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// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cli
import (
shellquote "github.com/kballard/go-shellquote"
qrcode "github.com/skip2/go-qrcode"
var upCmd = &ffcli.Command{
Name: "up",
ShortUsage: "up [flags]",
ShortHelp: "Connect to Tailscale, logging in if needed",
LongHelp: strings.TrimSpace(`
"tailscale up" connects this machine to your Tailscale network,
triggering authentication if necessary.
With no flags, "tailscale up" brings the network online without
changing any settings. (That is, it's the opposite of "tailscale
If flags are specified, the flags must be the complete set of desired
settings. An error is returned if any setting would be changed as a
result of an unspecified flag's default value, unless the --reset flag
is also used. (The flags --auth-key, --force-reauth, and --qr are not
considered settings that need to be re-specified when modifying
FlagSet: upFlagSet,
Exec: func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
return runUp(ctx, args, upArgsGlobal)
func effectiveGOOS() string {
if v := os.Getenv("TS_DEBUG_UP_FLAG_GOOS"); v != "" {
return v
return runtime.GOOS
// acceptRouteDefault returns the CLI's default value of --accept-routes as
// a function of the platform it's running on.
func acceptRouteDefault(goos string) bool {
switch goos {
case "windows":
return true
case "darwin":
return version.IsSandboxedMacOS()
return false
var upFlagSet = newUpFlagSet(effectiveGOOS(), &upArgsGlobal, "up")
func inTest() bool { return flag.Lookup("test.v") != nil }
// newUpFlagSet returns a new flag set for the "up" and "login" commands.
func newUpFlagSet(goos string, upArgs *upArgsT, cmd string) *flag.FlagSet {
if cmd != "up" && cmd != "login" {
panic("cmd must be up or login")
upf := newFlagSet(cmd)
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.qr, "qr", false, "show QR code for login URLs")
upf.StringVar(&upArgs.authKeyOrFile, "auth-key", "", `node authorization key; if it begins with "file:", then it's a path to a file containing the authkey`)
upf.StringVar(&upArgs.server, "login-server", ipn.DefaultControlURL, "base URL of control server")
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.acceptRoutes, "accept-routes", acceptRouteDefault(goos), "accept routes advertised by other Tailscale nodes")
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.acceptDNS, "accept-dns", true, "accept DNS configuration from the admin panel")
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.singleRoutes, "host-routes", true, "HIDDEN: install host routes to other Tailscale nodes")
upf.StringVar(&upArgs.exitNodeIP, "exit-node", "", "Tailscale exit node (IP or base name) for internet traffic, or empty string to not use an exit node")
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.exitNodeAllowLANAccess, "exit-node-allow-lan-access", false, "Allow direct access to the local network when routing traffic via an exit node")
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.shieldsUp, "shields-up", false, "don't allow incoming connections")
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.runSSH, "ssh", false, "run an SSH server, permitting access per tailnet admin's declared policy")
upf.StringVar(&upArgs.advertiseTags, "advertise-tags", "", "comma-separated ACL tags to request; each must start with \"tag:\" (e.g. \"tag:eng,tag:montreal,tag:ssh\")")
upf.StringVar(&upArgs.hostname, "hostname", "", "hostname to use instead of the one provided by the OS")
upf.StringVar(&upArgs.advertiseRoutes, "advertise-routes", "", "routes to advertise to other nodes (comma-separated, e.g. \",\") or empty string to not advertise routes")
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.advertiseDefaultRoute, "advertise-exit-node", false, "offer to be an exit node for internet traffic for the tailnet")
if safesocket.GOOSUsesPeerCreds(goos) {
upf.StringVar(&upArgs.opUser, "operator", "", "Unix username to allow to operate on tailscaled without sudo")
switch goos {
case "linux":
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.snat, "snat-subnet-routes", true, "source NAT traffic to local routes advertised with --advertise-routes")
upf.StringVar(&upArgs.netfilterMode, "netfilter-mode", defaultNetfilterMode(), "netfilter mode (one of on, nodivert, off)")
case "windows":
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.forceDaemon, "unattended", false, "run in \"Unattended Mode\" where Tailscale keeps running even after the current GUI user logs out (Windows-only)")
upf.DurationVar(&upArgs.timeout, "timeout", 0, "maximum amount of time to wait for tailscaled to enter a Running state; default (0s) blocks forever")
if cmd == "up" {
// Some flags are only for "up", not "login".
