package idp import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/xml" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "strconv" "" "" "" "" http_utils "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" openid "" saml2 "" "" "" ) const ( HandlerPrefix = "/idps" idpPrefix = "/{" + varIDPID + ":[0-9]+}" callbackPath = "/callback" metadataPath = idpPrefix + "/saml/metadata" acsPath = idpPrefix + "/saml/acs" certificatePath = idpPrefix + "/saml/certificate" paramIntentID = "id" paramToken = "token" paramUserID = "user" paramError = "error" paramErrorDescription = "error_description" varIDPID = "idpid" paramInternalUI = "internalUI" ) type Handler struct { commands *command.Commands queries *query.Queries parser *form.Parser encryptionAlgorithm crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm callbackURL func(ctx context.Context) string samlRootURL func(ctx context.Context, idpID string) string loginSAMLRootURL func(ctx context.Context) string } type externalIDPCallbackData struct { State string `schema:"state"` Code string `schema:"code"` Error string `schema:"error"` ErrorDescription string `schema:"error_description"` // Apple returns a user on first registration User string `schema:"user"` } type externalSAMLIDPCallbackData struct { IDPID string Response string RelayState string } // CallbackURL generates the instance specific URL to the IDP callback handler func CallbackURL() func(ctx context.Context) string { return func(ctx context.Context) string { return http_utils.DomainContext(ctx).Origin() + HandlerPrefix + callbackPath } } func SAMLRootURL() func(ctx context.Context, idpID string) string { return func(ctx context.Context, idpID string) string { return http_utils.DomainContext(ctx).Origin() + HandlerPrefix + "/" + idpID + "/" } } func LoginSAMLRootURL() func(ctx context.Context) string { return func(ctx context.Context) string { return http_utils.DomainContext(ctx).Origin() + login.HandlerPrefix + login.EndpointSAMLACS } } func NewHandler( commands *command.Commands, queries *query.Queries, encryptionAlgorithm crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm, instanceInterceptor func(next http.Handler) http.Handler, ) http.Handler { h := &Handler{ commands: commands, queries: queries, parser: form.NewParser(), encryptionAlgorithm: encryptionAlgorithm, callbackURL: CallbackURL(), samlRootURL: SAMLRootURL(), loginSAMLRootURL: LoginSAMLRootURL(), } router := mux.NewRouter() router.Use(instanceInterceptor) router.HandleFunc(callbackPath, h.handleCallback) router.HandleFunc(metadataPath, h.handleMetadata) router.HandleFunc(certificatePath, h.handleCertificate) router.HandleFunc(acsPath, h.handleACS) return router } func parseSAMLRequest(r *http.Request) *externalSAMLIDPCallbackData { vars := mux.Vars(r) return &externalSAMLIDPCallbackData{ IDPID: vars[varIDPID], Response: r.FormValue("SAMLResponse"), RelayState: r.FormValue("RelayState"), } } func (h *Handler) getProvider(ctx context.Context, idpID string) (idp.Provider, error) { return h.commands.GetProvider(ctx, idpID, h.callbackURL(ctx), h.samlRootURL(ctx, idpID)) } func (h *Handler) handleCertificate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() data := parseSAMLRequest(r) provider, err := h.getProvider(ctx, data.IDPID) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } samlProvider, ok := provider.(*saml2.Provider) if !ok { http.Error(w, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "SAML-lrud8s9coi", "Errors.Intent.IDPInvalid").Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } certPem := new(bytes.Buffer) if _, err := certPem.Write(samlProvider.Certificate); err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=idp.crt") w.Header().Set("Content-Type", r.Header.Get("Content-Type")) _, err = io.Copy(w, certPem) if err != nil { http.Error(w, fmt.Errorf("failed to response with certificate: %w", err).Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } } func (h *Handler) handleMetadata(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() data := parseSAMLRequest(r) provider, err := h.getProvider(ctx, data.IDPID) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } samlProvider, ok := provider.(*saml2.Provider) if !ok { http.Error(w, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "SAML-lrud8s9coi", "Errors.Intent.IDPInvalid").Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } sp, err := samlProvider.GetSP() if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } metadata := sp.ServiceProvider.Metadata() internalUI, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.URL.Query().Get(paramInternalUI)) h.assertionConsumerServices(ctx, metadata, internalUI) buf, _ := xml.MarshalIndent(metadata, "", " ") w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/samlmetadata+xml") _, err = w.Write(buf) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } } func (h *Handler) assertionConsumerServices(ctx context.Context, metadata *saml.EntityDescriptor, internalUI bool) { if !internalUI { for i, spDesc := range metadata.SPSSODescriptors { spDesc.AssertionConsumerServices = append( spDesc.AssertionConsumerServices, saml.IndexedEndpoint{ Binding: saml.HTTPPostBinding, Location: h.loginSAMLRootURL(ctx), Index: len(spDesc.AssertionConsumerServices) + 1, }, saml.IndexedEndpoint{ Binding: saml.HTTPArtifactBinding, Location: h.loginSAMLRootURL(ctx), Index: len(spDesc.AssertionConsumerServices) + 2, }, ) metadata.SPSSODescriptors[i] = spDesc } return } for i, spDesc := range metadata.SPSSODescriptors { acs := make([]saml.IndexedEndpoint, 0, len(spDesc.AssertionConsumerServices)+2) acs = append(acs, saml.IndexedEndpoint{ Binding: saml.HTTPPostBinding, Location: h.loginSAMLRootURL(ctx), Index: 0, IsDefault: gu.Ptr(true), }, saml.IndexedEndpoint{ Binding: saml.HTTPArtifactBinding, Location: h.loginSAMLRootURL(ctx), Index: 1, }) for i := 0; i < len(spDesc.AssertionConsumerServices); i++ { spDesc.AssertionConsumerServices[i].Index = 2 + i acs = append(acs, spDesc.AssertionConsumerServices[i]) } spDesc.AssertionConsumerServices = acs metadata.SPSSODescriptors[i] = spDesc } } func (h *Handler) handleACS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() data := parseSAMLRequest(r) provider, err := h.getProvider(ctx, data.IDPID) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } samlProvider, ok := provider.(*saml2.Provider) if !ok { err := zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "SAML-ui9wyux0hp", "Errors.Intent.IDPInvalid") http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } intent, err := h.commands.GetActiveIntent(ctx, data.RelayState) if err != nil { if zerrors.IsNotFound(err) { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } redirectToFailureURLErr(w, r, intent, err) return } session, err := saml2.NewSession(samlProvider, intent.RequestID, r) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } idpUser, err := session.FetchUser(r.Context()) if err != nil { cmdErr := h.commands.FailIDPIntent(ctx, intent, err.Error()) logging.WithFields("intent", intent.AggregateID).OnError(cmdErr).Error("failed to push failed event on idp intent") redirectToFailureURLErr(w, r, intent, err) return } userID, err := h.checkExternalUser(ctx, intent.IDPID, idpUser.GetID()) logging.WithFields("intent", intent.AggregateID).OnError(err).Error("could not check if idp user already exists") token, err := h.commands.SucceedSAMLIDPIntent(ctx, intent, idpUser, userID, session.Assertion) if err != nil { redirectToFailureURLErr(w, r, intent, zerrors.ThrowInternal(err, "IDP-JdD3g", "Errors.Intent.TokenCreationFailed")) return } redirectToSuccessURL(w, r, intent, token, userID) } func (h *Handler) handleCallback(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := r.Context() data, err := h.parseCallbackRequest(r) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } intent, err := h.commands.GetActiveIntent(ctx, data.State) if err != nil { if zerrors.IsNotFound(err) { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } redirectToFailureURLErr(w, r, intent, err) return } // the provider might have returned an error if data.Error != "" { cmdErr := h.commands.FailIDPIntent(ctx, intent, reason(data.Error, data.ErrorDescription)) logging.WithFields("intent", intent.AggregateID).OnError(cmdErr).Error("failed to push failed event on idp intent") redirectToFailureURL(w, r, intent, data.Error, data.ErrorDescription) return } provider, err := h.getProvider(ctx, intent.IDPID) if err != nil { cmdErr := h.commands.FailIDPIntent(ctx, intent, err.Error()) logging.WithFields("intent", intent.AggregateID).OnError(cmdErr).Error("failed to push failed event on idp intent") redirectToFailureURLErr(w, r, intent, err) return } idpUser, idpSession, err := h.fetchIDPUserFromCode(ctx, provider, data.Code, data.User, intent.IDPArguments) if err != nil { cmdErr := h.commands.FailIDPIntent(ctx, intent, err.Error()) logging.WithFields("intent", intent.AggregateID).OnError(cmdErr).Error("failed to push failed event on idp intent") redirectToFailureURLErr(w, r, intent, err) return } userID, err := h.checkExternalUser(ctx, intent.IDPID, idpUser.GetID()) logging.WithFields("intent", intent.AggregateID).OnError(err).Error("could