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@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ All of our APIs are generated by proto defintions. You can find all the proto de
> More about [Protocol Buffer](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers)
+## Swagger Documentation
+We provide some json files for the swagger documentation of our APIs with the following link: [https://api.zitadel.ch/openapi/v2/swagger/](https://api.zitadel.ch/openapi/v2/swagger/)
+The easiest way to have a look at them is, to import them in the [Swagger Editor](https://editor.swagger.io/)
## Authentication API aka Auth
The authentication API (aka Auth API) is used for all operations on the currently logged in user.
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@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ In addition to the standard compliant scopes we utilize the following scopes.
| urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:role:{rolename} | `urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:role:user` | By using this scope a client can request the claim urn:zitadel:iam:roles:rolename} to be asserted when possible. As an alternative approach you can enable all roles to be asserted from the [project](../../guides/projects) a client belongs to. |
| urn:zitadel:iam:org:domain:primary:{domainname} | `urn:zitadel:iam:org:domain:primary:acme.ch` | When requesting this scope **ZITADEL** will enforce that the user is a member of the selected organization. If the organization does not exist a failure is displayed |
| urn:zitadel:iam:role:{rolename} | | |
-| urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id:{projectid}:aud | ZITADEL's Project id is `urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id:69234237810729019:aud` | By adding this scope, the requested projectid will be added to the audience of the access and id token |
+| `urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id:{projectid}:aud` | ZITADEL's Project id is `urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id:69234237810729019:aud` | By adding this scope, the requested projectid will be added to the audience of the access and id token |
> If access to ZITADEL's API's is needed with a service user the scope `urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id:69234237810729019:aud` needs to be used with the JWT Profile request
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+title: Access ZITADEL APIs
+ Description |
+ Learn how to authorize Service Users to access ZITADEL APIs. |
+ Learning Outcomes |
+ In this module you will:
+ - Grant a Service User for ZITADEL
+ - Authorize a Service User with JWT signed with your private key
+ |
+ Prerequisites |
+ |
+## ZITADEL Managers
+ZITADEL Managers are Users who have permission to manage ZITADEL itself. There are some different levels for managers.
+- **IAM Managers**: This is the highest level. Users with IAM Manager roles are able to manage the whole IAM.
+- **Org Managers**: Managers in the Organisation Level are able to manage everything within the granted Organisation.
+- **Project Mangers**: In this level the user is able to manage a project.
+- **Project Grant Manager**: The project grant manager is for projects, which are granted of another organisation.
+On each level we have some different Roles. Here you can find more about the different roles: [ZITADEL Manager Roles](../manuals/admin-managers)
+## Exercise: Add ORG_OWNER to Service User
+Make sure you have a Service User with a Key. (For more detailed informations about creating a service user go to [Service User](serviceusers))
+1. Navigate to Organisation Detail
+2. Click the **+** button in the right part of console, in the managers part of details
+3. Search the user and select it
+4. Choose the role ORG_OWNER
+![Add Org Manager](/img/console_org_manager_add.gif)
+## Authenticating a service user
+In ZITADEL we use the `private_jwt` (**“JWT bearer token with private key”**, [RFC7523](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7523)) authorization grant for this non-interactive authentication.
+This is already described in the [Service User](serviceusers), so make sure you follow this guide.
+### Request an OAuth token, with audience for ZITADEL
+With the encoded JWT from the prior step, you will need to craft a POST request to ZITADEL's token endpoint:
+To access the ZITADEL APIs you need the ZITADEL Project ID in the audience of your token.
+This is possible by sending a custom scope for the audience. More about [Custom Scopes](../apis/openidoauth/scopes)
+Use the scope `urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id:{projectid}:aud` to include the project id in your audience
+> The scope for zitadel.ch is: `urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id:69234237810729019:aud`
+curl --request POST \
+ --url https://api.zitadel.ch/oauth/v2/token \
+ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
+ --data grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer \
+ --data scope='openid profile email urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id:69234237810729019:aud' \
+ --data assertion=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiL...
+* `grant_type` must be set to `urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer`
+* `scope` should contain any [Scopes](../apis/openidoauth/scopes) you want to include, but must include `openid`. For this example, please include `profile` and `email`
+* `assertion` is the encoded value of the JWT that was signed with your private key from the prior step
+You should receive a successful response with `access_token`, `token_type` and time to expiry in seconds as `expires_in`.
