module.exports = { guides: [ "guides/overview", { type: "category", label: "Get Started", collapsed: false, items: [ "guides/start/quickstart", { type: "category", label: "Frontend", items: [ "examples/login/angular", "examples/login/flutter", "examples/login/go", "examples/login/java-spring", "examples/login/nextjs", "examples/login/python-django", "examples/login/react", "examples/login/symfony", "examples/login/vue", { type: "link", label: ".Net", href: "", }, ], collapsed: true, }, { type: "category", label: "Backend", items: [ "examples/secure-api/go", "examples/secure-api/java-spring", "examples/secure-api/python-django", "examples/secure-api/python-flask", "examples/secure-api/nodejs-nestjs", { type: "link", label: ".Net", href: "", }, ], collapsed: true, }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Examples & SDKs", items: [ "sdk-examples/introduction", "sdk-examples/angular", "sdk-examples/flutter", "sdk-examples/go", "sdk-examples/java", "sdk-examples/nestjs", "sdk-examples/nextjs", "sdk-examples/python-flask", "sdk-examples/python-django", "sdk-examples/react", "sdk-examples/symfony", "sdk-examples/vue", { type: "link", label: "Dart", href: "", }, { type: "link", label: "Elixir", href: "", }, { type: "link", label: "NextAuth", href: "", }, { type: "link", label: "Node.js", href: "", }, { type: "link", label: ".Net", href: "", }, { type: "link", label: "Passport.js", href: "", }, { type: "link", label: "Rust", href: "", }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Manage", collapsed: true, items: [ { type: "category", label: "Cloud", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Overview", slug: "guides/manage/cloud/overview", description: "Our customer portal is used to manage all your ZITADEL instances. You can also manage your subscriptions, billing, newsletters and support requests.", }, items: [ "guides/manage/cloud/start", "guides/manage/cloud/instances", "guides/manage/cloud/billing", "guides/manage/cloud/users", "guides/manage/cloud/support", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Console", items: [ "guides/manage/console/overview", "guides/manage/console/instance-settings", "guides/manage/console/organizations", "guides/manage/console/projects", "guides/manage/console/roles", "guides/manage/console/applications", "guides/manage/console/users", "guides/manage/console/managers", "guides/manage/console/actions", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Customize", items: [ "guides/manage/customize/branding", "guides/manage/customize/texts", "guides/manage/customize/behavior", "guides/manage/customize/restrictions", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Terraform", items: ["guides/manage/terraform/basics"], }, { type: "category", label: "Users", items: [ "guides/manage/user/reg-create-user", "guides/manage/customize/user-metadata", ], }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Migrate", collapsed: true, items: [ "guides/migrate/introduction", "guides/migrate/users", { type: "category", label: "Sources", collapsed: true, items: [ "guides/migrate/sources/zitadel", "guides/migrate/sources/auth0", "guides/migrate/sources/keycloak", ], }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Integrate", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Integrate", slug: "guides/integrate", description: "Integrate your users and application with ZITADEL. In this section you will find resource on how to authenticate your users, configure external identity providers, access the ZITADEL APIs to manage resources, and integrate with third party services and tools.", }, items: [ { type: "category", label: "Authenticate Users", collapsed: true, link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Authenticate Human Users", slug: "guides/integrate/human-users", description: "How to authenticate human users with OpenID Connect", }, items: [ "guides/integrate/login-users", "guides/integrate/oauth-recommended-flows", "guides/integrate/logout", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Token Introspection", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Token Introspection", slug: "/guides/integrate/token-introspection", description: "Token introspection is the process of checking whether an access token is valid and can be used to access protected resources. You have an API that acts as an OAuth resource server and can be accessed by user-facing applications. To validate an access token by calling the ZITADEL introspection API, you can use the JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile (recommended) or Basic Authentication for token introspection. It's crucial to understand that the API is entirely separate from the front end. The API shouldn’t concern itself with the token type received. Instead, it's about how the API chooses to call the introspection endpoint, either through JWT Profile or Basic Authentication. Many APIs assume they might receive a JWT and attempt to verify it based on signature or expiration. However, with ZITADEL, you can send either a JWT or an opaque Bearer token from the client