Tom DNetto f580f4484f tka: move disablement logic out-of-band from AUMs
It doesn't make a ton of sense for disablement to be communicated as an AUM, because
any failure in the AUM or chain mechanism will mean disablement wont function.

Instead, tracking of the disablement secrets remains inside the state machine, but
actual disablement and communication of the disablement secret is done by the caller.

Signed-off-by: Tom DNetto <>
2022-08-25 14:25:34 -07:00

440 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2022 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package tka
import (
func TestComputeChainCandidates(t *testing.T) {
c := newTestchain(t, `
G1 -> I1 -> I2 -> I3 -> L2
| -> L1 | -> L3
G2 -> L4
// We tweak these AUMs so they are different hashes.
G2.hashSeed = 2
L1.hashSeed = 2
L3.hashSeed = 2
L4.hashSeed = 3
// Should result in 4 chains:
// G1->L1, G1->L2, G1->L3, G2->L4
i1H := c.AUMHashes["I1"]
got, err := computeChainCandidates(c.Chonk(), &i1H, 50)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("computeChainCandidates() failed: %v", err)
want := []chain{
{Oldest: c.AUMs["G2"], Head: c.AUMs["L4"]},
{Oldest: c.AUMs["G1"], Head: c.AUMs["L3"], chainsThroughActive: true},
{Oldest: c.AUMs["G1"], Head: c.AUMs["L1"], chainsThroughActive: true},
{Oldest: c.AUMs["G1"], Head: c.AUMs["L2"], chainsThroughActive: true},
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got, cmp.AllowUnexported(chain{})); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("chains differ (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestForkResolutionHash(t *testing.T) {
c := newTestchain(t, `
G1 -> L1
| -> L2
// tweak hashes so L1 & L2 are not identical
L1.hashSeed = 2
L2.hashSeed = 3
got, err := computeActiveChain(c.Chonk(), nil, 50)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("computeActiveChain() failed: %v", err)
// The fork with the lowest AUM hash should have been chosen.
l1H := c.AUMHashes["L1"]
l2H := c.AUMHashes["L2"]
want := l1H
if bytes.Compare(l2H[:], l1H[:]) < 0 {
want = l2H
if got := got.Head.Hash(); got != want {
t.Errorf("head was %x, want %x", got, want)
func TestForkResolutionSigWeight(t *testing.T) {
pub, priv := testingKey25519(t, 1)
key := Key{Kind: Key25519, Public: pub, Votes: 2}
c := newTestchain(t, `
G1 -> L1
| -> L2
G1.template = addKey
L1.hashSeed = 11
L2.signedWith = key
optTemplate("addKey", AUM{MessageKind: AUMAddKey, Key: &key}),
optKey("key", key, priv))
l1H := c.AUMHashes["L1"]
l2H := c.AUMHashes["L2"]
if bytes.Compare(l2H[:], l1H[:]) < 0 {
t.Fatal("failed assert: h(l1) > h(l2)\nTweak hashSeed till this passes")
got, err := computeActiveChain(c.Chonk(), nil, 50)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("computeActiveChain() failed: %v", err)
// Based on the hash, l1H should be chosen.
// But based on the signature weight (which has higher
// precedence), it should be l2H
want := l2H
if got := got.Head.Hash(); got != want {
t.Errorf("head was %x, want %x", got, want)
func TestForkResolutionMessageType(t *testing.T) {
pub, _ := testingKey25519(t, 1)
key := Key{Kind: Key25519, Public: pub, Votes: 2}
c := newTestchain(t, `
G1 -> L1
| -> L2
| -> L3
G1.template = addKey
L1.hashSeed = 11
L2.template = removeKey
L3.hashSeed = 18
optTemplate("addKey", AUM{MessageKind: AUMAddKey, Key: &key}),
optTemplate("removeKey", AUM{MessageKind: AUMRemoveKey, KeyID: key.ID()}))
l1H := c.AUMHashes["L1"]
l2H := c.AUMHashes["L2"]
l3H := c.AUMHashes["L3"]
if bytes.Compare(l2H[:], l1H[:]) < 0 {
t.Fatal("failed assert: h(l1) > h(l2)\nTweak hashSeed till this passes")
if bytes.Compare(l2H[:], l3H[:]) < 0 {
t.Fatal("failed assert: h(l3) > h(l2)\nTweak hashSeed till this passes")
got, err := computeActiveChain(c.Chonk(), nil, 50)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("computeActiveChain() failed: %v", err)
// Based on the hash, L1 or L3 should be chosen.
