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package command
import (
2023-10-19 12:34:00 +02:00
openid "github.com/zitadel/oidc/v3/pkg/oidc"
id_mock "github.com/zitadel/zitadel/internal/id/mock"
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
var (
validSAMLMetadata = []byte(`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EntityDescriptor xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" entityID="http://localhost:8080/saml/v2/metadata" ID="_8b02ecf6-aea4-4eda-96c6-190551f05b07">
<Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<SignedInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<CanonicalizationMethod xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"></CanonicalizationMethod>
<SignatureMethod xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256"></SignatureMethod>
<Reference xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" URI="#_8b02ecf6-aea4-4eda-96c6-190551f05b07">
<Transforms xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<Transform xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"></Transform>
<Transform xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"></Transform>
<DigestMethod xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"></DigestMethod>
<DigestValue xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">Tyw4csdpNNq0E7wi5FXWdVNkdPNg+cM6kK21VB2+iF0=</DigestValue>
<SignatureValue xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">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</SignatureValue>
<KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<X509Data xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<X509Certificate xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">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</X509Certificate>
<IDPSSODescriptor xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" WantAuthnRequestsSigned="1" ID="_fd70402c-8a31-4a9a-a4a7-da526524c609" validUntil="2024-12-02T16:54:55.656Z" protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
<SingleSignOnService xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" Location="http://localhost:8080/saml/v2/SSO"></SingleSignOnService>
<SingleSignOnService xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="http://localhost:8080/saml/v2/SSO"></SingleSignOnService>
<Attribute xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="Email" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attribute>
<Attribute xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="SurName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attribute>
<Attribute xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="FirstName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attribute>
<Attribute xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="FullName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attribute>
<Attribute xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="UserName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attribute>
<Attribute xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="UserID" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attribute>
<SingleLogoutService xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" Location="http://localhost:8080/saml/v2/SLO"></SingleLogoutService>
<SingleLogoutService xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="http://localhost:8080/saml/v2/SLO"></SingleLogoutService>
<KeyDescriptor xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" use="signing">
<KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<KeyName>http://localhost:8080/saml/v2/metadata IDP signing</KeyName>
<X509Data xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<X509Certificate xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">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</X509Certificate>
<AttributeAuthorityDescriptor xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" ID="_b3fed381-af56-4160-abf5-5ffd1e21cf61" validUntil="2024-12-02T16:54:55.656Z" protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
<AttributeService xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP" Location="http://localhost:8080/saml/v2/attribute"></AttributeService>
<Attribute xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="Email" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attribute>
<Attribute xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="SurName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attribute>
<Attribute xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="FirstName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attribute>
<Attribute xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="FullName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attribute>
<Attribute xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="UserName" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attribute>
<Attribute xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="UserID" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic"><AttributeValue></AttributeValue></Attribute>
<KeyDescriptor xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" use="signing">
<KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<KeyName>http://localhost:8080/saml/v2/metadata IDP signing</KeyName>
<X509Data xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<X509Certificate xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">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</X509Certificate>
func TestCommandSide_AddInstanceGenericOAuthIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
idGenerator id.Generator
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
provider GenericOAuthProvider
type res struct {
id string
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-D32ef", ""))
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Dbgzf", ""))
"invalid clientSecret",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-DF4ga", ""))
"invalid auth endpoint",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-B23bs", ""))
"invalid token endpoint",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-D2gj8", ""))
"invalid user endpoint",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Fb8jk", ""))
"invalid id attribute",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
UserEndpoint: "user",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-sdf3f", ""))
name: "ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewOAuthIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