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.json, "json", false, "output in JSON format (WARNING: format subject to change)")
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.reset, "reset", false, "reset unspecified settings to their default values")
upf.BoolVar(&upArgs.forceReauth, "force-reauth", false, "force reauthentication")
registerAcceptRiskFlag(upf, &upArgs.acceptedRisks)
return upf
func defaultNetfilterMode() string {
if distro.Get() == distro.Synology {
return "off"
return "on"
type upArgsT struct {
qr bool
reset bool
server string
acceptRoutes bool
acceptDNS bool
singleRoutes bool
exitNodeIP string
exitNodeAllowLANAccess bool
shieldsUp bool
runSSH bool
forceReauth bool
forceDaemon bool
advertiseRoutes string
advertiseDefaultRoute bool
advertiseTags string
snat bool
netfilterMode string
authKeyOrFile string // "secret" or "file:/path/to/secret"
hostname string
opUser string
json bool
timeout time.Duration
acceptedRisks string
func (a upArgsT) getAuthKey() (string, error) {
v := a.authKeyOrFile
if strings.HasPrefix(v, "file:") {
file := strings.TrimPrefix(v, "file:")
b, err := os.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return strings.TrimSpace(string(b)), nil
return v, nil
var upArgsGlobal upArgsT
// Fields output when `tailscale up --json` is used. Two JSON blocks will be output.
// When "tailscale up" is run it first outputs a block with AuthURL and QR populated,
// providing the link for where to authenticate this client. BackendState would be
// valid but boring, as it will almost certainly be "NeedsLogin". Error would be
// populated if something goes badly wrong.
// When the client is authenticated by having someone visit the AuthURL, a second
// JSON block will be output. The AuthURL and QR fields will not be present, the
// BackendState and Error fields will give the result of the authentication.
// Ex:
// {
// "AuthURL": "https://login.tailscale.com/a/0123456789abcdef",
// "QR": "...cdef"
// "BackendState": "NeedsLogin"
// }
// {
// "BackendState": "Running"
// }
type upOutputJSON struct {
AuthURL string `json:",omitempty"` // Authentication URL of the form https://login.tailscale.com/a/0123456789
QR string `json:",omitempty"` // a DataURL (base64) PNG of a QR code AuthURL
BackendState string `json:",omitempty"` // name of state like Running or NeedsMachineAuth
Error string `json:",omitempty"` // description of an error
func warnf(format string, args ...any) {
printf("Warning: "+format+"\n", args...)
var (
ipv4default = netip.MustParsePrefix("")
ipv6default = netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0")
func validateViaPrefix(ipp netip.Prefix) error {
if !tsaddr.IsViaPrefix(ipp) {
return fmt.Errorf("%v is not a 4-in-6 prefix", ipp)
if ipp.Bits() < (128 - 32) {
return fmt.Errorf("%v 4-in-6 prefix must be at least a /%v", ipp, 128-32)
a := ipp.Addr().As16()
// The first 64 bits of a are the via prefix.
// The next 32 bits are the "site ID".
// The last 32 bits are the IPv4.
