Errors: Internal: An internal error occurred NoChangesFound: No changes OriginNotAllowed: This "Origin" is not allowed IDMissing: ID missing ResourceOwnerMissing: Resource Owner Organisation missing RemoveFailed: Could not be removed ProjectionName: Invalid: Invalid projection name Assets: EmptyKey: Asset key is empty Store: NotInitialized: Assets storage not initialized NotConfigured: Assets storage not configured Bucket: Internal: Internal error on create bucket AlreadyExists: Bucket already exists CreateFailed: Bucket not created ListFailed: Buckets could not be read RemoveFailed: Bucket not deleted SetPublicFailed: Could not set bucket to public Object: PutFailed: Object not created GetFailed: Object could not be read NotFound: Object could not be found PresignedTokenFailed: Signed token could not be created ListFailed: Objectlist could not be read RemoveFailed: Object could not be removed Limit: ExceedsDefault: Limit exceeds default limit Limits: NotFound: Limits not found NoneSpecified: No limits specified Restrictions: NoneSpecified: No restrictions specified Language: NotParsed: Could not parse language OIDCSettings: NotFound: OIDC Configuration not found AlreadyExists: OIDC configuration already exists SecretGenerator: AlreadyExists: Secret generator already exists TypeMissing: Secret generator type missing NotFound: Secret generator not found SMSConfig: NotFound: SMS configuration not found AlreadyActive: SMS configuration already active AlreadyDeactivated: SMS configuration already deactivated SMTPConfig: NotFound: SMTP configuration not found AlreadyExists: SMTP configuration already exists SenderAdressNotCustomDomain: The sender address must be configured as custom domain on the instance. Notification: NoDomain: No Domain found for message User: TooManyNestingLevels: Too many query nesting levels (Max 20). NotFound: User could not be found AlreadyExists: User already exists NotFoundOnOrg: User could not be found on chosen organization NotAllowedOrg: User is no member of the required organization UserIDMissing: User ID missing UserIDWrong: "Request user not equal to authenticated user" DomainPolicyNil: Organisation Policy is empty EmailAsUsernameNotAllowed: Email is not allowed as username Invalid: Userdata is invalid DomainNotAllowedAsUsername: Domain is already reserved and cannot be used AlreadyInactive: User already inactive NotInactive: User is not inactive CantDeactivateInitial: User with state initial can only be deleted not deactivated ShouldBeActiveOrInitial: User is not active or initial AlreadyInitialised: User is already initialized NotInitialised: User is not yet initialized NotLocked: User is not locked NoChanges: No changes found InitCodeNotFound: Initialization Code not found UsernameNotChanged: Username not changed InvalidURLTemplate: URL Template is invalid Profile: NotFound: Profile not found NotChanged: Profile not changed Empty: Profile is empty FirstNameEmpty: Given name in profile is empty LastNameEmpty: Family name in profile is empty IDMissing: Profile ID is missing Email: NotFound: Email not found Invalid: Email is invalid AlreadyVerified: Email is already verified NotChanged: Email not changed Empty: Email is empty IDMissing: Email ID is missing Phone: NotFound: Phone not found Invalid: Phone is invalid AlreadyVerified: Phone already verified Empty: Phone is empty NotChanged: Phone not changed Address: NotFound: Address not found NotChanged: Address not changed Machine: Key: NotFound: Machine key not found AlreadyExisting: Machine key already existing Secret: NotExisting: Secret doesn't exist Invalid: Secret is invalid CouldNotGenerate: Secret could not be generated PAT: NotFound: Personal Access Token not found NotHuman: The User must be personal NotMachine: The User must be technical WrongType: Not allowed for this user type NotAllowedToLink: User is not allowed to link with external login provider Username: AlreadyExists: Username already taken Reserved: Username is already taken Empty: Username is empty Code: Empty: Code is empty NotFound: Code not found Expired: Code is expired GeneratorAlgNotSupported: Unsupported generator algorithm Password: NotFound: Password not found Empty: Password is empty Invalid: Password is invalid NotSet: User has not set a password NotChanged: New password cannot be the same as your current password NotSupported: Password hash encoding not supported PasswordComplexityPolicy: NotFound: Password policy not found MinLength: Password is too short MinLengthNotAllowed: Given minimum length is not allowed HasLower: Password must contain lower case HasUpper: Password must contain upper case HasNumber: Password must contain number HasSymbol: Password must contain symbol ExternalIDP: Invalid: External IDP invalid IDPConfigNotExisting: IDP provider invalid for this organization NotAllowed: External IDP not allowed on this organization MinimumExternalIDPNeeded: At least one IDP must be added AlreadyExists: External IDP already taken NotFound: External IDP not found LoginFailed: Login at External IDP failed MFA: OTP: AlreadyReady: Multifactor OTP (OneTimePassword) is already set up NotExisting: Multifactor OTP (OneTimePassword) doesn't exist NotReady: Multifactor OTP (OneTimePassword) isn't ready InvalidCode: Invalid code U2F: NotExisting: U2F does not exist Passwordless: NotExisting: Passwordless does not exist WebAuthN: NotFound: WebAuthN Token could not be found BeginRegisterFailed: WebAuthN begin registration failed MarshalError: Error on marshal data ErrorOnParseCredential: Error on parse credential data CreateCredentialFailed: Error on create credentials BeginLoginFailed: WebAuthN begin login failed ValidateLoginFailed: Error on validate login credentials CloneWarning: Credentials may be cloned RefreshToken: Invalid: Refresh Token is invalid NotFound: Refresh Token not found Instance: NotFound: Instance not found AlreadyExists: Instance already exists NotChanged: Instance not changed Org: AlreadyExists: Organisation's name already taken Invalid: Organisation is invalid AlreadyDeactivated: Organisation is already deactivated AlreadyActive: Organisation is already active Empty: Organisation is empty NotFound: Organisation not found NotChanged: Organisation not changed DefaultOrgNotDeletable: Default Organisation must not be deleted ZitadelOrgNotDeletable: Organisation with ZITADEL project must not be deleted InvalidDomain: Invalid domain DomainMissing: Domain missing DomainNotOnOrg: Domain doesn't exist on organization DomainNotVerified: Domain is not verified DomainAlreadyVerified: Domain is already verified DomainVerificationTypeInvalid: Domain verification type is invalid DomainVerificationMissing: Domain verification not yet started DomainVerificationFailed: Domain verification failed DomainVerificationTXTNotFound: The _zitadel-challenge TXT record was not found for your domain. Check that you've added it to your DNS server or wait till the new record is propagated DomainVerificationTXTNoMatch: The _zitadel-challenge TXT record has been found for your domain but it doesn't contain the right token text. Check that you've added the right token to your DNS server or wait till the new record is propagated DomainVerificationHTTPNotFound: The file containing the challenge was not found in the expected URL. Check that you've uploaded the file in the right place with read permissions DomainVerificationHTTPNoMatch: The file containing the challenge has been found in the expected URL but it doesn't contain the right token text. Check its content DomainVerificationTimeout: There was a timeout querying the DNS server PrimaryDomainNotDeletable: Primary domain must not be deleted DomainNotFound: Domain not found MemberIDMissing: Member ID missing MemberNotFound: Organisation member not found InvalidMember: Organisation member is invalid UserIDMissing: User ID missing PolicyAlreadyExists: Policy already exists PolicyNotExisting: Policy doesn't exist IdpInvalid: IDP configuration is invalid IdpNotExisting: IDP configuration does not exist OIDCConfigInvalid: OIDC IDP configuration is invalid IdpIsNotOIDC: IDP configuration is not of type oidc Domain: AlreadyExists: Domain already exists InvalidCharacter: Only alphanumeric characters, . and - are allowed for a domain EmptyString: Invalid non numeric and alphabetical characters were replaced with empty spaces and resulting domain is an empty string IDP: InvalidSearchQuery: Invalid search query ClientIDMissing: ClientID missing TeamIDMissing: TeamID missing KeyIDMissing: KeyID missing PrivateKeyMissing: Private Key missing LoginPolicy: NotFound: Login Policy not found Invalid: Login Policy is invalid RedirectURIInvalid: Default Redirect URI is invalid NotExisting: Login Policy not existing AlreadyExists: Login Policy already exists IdpProviderAlreadyExisting: Identity Provider already existing IdpProviderNotExisting: Identity Provider not existing RegistrationNotAllowed: Registration is not allowed UsernamePasswordNotAllowed: Login with Username / Password is not allowed MFA: AlreadyExists: Multifactor already exists NotExisting: Multifactor not existing Unspecified: Multifactor invalid MailTemplate: NotFound: Default Mail Template not found NotChanged: Default Mail Template has not been changed AlreadyExists: Default Mail Template already exists Invalid: Default Mail Template is invalid CustomMessageText: NotFound: Default Message Text not found NotChanged: Default Message Text has not been changed AlreadyExists: Default Message Text already exists Invalid: Default Message Text is invalid PasswordComplexityPolicy: NotFound: Password Complexity Policy not found Empty: Password Complexity Policy is empty NotExisting: Password Complexity Policy doesn't exist AlreadyExists: Password Complexity Policy already exists