Errors: Internal: An internal error occurred NoChangesFound: No changes OriginNotAllowed: This "Origin" is not allowed IDMissing: ID missing ResourceOwnerMissing: Resource Owner Organisation missing RemoveFailed: Could not be removed ProjectionName: Invalid: Invalid projection name Assets: EmptyKey: Asset key is empty Store: NotInitialized: Assets storage not initialized NotConfigured: Assets storage not configured Bucket: Internal: Internal error on create bucket AlreadyExists: Bucket already exists CreateFailed: Bucket not created ListFailed: Buckets could not be read RemoveFailed: Bucket not deleted SetPublicFailed: Could not set bucket to public Object: PutFailed: Object not created GetFailed: Object could not be read NotFound: Object could not be found PresignedTokenFailed: Signed token could not be created ListFailed: Objectlist could not be read RemoveFailed: Object could not be removed Limit: ExceedsDefault: Limit exceeds default limit Language: NotParsed: Could not parse language OIDCSettings: NotFound: OIDC Configuration not found AlreadyExists: OIDC configuration already exists SecretGenerator: AlreadyExists: Secret generator already exists TypeMissing: Secret generator type missing NotFound: Secret generator not found SMSConfig: NotFound: SMS configuration not found AlreadyActive: SMS configuration already active AlreadyDeactivated: SMS configuration already deactivated SMTPConfig: NotFound: SMTP configuration not found AlreadyExists: SMTP configuration already exists SenderAdressNotCustomDomain: The sender address must be configured as custom domain on the instance. Notification: NoDomain: No Domain found for message User: NotFound: User could not be found AlreadyExists: User already exists NotFoundOnOrg: User could not be found on chosen organization NotAllowedOrg: User is no member of the required organization UserIDMissing: User ID missing UserIDWrong: "Request user not equal to authenticated user" DomainPolicyNil: Organisation Policy is empty EmailAsUsernameNotAllowed: Email is not allowed as username Invalid: Userdata is invalid DomainNotAllowedAsUsername: Domain is already reserved and cannot be used AlreadyInactive: User already inactive NotInactive: User is not inactive CantDeactivateInitial: User with state initial can only be deleted not deactivated ShouldBeActiveOrInitial: User is not active or initial AlreadyInitialised: User is already initialized NotInitialised: User is not yet initialized NotLocked: User is not locked NoChanges: No changes found InitCodeNotFound: Initialization Code not found UsernameNotChanged: Username not changed InvalidURLTemplate: URL Template is invalid Profile: NotFound: Profile not found NotChanged: Profile not changed Empty: Profile is empty FirstNameEmpty: Given name in profile is empty LastNameEmpty: Family name in profile is empty IDMissing: Profile ID is missing Email: NotFound: Email not found Invalid: Email is invalid AlreadyVerified: Email is already verified NotChanged: Email not changed Empty: Email is empty IDMissing: Email ID is missing Phone: NotFound: Phone not found Invalid: Phone is invalid AlreadyVerified: Phone already verified Empty: Phone is empty NotChanged: Phone not changed Address: NotFound: Address not found NotChanged: Address not changed Machine: Key: NotFound: Machine key not found AlreadyExisting: Machine key already existing Secret: NotExisting: Secret doesn't exist Invalid: Secret is invalid CouldNotGenerate: Secret could not be generated PAT: NotFound: Personal Access Token not found NotHuman: The User must be personal NotMachine: The User must be technical WrongType: Not allowed for this user type NotAllowedToLink: User is not allowed to link with external login provider Username: AlreadyExists: Username already taken Reserved: Username is already taken Empty: Username is empty Code: Empty: Code is empty NotFound: Code not found Expired: Code is expired GeneratorAlgNotSupported: Unsupported generator algorithm Password: NotFound: Password not found Empty: Password is empty Invalid: Password is invalid NotSet: User has not set a password NotChanged: Password not changed NotSupported: Password hash encoding not supported PasswordComplexityPolicy: NotFound: Password policy not found MinLength: Password is too short MinLengthNotAllowed: Given minimum length is not allowed HasLower: Password must contain lower case HasUpper: Password must contain upper case HasNumber: Password must contain number HasSymbol: Password must contain symbol ExternalIDP: Invalid: External IDP invalid IDPConfigNotExisting: IDP provider invalid for