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+title: JWT IDP
+JSON Web Token Identity Provider (JWT IDP) gives you the possibility to use an (existing) JWT as federated identity.
+Imagine you have a Web Application Firewall (WAF) which handles your session for an existing application.
+You're now creating a new application which uses ZITADEL as its IDP / Authentication Server.
+The new app might even be opened from within the existing application and you want to reuse the session information for the new application.
+This is where JWT IDP comes into place.
+All you need to provide is an endpoint where ZITADEL can receive a JWT and some information for its signature verification.
+## Authentication using JWT IDP
+The authentication process then might look like the following:
+![JWT IDP Architecture](/img/concepts/objects/jwt_idp.png)
+1. The user is logged into the existing application and the WAF holds the session information. It might even send a JWT to the application.
+ The new application is opened by clicking on a link in the existing application.
+2. The application bootstraps and since it cannot find a session, it will create an OIDC Authorization Request to ZITADEL.
+ In this request it provides a scope to directly request the JWT IDP.
+3. ZITADEL will do so and redirect to the preconfigured JWT Endpoint. While the endpoint is behind the WAF, ZITADEL is able to receive a JWT from a defined http header.
+ It will then validate its signature, which might require to call the configured Keys Endpoint.
+ If the signature is valid and token is not expired, ZITADEL will then use the token and the enclosed `sub` claim as if it was an id_token returned from an OIDC IDP:
+ It will try to match a user's external identity and if not possible, create a new user with the information of the provided token.
+ Prerequisite for this is that the IDP setting `autoregister` is set to `true`.
+4. ZITADEL will then redirect to its main instance and the login flow will proceed.
+5. The user will be redirected to the Callback Endpoint of the new Application, where the application will exchange the code for tokens.
+ The user is finally logged in the new application, without any direct interaction.
+### Terms and example values
+To further explain and illustrate how a JWT IDP works, we will assume the following:
+- the **Existing Application** is deployed under `apps.test.com/existing/`
+- the **New Application** is deployed under `new.test.com`
+- the **Login UI of ZITADEL** is deployed under `accounts.test.com`
+The **JWT IDP Configuration** might then be:
+ - **JWT Endpoint** (Endpoint where ZITADEL will redirect to):
+ - **Issuer** (of the JWT):
+ - **Keys Endpoint** (where keys of the JWT Signature can be gathered):
+ - **Header Name** (of the JWT, Authorization if omitted):
+Therefore, if the user is redirected from ZITADEL to the JWT Endpoint on the WAF (`https://apps.test.com/existing/auth-new`),
+the session cookies previously issued by the WAF, will be sent along by the browser due to the path being on the same domain as the exiting application.
+The WAF will reuse the session and send the JWT in the HTTP header `x-custom-tkn` to its upstream, the ZITADEL JWT Endpoint (`https://accounts.test.com/ui/login/login/jwt/authorize`).
+For the signature validation, ZITADEL must be able to connect to Keys Endpoint (`https://issuer.test.internal/keys`)
+and it will check if the token was signed (claim `iss`) by the defined Issuer (`https://issuer.test.internal`).
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