To give someone (or somewhat) access to a [project's](administrate#projects) resources and services **ZITADEL** provides two processes: **Roles** can either be granted to [users](administrate#Users) or to [organisations](administrate#Organisations).
The possibility to grant **roles** to an [organisation](administrate#Organisations) is intended as "delegation" so that a [organisation](administrate#Organisations) can on their own grant access to [users](administrate#Users).
For example a **service provider** could grant the **roles**`user`, and `manager` to an [organisation](administrate#Organisations) as soon as they purchases his service. This can be automated by utilising a [service user](administrate#Manage_Service_Users) in the **service providers** business process.
By granting **roles** to [users](administrate#Users), be it [humans or machines](administrate#Human_vs_Service_Users), this [user](administrate#Users) receives the authorization to access a project's resources.