
775 lines
43 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Level: debug
Format: text
Port: 8080
ExternalPort: 8080
ExternalDomain: #must be provided
ExternalSecure: true
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
HTTP2HostHeader: ":authority"
HTTP1HostHeader: "host"
Host: localhost
Port: 26257
Database: zitadel
MaxOpenConns: 20
MaxConnLifetime: 30m
MaxConnIdleTime: 30m
Options: ""
Username: zitadel
Password: ""
Mode: disable
RootCert: ""
Cert: ""
Key: ""
Username: root
Password: ""
Mode: disable
RootCert: ""
Cert: ""
Key: ""
feat(cli): setup (#3267) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * imports Co-authored-by: Livio Amstutz <livio.a@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-28 10:05:09 +02:00
RequeueEvery: 10s
RetryFailedAfter: 1s
MaxFailureCount: 5
BulkLimit: 200
MaxIterators: 1
BulkLimit: 2000
ConcurrentWorkers: 1
BulkLimit: 10000
FailureCountUntilSkip: 5
SearchLimit: 1000
ConcurrentWorkers: 1
BulkLimit: 10000
FailureCountUntilSkip: 5
SearchLimit: 1000
ConcurrentWorkers: 1
BulkLimit: 10000
FailureCountUntilSkip: 5
Name: zitadel.useragent
MaxAge: 8760h #365*24h (1 year)
CodeMethodS256: true
AuthMethodPost: true
AuthMethodPrivateKeyJWT: true
GrantTypeRefreshToken: true
RequestObjectSupported: true
SigningKeyAlgorithm: RS256
DefaultAccessTokenLifetime: 12h
DefaultIdTokenLifetime: 12h
DefaultRefreshTokenIdleExpiration: 720h #30d
DefaultRefreshTokenExpiration: 2160h #90d
MaxAge: 12h
SharedMaxAge: 168h #7d
LanguageCookieName: zitadel.login.lang
CSRFCookieName: zitadel.login.csrf
MaxAge: 12h
SharedMaxAge: 168h #7d
MaxAge: 5m
SharedMaxAge: 15m
MaxAge: 12h
SharedMaxAge: 168h
ConcurrentWorkers: 1
BulkLimit: 10000
FailureCountUntilSkip: 5
EncryptionKeyID: "domainVerificationKey"
EncryptionKeyID: "idpConfigKey"
EncryptionKeyID: "oidcKey"
EncryptionKeyID: "otpKey"
EncryptionKeyID: "smsKey"
EncryptionKeyID: "smtpKey"
EncryptionKeyID: "userKey"
CSRFCookieKeyID: "csrfCookieKey"
UserAgentCookieKeyID: "userAgentCookieKey"
#TODO: remove as soon as possible
PasswordSaltCost: 14
MachineKeySize: 2048
ApplicationKeySize: 2048
Issuer: "ZITADEL"
Length: 32
IncludeLowerLetters: true
IncludeUpperLetters: true
IncludeDigits: true
IncludeSymbols: false
FileSystemPath: ".notifications/"
Size: 2048
PrivateKeyLifetime: 6h
PublicKeyLifetime: 30h
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
UserName: zitadel-admin
FirstName: ZITADEL
LastName: Admin
Verified: false
PreferredLanguage: en
PasswordSaltCost: 14
Length: 64
IncludeLowerLetters: true
IncludeUpperLetters: true
IncludeDigits: true
IncludeSymbols: false
Length: 6
Expiry: "72h"
IncludeLowerLetters: false
IncludeUpperLetters: true
IncludeDigits: true
IncludeSymbols: false
Length: 6
Expiry: "1h"
IncludeLowerLetters: false
IncludeUpperLetters: true
IncludeDigits: true
IncludeSymbols: false
Length: 6
Expiry: "1h"
IncludeLowerLetters: false
IncludeUpperLetters: true
IncludeDigits: true
IncludeSymbols: false
Length: 6
Expiry: "1h"
IncludeLowerLetters: false
IncludeUpperLetters: true
IncludeDigits: true