not check if idp user already exists") if userID == "" { userID, err = h.tryMigrateExternalUser(ctx, intent.IDPID, idpUser, idpSession) logging.WithFields("intent", intent.AggregateID).OnError(err).Error("migration check failed") } token, err := h.commands.SucceedIDPIntent(ctx, intent, idpUser, idpSession, userID) if err != nil { redirectToFailureURLErr(w, r, intent, zerrors.ThrowInternal(err, "IDP-JdD3g", "Errors.Intent.TokenCreationFailed")) return } redirectToSuccessURL(w, r, intent, token, userID) } func (h *Handler) tryMigrateExternalUser(ctx context.Context, idpID string, idpUser idp.User, idpSession idp.Session) (userID string, err error) { migration, ok := idpSession.(idp.SessionSupportsMigration) if !ok { return "", nil } previousID, err := migration.RetrievePreviousID() if err != nil || previousID == "" { return "", err } userID, err = h.checkExternalUser(ctx, idpID, previousID) if err != nil { return "", err } return userID, h.commands.MigrateUserIDP(ctx, userID, "", idpID, previousID, idpUser.GetID()) } func (h *Handler) parseCallbackRequest(r *http.Request) (*externalIDPCallbackData, error) { data := new(externalIDPCallbackData) err := h.parser.Parse(r, data) if err != nil { return nil, err } if data.State == "" { return nil, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "IDP-Hk38e", "Errors.Intent.StateMissing") } return data, nil } func redirectToSuccessURL(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, intent *command.IDPIntentWriteModel, token, userID string) { queries := intent.SuccessURL.Query() queries.Set(paramIntentID, intent.AggregateID) queries.Set(paramToken, token) if userID != "" { queries.Set(paramUserID, userID) } intent.SuccessURL.RawQuery = queries.Encode() http.Redirect(w, r, intent.SuccessURL.String(), http.StatusFound) } func redirectToFailureURLErr(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, i *command.IDPIntentWriteModel, err error) { msg := err.Error() var description string zErr := new(zerrors.ZitadelError) if errors.As(err, &zErr) { msg = zErr.GetID() description = zErr.GetMessage() // TODO: i18n? } redirectToFailureURL(w, r, i, msg, description) } func redirectToFailureURL(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, i *command.IDPIntentWriteModel, err, description string) { queries := i.FailureURL.Query() queries.Set(paramIntentID, i.AggregateID) queries.Set(paramError, err) queries.Set(paramErrorDescription, description) i.FailureURL.RawQuery = queries.Encode() http.Redirect(w, r, i.FailureURL.String(), http.StatusFound) } func (h *Handler) fetchIDPUserFromCode(ctx context.Context, identityProvider idp.Provider, code string, appleUser string, idpArguments map[string]any) (user idp.User, idpTokens idp.Session, err error) { var session idp.Session switch provider := identityProvider.(type) { case *oauth.Provider: session = oauth.NewSession(provider, code, idpArguments) case *openid.Provider: session = openid.NewSession(provider, code, idpArguments) case *azuread.Provider: session = azuread.NewSession(provider, code) case *github.Provider: session = oauth.NewSession(provider.Provider, code, idpArguments) case *gitlab.Provider: session = openid.NewSession(provider.Provider, code, idpArguments) case *google.Provider: session = openid.NewSession(provider.Provider, code, idpArguments) case *apple.Provider: session = apple.NewSession(provider, code, appleUser) case *jwt.Provider, *ldap.Provider, *saml2.Provider: return nil, nil, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "IDP-52jmn", "Errors.ExternalIDP.IDPTypeNotImplemented") default: return nil, nil, zerrors.ThrowUnimplemented(nil, "IDP-SSDg", "Errors.ExternalIDP.IDPTypeNotImplemented") } user, err = session.FetchUser(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } return user, session, nil } func (h *Handler) checkExternalUser(ctx context.Context, idpID, externalUserID string) (userID string, err error) { idQuery, err := query.NewIDPUserLinkIDPIDSearchQuery(idpID) if err != nil { return "", err } externalIDQuery, err := query.NewIDPUserLinksExternalIDSearchQuery(externalUserID) if err != nil { return "", err } queries := []query.SearchQuery{ idQuery, externalIDQuery, } links, err := h.queries.IDPUserLinks(ctx, &query.IDPUserLinksSearchQuery{Queries: queries}, nil) if err != nil { return "", err } if len(links.Links) != 1 { return "", nil } return links.Links[0].UserID, nil } func reason(err, description string) string { if description == "" { return err } return err + ": " + description }