProxyAddr)
if cfg.HTTPProxyAddr != "" {
args = append(args, "--outbound-http-proxy-listen="+cfg.HTTPProxyAddr)
if cfg.TailscaledConfigFilePath != "" {
args = append(args, "--config="+cfg.TailscaledConfigFilePath)
if cfg.DaemonExtraArgs != "" {
args = append(args, strings.Fields(cfg.DaemonExtraArgs)...)
return args
// tailscaleUp uses cfg to run 'tailscale up' everytime containerboot starts, or
// if TS_AUTH_ONCE is set, only the first time containerboot starts.
func tailscaleUp(ctx context.Context, cfg *settings) error {
args := []string{"--socket=" + cfg.Socket, "up"}
if cfg.AcceptDNS != nil && *cfg.AcceptDNS {
args = append(args, "--accept-dns=true")
} else {
args = append(args, "--accept-dns=false")
if cfg.AuthKey != "" {
args = append(args, "--authkey="+cfg.AuthKey)
// --advertise-routes can be passed an empty string to configure a
// device (that might have previously advertised subnet routes) to not
// advertise any routes. Respect an empty string passed by a user and
// use it to explicitly unset the routes.
if cfg.Routes != nil {
args = append(args, "--advertise-routes="+*cfg.Routes)
if cfg.Hostname != "" {
args = append(args, "--hostname="+cfg.Hostname)
if cfg.ExtraArgs != "" {
args = append(args, strings.Fields(cfg.ExtraArgs)...)
log.Printf("Running 'tailscale up'")
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "tailscale", args...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("tailscale up failed: %v", err)
return nil
// tailscaleSet uses cfg to run 'tailscale set' to set any known configuration
// options that are passed in via environment variables. This is run after the
// node is in Running state and only if TS_AUTH_ONCE is set.
func tailscaleSet(ctx context.Context, cfg *settings) error {
args := []string{"--socket=" + cfg.Socket, "set"}
if cfg.AcceptDNS != nil && *cfg.AcceptDNS {
args = append(args, "--accept-dns=true")
} else {
args = append(args, "--accept-dns=false")
// --advertise-routes can be passed an empty string to configure a
// device (that might have previously advertised subnet routes) to not
// advertise any routes. Respect an empty string passed by a user and
// use it to explicitly unset the routes.
if cfg.Routes != nil {
args = append(args, "--advertise-routes="+*cfg.Routes)
if cfg.Hostname != "" {
args = append(args, "--hostname="+cfg.Hostname)
log.Printf("Running 'tailscale set'")
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "tailscale", args...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("tailscale set failed: %v", err)
return nil
// ensureTunFile checks that /dev/net/tun exists, creating it if
// missing.
func ensureTunFile(root string) error {
// Verify that /dev/net/tun exists, in some container envs it
// needs to be mknod-ed.
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(root, "dev/net")); errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(root, "dev/net"), 0755); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(root, "dev/net/tun")); errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
dev := unix.Mkdev(10, 200) // tuntap major and minor
if err := unix.Mknod(filepath.Join(root, "dev/net/tun"), 0600|unix.S_IFCHR, int(dev)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ensureIPForwarding enables IPv4/IPv6 forwarding for the container.
func ensureIPForwarding(root, clusterProxyTarget, tailnetTargetiP, tailnetTargetFQDN string, routes *string) error {
var (
v4Forwarding, v6Forwarding bool
if clusterProxyTarget != "" {
proxyIP, err := netip.ParseAddr(clusterProxyTarget)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid cluster destination IP: %v", err)
if proxyIP.Is4() {
v4Forwarding = true
} else {
v6Forwarding = true
if tailnetTargetiP != "" {
proxyIP, err := netip.ParseAddr(tailnetTargetiP)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid tailnet destination IP: %v", err)
if proxyIP.Is4() {
v4Forwarding = true
} else {
v6Forwarding = true
// Currently we only proxy traffic to the IPv4 address of the tailnet
// target.
if tailnetTargetFQDN != "" {
v4Forwarding = true
if routes != nil && *routes != "" {
for _, route := range strings.Split(*routes, ",") {
cidr, err := netip.ParsePrefix(route)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid subnet route: %v", err)
if cidr.Addr().Is4() {
v4Forwarding = true
} else {
v6Forwarding = true
var paths []string
if v4Forwarding {
paths = append(paths, filepath.Join(root, "proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"))
if v6Forwarding {
paths = append(paths, filepath.Join(root, "proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding"))
// In some common configurations (e.g. default docker,
// kubernetes), the container environment denies write access to
// most sysctls, including IP forwarding controls. Check the
// sysctl values before trying to change them, so that we
// gracefully do nothing if the container's already been set up
// properly by e.g. a k8s initContainer.
for _, path := range paths {
bs, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading %q: %w", path, err)
if v := strings.TrimSpace(string(bs)); v != "1" {
if err := os.WriteFile(path, []byte("1"), 0644); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("enabling %q: %w", path, err)
return nil
func installEgressForwardingRule(ctx context.Context, dstStr string, tsIPs []netip.Prefix, nfr linuxfw.NetfilterRunner) error {
dst, err := netip.ParseAddr(dstStr)
if err != nil {
return err
var local netip.Addr
for _, pfx := range tsIPs {
if !pfx.IsSingleIP() {
if pfx.Addr().Is4() != dst.Is4() {
local = pfx.Addr()
if !local.IsValid() {
return fmt.Errorf("no tailscale IP matching family of %s found in %v", dstStr, tsIPs)
if err := nfr.DNATNonTailscaleTraffic("tailscale0", dst); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("installing egress proxy rules: %w", err)
if err := nfr.AddSNATRuleForDst(local, dst); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("installing egress proxy rules: %w", err)
if err := nfr.ClampMSSToPMTU("tailscale0", dst); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("installing egress proxy rules: %w", err)
return nil
func installIngressForwardingRule(ctx context.Context, dstStr string, tsIPs []netip.Prefix, nfr linuxfw.NetfilterRunner) error {
dst, err := netip.ParseAddr(dstStr)
if err != nil {
return err
var local netip.Addr
for _, pfx := range tsIPs {
if !pfx.IsSingleIP() {
if pfx.Addr().Is4() != dst.Is4() {
local = pfx.Addr()
if !local.IsValid() {
return fmt.Errorf("no tailscale IP matching family of %s found in %v", dstStr, tsIPs)
if err := nfr.AddDNATRule(local, dst); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("installing ingress proxy rules: %w", err)
if err := nfr.ClampMSSToPMTU("tailscale0", dst); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("installing ingress proxy rules: %w", err)
return nil
// settings is all the configuration for containerboot.