IncludeSymbols: false
Length: 12
Expiry: "1h"
IncludeLowerLetters: true
IncludeUpperLetters: true
IncludeDigits: true
IncludeSymbols: false
Length: 32
IncludeLowerLetters: true
IncludeUpperLetters: true
IncludeDigits: true
IncludeSymbols: false
TierName: Default Tier
TierDescription: ""
State: 1 #active
StateDescription: ""
Retention: 8760h #1year
LoginPolicyFactors: true
LoginPolicyIDP: true
LoginPolicyPasswordless: true
LoginPolicyRegistration: true
LoginPolicyUsernameLogin: true
LoginPolicyPasswordReset: true
PasswordComplexityPolicy: true
LabelPolicyPrivateLabel: true
LabelPolicyWatermark: true
CustomDomain: true
PrivacyPolicy: true
MetadataUser: true
CustomTextMessage: true
CustomTextLogin: true
LockoutPolicy: true
ActionsAllowed: 2 #ActionsAllowedUnlimited
MaxActions: #not necessary because of ActionsAllowedUnlimited
MinLength: 8
HasLowercase: true
HasUppercase: true
HasNumber: true
HasSymbol: true
ExpireWarnDays: 0
MaxAgeDays: 0
UserLoginMustBeDomain: true
ValidateOrgDomains: true
AllowUsernamePassword: true
AllowRegister: true
AllowExternalIDP: true
ForceMFA: false
HidePasswordReset: false
PasswordlessType: 1 #1: allowed 0: not allowed
PasswordCheckLifetime: 240h #10d
ExternalLoginCheckLifetime: 240h #10d
MfaInitSkipLifetime: 720h #30d
SecondFactorCheckLifetime: 18h
MultiFactorCheckLifetime: 12h
TOSLink: https://docs.zitadel.ch/docs/legal/terms-of-service
PrivacyLink: https://docs.zitadel.ch/docs/legal/privacy-policy
HelpLink: ""
PrimaryColor: "#5469d4"
BackgroundColor: "#fafafa"
WarnColor: "#cd3d56"
FontColor: "#000000"
PrimaryColorDark: "#bbbafa"
BackgroundColorDark: "#111827"
WarnColorDark: "#ff3b5b"
FontColorDark: "#ffffff"
HideLoginNameSuffix: false
ErrorMsgPopup: false
DisableWatermark: false
MaxAttempts: 0
ShouldShowLockoutFailure: true
EmailTemplate: 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
- MessageTextType: InitCode
Language: de
Title: Zitadel - User initialisieren
PreHeader: User initialisieren
Subject: User initialisieren
Greeting: Hallo {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}},
Text: Dieser Benutzer wurde soeben im Zitadel erstellt. Mit dem Benutzernamen &lt;br&gt;&lt;strong&gt;{{.PreferredLoginName}}&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br&gt; kannst du dich anmelden. Nutze den untenstehenden Button, um die Initialisierung abzuschliessen &lt;br&gt;(Code &lt;strong&gt;{{.Code}}&lt;/strong&gt;).&lt;br&gt; Falls du dieses Mail nicht angefordert hast, kannst du es einfach ignorieren.
ButtonText: Initialisierung abschliessen
- MessageTextType: PasswordReset
Language: de
Title: Zitadel - Passwort zurücksetzen
PreHeader: Passwort zurücksetzen
Subject: Passwort zurücksetzen
Greeting: Hallo {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}},
Text: Wir haben eine Anfrage für das Zurücksetzen deines Passwortes bekommen. Du kannst den untenstehenden Button verwenden, um dein Passwort zurückzusetzen &lt;br&gt;(Code &lt;strong&gt;{{.Code}}&lt;/strong&gt;).&lt;br&gt; Falls du dieses Mail nicht angefordert hast, kannst du es ignorieren.