end to the API. This flexibility is one of ZITADEL's standout features.", }, collapsed: true, items: [ "guides/integrate/token-introspection/private-key-jwt", "guides/integrate/token-introspection/basic-auth", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Authenticate Service Users", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Authenticate ZITADEL Service Users", slug: "/guides/integrate/serviceusers", description: "How to authenticate service users for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication between services. You also need to authenticate service users to access ZITADEL's APIs.", }, collapsed: true, items: [ "guides/integrate/private-key-jwt", "guides/integrate/client-credentials", "guides/integrate/pat", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Role Management", collapsed: true, items: ["guides/integrate/retrieve-user-roles"], }, { type: "category", label: "Build your own Login UI", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Build your own Login UI", slug: "/guides/integrate/login-ui", description: "In the following guides you will learn how to create your own login UI with our APIs. The different scenarios like username/password, external identity provider, etc. will be shown.", }, collapsed: true, items: [ "guides/integrate/login-ui/username-password", "guides/integrate/login-ui/external-login", "guides/integrate/login-ui/passkey", "guides/integrate/login-ui/mfa", "guides/integrate/login-ui/select-account", "guides/integrate/login-ui/password-reset", "guides/integrate/login-ui/logout", "guides/integrate/login-ui/oidc-standard", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Configure Identity Providers", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Let Users Login with Preferred Identity Provider in ZITADEL", slug: "/guides/integrate/identity-providers", description: "In the following guides you will learn how to configure and setup your preferred external identity provider in ZITADEL.", }, collapsed: true, items: [ "guides/integrate/identity-providers/google", "guides/integrate/identity-providers/azure-ad", "guides/integrate/identity-providers/github", "guides/integrate/identity-providers/gitlab", "guides/integrate/identity-providers/apple", "guides/integrate/identity-providers/ldap", "guides/integrate/identity-providers/openldap", "guides/integrate/identity-providers/migrate", "guides/integrate/identity-providers/okta", "guides/integrate/identity-providers/keycloak", "guides/integrate/identity-providers/additional-information", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Access ZITADEL APIs", collapsed: true, items: [ { type: "link", label: "Authenticate Service Users", href: "/guides/integrate/serviceusers", }, "guides/integrate/access-zitadel-apis", "guides/integrate/access-zitadel-system-api", "guides/integrate/event-api", { type: "category", label: "Example Code", items: [ "examples/call-zitadel-api/go", "examples/call-zitadel-api/dot-net", ], collapsed: true, }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Services", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Integrate ZITADEL with your Favorite Services", slug: "/guides/integrate/services", description: "With the guides in this section you will learn how to integrate ZITADEL with your services.", }, collapsed: true, items: [ { type: "autogenerated", dirName: "guides/integrate/services", }, { type: "link", label: "Bold BI (", href: "", }, { type: "link", label: "Cloudflare workers", href: "", }, { type: "link", label: "Firezone (", href: "", }, { type: "link", label: "Nextcloud", href: "", }, { type: "link", label: "Netbird (", href: "", }, { type: "link", label: "Psono (", href: "", }, { type: "link", label: "Zoho Desk (", href: "", }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Tools", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Integrate ZITADEL with your Tools", slug: "/guides/integrate/tools", description: "With the guides in this section you will learn how to integrate ZITADEL with your favorite tools.", }, collapsed: true, items: [ { type: "link", label: "Argo CD", href: "", }, "guides/integrate/tools/apache2", "guides/integrate/authenticated-mongodb-charts", "examples/identity-proxy/oauth2-proxy", ], }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Solution Scenarios", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Solution Scenarios", slug: "guides/solution-scenarios/introduction", description: "Customers of an SaaS Identity and access management system usually have all distinct use cases and requirements. This guide attempts to explain real-world implementations and break them down into solution scenarios which aim to help you getting started with ZITADEL.", }, collapsed: true, items: [ "guides/solution-scenarios/b2c", "guides/solution-scenarios/b2b", "guides/solution-scenarios/saas", "guides/solution-scenarios/domain-discovery", "guides/solution-scenarios/configurations", "guides/solution-scenarios/frontend-calling-backend-API", "guides/solution-scenarios/device-authorization", { type: "category", label: "Onboarding Customers and Users", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Onboarding Customers and Users", slug: "/guides/solution-scenarios/onboarding", description: "When building your own application, one of the first questions you have to face, is 'How do my customers onboard to my application?'