this organization NotAllowed: External IDP not allowed on this organization MinimumExternalIDPNeeded: At least one IDP must be added AlreadyExists: External IDP already taken NotFound: External IDP not found MFA: OTP: AlreadyReady: Multifactor OTP (OneTimePassword) is already set up NotExisting: Multifactor OTP (OneTimePassword) doesn't exist NotReady: Multifactor OTP (OneTimePassword) isn't ready InvalidCode: Invalid code U2F: NotExisting: U2F does not exist Passwordless: NotExisting: Passwordless does not exist WebAuthN: NotFound: WebAuthN Token could not be found BeginRegisterFailed: WebAuthN begin registration failed MarshalError: Error on marshal data ErrorOnParseCredential: Error on parse credential data CreateCredentialFailed: Error on create credentials BeginLoginFailed: WebAuthN begin login failed ValidateLoginFailed: Error on validate login credentials CloneWarning: Credentials may be cloned RefreshToken: Invalid: Refresh Token is invalid NotFound: Refresh Token not found Instance: NotFound: Instance not found AlreadyExists: Instance already exists NotChanged: Instance not changed Org: AlreadyExists: Organisation's name already taken Invalid: Organisation is invalid AlreadyDeactivated: Organisation is already deactivated AlreadyActive: Organisation is already active Empty: Organisation is empty NotFound: Organisation not found NotChanged: Organisation not changed DefaultOrgNotDeletable: Default Organisation must not be deleted ZitadelOrgNotDeletable: Organisation with ZITADEL project must not be deleted InvalidDomain: Invalid domain DomainMissing: Domain missing DomainNotOnOrg: Domain doesn't exist on organization DomainNotVerified: Domain is not verified DomainAlreadyVerified: Domain is already verified DomainVerificationTypeInvalid: Domain verification type is invalid DomainVerificationMissing: Domain verification not yet started DomainVerificationFailed: Domain verification failed PrimaryDomainNotDeletable: Primary domain must not be deleted DomainNotFound: Domain not found MemberIDMissing: Member ID missing MemberNotFound: Organisation member not found InvalidMember: Organisation member is invalid UserIDMissing: User ID missing PolicyAlreadyExists: Policy already exists PolicyNotExisting: Policy doesn't exist IdpInvalid: IDP configuration is invalid IdpNotExisting: IDP configuration does not exist OIDCConfigInvalid: OIDC IDP configuration is invalid IdpIsNotOIDC: IDP configuration is not of type oidc Domain: AlreadyExists: Domain already exists InvalidCharacter: Only alphanumeric characters, . and - are allowed for a domain IDP: InvalidSearchQuery: Invalid search query LoginPolicy: NotFound: Login Policy not found Invalid: Login Policy is invalid RedirectURIInvalid: Default Redirect URI is invalid NotExisting: Login Policy not existing AlreadyExists: Login Policy already exists IdpProviderAlreadyExisting: Identity Provider already existing IdpProviderNotExisting: Identity Provider not existing RegistrationNotAllowed: Registration is not allowed UsernamePasswordNotAllowed: Login with Username / Password is not allowed MFA: AlreadyExists: Multifactor already exists NotExisting: Multifactor not existing Unspecified: Multifactor invalid MailTemplate: NotFound: Default Mail Template not found NotChanged: Default Mail Template has not been changed AlreadyExists: Default Mail Template already exists Invalid: Default Mail Template is invalid CustomMessageText: NotFound: Default Message Text not found NotChanged: Default Message Text has not been changed AlreadyExists: Default Message Text already exists Invalid: Default Message Text is invalid PasswordComplexityPolicy: NotFound: Password Complexity Policy not found Empty: Password Complexity Policy is empty NotExisting: Password Complexity Policy doesn't exist AlreadyExists: Password Complexity Policy already exists PasswordLockoutPolicy: NotFound: Password Lockout Policy not found Empty: Password Lockout Policy is empty NotExisting: Password Lockout Policy doesn't exist AlreadyExists: Password Lockout Policy already exists PasswordAgePolicy: NotFound: Password Age Policy not found Empty: Password Age Policy is empty NotExisting: Password Age Policy doesn't exist AlreadyExists: Password Age Policy already exists OrgIAMPolicy: Empty: Org IAM Policy is empty NotExisting: Org IAM Policy doesn't exist AlreadyExists: Org IAM Policy already exists NotificationPolicy: NotFound: Notification Policy not found NotChanged: Notification Policy not changed AlreadyExists: Notification Policy already exists LabelPolicy: NotFound: Private Label Policy not found