ButtonText: Passwort zurücksetzen
- MessageTextType: VerifyEmail
Language: de
Title: Zitadel - Email verifizieren
PreHeader: Email verifizieren
Subject: Email verifizieren
Greeting: Hallo {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}},
Text: Eine neue E-Mail Adresse wurde hinzugefügt. Bitte verwende den untenstehenden Button um diese zu verifizieren &lt;br&gt;(Code &lt;strong&gt;{{.Code}}&lt;/strong&gt;).&lt;br&gt; Falls du deine E-Mail Adresse nicht selber hinzugefügt hast, kannst du dieses E-Mail ignorieren.
ButtonText: Email verifizieren
- MessageTextType: VerifyPhone
Language: de
Title: Zitadel - Telefonnummer verifizieren
PreHeader: Telefonnummer verifizieren
Subject: Telefonnummer verifizieren
Greeting: Hallo {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}},
Text: Eine Telefonnummer wurde hinzugefügt. Bitte verifiziere diese in dem du folgenden Code eingibst (Code {{.Code}})
ButtonText: Telefon verifizieren
- MessageTextType: DomainClaimed
Language: de
Title: Zitadel - Domain wurde beansprucht
PreHeader: Email / Username ändern
Subject: Domain wurde beansprucht
Greeting: Hallo {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}},
Text: Die Domain {{.Domain}} wurde von einer Organisation beansprucht. Dein derzeitiger User {{.Username}} ist nicht Teil dieser Organisation. Daher musst du beim nächsten Login eine neue Email hinterlegen. Für diesen Login haben wir dir einen temporären Usernamen ({{.TempUsername}}) erstellt.
ButtonText: Login
- MessageTextType: InitCode
Language: en
Title: Zitadel - Initialize User
PreHeader: Initialize User
Subject: Initialize User
Greeting: Hello {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}},
Text: This user was created in Zitadel. Use the username {{.PreferredLoginName}} to login. Please click the button below to finish the initialization process. (Code {{.Code}}) If you didn't ask for this mail, please ignore it.
ButtonText: Finish initialization
- MessageTextType: PasswordReset
Language: en
Title: Zitadel - Reset password
PreHeader: Reset password
Subject: Reset password
Greeting: Hello {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}},
Text: We received a password reset request. Please use the button below to reset your password. (Code {{.Code}}) If you didn't ask for this mail, please ignore it.
ButtonText: Reset password
- MessageTextType: VerifyEmail
Language: en
Title: Zitadel - Verify email
PreHeader: Verify email
Subject: Verify email
Greeting: Hello {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}},
Text: A new email has been added. Please use the button below to verify your mail. (Code {{.Code}}) If you din't add a new email, please ignore this email.
ButtonText: Verify email
- MessageTextType: VerifyPhone
Language: en
Title: Zitadel - Verify phone
PreHeader: Verify phone
Subject: Verify phone
Greeting: Hello {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}},
Text: A new phonenumber has been added. Please use the following code to verify it {{.Code}}.
ButtonText: Verify phone
- MessageTextType: DomainClaimed
Language: en
Title: Zitadel - Domain has been claimed
PreHeader: Change email / username
Subject: Domain has been claimed
Greeting: Hello {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}},
Text: The domain {{.Domain}} has been claimed by an organisation. Your current user {{.UserName}} is not part of this organisation. Therefore you'll have to change your email when you login. We have created a temporary username ({{.TempUsername}}) for this login.
