WITH RECURSIVE dissolved_execution_targets(execution_id, instance_id, position, "include", "target_id") AS (SELECT execution_id , instance_id , ARRAY [position] , "include" , "target_id" FROM matched_targets_and_includes UNION ALL SELECT e.execution_id , p.instance_id , e.position || p.position , p."include" , p."target_id" FROM dissolved_execution_targets e JOIN projections.executions1_targets p ON e.instance_id = p.instance_id AND e.include IS NOT NULL AND e.include = p.execution_id), matched AS ((SELECT * FROM projections.executions1 WHERE instance_id = $1 AND id = ANY($2) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM projections.executions1 WHERE instance_id = $1 AND id = ANY($3) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1)), matched_targets_and_includes AS (SELECT pos.* FROM matched m JOIN projections.executions1_targets pos ON m.id = pos.execution_id AND m.instance_id = pos.instance_id ORDER BY execution_id, position) select e.execution_id, e.instance_id, e.target_id, t.target_type, t.endpoint, t.timeout, t.interrupt_on_error FROM dissolved_execution_targets e JOIN projections.targets1 t ON e.instance_id = t.instance_id AND e.target_id = t.id WHERE "include" = '' ORDER BY position DESC;