NotChanged: Private Label Policy has not been changed Project: ProjectIDMissing: Project Id missing AlreadyExists: Project already exists on organization OrgNotExisting: Organisation doesn't exist UserNotExisting: User doesn't exist CouldNotGenerateClientSecret: Could not generate client secret Invalid: Project is invalid NotActive: Project is not active NotInactive: Project is not deactivated NotFound: Project not found UserIDMissing: User ID missing Member: NotFound: Project member not found Invalid: Project member is invalid AlreadyExists: Project member already exists NotExisting: Project member doesn't exist MinimumOneRoleNeeded: At least one role must be added Role: AlreadyExists: Role already exists Invalid: Role is invalid NotExisting: Role doesn't exist IDMissing: ID missing App: AlreadyExists: Application already exists NotFound: Application not found Invalid: Application invalid NotExisting: Application doesn't exist NotActive: Application is not active NotInactive: Application is not inactive OIDCConfigInvalid: OIDC configuration is invalid APIConfigInvalid: API configuration is invalid SAMLConfigInvalid: SAML configuration is invalid IsNotOIDC: Application is not type OIDC IsNotAPI: Application is not type API IsNotSAML: Application is not type SAML SAMLMetadataMissing: SAML metadata is missing SAMLMetadataFormat: SAML Metadata format error SAMLEntityIDAlreadyExisting: SAML EntityID already existing OIDCAuthMethodNoSecret: Chosen OIDC Auth Method does not require a secret APIAuthMethodNoSecret: Chosen API Auth Method does not require a secret AuthMethodNoPrivateKeyJWT: Chosen Auth Method does not require a key ClientSecretInvalid: Client Secret is invalid Key: AlreadyExisting: Application key already existing NotFound: Application key not found RequiredFieldsMissing: Some required fields are missing Grant: AlreadyExists: Project grant already exists NotFound: Grant not found Invalid: Project grant is invalid NotExisting: Project grant doesn't exist HasNotExistingRole: One role doesn't exist on project NotActive: Project grant is not active NotInactive: Project grant is not inactive IAM: NotFound: Instance not found Member: RolesNotChanged: Roles have not been changed MemberInvalid: Member is invalid MemberAlreadyExisting: Member already exists MemberNotExisting: Member does not exist IDMissing: Id missing IAMProjectIDMissing: IAM project id missing IamProjectAlreadySet: IAM project id has already been set IdpInvalid: IDP configuration is invalid IdpNotExisting: IDP configuration does not exist OIDCConfigInvalid: OIDC IDP configuration is invalid IdpIsNotOIDC: IDP configuration is not of type oidc LoginPolicyInvalid: Login Policy is invalid LoginPolicyNotExisting: Login Policy doesn't exist IdpProviderInvalid: Identity Provider is invalid LoginPolicy: NotFound: Default Login Policy not found NotChanged: Default Login Policy has not been changed NotExisting: Default Login Policy not existing AlreadyExists: Default Login Policy already exists RedirectURIInvalid: Default Redirect URI is invalid MFA: AlreadyExists: Multifactor already exists NotExisting: Multifactor not existing Unspecified: Multifactor invalid IDP: AlreadyExists: Identity provider already exists NotExisting: Identity provider doesn't exist Invalid: Identity Provider invalid IDPConfig: AlreadyExists: Identity Provider Configuration already exists NotInactive: Identity Provider Configuration not inactive NotActive: Identity Provider Configuration not active LabelPolicy: NotFound: Default Private Label Policy not found NotChanged: Default Private Label Policy has not been changed MailTemplate: NotFound: Default Mail Template not found NotChanged: Default Mail Template has not been changed AlreadyExists: Default Mail Template already exists Invalid: Default Mail Template is invalid CustomMessageText: NotFound: Default Message Text not found NotChanged: Default Message Text has not been changed AlreadyExists: Default Message Text already exists Invalid: Default Message Text is invalid PasswordComplexityPolicy: NotFound: Default Password Complexity Policy not found NotExisting: Default Password Complexity Policy not existing AlreadyExists: Default Password Complexity Policy already existing Empty: Default Password Complexity Policy empty NotChanged: Default Password Complexity Policy has not been changed PasswordAgePolicy: NotFound: Default Password Age Policy not found NotExisting: Default Password Age Policy not existing AlreadyExists: Default Password Age Policy already existing Empty: Default Password Age Policy empty NotChanged: