with config as ( select instance_id, app_id, client_id, client_secret, 'api' as app_type from projections.apps7_api_configs where instance_id = $1 and client_id = $2 union select instance_id, app_id, client_id, client_secret, 'oidc' as app_type from projections.apps7_oidc_configs where instance_id = $1 and client_id = $2 ), keys as ( select identifier as client_id, json_object_agg(id, encode(public_key, 'base64')) as public_keys from projections.authn_keys2 where $3 = true -- when argument is false, don't waste time on trying to query for keys. and instance_id = $1 and identifier = $2 and expiration > current_timestamp group by identifier ) select config.app_id, config.client_id, config.client_secret, config.app_type, apps.project_id, apps.resource_owner, p.project_role_assertion, keys.public_keys from config join projections.apps7 apps on apps.id = config.app_id and apps.instance_id = config.instance_id and apps.state = 1 join projections.projects4 p on p.id = apps.project_id and p.instance_id = $1 and p.state = 1 join projections.orgs1 o on o.id = p.resource_owner and o.instance_id = config.instance_id and o.org_state = 1 left join keys on keys.client_id = config.client_id;