Text:This user was created in Zitadel. Use the username {{.PreferredLoginName}} to login. Please click the button below to finish the initialization process. (Code {{.Code}}) If you didn't ask for this mail, please ignore it.
Text:We received a password reset request. Please use the button below to reset your password. (Code {{.Code}}) If you didn't ask for this mail, please ignore it.
ButtonText:Reset password
Title:Zitadel - Verify email
PreHeader:Verify email
Subject:Verify email
Greeting:Hello {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}},
Text:A new email has been added. Please use the button below to verify your mail. (Code {{.Code}}) If you din't add a new email, please ignore this email.
ButtonText:Verify email
Title:Zitadel - Verify phone
PreHeader:Verify phone
Subject:Verify phone
Greeting:Hello {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}},
Text:A new phonenumber has been added. Please use the following code to verify it {{.Code}}