UserEndpoint: "user",
IDAttribute: "idAttribute",
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "ok all set",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewOAuthIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
UserEndpoint: "user",
Scopes: []string{"user"},
IDAttribute: "idAttribute",
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator,
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
id, got, err := c.AddInstanceGenericOAuthProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res.id, id)
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_UpdateInstanceGenericOAuthIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
provider GenericOAuthProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SAffg", ""))
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Sf3gh", ""))
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SHJ3ui", ""))
"invalid auth endpoint",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SVrgh", ""))
"invalid token endpoint",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-DJKeio", ""))
"invalid user endpoint",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-ILSJi", ""))
"invalid id attribute",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
UserEndpoint: "user",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-JKD3h", ""))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
UserEndpoint: "user",
IDAttribute: "idAttribute",
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "no changes",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewOAuthIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
UserEndpoint: "user",
IDAttribute: "idAttribute",
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "change ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewOAuthIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
func() eventstore.Command {
t := true
event, _ := instance.NewOAuthIDPChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
idp.ChangeOAuthName("new name"),
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("newSecret"),
idp.ChangeOAuthAuthorizationEndpoint("new auth"),
idp.ChangeOAuthTokenEndpoint("new token"),
idp.ChangeOAuthUserEndpoint("new user"),
idp.ChangeOAuthScopes([]string{"openid", "profile"}),
IsCreationAllowed: &t,
IsLinkingAllowed: &t,
IsAutoCreation: &t,
IsAutoUpdate: &t,
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOAuthProvider{
Name: "new name",
ClientID: "clientID2",
ClientSecret: "newSecret",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "new auth",
TokenEndpoint: "new token",
UserEndpoint: "new user",
Scopes: []string{"openid", "profile"},
IDAttribute: "newAttribute",
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.UpdateInstanceGenericOAuthProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_AddInstanceGenericOIDCIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
idGenerator id.Generator
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
provider GenericOIDCProvider
type res struct {
id string
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Sgtj5", ""))
"invalid issuer",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Hz6zj", ""))
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-fb5jm", ""))
"invalid clientSecret",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Sfdf4", ""))
name: "ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewOIDCIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "ok all set",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewOIDCIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
Scopes: []string{openid.ScopeOpenID},
IsIDTokenMapping: true,
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator,
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
id, got, err := c.AddInstanceGenericOIDCProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res.id, id)
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_UpdateInstanceGenericOIDCIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
provider GenericOIDCProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SAfd3", ""))
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Dvf4f", ""))
"invalid issuer",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-BDfr3", ""))
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Db3bs", ""))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
ClientID: "clientID",
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "no changes",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewOIDCIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
ClientID: "clientID",
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "change ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewOIDCIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
func() eventstore.Command {
t := true
event, _ := instance.NewOIDCIDPChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
idp.ChangeOIDCName("new name"),
idp.ChangeOIDCIssuer("new issuer"),
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("newSecret"),
idp.ChangeOIDCScopes([]string{"openid", "profile"}),
IsCreationAllowed: &t,
IsLinkingAllowed: &t,
IsAutoCreation: &t,
IsAutoUpdate: &t,
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GenericOIDCProvider{
Name: "new name",
Issuer: "new issuer",
ClientID: "clientID2",
ClientSecret: "newSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid", "profile"},
IsIDTokenMapping: true,
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.UpdateInstanceGenericOIDCProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_MigrateInstanceGenericOIDCToAzureADProvider(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
provider AzureADProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AzureADProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-sdf3g", ""))
"invalid client id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Fhbr2", ""))
"invalid client secret",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Dzh3g", ""))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "migrate ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewOIDCIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
func() eventstore.Command {
event := instance.NewOIDCIDPMigratedAzureADEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "migrate ok full",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewOIDCIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
func() eventstore.Command {
event := instance.NewOIDCIDPMigratedAzureADEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid"},