// For now, we reserve the top 3 bytes of the site ID,
// and only allow users to use site IDs 0-255.
siteID := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(a[8:12])
if siteID > 0xFF {
return fmt.Errorf("route %v contains invalid site ID %08x; must be 0xff or less", ipp, siteID)
return nil
func calcAdvertiseRoutes(advertiseRoutes string, advertiseDefaultRoute bool) ([]netip.Prefix, error) {
routeMap := map[netip.Prefix]bool{}
if advertiseRoutes != "" {
var default4, default6 bool
advroutes := strings.Split(advertiseRoutes, ",")
for _, s := range advroutes {
ipp, err := netip.ParsePrefix(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q is not a valid IP address or CIDR prefix", s)
if ipp != ipp.Masked() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s has non-address bits set; expected %s", ipp, ipp.Masked())
if tsaddr.IsViaPrefix(ipp) {
if err := validateViaPrefix(ipp); err != nil {
return nil, err
if ipp == ipv4default {
default4 = true
} else if ipp == ipv6default {
default6 = true
routeMap[ipp] = true
if default4 && !default6 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s advertised without its IPv6 counterpart, please also advertise %s", ipv4default, ipv6default)
} else if default6 && !default4 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s advertised without its IPv4 counterpart, please also advertise %s", ipv6default, ipv4default)
if advertiseDefaultRoute {
routeMap[netip.MustParsePrefix("")] = true
routeMap[netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0")] = true
if len(routeMap) == 0 {
return nil, nil
routes := make([]netip.Prefix, 0, len(routeMap))
for r := range routeMap {
routes = append(routes, r)
sort.Slice(routes, func(i, j int) bool {
if routes[i].Bits() != routes[j].Bits() {
return routes[i].Bits() < routes[j].Bits()
return routes[i].Addr().Less(routes[j].Addr())
return routes, nil
// prefsFromUpArgs returns the ipn.Prefs for the provided args.
// Note that the parameters upArgs and warnf are named intentionally
// to shadow the globals to prevent accidental misuse of them. This
// function exists for testing and should have no side effects or
// outside interactions (e.g. no making Tailscale LocalAPI calls).
func prefsFromUpArgs(upArgs upArgsT, warnf logger.Logf, st *ipnstate.Status, goos string) (*ipn.Prefs, error) {
routes, err := calcAdvertiseRoutes(upArgs.advertiseRoutes, upArgs.advertiseDefaultRoute)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if upArgs.exitNodeIP == "" && upArgs.exitNodeAllowLANAccess {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("--exit-node-allow-lan-access can only be used with --exit-node")
var tags []string
if upArgs.advertiseTags != "" {
tags = strings.Split(upArgs.advertiseTags, ",")
for _, tag := range tags {
err := tailcfg.CheckTag(tag)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tag: %q: %s", tag, err)
if len(upArgs.hostname) > 256 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("hostname too long: %d bytes (max 256)", len(upArgs.hostname))
prefs := ipn.NewPrefs()
prefs.ControlURL = upArgs.server
prefs.WantRunning = true
prefs.RouteAll = upArgs.acceptRoutes
if upArgs.exitNodeIP != "" {
if err := prefs.SetExitNodeIP(upArgs.exitNodeIP, st); err != nil {
var e ipn.ExitNodeLocalIPError
if errors.As(err, &e) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w; did you mean --advertise-exit-node?", err)
return nil, err
prefs.ExitNodeAllowLANAccess = upArgs.exitNodeAllowLANAccess
prefs.CorpDNS = upArgs.acceptDNS
prefs.AllowSingleHosts = upArgs.singleRoutes
prefs.ShieldsUp = upArgs.shieldsUp
prefs.RunSSH = upArgs.runSSH
prefs.AdvertiseRoutes = routes
prefs.AdvertiseTags = tags
prefs.Hostname = upArgs.hostname
prefs.ForceDaemon = upArgs.forceDaemon
prefs.OperatorUser = upArgs.opUser
if goos == "linux" {
prefs.NoSNAT = !upArgs.snat
switch upArgs.netfilterMode {
case "on":
prefs.NetfilterMode = preftype.NetfilterOn
case "nodivert":
prefs.NetfilterMode = preftype.NetfilterNoDivert
warnf("netfilter=nodivert; add iptables calls to ts-* chains manually.")
case "off":
prefs.NetfilterMode = preftype.NetfilterOff
if defaultNetfilterMode() != "off" {
warnf("netfilter=off; configure iptables yourself.")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid value --netfilter-mode=%q", upArgs.netfilterMode)
return prefs, nil
// updatePrefs returns how to edit preferences based on the
// flag-provided 'prefs' and the currently active 'curPrefs'.