\n" + "This guide will show you the built-in solution you have, within ZITADEL and how you can use ZITADEL when you have more advanced needs.", }, collapsed: true, items: [ "guides/solution-scenarios/onboarding/b2b", "guides/solution-scenarios/onboarding/end-users", ], } ], }, { type: "category", label: "Concepts", collapsed: true, link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Concepts and Features", slug: "concepts", description: "This part of our documentation contains ZITADEL specific or general concepts required to understand the system or our guides.", }, items: [ "concepts/structure/instance", "concepts/structure/organizations", "concepts/structure/projects", "concepts/structure/applications", "concepts/structure/granted_projects", "concepts/structure/users", "concepts/structure/managers", "concepts/structure/policies", "concepts/features/identity-brokering", "concepts/structure/jwt_idp", "concepts/features/actions", "concepts/features/audit-trail", "concepts/features/selfservice", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Architecture", collapsed: true, items: [ "concepts/architecture/software", "concepts/architecture/solution", "concepts/architecture/secrets", "concepts/principles", { type: "category", label: "Event Store", collapsed: true, items: [ "concepts/eventstore/overview", "concepts/eventstore/implementation", ], }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Support", collapsed: true, items: [ "support/software-release-cycles-support", "support/troubleshooting", { type: "link", label: "Support Service Descriptions", href: "/legal/service-description/support-services", }, { type: "category", label: "Technical Advisory", link: { type: "doc", id: "support/technical_advisory", }, collapsed: true, items: [ { type: "autogenerated", dirName: "support/advisory", }, ], }, ], }, ], apis: [ "apis/introduction", { type: "category", label: "Core Resources", collapsed: false, link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Core Resources", slug: "/apis/apis/", description: "ZITADEL provides multiple APIs to manage the system, instances and resources such as users, projects and more.\n" + "\n" + "There are multiple different versions and multiple services available:"+ "\n" + "The resource based APIs are, as the name suggests, organized by resources such as users, session, settings and more.\n" + "These services are the future of the ZITADEL APIS and the best way to start integrating ZITADEL.\n" + "\n"+ "The service based APIs are organized by UseCase/Context, such as Auth API for authenticated users,"+ "Management API for organization managers, Admin API for instance managers and a System API for system managers.", }, items: [ { type: "category", label: "Service Based (V1)", collapsed: false, link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Service Based APIs (V1)", slug: "/apis/services/", description: "The service based APIs are organized by UseCase/Context, such as Auth API for authenticated users,"+ "Management API for organization managers, Admin API for instance managers and a System API for system managers.\n"+ "\n"+ "To improve the developer experience in managing the different resources, ZITADEL also offers Resource Based APIs (v2 and v3). "+ "Those APIs focus on the resources themselves. For example they offer a User Service, which will give you the possibility " + "to search for users across multiple organizations.\n"+ "Note that the Resource Based APIs are not yet generally available. Please check the corresponding service" + "for their state and functionality.", }, items: [ { type: "category", label: "Authenticated User", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Auth API", slug: "/apis/resources/auth", description: "The authentication API (aka Auth API) is used for all operations on the currently logged in user. The user id is taken from the sub claim in the token.", }, items: require("./docs/apis/resources/auth/sidebar.js"), }, { type: "category", label: "Organization Objects", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Management API", slug: "/apis/resources/mgmt", description: "The management API is as the name states the interface where systems can mutate IAM objects like, organizations, projects, clients, users and so on if they have the necessary access rights. To identify the current organization you can send a header x-zitadel-orgid or if no header is set, the organization of the authenticated user is set.", }, items: require("./docs/apis/resources/mgmt/sidebar.js"), }, { type: "category", label: "Instance Objects", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Admin API", slug: "/apis/resources/admin", description: "This API is intended to configure and manage one ZITADEL instance itself.", }, items: require("./docs/apis/resources/admin/sidebar.js"), }, { type: "category", label: "Instance Lifecycle", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "System API", slug: "/apis/resources/system", description: "This API is intended to manage the different ZITADEL instances within the system.