Tenant: "tenant",
EmailVerified: true,
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.MigrateInstanceGenericOIDCToAzureADProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_MigrateInstanceOIDCToGoogleIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
provider GoogleProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GoogleProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-D3fvs", ""))
"invalid clientSecret",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GoogleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-W2vqs", ""))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GoogleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "migrate ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewOIDCIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
instance.NewOIDCIDPMigratedGoogleEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GoogleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "migrate ok full",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewOIDCIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
instance.NewOIDCIDPMigratedGoogleEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GoogleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.MigrateInstanceGenericOIDCToGoogleProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_AddInstanceAzureADIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
idGenerator id.Generator
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
provider AzureADProvider
type res struct {
id string
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AzureADProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-sdf3g", ""))
"invalid client id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Fhbr2", ""))
"invalid client secret",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Dzh3g", ""))
name: "ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewAzureADIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "ok all set",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewAzureADIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid"},
Tenant: "tenant",
EmailVerified: true,
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator,
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
id, got, err := c.AddInstanceAzureADProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res.id, id)
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_UpdateInstanceAzureADIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
provider AzureADProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AzureADProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SAgh2", ""))
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AzureADProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-fh3h1", ""))
"invalid client id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-dmitg", ""))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "no changes",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewAzureADIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "change ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewAzureADIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
func() eventstore.Command {
t := true
event, _ := instance.NewAzureADIDPChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
idp.ChangeAzureADName("new name"),
idp.ChangeAzureADClientID("new clientID"),
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("new clientSecret"),
idp.ChangeAzureADScopes([]string{"openid", "profile"}),
idp.ChangeAzureADTenant("new tenant"),
IsCreationAllowed: &t,
IsLinkingAllowed: &t,
IsAutoCreation: &t,
IsAutoUpdate: &t,
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AzureADProvider{
Name: "new name",
ClientID: "new clientID",
ClientSecret: "new clientSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid", "profile"},
Tenant: "new tenant",
EmailVerified: true,
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.UpdateInstanceAzureADProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_AddInstanceGitHubIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
idGenerator id.Generator
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
provider GitHubProvider
type res struct {
id string
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid client id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Jdsgf", ""))
"invalid client secret",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-dsgz3", ""))
name: "ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitHubIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "ok all set",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitHubIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator,
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
id, got, err := c.AddInstanceGitHubProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res.id, id)
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_UpdateInstanceGitHubIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
provider GitHubProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-sdf4h", ""))
"invalid client id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitHubProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-fdh5z", ""))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitHubProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "no changes",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitHubIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitHubProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "change ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitHubIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
func() eventstore.Command {
t := true
event, _ := instance.NewGitHubIDPChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
idp.ChangeGitHubName("new name"),
idp.ChangeGitHubClientID("new clientID"),
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("new clientSecret"),
idp.ChangeGitHubScopes([]string{"openid", "profile"}),
IsCreationAllowed: &t,
IsLinkingAllowed: &t,
IsAutoCreation: &t,
IsAutoUpdate: &t,
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitHubProvider{
Name: "new name",
ClientID: "new clientID",
ClientSecret: "new clientSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid", "profile"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.UpdateInstanceGitHubProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_AddInstanceGitHubEnterpriseIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
idGenerator id.Generator
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
