package command import ( "context" "encoding/json" "slices" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" id_mock "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func instanceSetupZitadelIDs() ZitadelConfig { return ZitadelConfig{ instanceID: "INSTANCE", orgID: "ORG", projectID: "PROJECT", consoleAppID: "console-id", authAppID: "auth-id", mgmtAppID: "mgmt-id", adminAppID: "admin-id", } } func projectAddedEvents(ctx context.Context, instanceID, orgID, id, owner string, externalSecure bool) []eventstore.Command { events := []eventstore.Command{ project.NewProjectAddedEvent(ctx, &project.NewAggregate(id, orgID).Aggregate, "ZITADEL", false, false, false, domain.PrivateLabelingSettingUnspecified, ), instance.NewIAMProjectSetEvent(ctx, &instance.NewAggregate(instanceID).Aggregate, id, ), } events = append(events, apiAppEvents(ctx, orgID, id, "mgmt-id", "Management-API")...) events = append(events, apiAppEvents(ctx, orgID, id, "admin-id", "Admin-API")...) events = append(events, apiAppEvents(ctx, orgID, id, "auth-id", "Auth-API")...) consoleAppID := "console-id" consoleClientID := "clientID" events = append(events, oidcAppEvents(ctx, orgID, id, consoleAppID, "Console", consoleClientID, externalSecure)...) events = append(events, instance.NewIAMConsoleSetEvent(ctx, &instance.NewAggregate(instanceID).Aggregate, &consoleClientID, &consoleAppID, ), ) return events } func projectClientIDs() []string { return []string{"clientID", "clientID", "clientID", "clientID"} } func apiAppEvents(ctx context.Context, orgID, projectID, id, name string) []eventstore.Command { return []eventstore.Command{ project.NewApplicationAddedEvent( ctx, &project.NewAggregate(projectID, orgID).Aggregate, id, name, ), project.NewAPIConfigAddedEvent(ctx, &project.NewAggregate(projectID, orgID).Aggregate, id, "clientID", "", domain.APIAuthMethodTypePrivateKeyJWT, ), } } func oidcAppEvents(ctx context.Context, orgID, projectID, id, name, clientID string, externalSecure bool) []eventstore.Command { return []eventstore.Command{ project.NewApplicationAddedEvent( ctx, &project.NewAggregate(projectID, orgID).Aggregate, id, name, ), project.NewOIDCConfigAddedEvent(ctx, &project.NewAggregate(projectID, orgID).Aggregate, domain.OIDCVersionV1, id, clientID, "", []string{}, []domain.OIDCResponseType{domain.OIDCResponseTypeCode}, []domain.OIDCGrantType{domain.OIDCGrantTypeAuthorizationCode}, domain.OIDCApplicationTypeUserAgent, domain.OIDCAuthMethodTypeNone, []string{}, !externalSecure, domain.OIDCTokenTypeBearer, false, false, false, 0, nil, false, "", domain.LoginVersionUnspecified, "", ), } } func orgFilters(orgID string, machine, human bool) []expect { filters := []expect{ expectFilter(), expectFilter( org.NewOrgAddedEvent(context.Background(), &org.NewAggregate(orgID).Aggregate, ""), ), } if machine { filters = append(filters, machineFilters(orgID, true)...) filters = append(filters, adminMemberFilters(orgID, "USER-MACHINE")...) } if human { filters = append(filters, humanFilters(orgID)...) filters = append(filters, adminMemberFilters(orgID, "USER")...) } return append(filters, projectFilters()..., ) } func orgEvents(ctx context.Context, instanceID, orgID, name, projectID, defaultDomain string, externalSecure bool, machine, human bool) []eventstore.Command { instanceAgg := instance.NewAggregate(instanceID) orgAgg := org.NewAggregate(orgID) domain := strings.ToLower(name + "." + defaultDomain) events := []eventstore.Command{ org.NewOrgAddedEvent(ctx, &orgAgg.Aggregate, name), org.NewDomainAddedEvent(ctx, &orgAgg.Aggregate, domain), org.NewDomainVerifiedEvent(ctx, &orgAgg.Aggregate, domain), org.NewDomainPrimarySetEvent(ctx, &orgAgg.Aggregate, domain), instance.NewDefaultOrgSetEventEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, orgID), } owner := "" if machine { machineID := "USER-MACHINE" events = append(events, machineEvents(ctx, instanceID, orgID, machineID, "PAT")...) owner = machineID } if human { userID := "USER" events = append(events, humanEvents(ctx, instanceID, orgID, userID)...) owner = userID } events = append(events, projectAddedEvents(ctx, instanceID, orgID, projectID, owner, externalSecure)...) return events } func orgIDs() []string { return slices.Concat([]string{"USER-MACHINE", "PAT", "USER"}, projectClientIDs()) } func instancePoliciesFilters(instanceID string) []expect { return []expect{ expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), } } func instancePoliciesEvents(ctx context.Context, instanceID string) []eventstore.Command { instanceAgg := instance.NewAggregate(instanceID) return []eventstore.Command{ instance.NewPasswordComplexityPolicyAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, 8, true, true, true, true), instance.NewPasswordAgePolicyAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, 