// It returns a non-nil justEditMP if we're already running and none of
// the flags require a restart, so we can just do an EditPrefs call and
// change the prefs at runtime (e.g. changing hostname, changing
// advertised routes, etc).
// It returns simpleUp if we're running a simple "tailscale up" to
// transition to running from a previously-logged-in but down state,
// without changing any settings.
func updatePrefs(prefs, curPrefs *ipn.Prefs, env upCheckEnv) (simpleUp bool, justEditMP *ipn.MaskedPrefs, err error) {
if !env.upArgs.reset {
applyImplicitPrefs(prefs, curPrefs, env)
if err := checkForAccidentalSettingReverts(prefs, curPrefs, env); err != nil {
return false, nil, err
controlURLChanged := curPrefs.ControlURL != prefs.ControlURL &&
!(ipn.IsLoginServerSynonym(curPrefs.ControlURL) && ipn.IsLoginServerSynonym(prefs.ControlURL))
if controlURLChanged && env.backendState == ipn.Running.String() && !env.upArgs.forceReauth {
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("can't change --login-server without --force-reauth")
// Do this after validations to avoid the 5s delay if we're going to error
// out anyway.
wantSSH, haveSSH := env.upArgs.runSSH, curPrefs.RunSSH
if err := presentSSHToggleRisk(wantSSH, haveSSH, env.upArgs.acceptedRisks); err != nil {
return false, nil, err
tagsChanged := !reflect.DeepEqual(curPrefs.AdvertiseTags, prefs.AdvertiseTags)
simpleUp = env.flagSet.NFlag() == 0 &&
curPrefs.Persist != nil &&
curPrefs.Persist.LoginName != "" &&
env.backendState != ipn.NeedsLogin.String()
justEdit := env.backendState == ipn.Running.String() &&
!env.upArgs.forceReauth &&
env.upArgs.authKeyOrFile == "" &&
!controlURLChanged &&
if justEdit {
justEditMP = new(ipn.MaskedPrefs)
justEditMP.WantRunningSet = true
justEditMP.Prefs = *prefs
visitFlags := env.flagSet.Visit
if env.upArgs.reset {
visitFlags = env.flagSet.VisitAll
visitFlags(func(f *flag.Flag) {
updateMaskedPrefsFromUpOrSetFlag(justEditMP, f.Name)
return simpleUp, justEditMP, nil
func presentSSHToggleRisk(wantSSH, haveSSH bool, acceptedRisks string) error {
if !isSSHOverTailscale() || wantSSH == haveSSH {
return nil
if wantSSH {
return presentRiskToUser(riskLoseSSH, `You are connected over Tailscale; this action will reroute SSH traffic to Tailscale SSH and will result in your session disconnecting.`, acceptedRisks)
return presentRiskToUser(riskLoseSSH, `You are connected using Tailscale SSH; this action will result in your session disconnecting.`, acceptedRisks)
func runUp(ctx context.Context, args []string, upArgs upArgsT) (retErr error) {
var egg bool
if len(args) > 0 {
egg = fmt.Sprint(args) == "[up down down left right left right b a]"
if !egg {
fatalf("too many non-flag arguments: %q", args)
st, err := localClient.Status(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fixTailscaledConnectError(err)
origAuthURL := st.AuthURL
// printAuthURL reports whether we should print out the
// provided auth URL from an IPN notify.
printAuthURL := func(url string) bool {
if upArgs.authKeyOrFile != "" {
// Issue 1755: when using an authkey, don't
// show an authURL that might still be pending
// from a previous non-completed interactive
// login.