provider GitHubEnterpriseProvider
type res struct {
id string
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Dg4td", ""))
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-dgj53", ""))
"invalid clientSecret",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Ghjjs", ""))
"invalid auth endpoint",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-sani2", ""))
"invalid token endpoint",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-agj42", ""))
"invalid user endpoint",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-sd5hn", ""))
name: "ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitHubEnterpriseIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
UserEndpoint: "user",
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "ok all set",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitHubEnterpriseIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
UserEndpoint: "user",
Scopes: []string{"user"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator,
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
id, got, err := c.AddInstanceGitHubEnterpriseProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res.id, id)
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_UpdateInstanceGitHubEnterpriseIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
provider GitHubEnterpriseProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-sdfh3", ""))
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-shj42", ""))
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-sdh73", ""))
"invalid auth endpoint",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-acx2w", ""))
"invalid token endpoint",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-dgj6q", ""))
"invalid user endpoint",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-ybj62", ""))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
UserEndpoint: "user",
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "no changes",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitHubEnterpriseIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "name",
ClientID: "clientID",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "auth",
TokenEndpoint: "token",
UserEndpoint: "user",
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "change ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitHubEnterpriseIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
func() eventstore.Command {
t := true
event, _ := instance.NewGitHubEnterpriseIDPChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
idp.ChangeGitHubEnterpriseName("new name"),
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("newSecret"),
idp.ChangeGitHubEnterpriseAuthorizationEndpoint("new auth"),
idp.ChangeGitHubEnterpriseTokenEndpoint("new token"),
idp.ChangeGitHubEnterpriseUserEndpoint("new user"),
idp.ChangeGitHubEnterpriseScopes([]string{"openid", "profile"}),
IsCreationAllowed: &t,
IsLinkingAllowed: &t,
IsAutoCreation: &t,
IsAutoUpdate: &t,
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitHubEnterpriseProvider{
Name: "new name",
ClientID: "clientID2",
ClientSecret: "newSecret",
AuthorizationEndpoint: "new auth",
TokenEndpoint: "new token",
UserEndpoint: "new user",
Scopes: []string{"openid", "profile"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.UpdateInstanceGitHubEnterpriseProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_AddInstanceGitLabIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
idGenerator id.Generator
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
provider GitLabProvider
type res struct {
id string
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitLabProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-adsg2", ""))
"invalid clientSecret",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitLabProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-GD1j2", ""))
name: "ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitLabIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitLabProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "ok all set",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitLabIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitLabProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator,
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
id, got, err := c.AddInstanceGitLabProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res.id, id)
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_UpdateInstanceGitLabIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
provider GitLabProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitLabProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-HJK91", ""))
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitLabProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-D12t6", ""))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitLabProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "no changes",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitLabIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitLabProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "change ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitLabIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
func() eventstore.Command {
t := true
event, _ := instance.NewGitLabIDPChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("newSecret"),
idp.ChangeGitLabScopes([]string{"openid", "profile"}),
IsCreationAllowed: &t,
IsLinkingAllowed: &t,
IsAutoCreation: &t,
IsAutoUpdate: &t,
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitLabProvider{
ClientID: "clientID2",
ClientSecret: "newSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid", "profile"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.UpdateInstanceGitLabProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_AddInstanceGitLabSelfHostedIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
idGenerator id.Generator
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
provider GitLabSelfHostedProvider
type res struct {
id string
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-jw4ZT", ""))
"invalid issuer",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-AST4S", ""))
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-DBZHJ", ""))
"invalid clientSecret",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SDGJ4", ""))
name: "ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitLabSelfHostedIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "ok all set",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitLabSelfHostedIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator,