type settings struct {
AuthKey string
Hostname string
Routes *string
// ProxyTo is the destination IP to which all incoming
// Tailscale traffic should be proxied. If empty, no proxying
// is done. This is typically a locally reachable IP.
ProxyTo string
// TailnetTargetIP is the destination IP to which all incoming
// non-Tailscale traffic should be proxied. This is typically a
// Tailscale IP.
TailnetTargetIP string
// TailnetTargetFQDN is an MagicDNS name to which all incoming
// non-Tailscale traffic should be proxied. This must be a full Tailnet
// node FQDN.
TailnetTargetFQDN string
ServeConfigPath string
DaemonExtraArgs string
ExtraArgs string
InKubernetes bool
UserspaceMode bool
StateDir string
AcceptDNS *bool
KubeSecret string
SOCKSProxyAddr string
HTTPProxyAddr string
Socket string
AuthOnce bool
Root string
KubernetesCanPatch bool
TailscaledConfigFilePath string
func (s *settings) validate() error {
if s.TailscaledConfigFilePath != "" {
if _, err := conffile.Load(s.TailscaledConfigFilePath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error validating tailscaled configfile contents: %w", err)
if s.ProxyTo != "" && s.UserspaceMode {
return errors.New("TS_DEST_IP is not supported with TS_USERSPACE")
if s.TailnetTargetIP != "" && s.UserspaceMode {
return errors.New("TS_TAILNET_TARGET_IP is not supported with TS_USERSPACE")
if s.TailnetTargetFQDN != "" && s.UserspaceMode {
return errors.New("TS_TAILNET_TARGET_FQDN is not supported with TS_USERSPACE")
if s.TailnetTargetFQDN != "" && s.TailnetTargetIP != "" {
return errors.New("Both TS_TAILNET_TARGET_IP and TS_TAILNET_FQDN cannot be set")
if s.TailscaledConfigFilePath != "" && (s.AcceptDNS != nil || s.AuthKey != "" || s.Routes != nil || s.ExtraArgs != "" || s.Hostname != "") {
return nil
// defaultEnv returns the value of the given envvar name, or defVal if
// unset.
func defaultEnv(name, defVal string) string {
if v, ok := os.LookupEnv(name); ok {
return v
return defVal
// defaultEnvStringPointer returns a pointer to the given envvar value if set, else
// returns nil. This is useful in cases where we need to distinguish between a
// variable being set to empty string vs unset.
func defaultEnvStringPointer(name string) *string {
if v, ok := os.LookupEnv(name); ok {
return &v
return nil
// defaultEnvBoolPointer returns a pointer to the given envvar value if set, else
// returns nil. This is useful in cases where we need to distinguish between a
// variable being explicitly set to false vs unset.
func defaultEnvBoolPointer(name string) *bool {
v := os.Getenv(name)
ret, err := strconv.ParseBool(v)
if err != nil {
return nil
return &ret
func defaultEnvs(names []string, defVal string) string {
for _, name := range names {
if v, ok := os.LookupEnv(name); ok {
return v
return defVal
// defaultBool returns the boolean value of the given envvar name, or
// defVal if unset or not a bool.
func defaultBool(name string, defVal bool) bool {
v := os.Getenv(name)
ret, err := strconv.ParseBool(v)
if err != nil {
return defVal
return ret
// contextWithExitSignalWatch watches for SIGTERM/SIGINT signals. It returns a
// context that gets cancelled when a signal is received and a cancel function
// that can be called to free the resources when the watch should be stopped.
func contextWithExitSignalWatch() (context.Context, func()) {
closeChan := make(chan string)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
signalChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(signalChan, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
select {
case <-signalChan:
case <-closeChan:
f := func() {
closeChan <- "goodbye"
return ctx, f
// isTwoStepConfigAuthOnce returns true if the Tailscale node should be configured
// in two steps and login should only happen once.
// Step 1: run 'tailscaled'
// Step 2):
// A) if this is the first time starting this node run 'tailscale up --authkey <authkey> <config opts>'
// B) if this is not the first time starting this node run 'tailscale set <config opts>'.
func isTwoStepConfigAuthOnce(cfg *settings) bool {
return cfg.AuthOnce && cfg.TailscaledConfigFilePath == ""
// isTwoStepConfigAlwaysAuth returns true if the Tailscale node should be configured
// in two steps and we should log in every time it starts.
// Step 1: run 'tailscaled'
// Step 2): run 'tailscale up --authkey <authkey> <config opts>'
func isTwoStepConfigAlwaysAuth(cfg *settings) bool {
return !cfg.AuthOnce && cfg.TailscaledConfigFilePath == ""
// isOneStepConfig returns true if the Tailscale node should always be ran and
// configured in a single step by running 'tailscaled <config opts>'
func isOneStepConfig(cfg *settings) bool {
return cfg.TailscaledConfigFilePath != ""