return false
if upArgs.forceReauth && url == origAuthURL {
return false
return true
if distro.Get() == distro.Synology {
notSupported := "not supported on Synology; see https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/1995"
if upArgs.acceptRoutes {
return errors.New("--accept-routes is " + notSupported)
if upArgs.exitNodeIP != "" {
return errors.New("--exit-node is " + notSupported)
if upArgs.netfilterMode != "off" {
return errors.New("--netfilter-mode values besides \"off\" " + notSupported)
prefs, err := prefsFromUpArgs(upArgs, warnf, st, effectiveGOOS())
if err != nil {
fatalf("%s", err)
if len(prefs.AdvertiseRoutes) > 0 {
if err := localClient.CheckIPForwarding(context.Background()); err != nil {
warnf("%v", err)
curPrefs, err := localClient.GetPrefs(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
env := upCheckEnv{
goos: effectiveGOOS(),
distro: distro.Get(),
user: os.Getenv("USER"),
flagSet: upFlagSet,
upArgs: upArgs,
backendState: st.BackendState,
curExitNodeIP: exitNodeIP(curPrefs, st),
defer func() {
if retErr == nil {
simpleUp, justEditMP, err := updatePrefs(prefs, curPrefs, env)
if err != nil {
fatalf("%s", err)
if justEditMP != nil {
justEditMP.EggSet = egg
_, err := localClient.EditPrefs(ctx, justEditMP)
return err
// At this point we need to subscribe to the IPN bus to watch
// for state transitions and possible need to authenticate.
c, bc, pumpCtx, cancel := connect(ctx)
defer cancel()
running := make(chan bool, 1) // gets value once in state ipn.Running
gotEngineUpdate := make(chan bool, 1) // gets value upon an engine update
pumpErr := make(chan error, 1)
go func() { pumpErr <- pump(pumpCtx, bc, c) }()
var printed bool // whether we've yet printed anything to stdout or stderr
var loginOnce sync.Once
startLoginInteractive := func() { loginOnce.Do(func() { bc.StartLoginInteractive() }) }
bc.SetNotifyCallback(func(n ipn.Notify) {
if n.Engine != nil {
select {
case gotEngineUpdate <- true:
if n.ErrMessage != nil {
msg := *n.ErrMessage
if msg == ipn.ErrMsgPermissionDenied {
switch effectiveGOOS() {
case "windows":
msg += " (Tailscale service in use by other user?)"
msg += " (try 'sudo tailscale up [...]')"
fatalf("backend error: %v\n", msg)
if s := n.State; s != nil {
switch *s {
case ipn.NeedsLogin:
case ipn.NeedsMachineAuth:
printed = true
if env.upArgs.json {
printUpDoneJSON(ipn.NeedsMachineAuth, "")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(Stderr, "\nTo authorize your machine, visit (as admin):\n\n\t%s\n\n", prefs.AdminPageURL())
case ipn.Running:
// Done full authentication process
if env.upArgs.json {
printUpDoneJSON(ipn.Running, "")
} else if printed {
// Only need to print an update if we printed the "please click" message earlier.
fmt.Fprintf(Stderr, "Success.\n")
select {
case running <- true:
if url := n.BrowseToURL; url != nil && printAuthURL(*url) {
printed = true
if upArgs.json {
js := &upOutputJSON{AuthURL: *url, BackendState: st.BackendState}
q, err := qrcode.New(*url, qrcode.Medium)
if err == nil {
png, err := q.PNG(128)
if err == nil {
js.QR = "data:image/png;base64," + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(png)
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(js, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
printf("upOutputJSON marshalling error: %v", err)
} else {
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(Stderr, "\nTo authenticate, visit:\n\n\t%s\n\n", *url)
if upArgs.qr {
q, err := qrcode.New(*url, qrcode.Medium)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("QR code error: %v", err)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(Stderr, "%s\n", q.ToString(false))
// Wait for backend client to be connected so we know
// we're subscribed to updates. Otherwise we can miss
// an update upon its transition to running. Do so by causing some traffic
// back to the bus that we then wait on.
