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synced 2025-03-26 19:21:01 +00:00

Needed for the "up checker" to map back from exit node stable IDs (the ipn.Prefs.ExitNodeID) back to an IP address in error messages. But also previously requested so people can use it to then make API calls. The upcoming "tailscale admin" subcommand will probably need it too. Signed-off-by: Brad Fitzpatrick <bradfitz@tailscale.com>
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// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package ipnstate captures the entire state of the Tailscale network.
// It's a leaf package so ipn, wgengine, and magicsock can all depend on it.
package ipnstate
import (
// Status represents the entire state of the IPN network.
type Status struct {
// Version is the daemon's long version (see version.Long).
Version string
// BackendState is an ipn.State string value:
// "NoState", "NeedsLogin", "NeedsMachineAuth", "Stopped",
// "Starting", "Running".
BackendState string
AuthURL string // current URL provided by control to authorize client
TailscaleIPs []netaddr.IP // Tailscale IP(s) assigned to this node
Self *PeerStatus
// MagicDNSSuffix is the network's MagicDNS suffix for nodes
// in the network such as "userfoo.tailscale.net".
// There are no surrounding dots.
// MagicDNSSuffix should be populated regardless of whether a domain
// has MagicDNS enabled.
MagicDNSSuffix string
Peer map[key.Public]*PeerStatus
User map[tailcfg.UserID]tailcfg.UserProfile
func (s *Status) Peers() []key.Public {
kk := make([]key.Public, 0, len(s.Peer))
for k := range s.Peer {
kk = append(kk, k)
sort.Slice(kk, func(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(kk[i][:], kk[j][:]) < 0 })
return kk
type PeerStatusLite struct {
TxBytes, RxBytes int64
LastHandshake time.Time
NodeKey tailcfg.NodeKey
type PeerStatus struct {
ID tailcfg.StableNodeID
PublicKey key.Public
HostName string // HostInfo's Hostname (not a DNS name or necessarily unique)
DNSName string
OS string // HostInfo.OS
UserID tailcfg.UserID
TailAddrDeprecated string `json:"TailAddr"` // Tailscale IP
TailscaleIPs []netaddr.IP // Tailscale IP(s) assigned to this node
// Endpoints:
Addrs []string
CurAddr string // one of Addrs, or unique if roaming
Relay string // DERP region
RxBytes int64
TxBytes int64
Created time.Time // time registered with tailcontrol
LastWrite time.Time // time last packet sent
LastSeen time.Time // last seen to tailcontrol
LastHandshake time.Time // with local wireguard
KeepAlive bool
ExitNode bool // true if this is the currently selected exit node.
PeerAPIURL []string
Capabilities []string `json:",omitempty"`
// ShareeNode indicates this node exists in the netmap because
// it's owned by a shared-to user and that node might connect
// to us. These nodes should be hidden by "tailscale status"
// etc by default.
ShareeNode bool `json:",omitempty"`
// InNetworkMap means that this peer was seen in our latest network map.
// In theory, all of InNetworkMap and InMagicSock and InEngine should all be true.
InNetworkMap bool
// InMagicSock means that this peer is being tracked by magicsock.
// In theory, all of InNetworkMap and InMagicSock and InEngine should all be true.
InMagicSock bool
// InEngine means that this peer is tracked by the wireguard engine.
// In theory, all of InNetworkMap and InMagicSock and InEngine should all be true.
InEngine bool
type StatusBuilder struct {
mu sync.Mutex
locked bool
st Status
// MutateStatus calls f with the status to mutate.
// It may not assume other fields of status are already populated, and
// may not retain or write to the Status after f returns.
// MutateStatus acquires a lock so f must not call back into sb.
func (sb *StatusBuilder) MutateStatus(f func(*Status)) {
defer sb.mu.Unlock()
func (sb *StatusBuilder) Status() *Status {
defer sb.mu.Unlock()
sb.locked = true
return &sb.st
// MutateSelfStatus calls f with the PeerStatus of our own node to mutate.