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
id, got, err := c.AddInstanceGitLabSelfHostedProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res.id, id)
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_UpdateInstanceGitLabSelfHostedIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
provider GitLabSelfHostedProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SAFG4", ""))
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-DG4H", ""))
"invalid issuer",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SD4eb", ""))
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-GHWE3", ""))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
ClientID: "clientID",
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "no changes",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitLabSelfHostedIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{
Name: "name",
Issuer: "issuer",
ClientID: "clientID",
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "change ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGitLabSelfHostedIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
func() eventstore.Command {
t := true
event, _ := instance.NewGitLabSelfHostedIDPChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("newSecret"),
idp.ChangeGitLabSelfHostedScopes([]string{"openid", "profile"}),
IsCreationAllowed: &t,
IsLinkingAllowed: &t,
IsAutoCreation: &t,
IsAutoUpdate: &t,
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GitLabSelfHostedProvider{
Issuer: "newIssuer",
Name: "newName",
ClientID: "clientID2",
ClientSecret: "newSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid", "profile"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.UpdateInstanceGitLabSelfHostedProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_AddInstanceGoogleIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
idGenerator id.Generator
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
provider GoogleProvider
type res struct {
id string
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GoogleProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-D3fvs", ""))
"invalid clientSecret",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GoogleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-W2vqs", ""))
name: "ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGoogleIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GoogleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "ok all set",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGoogleIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GoogleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
ClientSecret: "clientSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator,
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
id, got, err := c.AddInstanceGoogleProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res.id, id)
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_UpdateInstanceGoogleIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
provider GoogleProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: GoogleProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-S32t1", ""))
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GoogleProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-ds432", ""))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GoogleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "no changes",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGoogleIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GoogleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "change ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewGoogleIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("clientSecret"),
func() eventstore.Command {
t := true
event, _ := instance.NewGoogleIDPChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("newSecret"),
idp.ChangeGoogleScopes([]string{"openid", "profile"}),
IsCreationAllowed: &t,
IsLinkingAllowed: &t,
IsAutoCreation: &t,
IsAutoUpdate: &t,
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: GoogleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID2",
ClientSecret: "newSecret",
Scopes: []string{"openid", "profile"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.UpdateInstanceGoogleProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_AddInstanceLDAPIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
idGenerator id.Generator
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
provider LDAPProvider
type res struct {
id string
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: LDAPProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SAfdd", ""))
"invalid baseDN",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-sv31s", ""))
"invalid bindDN",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
BaseDN: "baseDN",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-sdgf4", ""))
"invalid bindPassword",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
BindDN: "binddn",
BaseDN: "baseDN",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-AEG2w", ""))
"invalid userBase",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
BindDN: "binddn",
BaseDN: "baseDN",
BindPassword: "password",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SAD5n", ""))
"invalid servers",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
BindDN: "binddn",
BaseDN: "baseDN",
BindPassword: "password",
UserBase: "user",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SAx905n", ""))
"invalid userObjectClasses",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
Servers: []string{"server"},
BindDN: "binddn",
BaseDN: "baseDN",
BindPassword: "password",
UserBase: "user",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-S1x905n", ""))
"invalid userFilters",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
Servers: []string{"server"},
BindDN: "binddn",
BaseDN: "baseDN",
BindPassword: "password",
UserBase: "user",
UserObjectClasses: []string{"object"},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-aAx905n", ""))
name: "ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewLDAPIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("password"),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
Servers: []string{"server"},
StartTLS: false,
BaseDN: "baseDN",
BindDN: "dn",
BindPassword: "password",
UserBase: "user",
UserObjectClasses: []string{"object"},
UserFilters: []string{"filter"},