select {
case <-gotEngineUpdate:
case <-pumpCtx.Done():
return pumpCtx.Err()
case err := <-pumpErr:
return err
// Special case: bare "tailscale up" means to just start
// running, if there's ever been a login.
if simpleUp {
_, err := localClient.EditPrefs(ctx, &ipn.MaskedPrefs{
Prefs: ipn.Prefs{
WantRunning: true,
WantRunningSet: true,
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := localClient.CheckPrefs(ctx, prefs); err != nil {
return err
authKey, err := upArgs.getAuthKey()
if err != nil {
return err
AuthKey: authKey,
UpdatePrefs: prefs,
if upArgs.forceReauth {
// This whole 'up' mechanism is too complicated and results in
// hairy stuff like this select. We're ultimately waiting for
// 'running' to be done, but even in the case where
// it succeeds, other parts may shut down concurrently so we
// need to prioritize reads from 'running' if it's
// readable; its send does happen before the pump mechanism
// shuts down. (Issue 2333)
var timeoutCh <-chan time.Time
if upArgs.timeout > 0 {
timeoutTimer := time.NewTimer(upArgs.timeout)
defer timeoutTimer.Stop()
timeoutCh = timeoutTimer.C
select {
case <-running:
return nil
case <-pumpCtx.Done():
select {
case <-running:
return nil
return pumpCtx.Err()
case err := <-pumpErr:
select {
case <-running:
return nil
return err
case <-timeoutCh:
return errors.New(`timeout waiting for Tailscale service to enter a Running state; check health with "tailscale status"`)
// upWorthWarning reports whether the health check message s is worth warning
// about during "tailscale up". Many of the health checks are noisy or confusing
// or very ephemeral and happen especially briefly at startup.
// TODO(bradfitz): change the server to send typed warnings with metadata about
// the health check, rather than just a string.
func upWorthyWarning(s string) bool {
return strings.Contains(s, healthmsg.TailscaleSSHOnBut) ||
strings.Contains(s, healthmsg.WarnAcceptRoutesOff)
func checkUpWarnings(ctx context.Context) {
st, err := localClient.StatusWithoutPeers(ctx)
if err != nil {
// Ignore. Don't spam more.
var warn []string
for _, w := range st.Health {
if upWorthyWarning(w) {
warn = append(warn, w)
if len(warn) == 0 {
if len(warn) == 1 {
printf("%s\n", warn[0])
printf("# Health check warnings:\n")
for _, m := range warn {
printf("# - %s\n", m)
func printUpDoneJSON(state ipn.State, errorString string) {
js := &upOutputJSON{BackendState: state.String(), Error: errorString}
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(js, "", " ")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("printUpDoneJSON marshalling error: %v", err)
} else {
var (
prefsOfFlag = map[string][]string{} // "exit-node" => ExitNodeIP, ExitNodeID
func init() {
// Both these have the same ipn.Pref:
addPrefFlagMapping("advertise-exit-node", "AdvertiseRoutes")
addPrefFlagMapping("advertise-routes", "AdvertiseRoutes")
// And this flag has two ipn.Prefs:
addPrefFlagMapping("exit-node", "ExitNodeIP", "ExitNodeID")
// The rest are 1:1:
addPrefFlagMapping("accept-dns", "CorpDNS")
addPrefFlagMapping("accept-routes", "RouteAll")
addPrefFlagMapping("advertise-tags", "AdvertiseTags")
addPrefFlagMapping("host-routes", "AllowSingleHosts")
addPrefFlagMapping("hostname", "Hostname")
addPrefFlagMapping("login-server", "ControlURL")
addPrefFlagMapping("netfilter-mode", "NetfilterMode")
addPrefFlagMapping("shields-up", "ShieldsUp")
addPrefFlagMapping("snat-subnet-routes", "NoSNAT")
addPrefFlagMapping("exit-node-allow-lan-access", "ExitNodeAllowLANAccess")
addPrefFlagMapping("unattended", "ForceDaemon")
addPrefFlagMapping("operator", "OperatorUser")
addPrefFlagMapping("ssh", "RunSSH")
func addPrefFlagMapping(flagName string, prefNames ...string) {
prefsOfFlag[flagName] = prefNames
prefType := reflect.TypeOf(ipn.Prefs{})
for _, pref := range prefNames {
// Crash at runtime if there's a typo in the prefName.