// But based on the preference for AUMRemoveKey messages,
// it should be L2.
want := l2H
if got := got.Head.Hash(); got != want {
t.Errorf("head was %x, want %x", got, want)
func TestComputeStateAt(t *testing.T) {
pub, _ := testingKey25519(t, 1)
key := Key{Kind: Key25519, Public: pub, Votes: 2}
c := newTestchain(t, `
G1 -> I1 -> I2
I1.template = addKey
optTemplate("addKey", AUM{MessageKind: AUMAddKey, Key: &key}))
// G1 is before the key, so there shouldn't be a key there.
state, err := computeStateAt(c.Chonk(), 500, c.AUMHashes["G1"])
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("computeStateAt(G1) failed: %v", err)
if _, err := state.GetKey(key.ID()); err != ErrNoSuchKey {
t.Errorf("expected key to be missing: err = %v", err)
if *state.LastAUMHash != c.AUMHashes["G1"] {
t.Errorf("LastAUMHash = %x, want %x", *state.LastAUMHash, c.AUMHashes["G1"])
// I1 & I2 are after the key, so the computed state should contain
// the key.
for _, wantHash := range []AUMHash{c.AUMHashes["I1"], c.AUMHashes["I2"]} {
state, err = computeStateAt(c.Chonk(), 500, wantHash)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("computeStateAt(%X) failed: %v", wantHash, err)
if *state.LastAUMHash != wantHash {
t.Errorf("LastAUMHash = %x, want %x", *state.LastAUMHash, wantHash)
if _, err := state.GetKey(key.ID()); err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected key to be present at state: err = %v", err)
// fakeAUM generates an AUM structure based on the template.
// If parent is provided, PrevAUMHash is set to that value.
// If template is an AUM, the returned AUM is based on that.
// If template is an int, a NOOP AUM is returned, and the
// provided int can be used to tweak the resulting hash (needed
// for tests you want one AUM to be 'lower' than another, so that
// that chain is taken based on fork resolution rules).
func fakeAUM(t *testing.T, template interface{}, parent *AUMHash) (AUM, AUMHash) {
if seed, ok := template.(int); ok {
a := AUM{MessageKind: AUMNoOp, KeyID: []byte{byte(seed)}}
if parent != nil {
a.PrevAUMHash = (*parent)[:]
h := a.Hash()
return a, h
if a, ok := template.(AUM); ok {
if parent != nil {
a.PrevAUMHash = (*parent)[:]
h := a.Hash()
return a, h
panic("template must be an int or an AUM")
func TestOpenAuthority(t *testing.T) {
pub, _ := testingKey25519(t, 1)
key := Key{Kind: Key25519, Public: pub, Votes: 2}
// /- L1
// G1 - I1 - I2 - I3 -L2
// \-L3
// G2 - L4
// We set the previous-known ancestor to G1, so the
// ancestor to start from should be G1.
g1, g1H := fakeAUM(t, AUM{MessageKind: AUMAddKey, Key: &key}, nil)
i1, i1H := fakeAUM(t, 2, &g1H) // AUM{MessageKind: AUMAddKey, Key: &key2}
l1, l1H := fakeAUM(t, 13, &i1H)
i2, i2H := fakeAUM(t, 2, &i1H)
i3, i3H := fakeAUM(t, 5, &i2H)
l2, l2H := fakeAUM(t, AUM{MessageKind: AUMNoOp, KeyID: []byte{7}, Signatures: []tkatype.Signature{{KeyID: key.ID()}}}, &i3H)
l3, l3H := fakeAUM(t, 4, &i3H)
g2, g2H := fakeAUM(t, 8, nil)
l4, _ := fakeAUM(t, 9, &g2H)
// We make sure that I2 has a lower hash than L1, so
// it should take that path rather than L1.
if bytes.Compare(l1H[:], i2H[:]) < 0 {
t.Fatal("failed assert: h(i2) > h(l1)\nTweak parameters to fakeAUM till this passes")
// We make sure L2 has a signature with key, so it should
// take that path over L3. We assert that the L3 hash
// is less than L2 so the test will fail if the signature
// preference logic is broken.
if bytes.Compare(l2H[:], l3H[:]) < 0 {
t.Fatal("failed assert: h(l3) > h(l2)\nTweak parameters to fakeAUM till this passes")
// Construct the state of durable storage.
chonk := &Mem{}
err := chonk.CommitVerifiedAUMs([]AUM{g1, i1, l1, i2, i3, l2, l3, g2, l4})
if err != nil {
a, err := Open(chonk)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("New() failed: %v", err)
// Should include the key added in G1
if _, err := a.state.GetKey(key.ID()); err != nil {
t.Errorf("missing G1 key: %v", err)
// The head of the chain should be L2.