0, 0), instance.NewDomainPolicyAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, false, false, false), instance.NewLoginPolicyAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, domain.PasswordlessTypeAllowed, "", 240*time.Hour, 240*time.Hour, 720*time.Hour, 18*time.Hour, 12*time.Hour), instance.NewLoginPolicySecondFactorAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, domain.SecondFactorTypeTOTP), instance.NewLoginPolicySecondFactorAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, domain.SecondFactorTypeU2F), instance.NewLoginPolicyMultiFactorAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, domain.MultiFactorTypeU2FWithPIN), instance.NewPrivacyPolicyAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, "", "", "", "", "", "", ""), instance.NewNotificationPolicyAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, true), instance.NewLockoutPolicyAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, 0, 0, true), instance.NewLabelPolicyAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, "#5469d4", "#fafafa", "#cd3d56", "#000000", "#2073c4", "#111827", "#ff3b5b", "#ffffff", false, false, false, domain.LabelPolicyThemeAuto), instance.NewLabelPolicyActivatedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate), } } func instanceSetupPoliciesConfig() *InstanceSetup { return &InstanceSetup{ PasswordComplexityPolicy: struct { MinLength uint64 HasLowercase bool HasUppercase bool HasNumber bool HasSymbol bool }{8, true, true, true, true}, PasswordAgePolicy: struct { ExpireWarnDays uint64 MaxAgeDays uint64 }{0, 0}, DomainPolicy: struct { UserLoginMustBeDomain bool ValidateOrgDomains bool SMTPSenderAddressMatchesInstanceDomain bool }{false, false, false}, LoginPolicy: struct { AllowUsernamePassword bool AllowRegister bool AllowExternalIDP bool ForceMFA bool ForceMFALocalOnly bool HidePasswordReset bool IgnoreUnknownUsername bool AllowDomainDiscovery bool DisableLoginWithEmail bool DisableLoginWithPhone bool PasswordlessType domain.PasswordlessType DefaultRedirectURI string PasswordCheckLifetime time.Duration ExternalLoginCheckLifetime time.Duration MfaInitSkipLifetime time.Duration SecondFactorCheckLifetime time.Duration MultiFactorCheckLifetime time.Duration }{true, true, true, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, domain.PasswordlessTypeAllowed, "", 240 * time.Hour, 240 * time.Hour, 720 * time.Hour, 18 * time.Hour, 12 * time.Hour}, NotificationPolicy: struct { PasswordChange bool }{true}, PrivacyPolicy: struct { TOSLink string PrivacyLink string HelpLink string SupportEmail domain.EmailAddress DocsLink string CustomLink string CustomLinkText string }{"", "", "", "", "", "", ""}, LabelPolicy: struct { PrimaryColor string BackgroundColor string WarnColor string FontColor string PrimaryColorDark string BackgroundColorDark string WarnColorDark string FontColorDark string HideLoginNameSuffix bool ErrorMsgPopup bool DisableWatermark bool ThemeMode domain.LabelPolicyThemeMode }{"#5469d4", "#fafafa", "#cd3d56", "#000000", "#2073c4", "#111827", "#ff3b5b", "#ffffff", false, false, false, domain.LabelPolicyThemeAuto}, LockoutPolicy: struct { MaxPasswordAttempts uint64 MaxOTPAttempts uint64 ShouldShowLockoutFailure bool }{0, 0, true}, } } func setupInstanceElementsFilters(instanceID string) []expect { return slices.Concat( instanceElementsFilters(), instancePoliciesFilters(instanceID), // email template []expect{expectFilter()}, ) } func setupInstanceElementsConfig() *InstanceSetup { conf := instanceSetupPoliciesConfig() conf.InstanceName = "ZITADEL" conf.DefaultLanguage = language.English conf.zitadel = instanceSetupZitadelIDs() conf.SecretGenerators = instanceElementsConfig() conf.EmailTemplate = []byte("something") return conf } func setupInstanceElementsEvents(ctx context.Context, instanceID, instanceName string, defaultLanguage language.Tag) []eventstore.Command { instanceAgg := instance.NewAggregate(instanceID) return slices.Concat( instanceElementsEvents(ctx, instanceID, instanceName, defaultLanguage), instancePoliciesEvents(ctx, instanceID), []eventstore.Command{instance.NewMailTemplateAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, []byte("something"))}, ) } func instanceElementsFilters() []expect { return []expect{ expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), } } func instanceElementsEvents(ctx context.Context, instanceID, instanceName string, defaultLanguage language.Tag) []eventstore.Command { instanceAgg := instance.NewAggregate(instanceID) return []eventstore.Command{ instance.NewInstanceAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, instanceName), instance.NewDefaultLanguageSetEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, defaultLanguage), instance.NewSecretGeneratorAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, domain.SecretGeneratorTypeAppSecret, 