# protoc-gen-authoption Proto options to annotate auth methods in protos ## Generate protos/templates protos: `go generate authoption/generate.go` templates/install: `go generate generate.go` ## Usage ``` // proto file import "authoption/options.proto"; service MyService { rpc Hello(Hello) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/hello" }; option (caos.zitadel.utils.v1.auth_option) = { zitadel_permission: "hello.read" zitadel_check_param: "id" }; } message Hello { string id = 1; } } ``` Caos Auth Option is used for granting groups On each zitadel role is specified which auth methods are allowed to call Get protoc-get-authoption: ``go get github.com/caos/zitadel/internal/protoc/protoc-gen-authoption`` Protc-Flag: ``--authoption_out=.``