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synced 2025-03-24 18:21:00 +00:00

There's a lot of confusion around what tailscale status shows, so make it better: show region names, last write time, and put stars around DERP too if active. Now stars are always present if activity, and always somewhere.
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305 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package ipnstate captures the entire state of the Tailscale network.
// It's a leaf package so ipn, wgengine, and magicsock can all depend on it.
package ipnstate
import (
// Status represents the entire state of the IPN network.
type Status struct {
BackendState string
Peer map[key.Public]*PeerStatus
User map[tailcfg.UserID]tailcfg.UserProfile
func (s *Status) Peers() []key.Public {
kk := make([]key.Public, 0, len(s.Peer))
for k := range s.Peer {
kk = append(kk, k)
sort.Slice(kk, func(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(kk[i][:], kk[j][:]) < 0 })
return kk
type PeerStatus struct {
PublicKey key.Public
HostName string // HostInfo's Hostname (not a DNS name or necessarily unique)
OS string // HostInfo.OS
UserID tailcfg.UserID
TailAddr string // Tailscale IP
// Endpoints:
Addrs []string
CurAddr string // one of Addrs, or unique if roaming
Relay string // DERP region
RxBytes int64
TxBytes int64
Created time.Time // time registered with tailcontrol
LastWrite time.Time // time last packet sent
LastSeen time.Time // last seen to tailcontrol
LastHandshake time.Time // with local wireguard
KeepAlive bool
// InNetworkMap means that this peer was seen in our latest network map.
// In theory, all of InNetworkMap and InMagicSock and InEngine should all be true.
InNetworkMap bool
// InMagicSock means that this peer is being tracked by magicsock.
// In theory, all of InNetworkMap and InMagicSock and InEngine should all be true.
InMagicSock bool
// InEngine means that this peer is tracked by the wireguard engine.
// In theory, all of InNetworkMap and InMagicSock and InEngine should all be true.
InEngine bool
// SimpleHostName returns a potentially simplified version of ps.HostName for display purposes.
func (ps *PeerStatus) SimpleHostName() string {
n := ps.HostName
n = strings.TrimSuffix(n, ".local")
n = strings.TrimSuffix(n, ".localdomain")
return n
type StatusBuilder struct {
mu sync.Mutex
locked bool
st Status
func (sb *StatusBuilder) Status() *Status {
defer sb.mu.Unlock()
sb.locked = true
return &sb.st
// AddUser adds a user profile to the status.
func (sb *StatusBuilder) AddUser(id tailcfg.UserID, up tailcfg.UserProfile) {
defer sb.mu.Unlock()
if sb.locked {
log.Printf("[unexpected] ipnstate: AddUser after Locked")
if sb.st.User == nil {
sb.st.User = make(map[tailcfg.UserID]tailcfg.UserProfile)
sb.st.User[id] = up
// AddPeer adds a peer node to the status.
// Its PeerStatus is mixed with any previous status already added.
func (sb *StatusBuilder) AddPeer(peer key.Public, st *PeerStatus) {
if st == nil {
panic("nil PeerStatus")
defer sb.mu.Unlock()
if sb.locked {
log.Printf("[unexpected] ipnstate: AddPeer after Locked")
if sb.st.Peer == nil {
sb.st.Peer = make(map[key.Public]*PeerStatus)
e, ok := sb.st.Peer[peer]
if !ok {
sb.st.Peer[peer] = st
st.PublicKey = peer
if v := st.HostName; v != "" {
e.HostName = v
if v := st.Relay; v != "" {
e.Relay = v
if v := st.UserID; v != 0 {
e.UserID = v
if v := st.TailAddr; v != "" {
e.TailAddr = v
if v := st.OS; v != "" {
e.OS = st.OS
if v := st.Addrs; v != nil {
e.Addrs = v
if v := st.CurAddr; v != "" {
e.CurAddr = v
if v := st.RxBytes; v != 0 {
e.RxBytes = v
if v := st.TxBytes; v != 0 {
e.TxBytes = v
if v := st.LastHandshake; !v.IsZero() {
e.LastHandshake = v
if v := st.Created; !v.IsZero() {
e.Created = v
if v := st.LastSeen; !v.IsZero() {
e.LastSeen = v
if v := st.LastWrite; !v.IsZero() {
e.LastWrite = v
if st.InNetworkMap {
e.InNetworkMap = true
if st.InMagicSock {
e.InMagicSock = true
if st.InEngine {
e.InEngine = true
if st.KeepAlive {
e.KeepAlive = true
type StatusUpdater interface {
func (st *Status) WriteHTML(w io.Writer) {
f := func(format string, args ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(w, format, args...) }
f(`<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Tailscale State</title>
body { font-family: monospace; }
.owner { text-decoration: underline; }
.tailaddr { font-style: italic; }
.acenter { text-align: center; }
.aright { text-align: right; }
table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; border-spacing : 0; border-collapse : collapse; }
thead { background-color: #FFA500; }
th, td { padding: 5px; }
td { vertical-align: top; }
table tbody tr:nth-child(even) td { background-color: #f5f5f5; }
<h1>Tailscale State</h1>
//f("<p><b>logid:</b> %s</p>\n", logid)
//f("<p><b>opts:</b> <code>%s</code></p>\n", html.EscapeString(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", opts)))
now := time.Now()
for _, peer := range st.Peers() {
ps := st.Peer[peer]
var actAgo string
if !ps.LastWrite.IsZero() {
ago := now.Sub(ps.LastWrite)
actAgo = ago.Round(time.Second).String() + " ago"
if ago < 5*time.Minute {
actAgo = "<b>" + actAgo + "</b>"
var owner string
if up, ok := st.User[ps.UserID]; ok {
owner = up.LoginName
if i := strings.Index(owner, "@"); i != -1 {
owner = owner[:i]
f("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s %s<br><span class=\"tailaddr\">%s</span></td><td class=\"acenter owner\">%s</td><td class=\"aright\">%v</td><td class=\"aright\">%v</td><td class=\"aright\">%v</td>",
f("<td class=\"aright\">")
// TODO: let server report this active bool instead
active := !ps.LastWrite.IsZero() && time.Since(ps.LastWrite) < 2*time.Minute
relay := ps.Relay
if relay != "" {
if active && ps.CurAddr == "" {
f("🔗 <b>derp-%v</b><br>", html.EscapeString(relay))
} else {
f("derp-%v<br>", html.EscapeString(relay))
match := false
for _, addr := range ps.Addrs {
if addr == ps.CurAddr {
match = true
f("🔗 <b>%s</b><br>", addr)
} else {
f("%s<br>", addr)
if ps.CurAddr != "" && !match {
f("<b>%s</b> \xf0\x9f\xa7\xb3<br>", ps.CurAddr)
f("</td>") // end Addrs
func osEmoji(os string) string {
switch os {
case "linux":
return "🐧"
case "macOS":
return "🍎"
case "windows":
return "🖥️"
case "iOS":
return "📱"
case "android":
return "🤖"
case "freebsd":
return "👿"
case "openbsd":
return "🐡"
return "👽"