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synced 2025-03-23 17:51:05 +00:00

Updates https://github.com/tailscale/corp/issues/23789 Signed-off-by: Aaron Klotz <aaron@tailscale.com>
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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package syspolicy
import (
// Key is a string that uniquely identifies a policy and must remain unchanged
// once established and documented for a given policy setting. It may contain
// alphanumeric characters and zero or more [KeyPathSeparator]s to group
// individual policy settings into categories.
type Key = setting.Key
// The const block below lists known policy keys.
// When adding a key to this list, remember to add a corresponding
// [setting.Definition] to [implicitDefinitions] below.
// Otherwise, the [TestKnownKeysRegistered] test will fail as a reminder.
const (
// Keys with a string value
ControlURL Key = "LoginURL" // default ""; if blank, ipn uses ipn.DefaultControlURL.
LogTarget Key = "LogTarget" // default ""; if blank logging uses logtail.DefaultHost.
Tailnet Key = "Tailnet" // default ""; if blank, no tailnet name is sent to the server.
// ExitNodeID is the exit node's node id. default ""; if blank, no exit node is forced.
// Exit node ID takes precedence over exit node IP.
// To find the node ID, go to /api.md#device.
ExitNodeID Key = "ExitNodeID"
ExitNodeIP Key = "ExitNodeIP" // default ""; if blank, no exit node is forced. Value is exit node IP.
// Keys with a string value that specifies an option: "always", "never", "user-decides".
// The default is "user-decides" unless otherwise stated. Enforcement of
// these policies is typically performed in ipnlocal.applySysPolicy(). GUIs
// typically hide menu items related to policies that are enforced.
EnableIncomingConnections Key = "AllowIncomingConnections"
EnableServerMode Key = "UnattendedMode"
ExitNodeAllowLANAccess Key = "ExitNodeAllowLANAccess"
EnableTailscaleDNS Key = "UseTailscaleDNSSettings"
EnableTailscaleSubnets Key = "UseTailscaleSubnets"
// CheckUpdates is the key to signal if the updater should periodically
// check for updates.
CheckUpdates Key = "CheckUpdates"
// ApplyUpdates is the key to signal if updates should be automatically
// installed. Its value is "InstallUpdates" because of an awkwardly-named
// visibility option "ApplyUpdates" on MacOS.
ApplyUpdates Key = "InstallUpdates"
// EnableRunExitNode controls if the device acts as an exit node. Even when
// running as an exit node, the device must be approved by a tailnet
// administrator. Its name is slightly awkward because RunExitNodeVisibility
// predates this option but is preserved for backwards compatibility.
EnableRunExitNode Key = "AdvertiseExitNode"
// Keys with a string value that controls visibility: "show", "hide".
// The default is "show" unless otherwise stated. Enforcement of these
// policies is typically performed by the UI code for the relevant operating
// system.
AdminConsoleVisibility Key = "AdminConsole"
NetworkDevicesVisibility Key = "NetworkDevices"
TestMenuVisibility Key = "TestMenu"
UpdateMenuVisibility Key = "UpdateMenu"
ResetToDefaultsVisibility Key = "ResetToDefaults"
// RunExitNodeVisibility controls if the "run as exit node" menu item is
// visible, without controlling the setting itself. This is preserved for
// backwards compatibility but prefer EnableRunExitNode in new deployments.
RunExitNodeVisibility Key = "RunExitNode"
PreferencesMenuVisibility Key = "PreferencesMenu"
ExitNodeMenuVisibility Key = "ExitNodesPicker"
// AutoUpdateVisibility is the key to signal if the menu item for automatic
// installation of updates should be visible. It is only used by macsys
// installations and uses the Sparkle naming convention, even though it does
// not actually control updates, merely the UI for that setting.
AutoUpdateVisibility Key = "ApplyUpdates"
// SuggestedExitNodeVisibility controls the visibility of suggested exit nodes in the client GUI.
// When this system policy is set to 'hide', an exit node suggestion won't be presented to the user as part of the exit nodes picker.
SuggestedExitNodeVisibility Key = "SuggestedExitNode"
// OnboardingFlowVisibility controls the visibility of the onboarding flow in the client GUI.
// When this system policy is set to 'hide', the onboarding flow is never shown to the user.
OnboardingFlowVisibility Key = "OnboardingFlow"
// Keys with a string value formatted for use with time.ParseDuration().
KeyExpirationNoticeTime Key = "KeyExpirationNotice" // default 24 hours
// Boolean Keys that are only applicable on Windows. Booleans are stored in the registry as
// DWORD or QWORD (either is acceptable). 0 means false, and anything else means true.
// The default is 0 unless otherwise stated.
LogSCMInteractions Key = "LogSCMInteractions"
FlushDNSOnSessionUnlock Key = "FlushDNSOnSessionUnlock"
// PostureChecking indicates if posture checking is enabled and the client shall gather
// posture data.
// Key is a string value that specifies an option: "always", "never", "user-decides".
// The default is "user-decides" unless otherwise stated.