Timeout: time.Second * 30,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "ok all set",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewLDAPIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("password"),
IDAttribute: "id",
FirstNameAttribute: "firstName",
LastNameAttribute: "lastName",
DisplayNameAttribute: "displayName",
NickNameAttribute: "nickName",
PreferredUsernameAttribute: "preferredUsername",
EmailAttribute: "email",
EmailVerifiedAttribute: "emailVerified",
PhoneAttribute: "phone",
PhoneVerifiedAttribute: "phoneVerified",
PreferredLanguageAttribute: "preferredLanguage",
AvatarURLAttribute: "avatarURL",
ProfileAttribute: "profile",
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
Servers: []string{"server"},
StartTLS: false,
BaseDN: "baseDN",
BindDN: "dn",
BindPassword: "password",
UserBase: "user",
UserObjectClasses: []string{"object"},
UserFilters: []string{"filter"},
Timeout: time.Second * 30,
LDAPAttributes: idp.LDAPAttributes{
IDAttribute: "id",
FirstNameAttribute: "firstName",
LastNameAttribute: "lastName",
DisplayNameAttribute: "displayName",
NickNameAttribute: "nickName",
PreferredUsernameAttribute: "preferredUsername",
EmailAttribute: "email",
EmailVerifiedAttribute: "emailVerified",
PhoneAttribute: "phone",
PhoneVerifiedAttribute: "phoneVerified",
PreferredLanguageAttribute: "preferredLanguage",
AvatarURLAttribute: "avatarURL",
ProfileAttribute: "profile",
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator,
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
id, got, err := c.AddInstanceLDAPProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res.id, id)
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_UpdateInstanceLDAPIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
provider LDAPProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: LDAPProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Dgdbs", ""))
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: LDAPProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Sffgd", ""))
"invalid baseDN",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-vb3ss", ""))
"invalid bindDN",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
BaseDN: "baseDN",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-hbere", ""))
"invalid userbase",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
BaseDN: "baseDN",
BindDN: "bindDN",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-DG45z", ""))
"invalid servers",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
BaseDN: "baseDN",
BindDN: "bindDN",
UserBase: "user",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SAx945n", ""))
"invalid userObjectClasses",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
Servers: []string{"server"},
BaseDN: "baseDN",
BindDN: "bindDN",
UserBase: "user",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-S1x605n", ""))
"invalid userFilters",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
Servers: []string{"server"},
BaseDN: "baseDN",
BindDN: "bindDN",
UserBase: "user",
UserObjectClasses: []string{"object"},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-aAx901n", ""))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
Servers: []string{"server"},
BaseDN: "baseDN",
BindDN: "binddn",
BindPassword: "password",
UserBase: "user",
UserObjectClasses: []string{"object"},
UserFilters: []string{"filter"},
res: res{
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowNotFound(nil, "INST-ASF3F", ""))
name: "no changes",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewLDAPIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("password"),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "name",
Servers: []string{"server"},
StartTLS: false,
BaseDN: "basedn",
BindDN: "binddn",
UserBase: "user",
UserObjectClasses: []string{"object"},
UserFilters: []string{"filter"},
Timeout: time.Second * 30,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "change ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewLDAPIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("password"),
func() eventstore.Command {
t := true
event, _ := instance.NewLDAPIDPChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
idp.ChangeLDAPName("new name"),
idp.ChangeLDAPServers([]string{"new server"}),
idp.ChangeLDAPBaseDN("new basedn"),
idp.ChangeLDAPBindDN("new binddn"),
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("new password"),
idp.ChangeLDAPUserBase("new user"),
idp.ChangeLDAPUserObjectClasses([]string{"new object"}),
idp.ChangeLDAPUserFilters([]string{"new filter"}),
idp.ChangeLDAPTimeout(time.Second * 20),
IDAttribute: stringPointer("new id"),
FirstNameAttribute: stringPointer("new firstName"),
LastNameAttribute: stringPointer("new lastName"),
DisplayNameAttribute: stringPointer("new displayName"),
NickNameAttribute: stringPointer("new nickName"),
PreferredUsernameAttribute: stringPointer("new preferredUsername"),
EmailAttribute: stringPointer("new email"),
EmailVerifiedAttribute: stringPointer("new emailVerified"),
PhoneAttribute: stringPointer("new phone"),
PhoneVerifiedAttribute: stringPointer("new phoneVerified"),
PreferredLanguageAttribute: stringPointer("new preferredLanguage"),
AvatarURLAttribute: stringPointer("new avatarURL"),
ProfileAttribute: stringPointer("new profile"),
IsCreationAllowed: &t,
IsLinkingAllowed: &t,
IsAutoCreation: &t,
IsAutoUpdate: &t,
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: LDAPProvider{
Name: "new name",
Servers: []string{"new server"},
StartTLS: true,
BaseDN: "new basedn",
BindDN: "new binddn",
BindPassword: "new password",
UserBase: "new user",
UserObjectClasses: []string{"new object"},
UserFilters: []string{"new filter"},
Timeout: time.Second * 20,
LDAPAttributes: idp.LDAPAttributes{
IDAttribute: "new id",
FirstNameAttribute: "new firstName",
LastNameAttribute: "new lastName",
DisplayNameAttribute: "new displayName",
NickNameAttribute: "new nickName",
PreferredUsernameAttribute: "new preferredUsername",
EmailAttribute: "new email",
EmailVerifiedAttribute: "new emailVerified",
PhoneAttribute: "new phone",
PhoneVerifiedAttribute: "new phoneVerified",
PreferredLanguageAttribute: "new preferredLanguage",
AvatarURLAttribute: "new avatarURL",
ProfileAttribute: "new profile",
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.UpdateInstanceLDAPProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_AddInstanceAppleIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
idGenerator id.Generator
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
provider AppleProvider
type res struct {