\n" + "\n" + "Checkout the guide how to access the ZITADEL System API.", }, items: require("./docs/apis/resources/system/sidebar.js"), }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Resource Based (V2)", collapsed: false, link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Resource Based APIs (V2)", slug: "/apis/resources/", description: "The resource based APIs are, as the name suggest, organized by resources such as users, session, settings and more. "+ "Check the list below to get an overview of all available resources.\n"+ "\n"+ "While the service based APIs (V1) work great for use cases in a specific context such as a single organization, " + "it's sometime difficult to know which API to use, particularly for resources across multiple organizations. "+ "For instance, SearchUsers on an Instance level or on an Organization level.\n"+ "This is exactly where the resource based APIs come in place, e.g. with the User Service, " + "where you're able to search all users and can provide the context (organization) yourself if needed or just search the whole instance.\n"+ "\n"+ "Note that these APIs are not yet generally available and therefore breaking changes might still occur.\n"+ "Please check the corresponding service for more information on the state and availability.", }, items: [ { type: "category", label: "User Lifecycle (Beta)", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "User Service API (Beta)", slug: "/apis/resources/user_service", description: "This API is intended to manage users in a ZITADEL instance.\n" + "\n" + "This project is in beta state. It can AND will continue breaking until the services provide the same functionality as the current login.", }, items: require("./docs/apis/resources/user_service/sidebar.js"), }, { type: "category", label: "Session Lifecycle (Beta)", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Session Service API (Beta)", slug: "/apis/resources/session_service", description: "This API is intended to manage sessions in a ZITADEL instance.\n" + "\n" + "This project is in beta state. It can AND will continue breaking until the services provide the same functionality as the current login.", }, items: require("./docs/apis/resources/session_service/sidebar.js"), }, { type: "category", label: "OIDC Lifecycle (Beta)", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "OIDC Service API (Beta)", slug: "/apis/resources/oidc_service", description: "Get OIDC Auth Request details and create callback URLs.\n" + "\n" + "This project is in beta state. It can AND will continue breaking until the services provide the same functionality as the current login.", }, items: require("./docs/apis/resources/oidc_service/sidebar.js"), }, { type: "category", label: "Settings Lifecycle (Beta)", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Settings Service API (Beta)", slug: "/apis/resources/settings_service", description: "This API is intended to manage settings in a ZITADEL instance.\n" + "\n" + "This project is in beta state. It can AND will continue to break until the services provide the same functionality as the current login.", }, items: require("./docs/apis/resources/settings_service/sidebar.js"), }, ] }, { type: "category", label: "Resource Based (V3)", collapsed: false, link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Resource Based APIs (V3)", slug: "/apis/resources_v3/", description: "The resource based APIs are, as the name suggests, organized by resources such as users, session, settings and more.\n"+ "\n"+ "While the service based APIs (V1) work great for use cases in a specific context such as a single organization, " + "it's sometime difficult to know which API to use, particularly for resources across multiple organizations. "+ "For instance, SearchUsers on an Instance level or on an Organization level.\n"+ "This is exactly where the resource based APIs come in place, e.g. with the User Service, " + "where you're able to search all users and can provide the context (organization) yourself if needed or just search the whole instance.\n"+ "\n"+ "Version 3 offers more customization than the V2 resource bases APIs. You can define your own user schema "+ "to be able to manage users based on these schemas and customize various behaviors, such as manipulating "+ "inbound API calls, call webhooks on different event and more with the execution service.\n"+ "\n"+ "Note that these APIs are not yet generally available and therefore breaking changes might still occur.\n"+ "Please check the corresponding service for more information on the state and availability.", }, items: [ { type: "category", label: "User Schema Lifecycle (Alpha)", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "User Schema Service API (Aplha)", slug: "/apis/resources/user_schema_service", description: "This API is intended to manage data schemas for users in a ZITADEL instance.