PostureChecking Key = "PostureChecking"
// DeviceSerialNumber is the serial number of the device that is running Tailscale.
// This is used on iOS/tvOS to allow IT administrators to manually give us a serial number via MDM.
// We are unable to programmatically get the serial number from IOKit due to sandboxing restrictions.
DeviceSerialNumber Key = "DeviceSerialNumber"
// ManagedByOrganizationName indicates the name of the organization managing the Tailscale
// install. It is displayed inside the client UI in a prominent location.
ManagedByOrganizationName Key = "ManagedByOrganizationName"
// ManagedByCaption is an info message displayed inside the client UI as a caption when
// ManagedByOrganizationName is set. It can be used to provide a pointer to support resources
// for Tailscale within the organization.
ManagedByCaption Key = "ManagedByCaption"
// ManagedByURL is a valid URL pointing to a support help desk for Tailscale within the
// organization. A button in the client UI provides easy access to this URL.
ManagedByURL Key = "ManagedByURL"
// AuthKey is an auth key that will be used to login whenever the backend starts. This can be used to
// automatically authenticate managed devices, without requiring user interaction.
AuthKey Key = "AuthKey"
// MachineCertificateSubject is the exact name of a Subject that needs
// to be present in an identity's certificate chain to sign a RegisterRequest,
// formatted as per pkix.Name.String(). The Subject may be that of the identity
// itself, an intermediate CA or the root CA.
// Example: "CN=Tailscale Inc Test Root CA,OU=Tailscale Inc Test Certificate Authority,O=Tailscale Inc,ST=ON,C=CA"
MachineCertificateSubject Key = "MachineCertificateSubject"
// Keys with a string array value.
// AllowedSuggestedExitNodes's string array value is a list of exit node IDs that restricts which exit nodes are considered when generating suggestions for exit nodes.
AllowedSuggestedExitNodes Key = "AllowedSuggestedExitNodes"
// implicitDefinitions is a list of [setting.Definition] that will be registered
// automatically when the policy setting definitions are first used by the syspolicy package hierarchy.
// This includes the first time a policy needs to be read from any source.
var implicitDefinitions = []*setting.Definition{
// Device policy settings (can only be configured on a per-device basis):
setting.NewDefinition(AllowedSuggestedExitNodes, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringListValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ApplyUpdates, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(AuthKey, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(CheckUpdates, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ControlURL, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(DeviceSerialNumber, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(EnableIncomingConnections, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(EnableRunExitNode, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(EnableServerMode, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(EnableTailscaleDNS, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(EnableTailscaleSubnets, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ExitNodeAllowLANAccess, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ExitNodeID, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ExitNodeIP, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(FlushDNSOnSessionUnlock, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.BooleanValue),
setting.NewDefinition(LogSCMInteractions, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.BooleanValue),
setting.NewDefinition(LogTarget, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(MachineCertificateSubject, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(PostureChecking, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.PreferenceOptionValue),
setting.NewDefinition(Tailnet, setting.DeviceSetting, setting.StringValue),
// User policy settings (can be configured on a user- or device-basis):
setting.NewDefinition(AdminConsoleVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(AutoUpdateVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ExitNodeMenuVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(KeyExpirationNoticeTime, setting.UserSetting, setting.DurationValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ManagedByCaption, setting.UserSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ManagedByOrganizationName, setting.UserSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ManagedByURL, setting.UserSetting, setting.StringValue),
setting.NewDefinition(NetworkDevicesVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(PreferencesMenuVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(ResetToDefaultsVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(RunExitNodeVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(SuggestedExitNodeVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(TestMenuVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(UpdateMenuVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
setting.NewDefinition(OnboardingFlowVisibility, setting.UserSetting, setting.VisibilityValue),
func init() {
internal.Init.MustDefer(func() error {
// Avoid implicit [setting.Definition] registration during tests.
// Each test should control which policy settings to register.
// Use [setting.SetDefinitionsForTest] to specify necessary definitions,
// or [setWellKnownSettingsForTest] to set implicit definitions for the test duration.
if testenv.InTest() {
return nil
for _, d := range implicitDefinitions {
return nil
var implicitDefinitionMap lazy.SyncValue[setting.DefinitionMap]
// WellKnownSettingDefinition returns a well-known, implicit setting definition by its key,
// or an [ErrNoSuchKey] if a policy setting with the specified key does not exist
// among implicit policy definitions.
func WellKnownSettingDefinition(k Key) (*setting.Definition, error) {
m, err := implicitDefinitionMap.GetErr(func() (setting.DefinitionMap, error) {
return setting.DefinitionMapOf(implicitDefinitions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if d, ok := m[k]; ok {
return d, nil
return nil, ErrNoSuchKey
// RegisterWellKnownSettingsForTest registers all implicit setting definitions
// for the duration of the test.
func RegisterWellKnownSettingsForTest(tb TB) {
err := setting.SetDefinitionsForTest(tb, implicitDefinitions...)
if err != nil {
tb.Fatalf("Failed to register well-known settings: %v", err)