Default Password Age Policy has not been changed PasswordLockoutPolicy: NotFound: Default Password Lockout Policy not found NotExisting: Default Password Lockout Policy not existing AlreadyExists: Default Password Lockout Policy already existing Empty: Default Password Lockout Policy empty NotChanged: Default Password Lockout Policy has not been changed DomainPolicy: NotFound: Org IAM Policy not found Empty: Org IAM Policy is empty NotExisting: Org IAM Policy not existing AlreadyExists: Org IAM Policy already exists NotChanged: Org IAM Policy has not been changed NotificationPolicy: NotFound: Default Notification Policy not found NotChanged: Default Notification Policy not changed AlreadyExists: Default Notification Policy already exists Policy: AlreadyExists: Policy already exists Label: Invalid: PrimaryColor: Primary color is no valid Hex color value BackgroundColor: Background color is no valid Hex color value WarnColor: Warn color is no valid Hex color value FontColor: Font color is no valid Hex color value PrimaryColorDark: Primary color (dark mode) is no valid Hex color value BackgroundColorDark: Background color (dark mode) is no valid Hex color value WarnColorDark: Warn color (dark mode) is no valid Hex color value FontColorDark: Font color (dark mode) is no valid Hex color value UserGrant: AlreadyExists: User grant already exists NotFound: User grant not found Invalid: User grant is invalid NotChanged: User grant has not been changed IDMissing: Id missing NotActive: User grant is not active NotInactive: User grant is not deactivated NoPermissionForProject: User has no permissions on this project RoleKeyNotFound: Role not found Member: AlreadyExists: Member already exists IDPConfig: AlreadyExists: IDP Configuration with this name already exists NotExisting: Identity Provider Configuration doesn't exist Changes: NotFound: No history found AuditRetention: History is outside of the Audit Log Retention Token: NotFound: Token not found UserSession: NotFound: UserSession not found Key: ExpireBeforeNow: The expiration date is in the past Login: LoginPolicy: MFA: ForceAndNotConfigured: Multifactor is configured as required, but no possible providers are configured. Please contact your system administrator. Step: Started: AlreadyExists: Step started already exists Done: AlreadyExists: Step done already exists CustomText: AlreadyExists: Custom text already exists Invalid: Custom text invalid NotFound: Custom text not found TranslationFile: ReadError: Error in reading translation file MergeError: Translation file could not be merged with custom translations NotFound: Translation file doesn't exist Metadata: NotFound: Metadata not found NoData: Metadata list is empty Invalid: Metadata is invalid KeyNotExisting: One or more keys do not exist Action: Invalid: Action is invalid NotFound: Action not found NotActive: Action is not active NotInactive: Action is not inactive MaxAllowed: No additional active Actions allowed Flow: FlowTypeMissing: FlowType missing Empty: Flow is already empty WrongTriggerType: TriggerType is invalid NoChanges: No Changes ActionIDsNotExist: ActionIDs do not exist Query: CloseRows: SQL Statement could not be finished SQLStatement: SQL Statement could not be created InvalidRequest: Request is invalid Quota: AlreadyExists: Quota already exists for this unit NotFound: Quota not found for this unit Invalid: CallURL: Quota call URL is invalid Percent: Quota percent is lower than 1 Unimplemented: Quotas are not implemented for this unit Amount: Quota amount is lower than 1 ResetInterval: Quota reset interval is shorter than a minute Noop: An unlimited quota without notifications has no effect Access: Exhausted: The quota for authenticated requests is exhausted Execution: Exhausted: The quota for execution seconds is exhausted LogStore: Access: StorageFailed: Storing access log to database failed ScanFailed: Querying usage for authenticated requests failed Execution: StorageFailed: Storing action execution log to database failed ScanFailed: Querying usage for action execution seconds failed Session: NotExisting: Session does not exist Terminated: Session already terminated Token: Invalid: Session Token is invalid Passkey: NoChallenge: Session without passkey challenge Intent: IDPMissing: IDP ID is missing in the request SuccessURLMissing: Success URL is missing in the request FailureURLMissing: Failure URL is missing in the request StateMissing: State parameter is missing in the request NotStarted: Intent is not started or was already terminated NotSucceeded: Intent has not succeeded