package i18n import ( "encoding/json" "io" "io/fs" "net/http" "path/filepath" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const i18nPath = "/i18n" var translationMessages = map[Namespace]map[language.Tag]*i18n.MessageFile{ ZITADEL: make(map[language.Tag]*i18n.MessageFile), LOGIN: make(map[language.Tag]*i18n.MessageFile), NOTIFICATION: make(map[language.Tag]*i18n.MessageFile), } func init() { for ns := range translationMessages { loadTranslationsFromNamespace(ns) } } func newBundle(ns Namespace, defaultLanguage language.Tag, allowedLanguages []language.Tag) (*i18n.Bundle, error) { bundle := i18n.NewBundle(defaultLanguage) for lang, file := range translationMessages[ns] { if err := domain.LanguageIsAllowed(false, allowedLanguages, lang); err != nil { continue } bundle.MustAddMessages(lang, file.Messages...) } return bundle, nil } func loadTranslationsFromNamespace(ns Namespace) { dir := LoadFilesystem(ns) i18nDir, err := dir.Open(i18nPath) logging.WithFields("namespace", ns).OnError(err).Panic("unable to open translation files") defer i18nDir.Close() files, err := i18nDir.Readdir(0) logging.WithFields("namespace", ns).OnError(err).Panic("unable to read translation files") for _, file := range files { loadTranslationsFromFile(ns, file, dir) } } func loadTranslationsFromFile(ns Namespace, fileInfo fs.FileInfo, dir http.FileSystem) { file, err := dir.Open("/i18n/" + fileInfo.Name()) logging.WithFields("namespace", ns, "file", fileInfo.Name()).OnError(err).Panic("unable to open translation file") defer file.Close() content, err := io.ReadAll(file) logging.WithFields("namespace", ns, "file", fileInfo.Name()).OnError(err).Panic("unable to read translation file") unmarshaler := map[string]i18n.UnmarshalFunc{ "yaml": func(data []byte, v interface{}) error { return yaml.Unmarshal(data, v) }, "json": json.Unmarshal, "toml": toml.Unmarshal, } messageFile, err := i18n.ParseMessageFileBytes(content, fileInfo.Name(), unmarshaler) logging.WithFields("namespace", ns, "file", fileInfo.Name()).OnError(err).Panic("unable to parse translation file") fileLang, _ := strings.CutSuffix(fileInfo.Name(), filepath.Ext(fileInfo.Name())) lang := language.Make(fileLang) translationMessages[ns][lang] = messageFile }