package middleware import ( "context" errs "errors" "fmt" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( HTTP1Host = "x-zitadel-http1-host" ) func InstanceInterceptor(verifier authz.InstanceVerifier, headerName string, explicitInstanceIdServices ...string) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor { translator, err := i18n.NewZitadelTranslator(language.English) logging.OnError(err).Panic("unable to get translator") return func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (interface{}, error) { return setInstance(ctx, req, info, handler, verifier, headerName, translator, explicitInstanceIdServices...) } } func setInstance(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler, verifier authz.InstanceVerifier, headerName string, translator *i18n.Translator, idFromRequestsServices ...string) (_ interface{}, err error) { interceptorCtx, span := tracing.NewServerInterceptorSpan(ctx) defer func() { span.EndWithError(err) }() for _, service := range idFromRequestsServices { if !strings.HasPrefix(service, "/") { service = "/" + service } if strings.HasPrefix(info.FullMethod, service) { withInstanceIDProperty, ok := req.(interface{ GetInstanceId() string }) if !ok { return handler(ctx, req) } ctx = authz.WithInstanceID(ctx, withInstanceIDProperty.GetInstanceId()) instance, err := verifier.InstanceByID(ctx) if err != nil { notFoundErr := new(errors.NotFoundError) if errs.As(err, ¬FoundErr) { notFoundErr.Message = translator.LocalizeFromCtx(ctx, notFoundErr.GetMessage(), nil) } return nil, status.Error(codes.NotFound, err.Error()) } return handler(authz.WithInstance(ctx, instance), req) } } host, err := hostFromContext(interceptorCtx, headerName) if err != nil { return nil, status.Error(codes.NotFound, err.Error()) } instance, err := verifier.InstanceByHost(interceptorCtx, host) if err != nil { notFoundErr := new(errors.NotFoundError) if errs.As(err, ¬FoundErr) { notFoundErr.Message = translator.LocalizeFromCtx(ctx, notFoundErr.GetMessage(), nil) } return nil, status.Error(codes.NotFound, err.Error()) } span.End() return handler(authz.WithInstance(ctx, instance), req) } func hostFromContext(ctx context.Context, headerName string) (string, error) { md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx) if !ok { return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot read metadata") } host, ok := md[HTTP1Host] if ok && len(host) == 1 { if !isAllowedToSendHTTP1Header(md) { return "", fmt.Errorf("no valid host header") } return host[0], nil } host, ok = md[headerName] if !ok { return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot find header: %v", headerName) } if len(host) != 1 { return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid host header: %v", host) } return host[0], nil } // isAllowedToSendHTTP1Header check if the gRPC call was sent to `localhost` // this is only possible when calling the server directly running on localhost // or through the gRPC gateway func isAllowedToSendHTTP1Header(md metadata.MD) bool { authority, ok := md[":authority"] return ok && len(authority) == 1 && strings.Split(authority[0], ":")[0] == "localhost" }