PasswordLockoutPolicy: NotFound: Password Lockout Policy not found Empty: Password Lockout Policy is empty NotExisting: Password Lockout Policy doesn't exist AlreadyExists: Password Lockout Policy already exists PasswordAgePolicy: NotFound: Password Age Policy not found Empty: Password Age Policy is empty NotExisting: Password Age Policy doesn't exist AlreadyExists: Password Age Policy already exists OrgIAMPolicy: Empty: Org IAM Policy is empty NotExisting: Org IAM Policy doesn't exist AlreadyExists: Org IAM Policy already exists NotificationPolicy: NotFound: Notification Policy not found NotChanged: Notification Policy not changed AlreadyExists: Notification Policy already exists LabelPolicy: NotFound: Private Label Policy not found NotChanged: Private Label Policy has not been changed Project: ProjectIDMissing: Project Id missing AlreadyExists: Project already exists on organization OrgNotExisting: Organisation doesn't exist UserNotExisting: User doesn't exist CouldNotGenerateClientSecret: Could not generate client secret Invalid: Project is invalid NotActive: Project is not active NotInactive: Project is not deactivated NotFound: Project not found UserIDMissing: User ID missing Member: NotFound: Project member not found Invalid: Project member is invalid AlreadyExists: Project member already exists NotExisting: Project member doesn't exist MinimumOneRoleNeeded: At least one role must be added Role: AlreadyExists: Role already exists Invalid: Role is invalid NotExisting: Role doesn't exist IDMissing: ID missing App: AlreadyExists: Application already exists NotFound: Application not found Invalid: Application invalid NotExisting: Application doesn't exist NotActive: Application is not active NotInactive: Application is not inactive OIDCConfigInvalid: OIDC configuration is invalid APIConfigInvalid: API configuration is invalid SAMLConfigInvalid: SAML configuration is invalid IsNotOIDC: Application is not type OIDC IsNotAPI: Application is not type API IsNotSAML: Application is not type SAML SAMLMetadataMissing: SAML metadata is missing SAMLMetadataFormat: SAML Metadata format error SAMLEntityIDAlreadyExisting: SAML EntityID already existing OIDCAuthMethodNoSecret: Chosen OIDC Auth Method does not require a secret APIAuthMethodNoSecret: Chosen API Auth Method does not require a secret AuthMethodNoPrivateKeyJWT: Chosen Auth Method does not require a key ClientSecretInvalid: Client Secret is invalid Key: AlreadyExisting: Application key already existing NotFound: Application key not found RequiredFieldsMissing: Some required fields are missing Grant: AlreadyExists: Project grant already exists NotFound: Grant not found Invalid: Project grant is invalid NotExisting: Project grant doesn't exist HasNotExistingRole: One role doesn't exist on project NotActive: Project grant is not active NotInactive: Project grant is not inactive IAM: NotFound: Instance not found. Check out Member: RolesNotChanged: Roles have not been changed MemberInvalid: Member is invalid MemberAlreadyExisting: Member already exists MemberNotExisting: Member does not exist IDMissing: Id missing IAMProjectIDMissing: IAM project id missing IamProjectAlreadySet: IAM project id has already been set IdpInvalid: IDP configuration is invalid IdpNotExisting: IDP configuration does not exist OIDCConfigInvalid: OIDC IDP configuration is invalid IdpIsNotOIDC: IDP configuration is not of type oidc LoginPolicyInvalid: Login Policy is invalid LoginPolicyNotExisting: Login Policy doesn't exist IdpProviderInvalid: Identity Provider is invalid LoginPolicy: NotFound: Default Login Policy not found NotChanged: Default Login Policy has not been changed NotExisting: Default Login Policy not existing AlreadyExists: Default Login Policy already exists RedirectURIInvalid: Default Redirect URI is invalid MFA: AlreadyExists: Multifactor already exists NotExisting: Multifactor not existing Unspecified: Multifactor invalid IDP: AlreadyExists: Identity provider already exists NotExisting: Identity provider doesn't exist Invalid: Identity Provider invalid IDPConfig: AlreadyExists: Identity Provider Configuration already exists NotInactive: Identity Provider Configuration not inactive NotActive: Identity Provider Configuration not active LabelPolicy: NotFound: Default Private Label Policy not found NotChanged: Default Private Label Policy has not been changed MailTemplate: NotFound: Default Mail Template not found NotChanged: Default Mail Template has not been changed AlreadyExists: Default Mail Template already exists Invalid: Default Mail Template is invalid CustomMessageText: NotFound: Default Message Text not found NotChanged: Default Message Text has not been changed AlreadyExists: Default Message Text already exists Invalid: Default Message Text is invalid PasswordComplexityPolicy: NotFound: Default Password Complexity Policy not found NotExisting: Default Password Complexity Policy