ButtonText: Login
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- Role: "IAM_OWNER"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "iam.read"
- "iam.write"
- "iam.features.read"
- "iam.features.write"
- "iam.policy.read"
- "iam.policy.write"
- "iam.policy.delete"
- "iam.member.read"
- "iam.member.write"
- "iam.member.delete"
- "iam.idp.read"
- "iam.idp.write"
- "iam.idp.delete"
- "iam.action.read"
- "iam.action.write"
- "iam.action.delete"
- "iam.flow.read"
- "iam.flow.write"
- "iam.flow.delete"
- "org.read"
- "org.global.read"
- "org.create"
- "org.write"
- "org.member.read"
- "org.member.write"
- "org.member.delete"
- "org.idp.read"
- "org.idp.write"
- "org.idp.delete"
- "org.action.read"
- "org.action.write"
- "org.action.delete"
- "org.flow.read"
- "org.flow.write"
- "org.flow.delete"
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.write"
- "user.delete"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.grant.write"
- "user.grant.delete"
- "user.membership.read"
- "user.credential.write"
- "features.read"
- "policy.read"
- "policy.write"
- "policy.delete"
- "project.read"
- "project.create"
- "project.write"
- "project.delete"
- "project.member.read"
- "project.member.write"
- "project.member.delete"
- "project.role.read"
- "project.role.write"
- "project.role.delete"
- "project.app.read"
- "project.app.write"
- "project.app.delete"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.write"
- "project.grant.delete"
- "project.grant.member.read"
- "project.grant.member.write"
- "project.grant.member.delete"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "iam.read"
- "iam.features.read"
- "iam.policy.read"
- "iam.member.read"
- "iam.idp.read"
- "iam.action.read"
- "iam.flow.read"
- "org.read"
- "org.member.read"
- "org.idp.read"
- "org.action.read"
- "org.flow.read"
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.membership.read"
- "features.read"
- "policy.read"
- "project.read"
- "project.member.read"
- "project.role.read"
- "project.app.read"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.member.read"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "org.read"
- "org.global.read"
- "org.create"
- "org.write"
- "org.member.read"
- "org.member.write"
- "org.member.delete"
- "org.idp.read"
- "org.idp.write"
- "org.idp.delete"
- "org.action.read"
- "org.action.write"
- "org.action.delete"
- "org.flow.read"
- "org.flow.write"
- "org.flow.delete"
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.write"
- "user.delete"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.grant.write"
- "user.grant.delete"
- "user.membership.read"
- "user.credential.write"
- "features.read"
- "policy.read"
- "policy.write"
- "policy.delete"
- "project.read"
- "project.create"
- "project.write"
- "project.delete"
- "project.member.read"
- "project.member.write"
- "project.member.delete"
- "project.role.read"
- "project.role.write"
- "project.role.delete"
- "project.app.read"
- "project.app.write"
- "project.app.delete"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.write"
- "project.grant.delete"
- "project.grant.member.read"
- "project.grant.member.write"
- "project.grant.member.delete"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "org.read"
- "org.global.read"
- "org.member.read"
- "org.member.delete"
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.write"
- "user.delete"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.grant.write"
- "user.grant.delete"
- "user.membership.read"
- "features.read"
- "project.read"
- "project.member.read"
- "project.role.read"
- "project.app.read"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.write"
- "project.grant.delete"
- "project.grant.member.read"
- Role: "ORG_OWNER"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "org.read"
- "org.global.read"
- "org.create"
- "org.write"
- "org.member.read"
- "org.member.write"
- "org.member.delete"
- "org.idp.read"
- "org.idp.write"
- "org.idp.delete"
- "org.action.read"
- "org.action.write"
- "org.action.delete"
- "org.flow.read"
- "org.flow.write"
- "org.flow.delete"
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.write"
- "user.delete"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.grant.write"
- "user.grant.delete"
- "user.membership.read"
- "user.credential.write"
- "features.read"
- "policy.read"
- "policy.write"
- "policy.delete"
- "project.read"
- "project.create"
- "project.write"
- "project.delete"
- "project.member.read"
- "project.member.write"
- "project.member.delete"
- "project.role.read"
- "project.role.write"
- "project.role.delete"
- "project.app.read"
- "project.app.write"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.write"
- "project.grant.delete"
- "project.grant.member.read"
- "project.grant.member.write"
- "project.grant.member.delete"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.write"
- "user.delete"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.grant.write"
- "user.grant.delete"
- "user.membership.read"
- "project.read"
- "project.role.read"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "org.read"
- "org.member.read"
- "org.idp.read"
- "org.action.read"
- "org.flow.read"