if a.Head() != l2H {
t.Errorf("head was %x, want %x", a.state.LastAUMHash, l2H)
func TestOpenAuthority_EmptyErrors(t *testing.T) {
_, err := Open(&Mem{})
if err == nil {
t.Error("Expected an error initializing an empty authority, got nil")
func TestAuthorityHead(t *testing.T) {
c := newTestchain(t, `
G1 -> L1
| -> L2
L1.hashSeed = 2
a, _ := Open(c.Chonk())
if got, want := a.head.Hash(), a.Head(); got != want {
t.Errorf("Hash() returned %x, want %x", got, want)
func TestAuthorityValidDisablement(t *testing.T) {
pub, _ := testingKey25519(t, 1)
key := Key{Kind: Key25519, Public: pub, Votes: 2}
c := newTestchain(t, `
G1 -> L1
G1.template = genesis
optTemplate("genesis", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{
Keys: []Key{key},
DisablementSecrets: [][]byte{disablementKDF([]byte{1, 2, 3})},
a, _ := Open(c.Chonk())
if valid := a.ValidDisablement([]byte{1, 2, 3}); !valid {
t.Error("ValidDisablement() returned false, want true")
func TestCreateBootstrapAuthority(t *testing.T) {
pub, priv := testingKey25519(t, 1)
key := Key{Kind: Key25519, Public: pub, Votes: 2}
a1, genesisAUM, err := Create(&Mem{}, State{
Keys: []Key{key},
DisablementSecrets: [][]byte{disablementKDF([]byte{1, 2, 3})},
}, signer25519(priv))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Create() failed: %v", err)
a2, err := Bootstrap(&Mem{}, genesisAUM)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Bootstrap() failed: %v", err)
if a1.Head() != a2.Head() {
t.Fatal("created and bootstrapped authority differ")
// Both authorities should trust the key laid down in the genesis state.
if !a1.KeyTrusted(key.ID()) {
t.Error("a1 did not trust genesis key")
if !a2.KeyTrusted(key.ID()) {
t.Error("a2 did not trust genesis key")
func TestAuthorityInformNonLinear(t *testing.T) {
pub, priv := testingKey25519(t, 1)
key := Key{Kind: Key25519, Public: pub, Votes: 2}
c := newTestchain(t, `
G1 -> L1
| -> L2 -> L3
| -> L4 -> L5
G1.template = genesis
L1.hashSeed = 3
L2.hashSeed = 2
L4.hashSeed = 2
optTemplate("genesis", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{
Keys: []Key{key},
DisablementSecrets: [][]byte{disablementKDF([]byte{1, 2, 3})},
optKey("key", key, priv),
storage := &Mem{}
a, err := Bootstrap(storage, c.AUMs["G1"])
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Bootstrap() failed: %v", err)
// L2 does not chain from L1, disabling the isHeadChain optimization
// and forcing Inform() to take the slow path.
informAUMs := []AUM{c.AUMs["L1"], c.AUMs["L2"], c.AUMs["L3"], c.AUMs["L4"], c.AUMs["L5"]}
if err := a.Inform(informAUMs); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Inform() failed: %v", err)
for i, update := range informAUMs {
stored, err := storage.AUM(update.Hash())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("reading stored update %d: %v", i, err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(update, stored); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("update %d differs (-want, +got):\n%s", i, diff)
if a.Head() != c.AUMHashes["L3"] {
t.Fatal("authority did not converge to correct AUM")
func TestAuthorityInformLinear(t *testing.T) {
pub, priv := testingKey25519(t, 1)
key := Key{Kind: Key25519, Public: pub, Votes: 2}
c := newTestchain(t, `
G1 -> L1 -> L2 -> L3
G1.template = genesis
optTemplate("genesis", AUM{MessageKind: AUMCheckpoint, State: &State{
Keys: []Key{key},
DisablementSecrets: [][]byte{disablementKDF([]byte{1, 2, 3})},
optKey("key", key, priv),
storage := &Mem{}
a, err := Bootstrap(storage, c.AUMs["G1"])
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Bootstrap() failed: %v", err)
informAUMs := []AUM{c.AUMs["L1"], c.AUMs["L2"], c.AUMs["L3"]}
if err := a.Inform(informAUMs); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Inform() failed: %v", err)
for i, update := range informAUMs {
stored, err := storage.AUM(update.Hash())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("reading stored update %d: %v", i, err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(update, stored); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("update %d differs (-want, +got):\n%s", i, diff)
if a.Head() != c.AUMHashes["L3"] {
t.Fatal("authority did not converge to correct AUM")