not existing AlreadyExists: Default Password Complexity Policy already existing Empty: Default Password Complexity Policy empty NotChanged: Default Password Complexity Policy has not been changed PasswordAgePolicy: NotFound: Default Password Age Policy not found NotExisting: Default Password Age Policy not existing AlreadyExists: Default Password Age Policy already existing Empty: Default Password Age Policy empty NotChanged: Default Password Age Policy has not been changed PasswordLockoutPolicy: NotFound: Default Password Lockout Policy not found NotExisting: Default Password Lockout Policy not existing AlreadyExists: Default Password Lockout Policy already existing Empty: Default Password Lockout Policy empty NotChanged: Default Password Lockout Policy has not been changed DomainPolicy: NotFound: Org IAM Policy not found Empty: Org IAM Policy is empty NotExisting: Org IAM Policy not existing AlreadyExists: Org IAM Policy already exists NotChanged: Org IAM Policy has not been changed NotificationPolicy: NotFound: Default Notification Policy not found NotChanged: Default Notification Policy not changed AlreadyExists: Default Notification Policy already exists Policy: AlreadyExists: Policy already exists Label: Invalid: PrimaryColor: Primary color is no valid Hex color value BackgroundColor: Background color is no valid Hex color value WarnColor: Warn color is no valid Hex color value FontColor: Font color is no valid Hex color value PrimaryColorDark: Primary color (dark mode) is no valid Hex color value BackgroundColorDark: Background color (dark mode) is no valid Hex color value WarnColorDark: Warn color (dark mode) is no valid Hex color value FontColorDark: Font color (dark mode) is no valid Hex color value UserGrant: AlreadyExists: User grant already exists NotFound: User grant not found Invalid: User grant is invalid NotChanged: User grant has not been changed IDMissing: Id missing NotActive: User grant is not active NotInactive: User grant is not deactivated NoPermissionForProject: User has no permissions on this project RoleKeyNotFound: Role not found Member: AlreadyExists: Member already exists IDPConfig: AlreadyExists: IDP Configuration with this name already exists NotExisting: Identity Provider Configuration doesn't exist Changes: NotFound: No history found AuditRetention: History is outside of the Audit Log Retention Token: NotFound: Token not found Invalid: Token is invalid UserSession: NotFound: UserSession not found Key: NotFound: Key not found ExpireBeforeNow: The expiration date is in the past Login: LoginPolicy: MFA: ForceAndNotConfigured: Multifactor is configured as required, but no possible providers are configured. Please contact your system administrator. Step: Started: AlreadyExists: Step started already exists Done: AlreadyExists: Step done already exists CustomText: AlreadyExists: Custom text already exists Invalid: Custom text invalid NotFound: Custom text not found TranslationFile: ReadError: Error in reading translation file MergeError: Translation file could not be merged with custom translations NotFound: Translation file doesn't exist Metadata: NotFound: Metadata not found NoData: Metadata list is empty Invalid: Metadata is invalid KeyNotExisting: One or more keys do not exist Action: Invalid: Action is invalid NotFound: Action not found NotActive: Action is not active NotInactive: Action is not inactive MaxAllowed: No additional active Actions allowed Flow: FlowTypeMissing: FlowType missing Empty: Flow is already empty WrongTriggerType: TriggerType is invalid NoChanges: No Changes ActionIDsNotExist: ActionIDs do not exist Query: CloseRows: SQL Statement could not be finished SQLStatement: SQL Statement could not be created InvalidRequest: Request is invalid Quota: AlreadyExists: Quota already exists for this unit NotFound: Quota not found for this unit Invalid: CallURL: Quota call URL is invalid Percent: Quota percent is lower than 1 Unimplemented: Quotas are not implemented for this unit Amount: Quota amount is lower than 1 ResetInterval: Quota reset interval is shorter than a minute Noop: An unlimited quota without notifications has no effect Access: Exhausted: The quota for authenticated requests is exhausted Execution: Exhausted: The quota for execution seconds is exhausted LogStore: Access: StorageFailed: Storing access log to database failed ScanFailed: Querying usage for authenticated requests failed Execution: StorageFailed: Storing action execution log to database failed ScanFailed: Querying usage for action execution seconds failed Session: NotExisting: Session does not exist Terminated: Session already terminated Expired: Session has expired PositiveLifetime: Session lifetime must not be less than 0 Token: Invalid: Session Token is invalid WebAuthN: NoChallenge: Session without WebAuthN challenge Intent: IDPMissing: IDP ID is missing in the request IDPInvalid: IDP invalid