TokenCreationFailed: Token creation failed InvalidToken: Intent Token is invalid OtherUser: Intent meant for another user AuthRequest: AlreadyExists: Auth Request already exists NotExisting: Auth Request does not exist WrongLoginClient: Auth Request created by other login client OIDCSession: RefreshTokenInvalid: Refresh Token is invalid Token: Invalid: Token is invalid Expired: Token is expired AggregateTypes: action: Action instance: Instance key_pair: Key Pair org: Organization project: Project user: User usergrant: User grant quota: Quota EventTypes: user: added: User added selfregistered: User registered himself initialization: code: added: Initialization code generated sent: Initialization code sent check: succeeded: Initialization check succeeded failed: Initialization check failed token: added: Access Token created removed: Access Token removed username: reserved: Username reserved released: Username released changed: Username changed email: reserved: Email address reserved released: Email address released changed: Email address changed verified: Email address verified verification: failed: Email address verification failed code: added: Email address verification code generated sent: Email address verification code sent machine: added: Technical user added changed: Technical user changed key: added: Key added removed: Key removed secret: set: Secret set removed: Secret removed check: succeeded: Secret check succeeded failed: Secret check failed human: added: Person added selfregistered: Person registered himself avatar: added: Avatar added removed: Avatar removed initialization: code: added: Initialization code generated sent: Initialization code sent check: succeeded: Initialization check succeeded failed: Initialization check failed username: reserved: Username reserved released: Username released email: changed: Email address changed verified: Email address verified verification: failed: Email address verification failed code: added: Email address verification code generated sent: Email address verification code sent password: changed: Password changed code: added: Password code generated sent: Password code sent check: succeeded: Password check succeeded failed: Password check failed externallogin: check: succeeded: External login succeeded externalidp: added: External IDP added removed: External IDP removed cascade: removed: External IDP cascade removed phone: changed: Phone number changed verified: Phone number verified verification: failed: Phone number verification failed code: added: Phone number code generated sent: Phone number code sent removed: Phone number removed profile: changed: User profile changed address: changed: User address changed mfa: otp: added: Multifactor OTP added verified: Multifactor OTP verified removed: Multifactor OTP removed check: succeeded: Multifactor OTP check succeeded failed: Multifactor OTP check failed u2f: token: added: Multifactor U2F Token added verified: Multifactor U2F Token verified removed: Multifactor U2F Token removed begin: login: Multifactor U2F check started check: succeeded: Multifactor U2F check succeeded failed: Multifactor U2F check failed signcount: changed: Checksum of the Multifactor U2F Token has been changed init: skipped: Multifactor initialization skipped passwordless: token: added: Token for Passwordless Login added verified: Token for Passwordless Login verified removed: Token for Passwordless Login removed begin: login: Passwordless Login check started check: succeeded: Passwordless Login check succeeded failed: Passwordless Login check failed signcount: changed: Checksum of the Passwordless Login Token has been changed initialization: code: added: Passwordless initialization code added sent: Passwordless initialization code sent requested: Passwordless initialization code requested check: succeeded: Passwordless initialization code successfully checked failed: Passwordless initialization code check failed signed: out: User signed out refresh: token: added: Refresh Token created renewed: Refresh Token renewed removed: Refresh Token removed locked: User locked unlocked: User unlocked deactivated: User deactivated reactivated: User reactivated removed: User removed password: changed: Password changed code: added: Password code generated sent: Password code sent check: succeeded: Password check succeeded failed: Password check failed phone: changed: Phone number changed verified: Phone number verified verification: failed: Phone number verification failed code: added: Phone number code generated sent: Phone number code sent removed: Phone number removed profile: changed: User profile changed address: changed: User address changed mfa: otp: added: Multifactor OTP added verified: Multifactor OTP verified removed: Multifactor OTP removed check: succeeded: Multifactor OTP check succeeded failed: Multifactor OTP check failed init: skipped: Multifactor OTP initialization skipped init: skipped: Multifactor initialization skipped signed: out: User signed out grant: added: Authorization added changed: Authorization changed removed: Authorization removed deactivated: Authorization deactivated reactivated: Authorization reactivated reserved: Authorization reserved released: Authorization released cascade: removed: Authorization removed changed: Authorization changed metadata: set: User metadata set removed: User metadata removed removed.all: All user metadata removed domain: claimed: Domain claimed claimed.sent: Domain claimed notification sent pat: added: Personal Access Token added removed: Personal Access Token removed org: added: Organization added changed: Organization changed deactivated: Organization deactivated reactivated: Organization reactivated removed: Organization removed domain: added: Domain added verification: added: Domain verification added failed: Domain verification failed verified: Domain verified removed: Domain removed primary: set: Primary domain set reserved: Domain reserved released: Domain released name: reserved: Organization name reserved released: Organization name released member: added: Organization member added changed: Organization member changed removed: Organization member removed cascade: removed: Organization member cascade removed iam: policy: added: System policy added changed: System policy changed removed: System policy removed idp: config: added: IDP configuration added changed: IDP configuration changed removed: IDP configuration removed deactivated: IDP configuration deactivated reactivated: IDP configuration reactivated oidc: config: added: OIDC IDP configuration added changed: OIDC IDP configuration changed saml: config: added: SAML IDP configuration added changed: SAML IDP configuration changed jwt: config: added: JWT IDP configuration added changed: JWT IDP configuration changed customtext: set: Custom text set removed: Custom text removed template: removed: Custom text template removed policy: login: added: Login Policy added changed: Login Policy changed removed: Login Policy removed idpprovider: added: Identity Provider added to Login Policy removed: Identity Provider removed from Login Policy cascade: removed: Identity Provider cascade removed from Login Policy secondfactor: added: Second factor added to Login Policy removed: Second factor removed from Login Policy multifactor: added: Multi factor added to Login Policy removed: Multi factor removed from Login Policy password: complexity: added: Password complexity policy added changed: Password complexity policy changed removed: Password complexity policy removed age: added: Password age policy added changed: Password age policy changed removed: Password age policy removed lockout: added: Password lockout policy added changed: Password lockout policy changed removed: Password lockout policy removed label: added: Label Policy added changed: Label Policy changed activated: Label Policy activated removed: Label Policy removed logo: added: Logo added to Label Policy removed: Logo removed from Label Policy dark: added: Logo (dark mode) added to Label Policy removed: Logo (dark mode) removed from Label Policy icon: added: Icon added to Label Policy removed: Icon removed from Label Policy dark: added: Icon (dark mode) added to Label Policy removed: Icon (dark mode) removed from Label Policy font: added: Font added to Label Policy removed: Font removed from Label Policy assets: removed: Assets removed from Label Policy privacy: added: Privacy policy and TOS added changed: Privacy policy and TOS changed removed: Privacy policy and TOS removed domain: added: Domain policy added changed: Domain policy changed removed: Domain policy removed lockout: added: Lockout policy added changed: Lockout policy changed removed: Lockout policy removed notification: added: Notification policy added changed: Notification policy changed removed: Notification policy removed flow: trigger_actions: set: Action set cascade: removed: Actions cascade removed removed: Actions removed cleared: Flow cleared mail: template: added: E-Mail template added changed: E-Mail template changed removed: E-Mail template removed text: added: E-Mail text added changed: E-Mail text changed