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: application/json
+ "access_token": "MtjHodGy4zxKylDOhg6kW90WeEQs2q...",
+ "token_type": "Bearer",
+ "expires_in": 43199
+With this token you are allowed to access the [ZITADEL APIs](../apis/introduction) .
+## Knowledge Check
+* Managers are used for all users to get authorizations for all projects?
+ - [ ] yes
+ - [ ] no
+* You need the ZITADEL Project Id in your audience and can access this with a custom scope?
+ - [ ] yes
+ - [ ] no
+ Solutions
+* Managers are used for all users to get authorizations for all projects?
+ - [ ] yes
+ - [x] no (Managers are only used to grant users for ZITADEL)
+* You need the ZITADEL Project Id in your audience and can access this with a custom scope?
+ - [x] yes
+ - [ ] no
+## Summary
+* Grant a user for ZITADEL
+* Because there is no interactive logon, you need to use a JWT signed with your private key to authorize the user
+* With a custom scope (`urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id:{projectid}:aud`) you can access ZITADEL APIs
+Where to go from here:
+* [ZITADEL API Documentation](../apis/introduction)
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index df5ea38098..b3d9ab1964 100644
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+++ b/docs/docs/guides/serviceusers.md
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Content-Type: application/json
-### 4. Verify that you have a valid access toaken
+### 4. Verify that you have a valid access token
For this example let's call the userinfo endpoint to verfiy that our access token works.
diff --git a/docs/docs/manuals/admin-managers.md b/docs/docs/manuals/admin-managers.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+title: ZITADEL Managers
+ZITADEL Managers are Users who have permission to manage ZITADEL itself. There are some different levels for managers.
+- **IAM Managers**: This is the highest level. Users with IAM Manager roles are able to manage the whole IAM.
+- **Org Managers**: Managers in the Organisation Level are able to manage everything within the granted Organisation.
+- **Project Mangers**: In this level the user is able to manage a project.
+- **Project Grant Manager**: The project grant manager is for projects, which are granted of another organisation.
+To configure managers in ZITADEL go to the resource where you like to add it (e.g IAM, Organisation, Project, GrantedProject).
+In the right part of the console you can finde **MANAGERS** in the details part. Here you have a list of the current managers and can add a new one.
+## Roles
+| Role | Description |
+| IAM_OWNER | Manage the IAM, manage all organisations with their content |
+| IAM_OWNER_VIEWER | View the IAM and view all organisations with their content |
+| ORG_OWNER | Manage everything within an organisation |
+| ORG_OWNER_VIEWER | View everything within an organisation |
+| ORG_USER_PERMISSION_EDITOR | Manage user grants and view everything needed for this |
+| ORG_PROJECT_PERMISSION_EDITOR | Grant Projects to other organisations and view everything needed for this |
+| ORG_PROJECT_CREATOR | This role is used for users in the global organisation. They are allowed to create projects and manage them. |
+| PROJECT_OWNER | Manage everything within a project. This includes to grant users for the project. |
+| PROJECT_OWNER_VIEWER | View everything within a project.|
+| PROJECT_OWNER_GLOBAL | Same as PROJECT_OWNER, but in the global organisation. |
+| PROJECT_OWNER_VIEWER_GLOBAL | Same as PROJECT_OWNER_VIEWER, but in the global organisation. |
+| PROJECT_GRANT_OWNER | Same as PROJECT_OWNER but for a granted proejct. |
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@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ module.exports = {
label: 'User',
items: ['manuals/user'],
+ {
+ type: 'category',
+ label: 'Administrator',
+ items: ['manuals/admin-managers'],
+ },
quickstarts: [
@@ -25,7 +30,7 @@ module.exports = {
type: 'category',
label: 'Get to know ZITADEL',
- items: ['guides/get-started', 'guides/organizations', 'guides/projects', 'guides/serviceusers', 'guides/oauth-recommended-flows', 'guides/identity-brokering'],
+ items: ['guides/get-started', 'guides/organizations', 'guides/projects', 'guides/oauth-recommended-flows', 'guides/serviceusers', 'guides/access-zitadel-apis', 'guides/identity-brokering'],
apis: [
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/static/img/console_org_manager_add.gif differ