for the request ResponseInvalid: IDP response is invalid SuccessURLMissing: Success URL is missing in the request FailureURLMissing: Failure URL is missing in the request StateMissing: State parameter is missing in the request NotStarted: Intent is not started or was already terminated NotSucceeded: Intent has not succeeded TokenCreationFailed: Token creation failed InvalidToken: Intent Token is invalid OtherUser: Intent meant for another user AuthRequest: AlreadyExists: Auth Request already exists NotExisting: Auth Request does not exist WrongLoginClient: Auth Request created by other login client OIDCSession: RefreshTokenInvalid: Refresh Token is invalid Token: Invalid: Token is invalid Expired: Token is expired InvalidClient: Token was not issued for this client Feature: NotExisting: Feature does not exist TypeNotSupported: Feature type is not supported InvalidValue: Invalid value for this feature AggregateTypes: action: Action instance: Instance key_pair: Key Pair org: Organization project: Project user: User usergrant: User grant quota: Quota feature: Feature EventTypes: user: added: User added selfregistered: User registered himself initialization: code: added: Initialization code generated sent: Initialization code sent check: succeeded: Initialization check succeeded failed: Initialization check failed token: added: Access Token created removed: Access Token removed username: reserved: Username reserved released: Username released changed: Username changed email: reserved: Email address reserved released: Email address released changed: Email address changed verified: Email address verified verification: failed: Email address verification failed code: added: Email address verification code generated sent: Email address verification code sent machine: added: Technical user added changed: Technical user changed key: added: Key added removed: Key removed secret: set: Secret set removed: Secret removed check: succeeded: Secret check succeeded failed: Secret check failed human: added: Person added selfregistered: Person registered himself avatar: added: Avatar added removed: Avatar removed initialization: code: added: Initialization code generated sent: Initialization code sent check: succeeded: Initialization check succeeded failed: Initialization check failed username: reserved: Username reserved released: Username released email: changed: Email address changed verified: Email address verified verification: failed: Email address verification failed code: added: Email address verification code generated sent: Email address verification code sent password: changed: Password changed code: added: Password code generated sent: Password code sent check: succeeded: Password check succeeded failed: Password check failed change: sent: Password change sent hash: updated: Password hash updated externallogin: check: succeeded: External login succeeded externalidp: added: External IDP added removed: External IDP removed cascade: removed: External IDP cascade removed id: migrated: External UserID of IDP was migrated phone: changed: Phone number changed verified: Phone number verified verification: failed: Phone number verification failed code: added: Phone number code generated sent: Phone number code sent removed: Phone number removed profile: changed: User profile changed address: changed: User address changed mfa: otp: added: Multifactor OTP added verified: Multifactor OTP verified removed: Multifactor OTP removed check: succeeded: Multifactor OTP check succeeded failed: Multifactor OTP check failed sms: added: Multifactor OTP SMS added removed: Multifactor OTP SMS removed code: added: Multifactor OTP SMS code added sent: Multifactor OTP SMS code sent check: succeeded: Multifactor OTP SMS check succeeded failed: Multifactor OTP SMS check failed email: added: Multifactor OTP Email added removed: Multifactor OTP Email removed code: added: Multifactor OTP Email code added sent: Multifactor OTP Email code sent check: succeeded: Multifactor OTP Email check succeeded failed: Multifactor OTP Email check failed u2f: token: added: Multifactor U2F Token added verified: Multifactor U2F Token verified removed: Multifactor U2F Token removed begin: login: Multifactor U2F check started check: succeeded: Multifactor U2F check succeeded failed: Multifactor U2F check failed signcount: changed: Checksum of the Multifactor U2F Token has been changed init: skipped: Multifactor initialization skipped passwordless: token: added: Token for Passwordless Login added verified: Token for Passwordless Login verified removed: Token for Passwordless Login removed begin: login: Passwordless Login check started check: succeeded: Passwordless Login check succeeded failed: Passwordless Login check failed signcount: changed: Checksum of the Passwordless Login Token has been changed initialization: code: added: Passwordless initialization code added sent: Passwordless initialization code sent requested: Passwordless initialization code requested check: succeeded: Passwordless initialization code successfully checked failed: Passwordless initialization code check failed signed: out: User signed out refresh: token: added: Refresh Token created renewed: Refresh Token renewed removed: Refresh Token removed locked: User locked unlocked: User unlocked deactivated: User deactivated reactivated: User reactivated removed: User removed password: changed: Password changed code: added: Password code generated sent: Password code sent check: succeeded: Password check succeeded failed: Password check failed phone: changed: Phone number changed verified: Phone number verified verification: failed: Phone number verification failed code: added: Phone number code generated sent: Phone number code sent removed: Phone number removed profile: changed: User profile changed address: changed: User address changed mfa: otp: added: Multifactor OTP added verified: Multifactor OTP verified removed: Multifactor OTP removed check: succeeded: Multifactor OTP check succeeded failed: Multifactor OTP check failed init: skipped: Multifactor OTP initialization skipped init: skipped: Multifactor initialization skipped signed: out: User signed out grant: added: Authorization added changed: Authorization changed removed: Authorization removed deactivated: Authorization deactivated reactivated: Authorization reactivated reserved: Authorization reserved released: Authorization released cascade: removed: Authorization removed changed: Authorization changed metadata: set: User metadata set removed: User metadata removed removed.all: All user metadata removed domain: claimed: Domain claimed claimed.sent: Domain claimed notification sent pat: added: Personal Access Token added removed: Personal Access Token removed org: added: Organization added changed: Organization changed deactivated: Organization deactivated reactivated: Organization reactivated removed: Organization removed domain: added: Domain added verification: added: Domain verification added failed: Domain verification failed verified: Domain verified removed: Domain removed primary: set: Primary domain set reserved: Domain reserved released: Domain released name: reserved: Organization name reserved released: Organization name released member: added: Organization member added changed: Organization member changed removed: Organization member removed cascade: removed: Organization member cascade removed iam: policy: added: System policy added changed: System policy changed removed: System policy removed idp: config: added: IDP configuration added changed: IDP configuration changed removed: IDP configuration removed deactivated: IDP configuration deactivated reactivated: IDP configuration reactivated oidc: config: added: OIDC IDP configuration added changed: OIDC IDP configuration changed saml: config: added: SAML IDP configuration added changed: SAML IDP configuration changed jwt: config: added: JWT IDP configuration added changed: JWT IDP configuration changed customtext: set: Custom text set removed: Custom text removed template: removed: Custom text template removed policy: login: added: Login Policy added changed: Login Policy changed removed: Login Policy removed idpprovider: added: Identity Provider added to Login Policy removed: Identity Provider removed from Login Policy cascade: removed: Identity Provider cascade removed from Login Policy secondfactor: added: Second factor added to Login Policy removed: Second factor removed from Login Policy multifactor: added: Multi factor added to Login Policy removed: Multi factor removed from Login Policy password: complexity: added: Password complexity policy added changed: Password complexity policy changed removed: Password complexity policy removed age: added: Password age policy added changed: Password age policy changed removed: Password age policy removed lockout: added: Password lockout policy added changed: Password lockout policy changed removed: Password lockout policy removed label: added: Label Policy added changed: Label Policy changed activated: Label Policy activated removed: Label Policy removed logo: added: Logo added to Label Policy removed: Logo removed from Label Policy dark: added: Logo (dark mode) added to Label Policy removed: Logo (dark mode) removed from Label Policy icon: added: Icon added to Label Policy removed: Icon removed from Label Policy dark: added: Icon (dark mode) added to Label Policy removed: Icon (dark mode) removed from Label Policy font: added: Font added to Label Policy removed: Font removed from Label Policy assets: removed: Assets removed from Label Policy privacy: added: Privacy policy and TOS added changed: Privacy policy and TOS changed removed: Privacy policy and TOS removed domain: added: Domain policy added changed: Domain policy changed removed: Domain