removed: E-Mail text removed metadata: removed: Metadata removed removed.all: All metadata removed set: Metadata set project: added: Project added changed: Project changed deactivated: Project deactivated reactivated: Project reactivated removed: Project removed member: added: Project member added changed: Project member changed removed: Project member removed cascade: removed: Project member cascade removed role: added: Project role added changed: Project role changed removed: Project role removed grant: added: Management access added changed: Management access changed removed: Management access removed deactivated: Management access deactivated reactivated: Management access reactivated cascade: changed: Management access changed member: added: Management access member added changed: Management access member changed removed: Management access member removed cascade: removed: Management access cascade removed application: added: Application added changed: Application changed removed: Application removed deactivated: Application deactivated reactivated: Application reactivated oidc: secret: check: succeeded: OIDC Client Secret check succeeded failed: OIDC Client Secret check failed key: added: Application key added removed: Application key removed config: saml: added: SAML Configuration added changed: SAML Configuration changed oidc: added: OIDC Configuration added changed: OIDC Configuration changed secret: changed: OIDC secret changed api: added: API Configuration added changed: API Configuration changed secret: changed: API secret changed policy: password: complexity: added: Password complexity policy added changed: Password complexity policy changed age: added: Password age policy added changed: Password age policy changed lockout: added: Password lockout policy added changed: Password lockout policy changed iam: setup: started: ZITADEL setup started done: ZITADEL setup done global: org: set: Global org set project: iam: set: ZITADEL project set member: added: ZITADEL member added changed: ZITADEL member changed removed: ZITADEL member removed cascade: removed: ZITADEL member cascade removed idp: config: added: IDP configuration added changed: IDP configuration changed removed: IDP configuration removed deactivated: IDP configuration deactivated reactivated: IDP configuration reactivated oidc: config: added: OIDC IDP configuration added changed: OIDC IDP configuration changed saml: config: added: SAML IDP configuration added changed: SAML IDP configuration changed jwt: config: added: JWT configuration to identity provider added changed: JWT configuration from identity provider removed customtext: set: Text was set removed: Text was removed policy: login: added: Default Login Policy added changed: Default Login Policy changed idpprovider: added: Identity Provider added to Default Login Policy removed: Identity Provider removed from Default Login Policy label: added: Label Policy added changed: Label Policy changed activated: Label Policy activated logo: added: Logo added to Label Policy removed: Logo removed from Label Policy dark: added: Logo (dark mode) added to Label Policy removed: Logo (dark mode) removed from Label Policy icon: added: Icon added to Label Policy removed: Icon removed from Label Policy dark: added: Icon (dark mode) added to Label Policy removed: Icon (dark mode) removed from Label Policy font: added: Font added to Label Policy removed: Font removed from Label Policy assets: removed: Assets removed from Label Policy default: language: set: Default language set oidc: settings: added: OIDC configuration added changed: OIDC configuration changed removed: OIDC configuration removed secret: generator: added: Secret generator added changed: Secret generator changed removed: Secret generator removed smtp: config: added: SMTP configuration added changed: SMTP configuration changed password: changed: SMTP configuration secret changed sms: config: twilio: added: Twilio SMS provider added changed: Twilio SMS provider changed token: changed: Twilio SMS provider token changed removed: Twilio SMS provider removed activated: Twilio SMS provider activated deactivated: Twilio SMS provider deactivated key_pair: added: Key pair added certificate: added: Certificate added action: added: Action added changed: Action changed deactivated: Action deactivated reactivated: Action reactivated removed: Action removed instance: added: Instance added changed: Instance changed customtext: removed: Custom text removed set: Custom text set template: removed: Template of custom text removed default: language: set: Default language set org: set: Default organisation set domain: added: Domain added primary: set: Primary domain set removed: Domain removed iam: console: set: ZITADEL Console application set project: set: ZITADEL project set mail: template: added: E-Mail template added changed: E-Mail template changed text: added: E-Mail text added changed: E-Mail text changed member: added: Instance member added changed: Instance member changed removed: Instance member removed cascade: removed: Instance member cascade removed notification: provider: debug: fileadded: File debug notification provider added filechanged: File debug notification provider changed fileremoved: File debug notification provider removed logadded: Log debug notification provider added logchanged: Log debug notification provider changed logremoved: Log debug notification provider removed oidc: settings: added: OIDC settings added changed: OIDC settings changed policy: domain: added: Domain policy added changed: Domain policy changed label: activated: Label policy activated added: Label policy added assets: removed: Asset from label policy removed changed: Label policy changed font: added: Font added to label policy removed: Font removed from label policy icon: added: Icon added to label policy removed: Icon removed from label policy dark: added: Icon added to dark label policy removed: Icon removed from dark label policy logo: added: Logo added to label policy removed: Logo removed from label policy dark: added: Logo added to dark label policy removed: Logo removed from dark label policy lockout: added: Lockout policy added changed: Lockout policy changed login: added: Login policy added changed: Login policy changed idpprovider: added: Identity Provider added to login policy cascade: removed: Identity Provider cascade removed from login policy removed: Identity Provider removed from login policy multifactor: added: Multifactor added to login policy removed: Multifactor removed from login policy secondfactor: added: Second factor added to login policy removed: Second factor removed from login policy password: age: added: Password age policy added changed: Password age policy changed complexity: added: Password complexity policy added changed: Password complexity policy removed privacy: added: Privacy policy added changed: Privacy policy changed security: set: Security policy set removed: Instance removed secret: generator: added: Secret generator added changed: Secret generator changed removed: Secret generator removed sms: configtwilio: activated: Twilio SMS configuration activated added: Twilio SMS configuration added changed: Twilio SMS configuration changed deactivated: Twilio SMS configuration deactivated removed: Twilio SMS configuration removed token: changed: Token of Twilio SMS configuration changed smtp: config: added: SMTP configuration added changed: SMTP configuration changed password: changed: Password of SMTP configuration changed removed: SMTP configuration removed Application: OIDC: UnsupportedVersion: Your OIDC version is not supported V1: NotCompliant: Your configuration is not compliant and differs from OIDC 1.0 standard. NoRedirectUris: At least one redirect uri must be registered. NotAllCombinationsAreAllowed: Configuration is compliant, but not all possible combinations are allowed. Code: RedirectUris: HttpOnlyForWeb: Grant type code only allowed http redirect uris for apptype web. CustomOnlyForNative: Grant type code only allows custom redirect uris for apptype native (e.g appname:// ) Implicit: RedirectUris: CustomNotAllowed: Grant type implicit doesn't allow custom redirect uris HttpNotAllowed: Grant type implicit doesn't allow http redirect uris HttpLocalhostOnlyForNative: Http://localhost redirect uri is only allowed for native applications. Native: AuthMethodType: NotNone: Native applications should have authmethodtype none. RedirectUris: MustBeHttpLocalhost: Redirect URIs must begin with your own protocol,, http://[::1] or http://localhost. UserAgent: AuthMethodType: NotNone: User agent app should have authmethodtype none. GrantType: Refresh: NoAuthCode: Refresh Token only allowed in combination with Authorization Code. Action: Flow: Type: Unspecified: Unspecified ExternalAuthentication: External Authentication CustomiseToken: Complement Token InternalAuthentication: Internal Authentication TriggerType: Unspecified: Unspecified PostAuthentication: Post Authentication PreCreation: Pre Creation PostCreation: Post Creation PreUserinfoCreation: Pre Userinfo creation PreAccessTokenCreation: Pre access token creation