Mike Kramlich d2eeba5adb Homebrew packaging of the non-IPNExtension, unsandboxed tailscale{d} releases for macOS/darwin.
So the public can "brew install" tailscale and start it as a global boot daemon via brew services.

supported: Homebrew 3.0, go1.15 darwin/amd64, macOS Catalina 10.15.3, Intel 64-bit
probably also but unconfirmed: BigSur 11 and Apple M1 ARM64

NOTE: lots of upgrades and polish since 1st squashed WIP PR, and applies most prior feedback

Part of #177. (WIP)

Signed-off-by: Mike Kramlich <groglogic@gmail.com>
2021-02-24 02:09:39 -07:00

Tailscale Mac Homebrew Maintainer Guide

*** WIP ***

Homebrew packaging of the non-IPNExtension, unsandboxed tailscale{d} releases for macOS/darwin.

So the public can "brew install" tailscale and start it as a global boot daemon via brew services.

Platforms Supported

These platform versions and permutations have been tested and are known to work well:

role brew golang os arch repo
maintainer: Homebrew 3.0.1-120-g5ca03ab go1.15.8 darwin/amd64 macOS Catalina 10.15.3 Intel 64-bit
macOS Big Sur 11.x (?) Apple M1 ARM64 (?)
pkg target: Homebrew 3.0.1-120-g5ca03ab go1.15.8 darwin/amd64 macOS Catalina 10.15.3 Intel 64-bit tailscale:
macOS Big Sur 11.x (?) Apple M1 ARM64 (?) 188bb14269
likely 1.5

Directory Contents

type name purpose
formulae tailscale.rb The default packaging "formula" in Ruby, based on a
a pinned commit from the tailscale/tailscale GitHub repo
tailscale.*.rb Alternate formulae (mainly used for testing now,
and includes some variants based on tagged release source
tarballs, and local test standin candidates)
maintainer scripts vars.sh role for brew like version/version.sh for build_dist.sh
generate-formulae.sh regenerates all formulae (default, plus some alternates)
generate-formula.sh generates formula from an embedded template, to stdout
search-interesting.sh nice to keep these on maintainer's radar
test.sh tests all supported permutations
install-start-with-checks.sh install test run for maintainer
stop-uninstall-wipe.sh closing counterpart to the install*.sh script
subdirs brew/local/ .gitignored tree created and used during brew maintenance work

Use Cases

For the ultimate endusers (ONLY ONCE READY & AVAIL)...

brew install tailscale
sudo brew services start tailscale

TODO(mkramlich): add context, details, variants to the above

For an early adopter who wants to try an unofficial sneak preview of a local brew install of the WIP formula:

git clone https://github.com/mkramlich/tailscale
cd tailscale
git switch mkramlich/macos-brew
brew install --formula brew/tailscale.rb # default formula draws from a recent good commit from tailscale/tailscale
sudo brew services start tailscale
# tailscaled is now running and registered as a global boot daemon (via launchctl/launchd)
brew/up.sh # then do your auth
# tailscaled is now authorized and providing normal service to your VPN

For maintainers...

All scripts assume you are in the cloned repo root, just above brew/ (EXCEPT make-test-source-tarball.sh, TODO)

To edit the formula source, regen and retest:

# modify the template fragments inside generate-formula.sh
#   and/or the var values in brew/vars.sh or brew/generate-formulae.sh
brew/serve-tarball.sh # ensure running in background; only needed for the local source tarball test in test.sh
brew/test.sh # this is very WIP, but generally the goal is if it exits 0 then the tests are green

TODO(mkramlich): flesh out much further; topics: formula vs bottle, sudo vs not, prefix diffs, local vs public ts tap vs core, testing, submission and bumping