policy removed lockout: added: Lockout policy added changed: Lockout policy changed removed: Lockout policy removed notification: added: Notification policy added changed: Notification policy changed removed: Notification policy removed flow: trigger_actions: set: Action set cascade: removed: Actions cascade removed removed: Actions removed cleared: Flow cleared mail: template: added: E-Mail template added changed: E-Mail template changed removed: E-Mail template removed text: added: E-Mail text added changed: E-Mail text changed removed: E-Mail text removed metadata: removed: Metadata removed removed.all: All metadata removed set: Metadata set project: added: Project added changed: Project changed deactivated: Project deactivated reactivated: Project reactivated removed: Project removed member: added: Project member added changed: Project member changed removed: Project member removed cascade: removed: Project member cascade removed role: added: Project role added changed: Project role changed removed: Project role removed grant: added: Management access added changed: Management access changed removed: Management access removed deactivated: Management access deactivated reactivated: Management access reactivated cascade: changed: Management access changed member: added: Management access member added changed: Management access member changed removed: Management access member removed cascade: removed: Management access cascade removed application: added: Application added changed: Application changed removed: Application removed deactivated: Application deactivated reactivated: Application reactivated oidc: secret: check: succeeded: OIDC Client Secret check succeeded failed: OIDC Client Secret check failed key: added: Application key added removed: Application key removed config: saml: added: SAML Configuration added changed: SAML Configuration changed oidc: added: OIDC Configuration added changed: OIDC Configuration changed secret: changed: OIDC secret changed api: added: API Configuration added changed: API Configuration changed secret: changed: API secret changed policy: password: complexity: added: Password complexity policy added changed: Password complexity policy changed age: added: Password age policy added changed: Password age policy changed lockout: added: Password lockout policy added changed: Password lockout policy changed iam: setup: started: ZITADEL setup started done: ZITADEL setup done global: org: set: Global org set project: iam: set: ZITADEL project set member: added: ZITADEL member added changed: ZITADEL member changed removed: ZITADEL member removed cascade: removed: ZITADEL member cascade removed idp: config: added: IDP configuration added changed: IDP configuration changed removed: IDP configuration removed deactivated: IDP configuration deactivated reactivated: IDP configuration reactivated oidc: config: added: OIDC IDP configuration added changed: OIDC IDP configuration changed saml: config: added: SAML IDP configuration added changed: SAML IDP configuration changed jwt: config: added: JWT configuration to identity provider added changed: JWT configuration from identity provider removed customtext: set: Text was set removed: Text was removed policy: login: added: Default Login Policy added changed: Default Login Policy changed idpprovider: added: Identity Provider added to Default Login Policy removed: Identity Provider removed from Default Login Policy label: added: Label Policy added changed: Label Policy changed activated: Label Policy activated logo: added: Logo added to Label Policy removed: Logo removed from Label Policy dark: added: Logo (dark mode) added to Label Policy removed: Logo (dark mode) removed from Label Policy icon: added: Icon added to Label Policy removed: Icon removed from Label Policy dark: added: Icon (dark mode) added to Label Policy removed: Icon (dark mode) removed from Label Policy font: added: Font added to Label Policy removed: Font removed from Label Policy assets: removed: Assets removed from Label Policy default: language: set: Default language set oidc: settings: added: OIDC configuration added changed: OIDC configuration changed removed: OIDC configuration removed secret: generator: added: Secret generator added changed: Secret generator changed removed: Secret generator removed smtp: config: added: SMTP configuration added changed: SMTP configuration changed password: changed: SMTP configuration secret changed sms: config: twilio: added: Twilio SMS provider added changed: Twilio SMS provider changed token: changed: Twilio SMS provider token changed removed: Twilio SMS provider removed activated: Twilio SMS provider activated deactivated: Twilio SMS provider deactivated key_pair: added: Key pair added certificate: added: Certificate added action: added: Action added changed: Action changed deactivated: Action deactivated reactivated: Action reactivated