\n" + "\n" + "This project is in alpha state. It can AND will continue breaking until the service provides the same functionality as the v1 and v2 user services.", }, items: require("./docs/apis/resources/user_schema_service_v3/sidebar.js"), }, { type: "category", label: "User Lifecycle (Alpha)", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "User Service API (Aplha)", slug: "/apis/resources/user_service_v3", description: "This API is intended to manage users with your own data schema in a ZITADEL instance.\n"+ "\n"+ "This project is in alpha state. It can AND will continue breaking until the service provides the same functionality as the v1 and v2 user services." }, items: require("./docs/apis/resources/user_service_v3/sidebar.js"), }, { type: "category", label: "Execution Lifecycle (Alpha)", link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Execution Service API (Alpha)", slug: "/apis/resources/execution_service_v3", description: "This API is intended to manage custom executions (previously known as actions) in a ZITADEL instance.\n"+ "\n"+ "This project is in alpha state. It can AND will continue breaking until the services provide the same functionality as the current actions.", }, items: require("./docs/apis/resources/execution_service_v3/sidebar.js"), }, ] }, { type: "category", label: "Assets", collapsed: true, items: ["apis/assets/assets"], }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Sign In Users ", collapsed: false, items: [ { type: "category", label: "OpenID Connect & OAuth", collapsed: true, items: [ "apis/openidoauth/endpoints", "apis/openidoauth/authrequest", "apis/openidoauth/scopes", "apis/openidoauth/claims", "apis/openidoauth/authn-methods", "apis/openidoauth/grant-types", ], }, { type: "category", label: "SAML 2.0", collapsed: true, items: ["apis/saml/endpoints"], }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Actions", collapsed: false, items: [ "apis/actions/introduction", "apis/actions/modules", "apis/actions/internal-authentication", "apis/actions/external-authentication", "apis/actions/complement-token", "apis/actions/customize-samlresponse", "apis/actions/objects", ], }, { type: "doc", label: "gRPC Status Codes", id: "apis/statuscodes", }, { type: "category", label: "Observability", collapsed: false, items: ["apis/observability/metrics", "apis/observability/health"], }, { type: "link", label: "Rate Limits (Cloud)", // The link label href: "/legal/policies/rate-limit-policy", // The internal path }, ], selfHosting: [ { type: "category", label: "Deploy", collapsed: false, items: [ "self-hosting/deploy/overview", "self-hosting/deploy/linux", "self-hosting/deploy/macos", "self-hosting/deploy/compose", "self-hosting/deploy/knative", "self-hosting/deploy/kubernetes", "self-hosting/deploy/loadbalancing-example/loadbalancing-example", "self-hosting/deploy/troubleshooting/troubleshooting", ], }, { type: "category", label: "Manage", collapsed: false, items: [ "self-hosting/manage/production", "self-hosting/manage/productionchecklist", "self-hosting/manage/configure/configure", { type: "category", collapsed: false, label: "Reverse Proxy", link: { type: "doc", id: "self-hosting/manage/reverseproxy/reverse_proxy", }, items: [ "self-hosting/manage/reverseproxy/traefik/traefik", "self-hosting/manage/reverseproxy/nginx/nginx", "self-hosting/manage/reverseproxy/caddy/caddy", // "self-hosting/manage/reverseproxy/httpd/httpd", grpc NOT WORKING "self-hosting/manage/reverseproxy/cloudflare/cloudflare", "self-hosting/manage/reverseproxy/cloudflare_tunnel/cloudflare_tunnel", "self-hosting/manage/reverseproxy/zitadel_cloud/zitadel_cloud", ], }, "self-hosting/manage/custom-domain", "self-hosting/manage/http2", "self-hosting/manage/tls_modes", "self-hosting/manage/database/database", "self-hosting/manage/updating_scaling", "self-hosting/manage/usage_control", ], }, ], legal: [ { type: "category", label: "Legal Agreements", collapsed: false, link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Legal Agreements", slug: "legal", description: "This section contains important agreements, policies and appendices relevant for users of our websites and services. All documents will be provided in English language.", }, items: [ "legal/terms-of-service", "legal/data-processing-agreement", "legal/subprocessors", "legal/annex-support-services", { type: "category", label: "Service Description", collapsed: false, link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Service description", slug: "/legal/service-description", description: "Description of services and service levels for ZITADEL Cloud and Enterprise subscriptions.", }, items: [ { type: "autogenerated", dirName: "legal/service-description", }, ], }, { type: "category", label: "Policies", collapsed: false, link: { type: "generated-index", title: "Policies", slug: "/legal/policies", description: "Policies and guidelines in addition to our terms of services.", }, items: [ { type: "autogenerated", dirName: "legal/policies", }, ], }, ], }, ], };