diff --git a/docs/docs/self-hosting/deploy/kubernetes.mdx b/docs/docs/self-hosting/deploy/kubernetes.mdx
index c7879e1bb4..a3814e4f4d 100644
--- a/docs/docs/self-hosting/deploy/kubernetes.mdx
+++ b/docs/docs/self-hosting/deploy/kubernetes.mdx
@@ -3,91 +3,6 @@ title: Set up ZITADEL on Kubernetes
sidebar_label: Kubernetes
-import Disclaimer from './_disclaimer.mdx'
-import DefaultUser from './_defaultuser.mdx'
-import Next from './_next.mdx'
-import NoteInstanceNotFound from './troubleshooting/_note_instance_not_found.mdx';
+For getting started with an easily testable insecure setup with Postgres, follow the [Insecure Postgres Example](https://github.com/zitadel/zitadel-charts/tree/main/examples/1-postgres-insecure).
-Installation and configuration details are described in the [open source ZITADEL charts repo](https://github.com/zitadel/zitadel-charts).
-By default, the chart installs a secure and highly available ZITADEL instance.
-For running an easily testable, insecure, non-HA ZITADEL instance, run the following commands.
-## Add the Helm Repositories for CockroachDB and ZITADEL
-helm repo add cockroachdb https://charts.cockroachdb.com/
-helm repo add zitadel https://charts.zitadel.com
-After you have your repositories added,
-you can setup ZITADEL and either
-- initialize an [IAM owner who is a human user](#setup-zitadel-and-a-human-admin) or
-- initialize an [IAM owner who is a service account](#setup-zitadel-and-a-service-account-admin)
-## Setup ZITADEL and a Human Admin
-# Install CockroachDB
-helm install crdb cockroachdb/cockroachdb \
- --set fullnameOverride=crdb \
- --set conf.single-node=true \
- --set statefulset.replicas=1
-# Install ZITADEL
-helm install my-zitadel zitadel/zitadel \
- --set zitadel.masterkey="MasterkeyNeedsToHave32Characters" \
- --set zitadel.configmapConfig.ExternalSecure=false \
- --set zitadel.configmapConfig.TLS.Enabled=false \
- --set zitadel.secretConfig.Database.cockroach.User.Password="a-zitadel-db-user-password" \
- --set replicaCount=1
-# Make ZITADEL locally accessible
-kubectl port-forward svc/my-zitadel 8080
-## Setup ZITADEL and a Service Account Admin
-With this setup, you don't create a human user that has the IAM_OWNER role.
-Instead, you create a service account that has the IAM_OWNER role.
-ZITADEL will also create a key for your, with which you can authenticate to the ZITADEL API.
-For example, you can install ZITADEL and seemlessly provision ZITADEL resources after installation using [Terraform](/docs/guides/manage/terraform/basics.md).
-With this setup you only get a key for a service account. Logging in at ZITADEL using the login screen is not possible until you create a user with the ZITADEL API.
-# Install CockroachDB
-helm install crdb cockroachdb/cockroachdb \
- --set fullnameOverride=crdb \
- --set conf.single-node=true \
- --set statefulset.replicas=1
-# Install ZITADEL
-helm install my-zitadel zitadel/zitadel \
- --set zitadel.masterkey="MasterkeyNeedsToHave32Characters" \
- --set zitadel.configmapConfig.ExternalSecure=false \
- --set zitadel.configmapConfig.TLS.Enabled=false \
- --set zitadel.secretConfig.Database.cockroach.User.Password="a-zitadel-db-user-password" \
- --set replicaCount=1 \
- --set zitadel.configmapConfig.FirstInstance.Org.Machine.Machine.Username="zitadel-admin-sa" \
- --set zitadel.configmapConfig.FirstInstance.Org.Machine.Machine.Name="Admin" \
- --set zitadel.configmapConfig.FirstInstance.Org.Machine.MachineKey.Type=1
-# Make ZITADEL locally accessible
-kubectl port-forward svc/my-zitadel 8080
-When Helm is done, you can print your service account key from a Kubernetes secret:
-kubectl get secret zitadel-admin-sa -o jsonpath='{ .data.zitadel-admin-sa\.json }' | base64 --decode
+For more information and configuration examples, go to the [ZITADEL charts repo](https://github.com/zitadel/zitadel-charts).