id string
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AppleProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-jkn3w", "Errors.IDP.ClientIDMissing"))
"invalid teamID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AppleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Ffg32", "Errors.IDP.TeamIDMissing"))
"invalid keyID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AppleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
TeamID: "teamID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-GDjm5", "Errors.IDP.KeyIDMissing"))
"invalid privateKey",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AppleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
TeamID: "teamID",
KeyID: "keyID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-GVD4n", "Errors.IDP.PrivateKeyMissing"))
name: "ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewAppleIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("privateKey"),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AppleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
TeamID: "teamID",
KeyID: "keyID",
PrivateKey: []byte("privateKey"),
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "ok all set",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewAppleIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("privateKey"),
[]string{"name", "email"},
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AppleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
TeamID: "teamID",
KeyID: "keyID",
PrivateKey: []byte("privateKey"),
Scopes: []string{"name", "email"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator,
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
id, got, err := c.AddInstanceAppleProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res.id, id)
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_UpdateInstanceAppleIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
provider AppleProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: AppleProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-FRHBH", "Errors.IDMissing"))
"invalid clientID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AppleProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SFm4l", "Errors.IDP.ClientIDMissing"))
"invalid teamID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AppleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SG34t", "Errors.IDP.TeamIDMissing"))
"invalid keyID",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AppleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
TeamID: "teamID",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-Gh4z2", "Errors.IDP.KeyIDMissing"))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AppleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
TeamID: "teamID",
KeyID: "keyID",
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "no changes",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewAppleIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("privateKey"),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AppleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID",
TeamID: "teamID",
KeyID: "keyID",
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "change ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewAppleIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("privateKey"),
func() eventstore.Command {
t := true
event, _ := instance.NewAppleIDPChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("newPrivateKey"),
idp.ChangeAppleScopes([]string{"name", "email"}),
IsCreationAllowed: &t,
IsLinkingAllowed: &t,
IsAutoCreation: &t,
IsAutoUpdate: &t,
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: AppleProvider{
ClientID: "clientID2",
TeamID: "teamID2",
KeyID: "keyID2",
PrivateKey: []byte("newPrivateKey"),
Scopes: []string{"name", "email"},
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.UpdateInstanceAppleProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_AddInstanceSAMLIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
idGenerator id.Generator
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
certificateAndKeyGenerator func(id string) ([]byte, []byte, error)
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
provider *SAMLProvider
type res struct {
id string
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
provider: &SAMLProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-o07zjotgnd", ""))
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
"no metadata",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
provider: &SAMLProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-3bi3esi16t", "Errors.Invalid.Argument"))
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
"invalid metadata, error",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
provider: &SAMLProvider{
Name: "name",
Metadata: []byte("metadata"),
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-SF3rwhgh", "Errors.Project.App.SAMLMetadataFormat"))
name: "ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewSAMLIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("key"),
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
certificateAndKeyGenerator: func(id string) ([]byte, []byte, error) { return []byte("key"), []byte("certificate"), nil },
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
provider: &SAMLProvider{
Name: "name",
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
Metadata: validSAMLMetadata,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "ok all set",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewSAMLIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("key"),
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "id1"),
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
certificateAndKeyGenerator: func(id string) ([]byte, []byte, error) { return []byte("key"), []byte("certificate"), nil },
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
provider: &SAMLProvider{
Name: "name",
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
Metadata: validSAMLMetadata,
Binding: "binding",
WithSignedRequest: true,
NameIDFormat: gu.Ptr(domain.SAMLNameIDFormatTransient),
TransientMappingAttributeName: "customAttribute",
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
id: "id1",
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator,
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
samlCertificateAndKeyGenerator: tt.fields.certificateAndKeyGenerator,
id, got, err := c.AddInstanceSAMLProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res.id, id)
