# By using the FirstInstance section, you can overwrite the DefaultInstance configuration for the first instance created by zitadel setup. FirstInstance: # If set to true zitadel is setup without initial data Skip: false # The machine key from the section FirstInstance.Org.Machine.MachineKey is written to the MachineKeyPath. MachineKeyPath: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_MACHINEKEYPATH # The personal access token from the section FirstInstance.Org.Machine.Pat is written to the PatPath. PatPath: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_PATPATH InstanceName: ZITADEL # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_INSTANCENAME DefaultLanguage: en # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_DEFAULTLANGUAGE Org: Name: ZITADEL # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_NAME # In the FirstInstance.Org.Human section, the initial organization's admin user with the role IAM_OWNER is defined. # If FirstInstance.Org.Machine.Machine is defined, a service user is created with the IAM_OWNER role. Human: # In case UserLoginMustBeDomain is false (default) and you don't overwrite the username with an email, # it will be suffixed by the org domain (org-name + domain from config). # for example zitadel-admin in org ZITADEL on domain.tld -> zitadel-admin@zitadel.domain.tld UserName: zitadel-admin # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_USERNAME FirstName: ZITADEL # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_FIRSTNAME LastName: Admin # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_LASTNAME NickName: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_NICKNAME DisplayName: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_DISPLAYNAME Email: # uses the username if empty Address: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_EMAIL_ADDRESS Verified: true # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_EMAIL_VERIFIED PreferredLanguage: en # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_PREFERREDLANGUAGE Gender: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_GENDER Phone: Number: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_PHONE_NUMBER Verified: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_PHONE_VERIFIED Password: Password1! # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_PASSWORD PasswordChangeRequired: true # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_HUMAN_PASSWORDCHANGEREQUIRED # In the FirstInstance.Org.Machine section, the initial organization's admin user with the role IAM_OWNER is defined. # If FirstInstance.Org.Machine.Machine is defined, a service user is created with the IAM_OWNER role. Machine: Machine: Username: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_MACHINE_MACHINE_USERNAME Name: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_MACHINE_MACHINE_NAME MachineKey: # date format: 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z ExpirationDate: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_MACHINE_MACHINEKEY_EXPIRATIONDATE # Currently, the only supported value is 1 for JSON Type: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_MACHINE_MACHINEKEY_TYPE Pat: # date format: 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z ExpirationDate: # ZITADEL_FIRSTINSTANCE_ORG_MACHINE_PAT_EXPIRATIONDATE CorrectCreationDate: FailAfter: 5m # ZITADEL_CORRECTCREATIONDATE_FAILAFTER AddEventCreatedAt: BulkAmount: 100 # ZITADEL_ADDEVENTCREATEDAT_BULKAMOUNT FillFields: BatchSize: 1000 # ZITADEL_EVENTSTORE_FILLFIELDS_BULKLIMIT