removed: Action removed instance: added: Instance added changed: Instance changed customtext: removed: Custom text removed set: Custom text set template: removed: Template of custom text removed default: language: set: Default language set org: set: Default organisation set domain: added: Domain added primary: set: Primary domain set removed: Domain removed iam: console: set: ZITADEL Console application set project: set: ZITADEL project set mail: template: added: E-Mail template added changed: E-Mail template changed text: added: E-Mail text added changed: E-Mail text changed member: added: Instance member added changed: Instance member changed removed: Instance member removed cascade: removed: Instance member cascade removed notification: provider: debug: fileadded: File debug notification provider added filechanged: File debug notification provider changed fileremoved: File debug notification provider removed logadded: Log debug notification provider added logchanged: Log debug notification provider changed logremoved: Log debug notification provider removed oidc: settings: added: OIDC settings added changed: OIDC settings changed policy: domain: added: Domain policy added changed: Domain policy changed label: activated: Label policy activated added: Label policy added assets: removed: Asset from label policy removed changed: Label policy changed font: added: Font added to label policy removed: Font removed from label policy icon: added: Icon added to label policy removed: Icon removed from label policy dark: added: Icon added to dark label policy removed: Icon removed from dark label policy logo: added: Logo added to label policy removed: Logo removed from label policy dark: added: Logo added to dark label policy removed: Logo removed from dark label policy lockout: added: Lockout policy added changed: Lockout policy changed login: added: Login policy added changed: Login policy changed idpprovider: added: Identity Provider added to login policy cascade: removed: Identity Provider cascade removed from login policy removed: Identity Provider removed from login policy multifactor: added: Multifactor added to login policy removed: Multifactor removed from login policy secondfactor: added: Second factor added to login policy removed: Second factor removed from login policy password: age: added: Password age policy added changed: Password age policy changed complexity: added: Password complexity policy added changed: Password complexity policy removed privacy: added: Privacy policy added changed: Privacy policy changed security: set: Security policy set removed: Instance removed secret: generator: added: Secret generator added changed: Secret generator changed removed: Secret generator removed sms: configtwilio: activated: Twilio SMS configuration activated added: Twilio SMS configuration added changed: Twilio SMS configuration changed deactivated: Twilio SMS configuration deactivated removed: Twilio SMS configuration removed token: changed: Token of Twilio SMS configuration changed smtp: config: added: SMTP configuration added changed: SMTP configuration changed password: changed: Password of SMTP configuration changed removed: SMTP configuration removed Application: OIDC: UnsupportedVersion: Your OIDC version is not supported V1: NotCompliant: Your configuration is not compliant and differs from OIDC 1.0 standard. NoRedirectUris: At least one redirect uri must be registered. NotAllCombinationsAreAllowed: Configuration is compliant, but not all possible combinations are allowed. Code: RedirectUris: HttpOnlyForWeb: Grant type code only allowed http redirect uris for apptype web. CustomOnlyForNative: Grant type code only allows custom redirect uris for apptype native (e.g appname:// ) Implicit: RedirectUris: CustomNotAllowed: Grant type implicit doesn't allow custom redirect uris HttpNotAllowed: Grant type implicit doesn't allow http redirect uris HttpLocalhostOnlyForNative: Http://localhost redirect uri is only allowed for native applications. Native: AuthMethodType: NotNone: Native applications should have authmethodtype none. RedirectUris: MustBeHttpLocalhost: Redirect URIs must begin with your own protocol,, http://[::1] or http://localhost. UserAgent: AuthMethodType: NotNone: User agent app should have authmethodtype none. GrantType: Refresh: NoAuthCode: Refresh Token only allowed in combination with Authorization Code. Action: Flow: Type: Unspecified: Unspecified ExternalAuthentication: External Authentication CustomiseToken: Complement Token InternalAuthentication: Internal Authentication CustomizeSAMLResponse: Complement SAMLResponse TriggerType: Unspecified: Unspecified PostAuthentication: Post Authentication PreCreation: Pre Creation PostCreation: Post Creation PreUserinfoCreation: Pre Userinfo creation PreAccessTokenCreation: Pre access token creation PreSAMLResponseCreation: Pre SAMLResponse creation