if _, ok := prefType.FieldByName(pref); !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid ipn.Prefs field %q", pref))
// preflessFlag reports whether flagName is a flag that doesn't
// correspond to an ipn.Pref.
func preflessFlag(flagName string) bool {
switch flagName {
case "auth-key", "force-reauth", "reset", "qr", "json", "timeout", "accept-risk":
return true
return false
func updateMaskedPrefsFromUpOrSetFlag(mp *ipn.MaskedPrefs, flagName string) {
if preflessFlag(flagName) {
if prefs, ok := prefsOfFlag[flagName]; ok {
for _, pref := range prefs {
reflect.ValueOf(mp).Elem().FieldByName(pref + "Set").SetBool(true)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: unhandled flag %q", flagName))
const accidentalUpPrefix = "Error: changing settings via 'tailscale up' requires mentioning all\n" +
"non-default flags. To proceed, either re-run your command with --reset or\n" +
"use the command below to explicitly mention the current value of\n" +
"all non-default settings:\n\n" +
"\ttailscale up"
// upCheckEnv are extra parameters describing the environment as
// needed by checkForAccidentalSettingReverts and friends.
type upCheckEnv struct {
goos string
user string
flagSet *flag.FlagSet
upArgs upArgsT
backendState string
curExitNodeIP netip.Addr
distro distro.Distro
// checkForAccidentalSettingReverts (the "up checker") checks for
// people running "tailscale up" with a subset of the flags they
// originally ran it with.
// For example, in Tailscale 1.6 and prior, a user might've advertised
// a tag, but later tried to change just one other setting and forgot
// to mention the tag later and silently wiped it out. We now
// require --reset to change preferences to flag default values when
// the flag is not mentioned on the command line.
// curPrefs is what's currently active on the server.
// mp is the mask of settings actually set, where mp.Prefs is the new
// preferences to set, including any values set from implicit flags.
func checkForAccidentalSettingReverts(newPrefs, curPrefs *ipn.Prefs, env upCheckEnv) error {
if curPrefs.ControlURL == "" {
// Don't validate things on initial "up" before a control URL has been set.
return nil
flagIsSet := map[string]bool{}
env.flagSet.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
flagIsSet[f.Name] = true
if len(flagIsSet) == 0 {
// A bare "tailscale up" is a special case to just
// mean bringing the network up without any changes.
return nil
// flagsCur is what flags we'd need to use to keep the exact
// settings as-is.
flagsCur := prefsToFlags(env, curPrefs)
flagsNew := prefsToFlags(env, newPrefs)
var missing []string
for flagName := range flagsCur {
valCur, valNew := flagsCur[flagName], flagsNew[flagName]
if flagIsSet[flagName] {
if reflect.DeepEqual(valCur, valNew) {
if flagName == "login-server" && ipn.IsLoginServerSynonym(valCur) && ipn.IsLoginServerSynonym(valNew) {
if flagName == "accept-routes" && valNew == false && env.goos == "linux" && env.distro == distro.Synology {
// Issue 3176. Old prefs had 'RouteAll: true' on disk, so ignore that.
missing = append(missing, fmtFlagValueArg(flagName, valCur))
if len(missing) == 0 {
return nil
// Compute the stringification of the explicitly provided args in flagSet
// to prepend to the command to run.
var explicit []string
env.flagSet.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
type isBool interface {
IsBoolFlag() bool
if ib, ok := f.Value.(isBool); ok && ib.IsBoolFlag() {
if f.Value.String() == "false" {
explicit = append(explicit, "--"+f.Name+"=false")
} else {
explicit = append(explicit, "--"+f.Name)
} else {
explicit = append(explicit, fmtFlagValueArg(f.Name, f.Value.String()))
var sb strings.Builder
for _, a := range append(explicit, missing...) {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, " %s", a)
return errors.New(sb.String())
// applyImplicitPrefs mutates prefs to add implicit preferences for the user operator.