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.membership.read"
- "features.read"
- "policy.read"
- "project.read"
- "project.member.read"
- "project.role.read"
- "project.app.read"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.member.read"
- "project.grant.user.grant.read"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "org.read"
- "org.member.read"
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.grant.write"
- "user.grant.delete"
- "policy.read"
- "project.read"
- "project.member.read"
- "project.role.read"
- "project.app.read"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.member.read"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "org.read"
- "org.member.read"
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.grant.write"
- "user.grant.delete"
- "policy.read"
- "project.read"
- "project.member.read"
- "project.role.read"
- "project.app.read"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.write"
- "project.grant.delete"
- "project.grant.member.read"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "user.global.read"
- "policy.read"
- "project.read:self"
- "project.create"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "org.global.read"
- "policy.read"
- "project.read"
- "project.write"
- "project.delete"
- "project.member.read"
- "project.member.write"
- "project.member.delete"
- "project.role.read"
- "project.role.write"
- "project.role.delete"
- "project.app.read"
- "project.app.write"
- "project.app.delete"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.write"
- "project.grant.delete"
- "project.grant.member.read"
- "project.grant.member.write"
- "project.grant.member.delete"
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.grant.write"
- "user.grant.delete"
- "user.membership.read"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "policy.read"
- "project.read"
- "project.member.read"
- "project.role.read"
- "project.app.read"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.member.read"
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.membership.read"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "org.create"
- "policy.read"
- "user.self.delete"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "org.global.read"
- "policy.read"
- "project.read"
- "project.write"
- "project.delete"
- "project.member.read"
- "project.member.write"
- "project.member.delete"
- "project.role.read"
- "project.role.write"
- "project.role.delete"
- "project.app.read"
- "project.app.write"
- "project.app.delete"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.grant.write"
- "user.grant.delete"
- "user.membership.read"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "policy.read"
- "project.read"
- "project.member.read"
- "project.role.read"
- "project.app.read"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.member.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.membership.read"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "policy.read"
- "org.global.read"
- "project.read"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.member.read"
- "project.grant.member.write"
- "project.grant.member.delete"
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.grant.write"
- "user.grant.delete"
- "user.membership.read"
feat: handle instance from context (#3382) * commander * commander * selber! * move to packages * fix(errors): implement Is interface * test: command * test: commands * add init steps * setup tenant * add default step yaml * possibility to set password * merge v2 into v2-commander * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: rename iam command side to instance * fix: search query builder can filter events in memory * fix: filters for add member * fix(setup): add `ExternalSecure` to config * chore: name iam to instance * fix: matching * remove unsued func * base url * base url * test(command): filter funcs * test: commands * fix: rename orgiampolicy to domain policy * start from init * commands * config * fix indexes and add constraints * fixes * fix: merge conflicts * fix: protos * fix: md files * setup * add deprecated org iam policy again * typo * fix search query * fix filter * Apply suggestions from code review * remove custom org from org setup * add todos for verification * change apps creation * simplify package structure * fix error * move preparation helper for tests * fix unique constraints * fix config mapping in setup * fix error handling in encryption_keys.go * fix projection config * fix query from old views to projection * fix setup of mgmt api * set iam project and fix instance projection * fix tokens view * fix steps.yaml and defaults.yaml * fix projections * change instance context to interface * instance interceptors and additional events in setup * cleanup * tests for interceptors * fix label policy * add todo * single api endpoint in environment.json Co-authored-by: adlerhurst <silvan.reusser@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2022-03-29 11:53:19 +02:00
- "policy.read"
- "project.read"
- "project.grant.read"
- "project.grant.member.read"
- "user.read"
- "user.global.read"
- "user.grant.read"
- "user.membership.read"