// It may not assume other fields of status are already populated, and
// may not retain or write to the Status after f returns.
// MutateStatus acquires a lock so f must not call back into sb.
func (sb *StatusBuilder) MutateSelfStatus(f func(*PeerStatus)) {
defer sb.mu.Unlock()
if sb.st.Self == nil {
sb.st.Self = new(PeerStatus)
// AddUser adds a user profile to the status.
func (sb *StatusBuilder) AddUser(id tailcfg.UserID, up tailcfg.UserProfile) {
defer sb.mu.Unlock()
if sb.locked {
log.Printf("[unexpected] ipnstate: AddUser after Locked")
if sb.st.User == nil {
sb.st.User = make(map[tailcfg.UserID]tailcfg.UserProfile)
sb.st.User[id] = up
// AddIP adds a Tailscale IP address to the status.
func (sb *StatusBuilder) AddTailscaleIP(ip netaddr.IP) {
defer sb.mu.Unlock()
if sb.locked {
log.Printf("[unexpected] ipnstate: AddIP after Locked")
sb.st.TailscaleIPs = append(sb.st.TailscaleIPs, ip)
// AddPeer adds a peer node to the status.
// Its PeerStatus is mixed with any previous status already added.
func (sb *StatusBuilder) AddPeer(peer key.Public, st *PeerStatus) {
if st == nil {
panic("nil PeerStatus")
defer sb.mu.Unlock()
if sb.locked {
log.Printf("[unexpected] ipnstate: AddPeer after Locked")
if sb.st.Peer == nil {
sb.st.Peer = make(map[key.Public]*PeerStatus)
e, ok := sb.st.Peer[peer]
if !ok {
sb.st.Peer[peer] = st
st.PublicKey = peer
if v := st.ID; v != "" {
e.ID = v
if v := st.HostName; v != "" {
e.HostName = v
if v := st.DNSName; v != "" {
e.DNSName = v
if v := st.Relay; v != "" {
e.Relay = v
if v := st.UserID; v != 0 {
e.UserID = v
if v := st.TailAddrDeprecated; v != "" {
e.TailAddrDeprecated = v
if v := st.TailscaleIPs; v != nil {
e.TailscaleIPs = v
if v := st.OS; v != "" {
e.OS = st.OS
if v := st.Addrs; v != nil {
e.Addrs = v
if v := st.CurAddr; v != "" {
e.CurAddr = v
if v := st.RxBytes; v != 0 {
e.RxBytes = v
if v := st.TxBytes; v != 0 {
e.TxBytes = v
if v := st.LastHandshake; !v.IsZero() {
e.LastHandshake = v
if v := st.Created; !v.IsZero() {
e.Created = v
if v := st.LastSeen; !v.IsZero() {
e.LastSeen = v
if v := st.LastWrite; !v.IsZero() {
e.LastWrite = v
if st.InNetworkMap {
e.InNetworkMap = true
if st.InMagicSock {
e.InMagicSock = true
if st.InEngine {
e.InEngine = true
if st.KeepAlive {
e.KeepAlive = true
if st.ExitNode {
e.ExitNode = true
if st.ShareeNode {
e.ShareeNode = true
type StatusUpdater interface {
func (st *Status) WriteHTML(w io.Writer) {
f := func(format string, args ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(w, format, args...) }
f(`<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Tailscale State</title>
body { font-family: monospace; }
.owner { text-decoration: underline; }
.tailaddr { font-style: italic; }
.acenter { text-align: center; }
.aright { text-align: right; }
table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; border-spacing : 0; border-collapse : collapse; }
thead { background-color: #FFA500; }
th, td { padding: 5px; }
td { vertical-align: top; }
table tbody tr:nth-child(even) td { background-color: #f5f5f5; }
<h1>Tailscale State</h1>
//f("<p><b>logid:</b> %s</p>\n", logid)
//f("<p><b>opts:</b> <code>%s</code></p>\n", html.EscapeString(fmt.Sprintf("%+v", opts)))
ips := make([]string, 0, len(st.TailscaleIPs))