// If the operator flag is passed no action is taken, otherwise this only needs to be set if it doesn't
// match the current user.
// curUser is os.Getenv("USER"). It's pulled out for testability.
func applyImplicitPrefs(prefs, oldPrefs *ipn.Prefs, env upCheckEnv) {
explicitOperator := false
env.flagSet.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if f.Name == "operator" {
explicitOperator = true
if prefs.OperatorUser == "" && oldPrefs.OperatorUser == env.user && !explicitOperator {
prefs.OperatorUser = oldPrefs.OperatorUser
func flagAppliesToOS(flag, goos string) bool {
switch flag {
case "netfilter-mode", "snat-subnet-routes":
return goos == "linux"
case "unattended":
return goos == "windows"
return true
func prefsToFlags(env upCheckEnv, prefs *ipn.Prefs) (flagVal map[string]any) {
ret := make(map[string]any)
exitNodeIPStr := func() string {
if prefs.ExitNodeIP.IsValid() {
return prefs.ExitNodeIP.String()
if prefs.ExitNodeID.IsZero() || !env.curExitNodeIP.IsValid() {
return ""
return env.curExitNodeIP.String()
fs := newUpFlagSet(env.goos, new(upArgsT) /* dummy */, "up")
fs.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if preflessFlag(f.Name) {
set := func(v any) {
if flagAppliesToOS(f.Name, env.goos) {
ret[f.Name] = v
} else {
ret[f.Name] = nil
switch f.Name {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled flag %q", f.Name))
case "ssh":
case "login-server":
case "accept-routes":
case "host-routes":
case "accept-dns":
case "shields-up":
case "exit-node":
case "exit-node-allow-lan-access":
case "advertise-tags":
set(strings.Join(prefs.AdvertiseTags, ","))
case "hostname":
case "operator":
case "advertise-routes":
var sb strings.Builder
for i, r := range withoutExitNodes(prefs.AdvertiseRoutes) {
if i > 0 {
case "advertise-exit-node":
case "snat-subnet-routes":
case "netfilter-mode":
case "unattended":
return ret
func fmtFlagValueArg(flagName string, val any) string {
if val == true {
return "--" + flagName
if val == "" {
return "--" + flagName + "="
return fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%v", flagName, shellquote.Join(fmt.Sprint(val)))
func hasExitNodeRoutes(rr []netip.Prefix) bool {
var v4, v6 bool
for _, r := range rr {
if r.Bits() == 0 {
if r.Addr().Is4() {
v4 = true
} else if r.Addr().Is6() {
v6 = true
return v4 && v6
// withoutExitNodes returns rr unchanged if it has only 1 or 0 /0
// routes. If it has both IPv4 and IPv6 /0 routes, then it returns
// a copy with all /0 routes removed.
func withoutExitNodes(rr []netip.Prefix) []netip.Prefix {
if !hasExitNodeRoutes(rr) {
return rr
var out []netip.Prefix
for _, r := range rr {
if r.Bits() > 0 {
out = append(out, r)
return out
// exitNodeIP returns the exit node IP from p, using st to map
// it from its ID form to an IP address if needed.
func exitNodeIP(p *ipn.Prefs, st *ipnstate.Status) (ip netip.Addr) {
if p == nil {
if p.ExitNodeIP.IsValid() {
return p.ExitNodeIP
id := p.ExitNodeID
if id.IsZero() {
for _, p := range st.Peer {
if p.ID == id {
if len(p.TailscaleIPs) > 0 {
return p.TailscaleIPs[0]
func anyPeerAdvertisingRoutes(st *ipnstate.Status) bool {
for _, ps := range st.Peer {
if ps.PrimaryRoutes == nil {
if ps.PrimaryRoutes.Len() > 0 {
return true
return false