#!/bin/bash # ------------------------------ # prints a message as soon as # ZITADEL is ready # ------------------------------ be_status="" env_status="" console_status="" while [[ $be_status != 200 && $env_status != 200 ]]; do sleep 5 ## This is a workaround for a race condition if [[ $be_status -eq 412 ]]; then echo "please restart the process once again to get rid of the 412 error!" fi be_status=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w "%{http_code}" host.docker.internal:${BE_PORT}/clientID) env_status=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w "%{http_code}" host.docker.internal:${FE_PORT}/assets/environment.json) echo "backend (${be_status}) or environment (${env_status}) not ready yet ==> retrying in 5 seconds" done echo "backend and environment.json ready!" while [[ $console_status != 200 ]]; do sleep 15 console_status=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w "%{http_code}" host.docker.internal:${FE_PORT}/index.html) echo "console (${console_status}) not ready yet ==> retrying in 15 seconds" done echo "console ready - please wait shortly!" sleep 15 echo -e "++=======================================================================================++ || || || ZZZZZZZZZZZZ II TTTTTTTTTTTT AAAA DDDDDD EEEEEEEEEE LL || || ZZ II TT AA AA DD DD EE LL || || ZZ II TT AA AA DD DD EE LL || || ZZ II TT AA AA DD DD EEEEEEEE LL || || ZZ II TT AAAAAAAAAAAA DD DD EE LL || || ZZ II TT AA AA DD DD EE LL || || ZZZZZZZZZZZZ II TT AA AA DDDDDD EEEEEEEEEE LLLLLLLLLL || || || || || || SSSSSSSSSS TTTTTTTTTTTT AAAA RRRRRRRR TTTTTTTTTTTT EEEEEEEEEE DDDDDD || || SS TT AA AA RR RR TT EE DD DD || || SS TT AA AA RR RR TT EE DD DD || || SSSSSS TT AA AA RRRRRRRR TT EEEEEEEE DD DD || || SS TT AAAAAAAAAAAA RRRR TT EE DD DD || || SS TT AA AA RR RR TT EE DD DD || || SSSSSSSSSS TT AA AA RR RR TT EEEEEEEEEE DDDDDD || || || ++=======================================================================================++" echo "access the console here http://localhost:${FE_PORT}" echo "access the login here http://localhost:50003/login" echo "access the apis here http://localhost:50002"