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_UpdateInstanceGenericSAMLIDP(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
provider *SAMLProvider
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
provider: &SAMLProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-7o3rq1owpm", ""))
"invalid name",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
provider: &SAMLProvider{},
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-q2s9rak7o9", ""))
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
"no metadata",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
provider: &SAMLProvider{
Name: "name",
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-iw1rxnf4sf", ""))
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
"invalid metadata, error",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
provider: &SAMLProvider{
Name: "name",
Metadata: []byte("metadata"),
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-dsfj3kl2", "Errors.Project.App.SAMLMetadataFormat"))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
provider: &SAMLProvider{
Name: "name",
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
Metadata: validSAMLMetadata,
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "no changes",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewSAMLIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("key"),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
provider: &SAMLProvider{
Name: "name",
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
Metadata: validSAMLMetadata,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
name: "change ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewSAMLIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("key"),
func() eventstore.Command {
t := true
event, _ := instance.NewSAMLIDPChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
idp.ChangeSAMLName("new name"),
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
idp.ChangeSAMLBinding("new binding"),
IsCreationAllowed: &t,
IsLinkingAllowed: &t,
IsAutoCreation: &t,
IsAutoUpdate: &t,
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
provider: &SAMLProvider{
Name: "new name",
fix(saml): improve error handling (#8928) # Which Problems Are Solved There are multiple issues with the metadata and error handling of SAML: - When providing a SAML metadata for an IdP, which cannot be processed, the error will only be noticed once a user tries to use the IdP. - Parsing for metadata with any other encoding than UTF-8 fails. - Metadata containing an enclosing EntitiesDescriptor around EntityDescriptor cannot be parsed. - Metadata's `validUntil` value is always set to 48 hours, which causes issues on external providers, if processed from a manual down/upload. - If a SAML response cannot be parsed, only a generic "Authentication failed" error is returned, the cause is hidden to the user and also to actions. # How the Problems Are Solved - Return parsing errors after create / update and retrieval of an IdP in the API. - Prevent the creation and update of an IdP in case of a parsing failure. - Added decoders for encodings other than UTF-8 (including ASCII, windows and ISO, [currently supported](https://github.com/golang/text/blob/efd25daf282ae4d20d3625f1ccb4452fe40967ae/encoding/ianaindex/ianaindex.go#L156)) - Updated parsing to handle both `EntitiesDescriptor` and `EntityDescriptor` as root element - `validUntil` will automatically set to the certificate's expiration time - Unwrapped the hidden error to be returned. The Login UI will still only provide a mostly generic error, but action can now access the underlying error. # Additional Changes None # Additional Context reported by a customer
2024-12-03 11:38:28 +01:00
Metadata: validSAMLMetadata,
Binding: "new binding",
WithSignedRequest: true,
NameIDFormat: gu.Ptr(domain.SAMLNameIDFormatTransient),
TransientMappingAttributeName: "customAttribute",
IDPOptions: idp.Options{
IsCreationAllowed: true,
IsLinkingAllowed: true,
IsAutoCreation: true,
IsAutoUpdate: true,
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
got, err := c.UpdateInstanceSAMLProvider(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id, tt.args.provider)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)
func TestCommandSide_RegenerateInstanceSAMLProviderCertificate(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
eventstore func(*testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore
secretCrypto crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
certificateAndKeyGenerator func(id string) ([]byte, []byte, error)
type args struct {
ctx context.Context
id string
type res struct {
want *domain.ObjectDetails
err func(error) bool
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
res res
"invalid id",
eventstore: expectEventstore(),
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
err: func(err error) bool {
return errors.Is(err, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "INST-7de108gqya", ""))
name: "not found",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
res: res{
err: zerrors.IsNotFound,
name: "change ok",
fields: fields{
eventstore: expectEventstore(
instance.NewSAMLIDPAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("key"),
func() eventstore.Command {
event, _ := instance.NewSAMLIDPChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("instance1").Aggregate,
CryptoType: crypto.TypeEncryption,
Algorithm: "enc",
KeyID: "id",
Crypted: []byte("new key"),
idp.ChangeSAMLCertificate([]byte("new certificate")),
return event
secretCrypto: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)),
certificateAndKeyGenerator: func(id string) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
return []byte("new key"), []byte("new certificate"), nil
args: args{
ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "instance1"),
id: "id1",
res: res{
want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ResourceOwner: "instance1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := &Commands{
eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t),
idpConfigEncryption: tt.fields.secretCrypto,
samlCertificateAndKeyGenerator: tt.fields.certificateAndKeyGenerator,
got, err := c.RegenerateInstanceSAMLProviderCertificate(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.id)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) {
t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err)
if tt.res.err == nil {
assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got)