64, 0, true, true, true, false), instance.NewSecretGeneratorAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, domain.SecretGeneratorTypeInitCode, 6, 72*time.Hour, false, true, true, false), instance.NewSecretGeneratorAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, domain.SecretGeneratorTypeVerifyEmailCode, 6, time.Hour, false, true, true, false), instance.NewSecretGeneratorAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, domain.SecretGeneratorTypeVerifyPhoneCode, 6, time.Hour, false, true, true, false), instance.NewSecretGeneratorAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, domain.SecretGeneratorTypePasswordResetCode, 6, time.Hour, false, true, true, false), instance.NewSecretGeneratorAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, domain.SecretGeneratorTypePasswordlessInitCode, 12, time.Hour, true, true, true, false), instance.NewSecretGeneratorAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, domain.SecretGeneratorTypeVerifyDomain, 32, 0, true, true, true, false), instance.NewSecretGeneratorAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, domain.SecretGeneratorTypeOTPSMS, 8, 5*time.Minute, false, false, true, false), instance.NewSecretGeneratorAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, domain.SecretGeneratorTypeOTPEmail, 8, 5*time.Minute, false, false, true, false), } } func instanceElementsConfig() *SecretGenerators { return &SecretGenerators{ ClientSecret: &crypto.GeneratorConfig{Length: 64, IncludeLowerLetters: true, IncludeUpperLetters: true, IncludeDigits: true}, InitializeUserCode: &crypto.GeneratorConfig{Length: 6, Expiry: 72 * time.Hour, IncludeUpperLetters: true, IncludeDigits: true}, EmailVerificationCode: &crypto.GeneratorConfig{Length: 6, Expiry: time.Hour, IncludeUpperLetters: true, IncludeDigits: true}, PhoneVerificationCode: &crypto.GeneratorConfig{Length: 6, Expiry: time.Hour, IncludeUpperLetters: true, IncludeDigits: true}, PasswordVerificationCode: &crypto.GeneratorConfig{Length: 6, Expiry: time.Hour, IncludeUpperLetters: true, IncludeDigits: true}, PasswordlessInitCode: &crypto.GeneratorConfig{Length: 12, Expiry: time.Hour, IncludeLowerLetters: true, IncludeUpperLetters: true, IncludeDigits: true}, DomainVerification: &crypto.GeneratorConfig{Length: 32, IncludeLowerLetters: true, IncludeUpperLetters: true, IncludeDigits: true}, OTPSMS: &crypto.GeneratorConfig{Length: 8, Expiry: 5 * time.Minute, IncludeDigits: true}, OTPEmail: &crypto.GeneratorConfig{Length: 8, Expiry: 5 * time.Minute, IncludeDigits: true}, } } func setupInstanceFilters(instanceID, orgID, projectID, appID, domain string) []expect { return slices.Concat( setupInstanceElementsFilters(instanceID), orgFilters(orgID, true, true), generatedDomainFilters(instanceID, orgID, projectID, appID, domain), ) } func setupInstanceEvents(ctx context.Context, instanceID, orgID, projectID, appID, instanceName, orgName string, defaultLanguage language.Tag, domain string, externalSecure bool) []eventstore.Command { return slices.Concat( setupInstanceElementsEvents(ctx, instanceID, instanceName, defaultLanguage), orgEvents(ctx, instanceID, orgID, orgName, projectID, domain, externalSecure, true, true), generatedDomainEvents(ctx, instanceID, orgID, projectID, appID, domain), instanceCreatedMilestoneEvent(ctx, instanceID), ) } func setupInstanceConfig() *InstanceSetup { conf := setupInstanceElementsConfig() conf.Org = InstanceOrgSetup{ Name: "ZITADEL", Machine: instanceSetupMachineConfig(), Human: instanceSetupHumanConfig(), } conf.CustomDomain = "" return conf } func generatedDomainEvents(ctx context.Context, instanceID, orgID, projectID, appID, defaultDomain string) []eventstore.Command { instanceAgg := instance.NewAggregate(instanceID) changed, _ := project.NewOIDCConfigChangedEvent(ctx, &project.NewAggregate(projectID, orgID).Aggregate, appID, []project.OIDCConfigChanges{ project.ChangeRedirectURIs([]string{"http://" + defaultDomain + "/ui/console/auth/callback"}), project.ChangePostLogoutRedirectURIs([]string{"http://" + defaultDomain + "/ui/console/signedout"}), }, ) return []eventstore.Command{ instance.NewDomainAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, defaultDomain, true), changed, instance.NewDomainPrimarySetEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, defaultDomain), } } func instanceCreatedMilestoneEvent(ctx context.Context, instanceID string) []eventstore.Command { return []eventstore.Command{ milestone.NewReachedEvent(ctx, milestone.NewInstanceAggregate(instanceID), milestone.InstanceCreated), } } func generatedDomainFilters(instanceID, orgID, projectID, appID, generatedDomain string) []expect { return []expect{ expectFilter(), expectFilter( project.NewApplicationAddedEvent(context.Background(), &project.NewAggregate(projectID, orgID).Aggregate, appID, "console", ), project.NewOIDCConfigAddedEvent(context.Background(), &project.NewAggregate(projectID, orgID).Aggregate, domain.OIDCVersionV1, appID, "clientID", "", []string{}, []domain.OIDCResponseType{domain.OIDCResponseTypeCode}, []domain.OIDCGrantType{domain.OIDCGrantTypeAuthorizationCode}, domain.OIDCApplicationTypeUserAgent, domain.OIDCAuthMethodTypeNone, []string{}, true, domain.OIDCTokenTypeBearer, false, false, false, 0, nil, false, "", domain.LoginVersionUnspecified, "", ), ), expectFilter( func() eventstore.Event { event := instance.NewDomainAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate(instanceID).Aggregate, generatedDomain, true, ) event.Data, _ = json.Marshal(event) return event }(), ), } } func humanFilters(orgID string) []expect { return []expect{ expectFilter(), expectFilter( org.NewDomainPolicyAddedEvent( context.Background(), &org.NewAggregate(orgID).Aggregate, true, true, true, ), ), expectFilter( org.NewPasswordComplexityPolicyAddedEvent( context.Background(), &org.NewAggregate(orgID).Aggregate, 2, false, false, false, false, ), ), } } func instanceSetupHumanConfig() *AddHuman { return &AddHuman{ Username: "zitadel-admin", FirstName: "ZITADEL", LastName: "Admin", Email: Email{ Address: domain.EmailAddress("admin@zitadel.test"), Verified: true, }, PreferredLanguage: language.English, Password: "password", PasswordChangeRequired: false, } } func machineFilters(orgID string, pat bool) []expect { filters := []expect{ expectFilter(), expectFilter( org.NewDomainPolicyAddedEvent( context.Background(), &org.NewAggregate(orgID).Aggregate, true, true, true, ), ), } if pat { filters = append(filters, expectFilter(), expectFilter(), ) } return filters } func instanceSetupMachineConfig() *AddMachine { return &AddMachine{ Machine: &Machine{ Username: "zitadel-admin-machine", Name: "ZITADEL-machine", Description: "Admin", AccessTokenType: domain.OIDCTokenTypeBearer, }, Pat: &AddPat{ ExpirationDate: time.Time{}, Scopes: nil, }, /* not predictable with the key value in the events MachineKey: &AddMachineKey{ Type: domain.AuthNKeyTypeJSON, ExpirationDate: time.Time{}, }, */ } } func projectFilters() []expect { return []expect{ expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), expectFilter(), } } func adminMemberFilters(orgID, userID string) []expect { return []expect{ expectFilter( addHumanEvent(context.Background(), orgID, userID), ), expectFilter(), expectFilter( addHumanEvent(context.Background(), orgID, userID), ), expectFilter(), } } func humanEvents(ctx context.Context, instanceID, orgID, userID string) []eventstore.Command { agg := user.NewAggregate(userID, orgID) instanceAgg := instance.NewAggregate(instanceID) orgAgg := org.NewAggregate(orgID) return []eventstore.Command{ addHumanEvent(ctx, orgID, userID), user.NewHumanEmailVerifiedEvent(ctx, &agg.Aggregate), org.NewMemberAddedEvent(ctx, &orgAgg.Aggregate, userID, domain.RoleOrgOwner), instance.NewMemberAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, userID, domain.RoleIAMOwner), } } func addHumanEvent(ctx context.Context, orgID, userID string) *user.HumanAddedEvent { agg := user.NewAggregate(userID, orgID) return func() *user.HumanAddedEvent { event := user.NewHumanAddedEvent( ctx, &agg.Aggregate, "zitadel-admin", "ZITADEL", "Admin", "", "ZITADEL Admin", language.English, 0, "admin@zitadel.test", false, ) event.AddPasswordData("$plain$x$password", false) return event }() } // machineEvents all events from setup to create the machine user, machinekey can't be tested here, as the public key is not provided and as such the value in the event can't be expected func machineEvents(ctx context.Context, instanceID, orgID, userID, patID string) []eventstore.Command { agg := user.NewAggregate(userID, orgID) instanceAgg := instance.NewAggregate(instanceID) orgAgg := org.NewAggregate(orgID) events := []eventstore.Command{addMachineEvent(ctx, orgID, userID)} if patID != "" { events = append(events, user.NewPersonalAccessTokenAddedEvent( ctx, &agg.Aggregate, patID, time.Date(9999, time.December, 31, 23, 59, 59, 0, time.UTC), nil, ), ) } return append(events, org.NewMemberAddedEvent(ctx, &orgAgg.Aggregate, userID, domain.RoleOrgOwner), instance.NewMemberAddedEvent(ctx, &instanceAgg.Aggregate, userID, domain.RoleIAMOwner), ) } func addMachineEvent(ctx context.Context, orgID, userID string) *user.MachineAddedEvent { agg := user.NewAggregate(userID, orgID) return user.NewMachineAddedEvent(ctx, &agg.Aggregate, "zitadel-admin-machine", "ZITADEL-machine", "Admin", false, domain.OIDCTokenTypeBearer, ) } func testSetup(ctx context.Context, c *Commands, validations []preparation.Validation) error { //nolint:staticcheck cmds, err := preparation.PrepareCommands(ctx, c.eventstore.Filter, validations...) if err != nil { return err } _, err = c.eventstore.Push(ctx, cmds...) return err } func TestCommandSide_setupMinimalInterfaces(t *testing.T) { type fields struct { eventstore func(t *testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore idGenerator id.Generator } type args struct { ctx context.Context instanceAgg *instance.Aggregate orgAgg *org.Aggregate owner string ids ZitadelConfig } type res struct { err func(error) bool } tests := []struct { name string fields fields args args res res }{ { name: "create, ok", fields: fields{ eventstore: expectEventstore( slices.Concat( projectFilters(), []expect{expectPush( projectAddedEvents(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "ORG", "PROJECT", "owner", false, )..., ), }, )..., ), idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, projectClientIDs()...), }, args: args{ ctx: contextWithInstanceSetupInfo(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "PROJECT", "console-id", "DOMAIN"), instanceAgg: instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE"), orgAgg: org.NewAggregate("ORG"), owner: "owner", ids: instanceSetupZitadelIDs(), }, res: res{ err: nil, }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { r := &Commands{ eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t), idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator, } validations := make([]preparation.Validation, 0) setupMinimalInterfaces(r, &validations, tt.args.instanceAgg, tt.args.orgAgg, tt.args.owner, tt.args.ids) err := testSetup(tt.args.ctx, r, validations) if tt.res.err == nil { assert.NoError(t, err) } if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) { t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err) } }) } } func TestCommandSide_setupAdmins(t *testing.T) { type fields struct { eventstore func(t *testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore idGenerator id.Generator userPasswordHasher *crypto.Hasher roles []authz.RoleMapping keyAlgorithm crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm } type args struct { ctx context.Context instanceAgg *instance.Aggregate orgAgg *org.Aggregate machine *AddMachine human *AddHuman } type res struct { owner string pat bool machineKey bool err func(error) bool } tests := []struct { name string fields fields args args res res }{ { name: "human, ok", fields: fields{ eventstore: expectEventstore( slices.Concat( humanFilters("ORG"), adminMemberFilters("ORG", "USER"), []expect{ expectPush( humanEvents(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "ORG", "USER", )..., ), }, )..., ), idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "USER"), userPasswordHasher: mockPasswordHasher("x"), roles: []authz.RoleMapping{ {Role: domain.RoleOrgOwner, Permissions: []string{""}}, {Role: domain.RoleIAMOwner, Permissions: []string{""}}, }, }, args: args{ ctx: contextWithInstanceSetupInfo(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "PROJECT", "console-id", "DOMAIN"), instanceAgg: instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE"), orgAgg: org.NewAggregate("ORG"), human: instanceSetupHumanConfig(), }, res: res{ owner: "USER", pat: false, machineKey: false, err: nil, }, }, { name: "machine, ok", fields: fields{ eventstore: expectEventstore( slices.Concat( machineFilters("ORG", true), adminMemberFilters("ORG", "USER-MACHINE"), []expect{ expectPush( machineEvents(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "ORG", "USER-MACHINE", "PAT", )..., ), }, )..., ), idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "USER-MACHINE", "PAT"), roles: []authz.RoleMapping{ {Role: domain.RoleOrgOwner, Permissions: []string{""}}, {Role: domain.RoleIAMOwner, Permissions: []string{""}}, }, keyAlgorithm: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)), }, args: args{ ctx: contextWithInstanceSetupInfo(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "PROJECT", "console-id", "DOMAIN"), instanceAgg: instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE"), orgAgg: org.NewAggregate("ORG"), machine: instanceSetupMachineConfig(), }, res: res{ owner: "USER-MACHINE", pat: true, machineKey: false, err: nil, }, }, { name: "human and machine, ok", fields: fields{ eventstore: expectEventstore( slices.Concat( machineFilters("ORG", true), adminMemberFilters("ORG", "USER-MACHINE"), humanFilters("ORG"), adminMemberFilters("ORG", "USER"), []expect{ expectPush( slices.Concat( machineEvents(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "ORG", "USER-MACHINE", "PAT", ), humanEvents(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "ORG", "USER", ), )..., ), }, )..., ), userPasswordHasher: mockPasswordHasher("x"), idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, "USER-MACHINE", "PAT", "USER"), roles: []authz.RoleMapping{ {Role: domain.RoleOrgOwner, Permissions: []string{""}}, {Role: domain.RoleIAMOwner, Permissions: []string{""}}, }, keyAlgorithm: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)), }, args: args{ ctx: contextWithInstanceSetupInfo(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "PROJECT", "console-id", "DOMAIN"), instanceAgg: instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE"), orgAgg: org.NewAggregate("ORG"), machine: instanceSetupMachineConfig(), human: instanceSetupHumanConfig(), }, res: res{ owner: "USER", pat: true, machineKey: false, err: nil, }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { r := &Commands{ eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t), idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator, zitadelRoles: tt.fields.roles, userPasswordHasher: tt.fields.userPasswordHasher, keyAlgorithm: tt.fields.keyAlgorithm, } validations := make([]preparation.Validation, 0) owner, pat, mk, err := setupAdmins(r, &validations, tt.args.instanceAgg, tt.args.orgAgg, tt.args.machine, tt.args.human) if tt.res.err == nil { assert.NoError(t, err) } if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) { t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err) } err = testSetup(tt.args.ctx, r, validations) if tt.res.err == nil { assert.NoError(t, err) } if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) { t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err) } if tt.res.err == nil { assert.Equal(t, owner, tt.res.owner) if tt.res.pat { assert.NotNil(t, pat) } if tt.res.machineKey { assert.NotNil(t, mk) } } }) } } func TestCommandSide_setupDefaultOrg(t *testing.T) { type fields struct { eventstore func(t *testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore idGenerator id.Generator userPasswordHasher *crypto.Hasher roles []authz.RoleMapping keyAlgorithm crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm } type args struct { ctx context.Context instanceAgg *instance.Aggregate orgName string machine *AddMachine human *AddHuman ids ZitadelConfig } type res struct { pat bool machineKey bool err func(error) bool } tests := []struct { name string fields fields args args res res }{ { name: "human and machine, ok", fields: fields{ eventstore: expectEventstore( slices.Concat( orgFilters( "ORG", true, true, ), []expect{ expectPush( slices.Concat( orgEvents(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "ORG", "ZITADEL", "PROJECT", "DOMAIN", false, true, true, ), )..., ), }, )..., ), userPasswordHasher: mockPasswordHasher("x"), idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, orgIDs()...), roles: []authz.RoleMapping{ {Role: domain.RoleOrgOwner, Permissions: []string{""}}, {Role: domain.RoleIAMOwner, Permissions: []string{""}}, }, keyAlgorithm: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)), }, args: args{ ctx: contextWithInstanceSetupInfo(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "PROJECT", "console-id", "DOMAIN"), instanceAgg: instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE"), orgName: "ZITADEL", machine: &AddMachine{ Machine: &Machine{ Username: "zitadel-admin-machine", Name: "ZITADEL-machine", Description: "Admin", AccessTokenType: domain.OIDCTokenTypeBearer, }, Pat: &AddPat{ ExpirationDate: time.Time{}, Scopes: nil, }, /* not predictable with the key value in the events MachineKey: &AddMachineKey{ Type: domain.AuthNKeyTypeJSON, ExpirationDate: time.Time{}, }, */ }, human: &AddHuman{ Username: "zitadel-admin", FirstName: "ZITADEL", LastName: "Admin", Email: Email{ Address: domain.EmailAddress("admin@zitadel.test"), Verified: true, }, PreferredLanguage: language.English, Password: "password", PasswordChangeRequired: false, }, ids: ZitadelConfig{ instanceID: "INSTANCE", orgID: "ORG", projectID: "PROJECT", consoleAppID: "console-id", authAppID: "auth-id", mgmtAppID: "mgmt-id", adminAppID: "admin-id", }, }, res: res{ pat: true, machineKey: false, err: nil, }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { r := &Commands{ eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t), idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator, zitadelRoles: tt.fields.roles, userPasswordHasher: tt.fields.userPasswordHasher, keyAlgorithm: tt.fields.keyAlgorithm, } validations := make([]preparation.Validation, 0) pat, mk, err := setupDefaultOrg(tt.args.ctx, r, &validations, tt.args.instanceAgg, tt.args.orgName, tt.args.machine, tt.args.human, tt.args.ids) if tt.res.err == nil { assert.NoError(t, err) } if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) { t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err) } err = testSetup(context.Background(), r, validations) if tt.res.err == nil { assert.NoError(t, err) } if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) { t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err) } if tt.res.err == nil { if tt.res.pat { assert.NotNil(t, pat) } if tt.res.machineKey { assert.NotNil(t, mk) } } }) } } func TestCommandSide_setupInstanceElements(t *testing.T) { type fields struct { eventstore func(t *testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore } type args struct { ctx context.Context instanceAgg *instance.Aggregate setup *InstanceSetup } type res struct { err func(error) bool } tests := []struct { name string fields fields args args res res }{ { name: "ok", fields: fields{ eventstore: expectEventstore( slices.Concat( setupInstanceElementsFilters("INSTANCE"), []expect{ expectPush( setupInstanceElementsEvents(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "ZITADEL", language.English, )..., ), }, )..., ), }, args: args{ ctx: contextWithInstanceSetupInfo(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "PROJECT", "console-id", "DOMAIN"), instanceAgg: instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE"), setup: setupInstanceElementsConfig(), }, res: res{ err: nil, }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { r := &Commands{ eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t), } validations := setupInstanceElements(tt.args.instanceAgg, tt.args.setup) err := testSetup(context.Background(), r, validations) if tt.res.err == nil { assert.NoError(t, err) } if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) { t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err) } }) } } func TestCommandSide_setUpInstance(t *testing.T) { type fields struct { eventstore func(t *testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore idGenerator id.Generator userPasswordHasher *crypto.Hasher roles []authz.RoleMapping keyAlgorithm crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm generateDomain func(string, string) (string, error) } type args struct { ctx context.Context setup *InstanceSetup } type res struct { pat bool machineKey bool err func(error) bool } tests := []struct { name string fields fields args args res res }{ { name: "ok", fields: fields{ eventstore: expectEventstore( slices.Concat( setupInstanceFilters("INSTANCE", "ORG", "PROJECT", "console-id", "DOMAIN"), []expect{ expectPush( setupInstanceEvents(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "ORG", "PROJECT", "console-id", "ZITADEL", "ZITADEL", language.English, "DOMAIN", false, )..., ), }, )..., ), userPasswordHasher: mockPasswordHasher("x"), idGenerator: id_mock.NewIDGeneratorExpectIDs(t, orgIDs()...), roles: []authz.RoleMapping{ {Role: domain.RoleOrgOwner, Permissions: []string{""}}, {Role: domain.RoleIAMOwner, Permissions: []string{""}}, }, keyAlgorithm: crypto.CreateMockEncryptionAlg(gomock.NewController(t)), generateDomain: func(string, string) (string, error) { return "DOMAIN", nil }, }, args: args{ ctx: contextWithInstanceSetupInfo(context.Background(), "INSTANCE", "PROJECT", "console-id", "DOMAIN"), setup: setupInstanceConfig(), }, res: res{ err: nil, }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { r := &Commands{ eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t), idGenerator: tt.fields.idGenerator, zitadelRoles: tt.fields.roles, userPasswordHasher: tt.fields.userPasswordHasher, keyAlgorithm: tt.fields.keyAlgorithm, GenerateDomain: tt.fields.generateDomain, } validations, pat, mk, err := setUpInstance(tt.args.ctx, r, tt.args.setup) if tt.res.err == nil { assert.NoError(t, err) } if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) { t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err) } err = testSetup(tt.args.ctx, r, validations) if tt.res.err == nil { assert.NoError(t, err) } if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) { t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err) } if tt.res.err == nil { if tt.res.pat { assert.NotNil(t, pat) } if tt.res.machineKey { assert.NotNil(t, mk) } } }) } } func TestCommandSide_UpdateInstance(t *testing.T) { type fields struct { eventstore *eventstore.Eventstore } type args struct { ctx context.Context name string } type res struct { want *domain.ObjectDetails err func(error) bool } tests := []struct { name string fields fields args args res res }{ { name: "empty name, invalid error", fields: fields{ eventstore: eventstoreExpect( t, ), }, args: args{ ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "INSTANCE"), name: "", }, res: res{ err: zerrors.IsErrorInvalidArgument, }, }, { name: "instance not existing, not found error", fields: fields{ eventstore: eventstoreExpect( t, expectFilter(), ), }, args: args{ ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "INSTANCE"), name: "INSTANCE_CHANGED", }, res: res{ err: zerrors.IsNotFound, }, }, { name: "instance removed, not found error", fields: fields{ eventstore: eventstoreExpect( t, expectFilter( eventFromEventPusher( instance.NewInstanceAddedEvent( context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE").Aggregate, "INSTANCE", ), ), eventFromEventPusher( instance.NewInstanceRemovedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE").Aggregate, "INSTANCE", nil, ), ), ), ), }, args: args{ ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "INSTANCE"), name: "INSTANCE_CHANGED", }, res: res{ err: zerrors.IsNotFound, }, }, { name: "no changes, precondition error", fields: fields{ eventstore: eventstoreExpect( t, expectFilter( eventFromEventPusher( instance.NewInstanceAddedEvent( context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE").Aggregate, "INSTANCE", ), ), ), ), }, args: args{ ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "INSTANCE"), name: "INSTANCE", }, res: res{ err: zerrors.IsPreconditionFailed, }, }, { name: "instance change, ok", fields: fields{ eventstore: eventstoreExpect( t, expectFilter( eventFromEventPusherWithInstanceID( "INSTANCE", instance.NewInstanceAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE").Aggregate, "INSTANCE", ), ), ), expectPush( instance.NewInstanceChangedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE").Aggregate, "INSTANCE_CHANGED", ), ), ), }, args: args{ ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "INSTANCE"), name: "INSTANCE_CHANGED", }, res: res{ want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ ResourceOwner: "INSTANCE", }, }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { r := &Commands{ eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore, } got, err := r.UpdateInstance(tt.args.ctx, if tt.res.err == nil { assert.NoError(t, err) } if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) { t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err) } if tt.res.err == nil { assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got) } }) } } func TestCommandSide_RemoveInstance(t *testing.T) { type fields struct { eventstore func(t *testing.T) *eventstore.Eventstore } type args struct { ctx context.Context instanceID string } type res struct { want *domain.ObjectDetails err func(error) bool } tests := []struct { name string fields fields args args res res }{ { name: "instance not existing, not found error", fields: fields{ eventstore: expectEventstore( expectFilter(), ), }, args: args{ ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "INSTANCE"), instanceID: "INSTANCE", }, res: res{ err: zerrors.IsNotFound, }, }, { name: "instance removed, not found error", fields: fields{ eventstore: expectEventstore( expectFilter( eventFromEventPusher( instance.NewInstanceAddedEvent( context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE").Aggregate, "INSTANCE", ), ), eventFromEventPusher( instance.NewInstanceRemovedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE").Aggregate, "INSTANCE", nil, ), ), ), ), }, args: args{ ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "INSTANCE"), instanceID: "INSTANCE", }, res: res{ err: zerrors.IsNotFound, }, }, { name: "instance remove, ok", fields: fields{ eventstore: expectEventstore( expectFilter( eventFromEventPusherWithInstanceID( "INSTANCE", instance.NewInstanceAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE").Aggregate, "INSTANCE", ), ), eventFromEventPusherWithInstanceID( "INSTANCE", instance.NewDomainAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE").Aggregate, "instance.domain", true, ), ), eventFromEventPusherWithInstanceID( "INSTANCE", instance.NewDomainAddedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE").Aggregate, "custom.domain", false, ), ), ), expectPush( instance.NewInstanceRemovedEvent(context.Background(), &instance.NewAggregate("INSTANCE").Aggregate, "INSTANCE", []string{ "instance.domain", "custom.domain", }, ), milestone.NewReachedEvent(context.Background(), milestone.NewInstanceAggregate("INSTANCE"), milestone.InstanceDeleted, ), ), ), }, args: args{ ctx: authz.WithInstanceID(context.Background(), "INSTANCE"), instanceID: "INSTANCE", }, res: res{ want: &domain.ObjectDetails{ ResourceOwner: "INSTANCE", }, }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { r := &Commands{ eventstore: tt.fields.eventstore(t), caches: &Caches{ milestones: noop.NewCache[milestoneIndex, string, *MilestonesReached](), }, } got, err := r.RemoveInstance(tt.args.ctx, tt.args.instanceID) if tt.res.err == nil { assert.NoError(t, err) } if tt.res.err != nil && !tt.res.err(err) { t.Errorf("got wrong err: %v ", err) } if tt.res.err == nil { assertObjectDetails(t, tt.res.want, got) } }) } }