for _, ip := range st.TailscaleIPs {
ips = append(ips, ip.String())
f("<p>Tailscale IP: %s", strings.Join(ips, ", "))
now := time.Now()
var peers []*PeerStatus
for _, peer := range st.Peers() {
ps := st.Peer[peer]
if ps.ShareeNode {
peers = append(peers, ps)
for _, ps := range peers {
var actAgo string
if !ps.LastWrite.IsZero() {
ago := now.Sub(ps.LastWrite)
actAgo = ago.Round(time.Second).String() + " ago"
if ago < 5*time.Minute {
actAgo = "<b>" + actAgo + "</b>"
var owner string
if up, ok := st.User[ps.UserID]; ok {
owner = up.LoginName
if i := strings.Index(owner, "@"); i != -1 {
owner = owner[:i]
hostName := dnsname.SanitizeHostname(ps.HostName)
dnsName := dnsname.TrimSuffix(ps.DNSName, st.MagicDNSSuffix)
if strings.EqualFold(dnsName, hostName) || ps.UserID != st.Self.UserID {
hostName = ""
var hostNameHTML string
if hostName != "" {
hostNameHTML = "<br>" + html.EscapeString(hostName)
var tailAddr string
if len(ps.TailscaleIPs) > 0 {
tailAddr = ps.TailscaleIPs[0].String()
f("<tr><td>%s</td><td class=acenter>%s</td>"+
"<td><b>%s</b>%s<div class=\"tailaddr\">%s</div></td><td class=\"acenter owner\">%s</td><td class=\"aright\">%v</td><td class=\"aright\">%v</td><td class=\"aright\">%v</td>",
// TODO: let server report this active bool instead
active := !ps.LastWrite.IsZero() && time.Since(ps.LastWrite) < 2*time.Minute
if active {
if ps.Relay != "" && ps.CurAddr == "" {
f("relay <b>%s</b>", html.EscapeString(ps.Relay))
} else if ps.CurAddr != "" {
f("direct <b>%s</b>", html.EscapeString(ps.CurAddr))
f("</td>") // end Addrs
func osEmoji(os string) string {
switch os {
case "linux":
return "🐧"
case "macOS":
return "🍎"
case "windows":
return "🖥️"
case "iOS":
return "📱"
case "android":
return "🤖"
case "freebsd":
return "👿"
case "openbsd":
return "🐡"
return "👽"
// PingResult contains response information for the "tailscale ping" subcommand,
// saying how Tailscale can reach a Tailscale IP or subnet-routed IP.
type PingResult struct {
IP string // ping destination
NodeIP string // Tailscale IP of node handling IP (different for subnet routers)
NodeName string // DNS name base or (possibly not unique) hostname
Err string
LatencySeconds float64
// Endpoint is the ip:port if direct UDP was used.
// It is not currently set for TSMP pings.
Endpoint string
// DERPRegionID is non-zero DERP region ID if DERP was used.
// It is not currently set for TSMP pings.
DERPRegionID int
// DERPRegionCode is the three-letter region code
// corresponding to DERPRegionID.
// It is not currently set for TSMP pings.
DERPRegionCode string
// PeerAPIPort is set by TSMP ping responses for peers that
// are running a peerapi server. This is the port they're
// running the server on.
PeerAPIPort uint16 `json:",omitempty"`
// TODO(bradfitz): details like whether port mapping was used on either side? (Once supported)
func SortPeers(peers []*PeerStatus) {
sort.Slice(peers, func(i, j int) bool { return sortKey(peers[i]) < sortKey(peers[j]) })
func sortKey(ps *PeerStatus) string {
if ps.DNSName != "" {
return ps.DNSName
if ps.HostName != "" {
return ps.HostName
// TODO(bradfitz): add PeerStatus.Less and avoid these allocs in a Less func.
if len(ps.TailscaleIPs) > 0 {
return ps.TailscaleIPs[0].String()
return string(ps.PublicKey[:])